$msg[661], $msg['transferts_circ_reset_exemplaire'], "./circ.php?categ=trans&sub=".$sub);
if(!isset(${$formlocid})) $expl_section = '';
else $expl_section = ${$formlocid};
if(!isset($f_reset_resa)) $f_reset_resa = '';
$checked_reset_resa = '';
$checked_reset_resa = " checked='checked' ";
".gen_liste ("select distinct idlocation, location_libelle from docs_location order by location_libelle", "idlocation", "location_libelle", 'f_ex_location', "calcule_section(this);", $f_ex_location, "", "","","",0)."
$expl = new exemplaire();
".do_selector('docs_statut', 'f_ex_statut',$f_ex_statut)."
print str_replace('', $form_suite, $form);
//si cb
if ($form_cb_expl != "") {
$query = "select * from exemplaires where expl_cb='".$form_cb_expl."' ";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
$expl_info = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
if($expl_info->expl_id) {
// Reset des transferts en cours
$rqt = "UPDATE transferts,transferts_demande, exemplaires set etat_transfert=1, etat_demande=7
WHERE id_transfert=num_transfert and num_expl=expl_id and etat_transfert=0 AND expl_cb='".$form_cb_expl."' " ;
pmb_mysql_query( $rqt );
//on met à jour la localisation de expl avec celle de l'utilisateur
$rqt = "UPDATE exemplaires
SET expl_location=".$f_ex_location.", transfert_location_origine =".$f_ex_location.",
expl_statut=".$f_ex_statut.", transfert_statut_origine =".$f_ex_statut."
WHERE expl_cb='".$form_cb_expl."' " ;
pmb_mysql_query( $rqt );
if ($expl_section) {
$rqt = "UPDATE exemplaires SET expl_section=".$expl_section.", transfert_section_origine =".$expl_section." WHERE expl_cb='".$form_cb_expl."'";
pmb_mysql_query( $rqt );
$rqt = "DELETE FROM transferts_source WHERE trans_source_numexpl=".$expl_info->expl_id ;
pmb_mysql_query( $rqt );
$rqt = "insert transferts_source SET trans_source_numloc=".$f_ex_location." , trans_source_numexpl=".$expl_info->expl_id;
pmb_mysql_query( $rqt );
// Suppression doc à ranger
$rqt = "delete from resa_ranger where resa_cb='".$form_cb_expl."' ";
$res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) ;
// Suppression doc à traiter
$rqt = "UPDATE exemplaires set expl_retloc=0 where expl_cb='".$form_cb_expl."' limit 1 ";
pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
// Suppression resa
$rqt = "delete from resa where resa_cb='".$form_cb_expl."' " ;
pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) ;
// le reset est fait
$expl = new mono_display_expl($form_cb_expl,0 ,0);
$aff=str_replace("!!cb_expl!!", $expl->header,$transferts_reset_OK);
echo str_replace("!!new_location!!", $obj_transfert->new_location_libelle,$aff);
$stuff = get_expl_info($expl_info->expl_id);
$stuff = check_pret($stuff);
print print_info($stuff,1,1,0);
// cb inconnu
print "".$form_cb_expl." : ".$msg[367]."";