0 && strlen($as_dato)<9){ for($i=strlen($as_dato); $i<9; $i++) $as_dato="0".$as_dato; } return $as_dato; } function getCodesRango($min, $max, $dbh) { $matriz=argetUsersCodesray(); $query = "SELECT empr_cb FROM `empr` WHERE convert(`empr_cb`, unsigned) BETWEEN " . $min . " AND " . $max; //$query = "SELECT empr_cb FROM empr WHERE empr_cb >= '" . $min . "' AND empr_cb<='" . $max . "'"; //------------------LLIUREX 19/12/2018--------------- //----Changed calls to database. Used pmb_mysql instead mysql_ ----------------------- $resultData = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultData) != 0) { while ($rowData = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultData)) $matriz[]= $rowData['empr_cb']; } pmb_mysql_free_result($resultData); return $matriz; } // Funcion que recoge lo introducido en la caja de texto del formulario y retorna una matriz de los codigos. function getUsersCodes ($codigos, $dbh) { $matriz=array(); $codigos=str_squeeze($codigos); if((strpos($codigos, ",")!== false)) $aux=explode(",",$codigos); else $aux=$codigos; if (is_array($aux)) { foreach ($aux as $codi) { if(strpos($codi, "-") === false) $matriz[]= $codi; else if (strpos($codi, "-") !== false) { $aux2=explode("-",$codi); if ($aux2[0]<$aux2[1]) $m2=getCodesRango($aux2[0], $aux2[1], $dbh); else $m2=getCodesRango($aux2[1], $aux2[0], $dbh); $matriz= array_merge($matriz, $m2); // Añadimos los codigos del rango } } } elseif ($aux === "*"){ $q ='SELECT empr_cb FROM empr'; $resultData = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultData) != 0) { while ($rowData = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultData)) $matriz[]= $rowData['empr_cb']; } pmb_mysql_free_result($resultData); } else { if(strpos($aux, "-") === false) $matriz[]= $aux; else if (strpos($aux, "-") !== false) { $aux2=explode("-",$aux); if ($aux2[0]<$aux2[1]) $matriz=getCodesRango($aux2[0], $aux2[1], $link2); else $matriz=getCodesRango($aux2[1], $aux2[0], $link2); } } return $matriz; } //Inicialmente cargamos el formulario de entrada de codigos $codigos=$_GET['empr_cb']; // Mostramos los carnets de usuario $base_noheader = 1; require_once ("$base_path/includes/init.inc.php"); require("$base_path/includes/db_param.inc.php"); //$link2 = @mysql_connect(SQL_SERVER, USER_NAME, USER_PASS) OR die("Error MySQL"); // Desglosamos los códigos introducidos $matriz=getUsersCodes($codigos,$dbh); // Démarrage et configuration du pdf $nom_classe=$fpdf."_Etiquette"; $ourPDF=new $nom_classe(CBG_NBR_X_CELLS, CBG_NBR_Y_CELLS); $ourPDF->Open(); $ourPDF->addPage(); $ourPDF->SetPageMargins(CBG_TOP_MARGIN, CBG_BOTTOM_MARGIN, CBG_LEFT_MARGIN, CBG_RIGHT_MARGIN); $col=0; $row=0; $pos_x_save= $pos_x; $pos_y_save= $pos_y; foreach ($matriz as $codigo) { $query = "SELECT id_empr, empr_cb, empr_nom, empr_prenom, empr_date_adhesion, empr_date_expiration, date_format(empr_date_adhesion, '".$msg["format_date"]."') as aff_empr_date_adhesion, date_format(empr_date_expiration, '".$msg["format_date"]."') as aff_empr_date_expiration FROM empr WHERE empr_cb='$codigo' LIMIT 1 "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $nrow = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); //echo "SQL: $query
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