id = intval($id);
if ($this->id) {
// on cherche à atteindre un auteur existant
$this->recursif = $recursif;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// getData() : récupération infos auteur
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function getData() {
global $msg;
$this->type = '';
$this->name = '';
$this->rejete = '';
$this->date = '';
$this->author_web = '';
$this->author_isni = '';
$this->see = '';
$this->see_libelle = '';
$this->display = '';
$this->isbd_entry = '';
$this->author_comment = '';
$this->subdivision = '';
$this->lieu = '';
$this->ville = '';
$this->pays = '';
$this->numero = '';
$this->import_denied = 0;
$this->num_statut = 1;
$this->authority = '';
if ($this->id) {
$requete = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_id=$this->id LIMIT 1 ";
$result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
$row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
$this->id = $row->author_id;
$this->type = $row->author_type;
$this->name = $row->author_name;
$this->rejete = $row->author_rejete;
$this->date = $row->author_date;
$this->author_web = $row->author_web;
$this->author_isni = $row->author_isni;
$this->see = $row->author_see;
$this->author_comment = $row->author_comment;
// Ajout pour les congrès
$this->subdivision = $row->author_subdivision;
$this->lieu = $row->author_lieu;
$this->ville = $row->author_ville;
$this->pays = $row->author_pays;
$this->numero = $row->author_numero;
$this->import_denied = $row->author_import_denied;
$this->authority = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORITY,0, ['num_object'=>$this->id, 'type_object' =>AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS]);
$this->num_statut = $this->authority->get_num_statut();
if ($this->type ==71) {
// C'est une collectivité
$this->isbd_entry = $row->author_name;
$this->display = $row->author_name;
if ($row->author_subdivision) {
$this->isbd_entry .= ". " .$row->author_subdivision;
$this->display .= ". " .$row->author_subdivision;
if ($row->author_rejete) {
$this->isbd_entry .= ", " .$row->author_rejete;
$this->display .= ", " .$row->author_rejete;
// $this->info_bulle=$row->author_rejete;
$liste_field = $liste_lieu = array();
if ($row->author_numero) {
$liste_field[] = $row->author_numero;
if ($row->author_date) {
$liste_field[] = $row->author_date;
if ($row->author_lieu) {
$liste_lieu[] = $row->author_lieu;
if ($row->author_ville) {
$liste_lieu[] = $row->author_ville;
if ($row->author_pays) {
$liste_lieu[] = $row->author_pays;
if (count($liste_lieu))
$liste_field[] = implode(", ", $liste_lieu);
if (count($liste_field)) {
$liste_field = implode("; ", $liste_field);
$this->isbd_entry .= ' (' .$liste_field .')';
$this->display .= ' (' .$liste_field .')';
} elseif ($this->type ==72) {
// C'est un congrès
$libelle = $msg["congres_libelle"] .": ";
if ($row->author_rejete) {
$this->isbd_entry = $row->author_name .", " .$row->author_rejete;
$this->display = $libelle .$row->author_name .", " .$row->author_rejete;
} else {
$this->isbd_entry = $row->author_name;
$this->display = $libelle .$row->author_name;
$liste_field = $liste_lieu = array();
if ($row->author_subdivision) {
$liste_field[] = $row->author_subdivision;
if ($row->author_numero) {
$liste_field[] = $row->author_numero;
if ($row->author_date) {
$liste_field[] = $row->author_date;
if ($row->author_lieu) {
$liste_lieu[] = $row->author_lieu;
if ($row->author_ville) {
$liste_lieu[] = $row->author_ville;
if ($row->author_pays) {
$liste_lieu[] = $row->author_pays;
if (count($liste_lieu))
$liste_field[] = implode(", ", $liste_lieu);
if (count($liste_field)) {
$liste_field = implode("; ", $liste_field);
$this->isbd_entry .= ' (' .$liste_field .')';
$this->display .= ' (' .$liste_field .')';
} else {
// auteur physique
if ($row->author_rejete) {
$this->isbd_entry = "$row->author_name, $row->author_rejete";
$this->display = "$row->author_name, $row->author_rejete";
} else {
$this->isbd_entry = $row->author_name;
$this->display = $row->author_name;
if ($row->author_date) {
$this->isbd_entry .= ' (' .$row->author_date .')';
// Ajoute un lien sur la fiche auteur si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités
// defined('SESSrights') dans le cas de l'indexation il 'y a pas de AUTH ni de session
if (defined('SESSrights') && ( intval(SESSrights) & AUTORITES_AUTH)) {
$this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "" .$this->display ."";
} else {
$this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->display;
if ($row->author_web)
$this->author_web_link = " ";
$this->author_web_link = "";
if ($row->author_see &&! $this->recursif) {
$see = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $row->author_see, array('recursif' => 1));
$this->see_libelle = $see->display;
} else {
$this->see_libelle = '';
public function build_header_to_export() {
global $msg;
$data = array(
return $data;
public function build_data_to_export() {
$data = array(
return $data;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// show_form : affichage du formulaire de saisie
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function show_form($type_autorite = 70, $duplicate=false) {
global $msg;
global $author_form;
global $dbh;
global $charset;
global $pmb_type_audit;
global $thesaurus_concepts_active;
$liste_renvoyes = "";
if ($this->id && !$duplicate) {
$action = static::format_url("&sub=update&id=".$this->id);
$libelle = $msg[199];
$button_remplace = "id)."\"'>";
$button_voir = "id\"'>";
$button_delete = "";
$requete = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE ";
$requete .= "author_see = '$this->id' ";
$requete .= "ORDER BY author_name, author_rejete ";
$res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
$nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res);
if ($nbr_lignes) {
$liste_renvoyes = "
$parity = 1;
while ( ($author_renvoyes = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) ) {
$author_renvoyes->author_name = $author_renvoyes->author_name;
$author_renvoyes->author_rejete = $author_renvoyes->author_rejete;
if ($author_renvoyes->author_rejete)
$author_entry = $author_renvoyes->author_name .', ' .$author_renvoyes->author_rejete;
$author_entry = $author_renvoyes->author_name;
if ($author_renvoyes->author_date)
$author_entry .= " ($author_renvoyes->author_date)";
$link_auteur = "./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=author&id=".$author_renvoyes->author_id;
if ($parity %2) {
$pair_impair = "even";
} else {
$pair_impair = "odd";
$parity += 1;
$tr_javascript = " onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='$pair_impair'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='$link_auteur';\" ";
$liste_renvoyes .= "
} // fin while
$liste_renvoyes .= "
} else {
$action = static::format_url('&sub=update&id=');
$libelle = $msg[207];
$button_remplace = '';
$button_voir = '';
$button_delete = '';
// Si on est en modif ou non
if (! $this->id) {
$this->type = $type_autorite;
$author_form = str_replace('!!dupliquer!!', "", $author_form);
// mise à jour de la zone type
$sel_coll = "";
$sel_congres = "";
$sel_pp = "";
switch ($this->type) {
case 71 :
$sel_coll = " SELECTED";
// Si on est en modif ou non
if ($this->id) {
$libelle = $msg["aut_modifier_coll"];
$bouton_dupliquer = "";
$author_form = str_replace('!!dupliquer!!', $bouton_dupliquer, $author_form);
} else
$libelle = $msg["aut_ajout_collectivite"];
$completion_name = "collectivite_name";
case 72 :
// Si on est en modif ou non
if ($this->id) {
$libelle = $msg["aut_modifier_congres"];
$bouton_dupliquer = "";
$author_form = str_replace('!!dupliquer!!', $bouton_dupliquer, $author_form);
} else
$libelle = $msg["aut_ajout_congres"];
$sel_congres = " SELECTED";
$completion_name = "congres_name";
default :
$author_form = str_replace('!!display!!', "display:none", $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!dupliquer!!', "", $author_form);
$sel_pp = " SELECTED";
$completion_name = "authors_person";
if ($this->import_denied ==1 || !$this->id) {
$import_denied_checked = "checked='checked'";
} else {
$import_denied_checked = "";
if ($pmb_type_audit && $this->id && !$duplicate) {
$bouton_audit = audit::get_dialog_button($this->id, AUDIT_AUTHOR);
} else {
$bouton_audit = "";
$aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id);
$author_form = str_replace('', $aut_link->get_form('saisie_auteur'), $author_form);
$aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("author", $this->id);
$author_form = str_replace('!!aut_pperso!!', $aut_pperso->get_form(), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!action!!', $action, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!cancel_action!!', static::format_back_url(), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!libelle!!', $libelle, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!author_nom!!', htmlentities($this->name, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!author_rejete!!', htmlentities($this->rejete, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!voir_id!!', $this->see, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!voir_libelle!!', htmlentities($this->see_libelle, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!date!!', htmlentities($this->date, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!lieu!!', htmlentities($this->lieu, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!ville!!', htmlentities($this->ville, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!pays!!', htmlentities($this->pays, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!subdivision!!', htmlentities($this->subdivision, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!numero!!', htmlentities($this->numero, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!author_web!!', htmlentities($this->author_web, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!author_isni!!', htmlentities($this->author_isni, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!sel_pp!!', $sel_pp, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!sel_coll!!', $sel_coll, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!sel_congres!!', $sel_congres, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!remplace!!', $button_remplace, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!voir_notices!!', $button_voir, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!delete!!', $button_delete, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!delete_action!!', static::format_delete_url("&id=".$this->id), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!liste_des_renvoyes_vers!!', $liste_renvoyes, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!completion_name!!', $completion_name, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!type_autorite!!', $this->type, $author_form);
// pour retour à la bonne page en gestion d'autorités
// &user_input=".rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input))."&nbr_lignes=$nbr_lignes&page=$page
global $user_input, $nbr_lignes, $page;
$author_form = str_replace('!!user_input!!', htmlentities($user_input, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!nbr_lignes!!', "", $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!page!!', $page, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!author_comment!!', $this->author_comment, $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!author_import_denied!!', $import_denied_checked, $author_form);
* Gestion du selecteur de statut d'autorité
$author_form = str_replace('!!auth_statut_selector!!', authorities_statuts::get_form_for(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->num_statut), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!aut_pperso!!', $aut_pperso->get_form(), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!audit_bt!!', $bouton_audit, $author_form);
if ($thesaurus_concepts_active ==1) {
$index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
$author_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', $index_concept->get_form('saisie_auteur'), $author_form);
} else {
$author_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', "", $author_form);
if ($this->name) {
$author_form = str_replace('!!document_title!!', addslashes($this->name.($this->rejete ? ', '.$this->rejete : '').' - '.$libelle), $author_form);
} else {
$author_form = str_replace('!!document_title!!', addslashes($libelle), $author_form);
$authority = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORITY, 0, [ 'num_object' => $this->id, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS]);
$author_form = str_replace('!!thumbnail_url_form!!', thumbnail::get_form('authority', $authority->get_thumbnail_url()), $author_form);
$author_form = str_replace('!!controller_url_base!!', static::format_url(), $author_form);
print $author_form;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// replace_form : affichage du formulaire de remplacement
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function replace_form() {
global $author_replace;
global $msg;
global $include_path;
// a compléter
if (! $this->id ||! $this->name) {
require_once ("$include_path/");
error_message($msg[161], $msg[162], 1, static::format_url('&sub=&id='));
return false;
$author_replace = str_replace('!!old_author_libelle!!', $this->display, $author_replace);
$author_replace = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $author_replace);
$author_replace = str_replace('!!controller_url_base!!', static::format_url(), $author_replace);
$author_replace = str_replace('!!cancel_action!!', static::format_back_url(), $author_replace);
print $author_replace;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// delete() : suppression de l'auteur
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function delete() {
global $dbh;
global $msg;
if (! $this->id) // impossible d'accéder à cette notice auteur
return $msg[403];
// if($event->get_error_message()){
// return '' .$this->display ."
" .$event->get_error_message().'
// }
$is_used = $this->check_uses();
if(!$is_used){ //Check uses a renvoyé false, l'auteur n'est pas utilisé par une autre autorité
$evt_handler = events_handler::get_instance();
$event = new event_author("author", "delete");
// liens entre autorités
$aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id);
$aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("author", $this->id);
// nettoyage indexation concepts
$index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
// nettoyage indexation
indexation_authority::delete_all_index($this->id, "authorities", "id_authority", AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
// suppression dans la table de stockage des numéros d'autorités...
// on supprime automatiquement les formes rejetes
$query = "select author_id from authors where author_see = " .$this->id;
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
while ( $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result) ) {
// on regarde si cette forme est utilisée...
$query2 = "select count(responsability_author) from responsability where responsability_author =" .$row->author_id;
$result2 = pmb_mysql_query($query2);
$query3 = "select count(responsability_tu_author_num) from responsability_tu where responsability_tu_author_num =" .$row->author_id;
$result3 = pmb_mysql_query($query3);
$rejete = new auteur($row->author_id);
// elle est utilisée donc on nettoie juste la référence
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result2) ||pmb_mysql_num_rows($result3)) {
pmb_mysql_query("update authors set author_see= 0 where author_id = " .$row->author_id);
} else {
// sinon, on supprime...
audit::delete_audit(AUDIT_AUTHOR, $this->id);
// effacement dans l'entrepot rdf
// effacement de l'identifiant unique d'autorité
$authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
// effacement dans la table des auteurs
$requete = "DELETE FROM authors WHERE author_id='$this->id' ";
pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
}else{ //Lorsque l'autorité est utilisé par un autre élément, la méthode check uses renvoi le détail de ces utilisations
//On ne peut pas la supprimer, on renvoi un message d'erreur indiquant le détail de ces utilisations
return $is_used;
return false;
protected function check_uses(){
global $msg, $dbh;
$message = "";
//publication d'un event !
$evt_handler = events_handler::get_instance();
$event = new event_author("author", "author_check_uses");
//tester retour event ; stocker le mesasge dans l'event author, sotcker les ids testés dans l'event author
if(($usage=aut_pperso::delete_pperso(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id,0) )){
// Cette autorité est utilisée dans des champs perso, impossible de supprimer
$message.= ''.$this->display.'
// récupération du nombre de notices affectées
$requete = "SELECT count(1) FROM responsability WHERE ";
$requete .= "responsability_author='$this->id' ";
$res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
$nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
if ($nbr_lignes) {
// Cet auteur est utilisé dans des notices, impossible de le supprimer
$message.= '' .$this->display ."
// récupération du nombre de titres affectées
$requete = "SELECT count(1) FROM responsability_tu WHERE ";
$requete .= "responsability_tu_author_num='$this->id' ";
$res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
$nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
if ($nbr_lignes) {
// Cet auteur est utilisé dans des tirres uniformes, impossible de le supprimer
$message.= '' .$this->display ."
$attached_vedettes = vedette_composee::get_vedettes_built_with_element($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
if(count(array_diff($event->get_elements()['concept'], $attached_vedettes))){
$message.= '' .$this->display ."
" .$msg["vedette_dont_del_autority"].'
$message.= '' .$this->display ."
" .$msg["vedette_dont_del_autority"].'
return $message;
return $event->get_error_message();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// delete_autority_sources($idcol=0) : Suppression des informations d'import d'autorité
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
static public function delete_autority_sources($idaut = 0) {
$tabl_id = array();
if (! $idaut) {
$requete = "SELECT DISTINCT num_authority FROM authorities_sources LEFT JOIN authors ON num_authority=author_id WHERE authority_type = 'author' AND author_id IS NULL";
$res = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) {
while ( $ligne = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res) ) {
$tabl_id[] = $ligne->num_authority;
} else {
$tabl_id[] = $idaut;
foreach ( $tabl_id as $value ) {
// suppression dans la table de stockage des numéros d'autorités...
$query = "select id_authority_source from authorities_sources where num_authority = " .$value ." and authority_type = 'author'";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
while ( $ligne = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result) ) {
$query = "delete from notices_authorities_sources where num_authority_source = " .$ligne->id_authority_source;
$query = "delete from authorities_sources where num_authority = " .$value ." and authority_type = 'author'";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// replace($by) : remplacement de l'auteur
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function replace($by, $link_save = 0) {
global $msg;
global $dbh;
global $pmb_synchro_rdf;
if (($this->id ==$by) ||(! $this->id)) {
return $msg[223];
//publication d'un event permettant de signifier que l'on va remplacer un auteur par un autre ;
$evt_handler = events_handler::get_instance();
$event = new event_author("author", "replace");
$aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id);
// "Conserver les liens entre autorités" est demandé
if ($link_save) {
// liens entre autorités
$aut_link->add_link_to(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $by);
// Voir aussi
if ($this->see) {
$requete = "UPDATE authors SET author_see='" .$this->see ."' WHERE author_id='$by' ";
@pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
// remplacement des renvoi voir (Forme retenue)
$requete = "UPDATE authors SET author_see='" .$by ."' WHERE author_see='".$this->id."' ";
@pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
vedette_composee::replace(TYPE_AUTHOR, $this->id, $by);
// remplacement dans les responsabilités
$requete = "UPDATE responsability SET responsability_author='$by' WHERE responsability_author='$this->id' ";
@pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
// effacement dans les responsabilités
$requete = "DELETE FROM responsability WHERE responsability_author='$this->id' ";
@pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
// remplacement dans les titres uniformes
$requete = "UPDATE responsability_tu SET responsability_tu_author_num='$by' WHERE responsability_tu_author_num='$this->id' ";
@pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
$requete = "DELETE FROM responsability_tu WHERE responsability_tu_author_num='$this->id' ";
@pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
// nettoyage d'autorities_sources
$query = "select * from authorities_sources where num_authority = " .$this->id ." and authority_type = 'author'";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
while ( $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result) ) {
if ($row->authority_favorite ==1) {
// on suprime les références si l'autorité a été importée...
$query = "delete from notices_authorities_sources where num_authority_source = " .$row->id_authority_source;
$query = "delete from authorities_sources where id_authority_source = " .$row->id_authority_source;
} else {
// on fait suivre le reste
$query = "update authorities_sources set num_authority = " .$by ." where num_authority_source = " .$row->id_authority_source;
// nettoyage indexation concepts
$index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
//Remplacement dans les champs persos sélecteur d'autorité
aut_pperso::replace_pperso(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id, $by);
audit::delete_audit(AUDIT_AUTHOR, $this->id);
// nettoyage indexation
indexation_authority::delete_all_index($this->id, "authorities", "id_authority", AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
// effacement de l'identifiant unique d'autorité
$authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
// effacement dans la table des auteurs
$requete = "DELETE FROM authors WHERE author_id='$this->id' ";
pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
// mise à jour de l'oeuvre rdf
if ($pmb_synchro_rdf) {
$synchro_rdf = new synchro_rdf();
$synchro_rdf->replaceAuthority($this->id, $by, 'auteur');
return FALSE;
* Initialisation du tableau de valeurs pour update et import
protected static function get_default_data() {
return array(
'type' => '',
'name' => '',
'rejete' => '',
'date' => '',
'lieu' => '',
'ville' => '',
'pays' => '',
'subdivision' => '',
'numero' => '',
'voir_id' => 0,
'author_web' => '',
'author_isni' => '',
'author_comment' => '',
'import_denied' => 0,
'statut' => 1,
'thumbnail_url' => ''
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// update($value) : mise à jour de l'auteur
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function update($value, $force = false) {
global $dbh;
global $msg, $charset;
global $include_path;
global $pmb_synchro_rdf;
global $thesaurus_concepts_active;
global $opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql;
global $pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit;
$value = array_merge(static::get_default_data(), $value);
if (! $value['name'])
return false;
// nettoyage des chaînes en entrée
$value['name'] = clean_string($value['name']);
$value['rejete'] = clean_string($value['rejete']);
$value['date'] = clean_string($value['date']);
$value['lieu'] = clean_string($value['lieu']);
$value['ville'] = clean_string($value['ville']);
$value['pays'] = clean_string($value['pays']);
$value['subdivision'] = clean_string($value['subdivision']);
$value['numero'] = clean_string($value['numero']);
if (!$force) {
// s'assurer que l'auteur n'existe pas déjà
$and_dedoublonnage = '';
switch ($value['type']) {
case 71 : // Collectivité
$and_dedoublonnage = " and author_subdivision ='" .$value['subdivision'] ."' and author_lieu='" .$value['lieu'] ."' and author_ville = '" .$value['ville'] ."' and author_pays = '" .$value['pays'] ."' and author_numero ='" .$value['numero'] ."' ";
case 72 : // Congrès
$and_dedoublonnage = " and author_subdivision ='" .$value['subdivision'] ."' and author_lieu='" .$value['lieu'] ."' and author_ville = '" .$value['ville'] ."' and author_pays = '" .$value['pays'] ."' and author_numero ='" .$value['numero'] ."' ";
$binary = '';
if ($pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit) {
$binary = 'BINARY';
if ($this->id) {
$and_dedoublonnage.= " and author_id!='" .$this->id ."' ";
$dummy = "SELECT author_id FROM authors WHERE author_type='" . $value['type'] ."' AND " . $binary . " author_name='" . $value['name'] ."'
AND " . $binary . " author_rejete='" . $value['rejete'] ."'
AND author_date='" . $value['date'] . "' $and_dedoublonnage";
$check = pmb_mysql_query($dummy, $dbh);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($check)) {
$auteur_exists = new auteur(pmb_mysql_result($check, 0, "author_id"));
print $this->warning_already_exist($msg[200], $msg[220] ." -> " .$auteur_exists->display, $value);
return FALSE;
// s'assurer que la forme_retenue ne pointe pas dans les deux sens
if ($this->id) {
$dummy = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_id='" .$value['voir_id'] ."' and author_see='" .$this->id ."'";
$check = pmb_mysql_query($dummy, $dbh);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($check)) {
print $this->warning_already_exist($msg[200], $msg['author_forme_retenue_error'] ." -> " .$auteur_exists->display, $value);
return FALSE;
$requete = 'SET author_type="'.$value['type'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_name="'.$value['name'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_rejete="'.$value['rejete'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_date="'.$value['date'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_lieu="'.$value['lieu'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_ville="'.$value['ville'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_pays="'.$value['pays'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_subdivision="'.$value['subdivision'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_numero="'.$value['numero'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_web="'.$value['author_web'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_isni="'.$value['author_isni'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_see="'.$value['voir_id'].'", ';
$requete .= 'author_comment="'.$value['author_comment'].'", ';
$word_to_index = $value['name'].' '.$value['rejete'].' '.$value['lieu'].' '.$value['ville'].' '.$value['pays'].' '.$value['numero'].' '.$value['subdivision'];
if ($value['type'] ==72)
$word_to_index .= ' '.$value['date'];
$requete .= 'index_author=" '.strip_empty_chars($word_to_index).' ",';
$requete .= 'author_import_denied="'.($value['import_denied'] ? 1 : 0).'"';
if ($this->id) {
audit::insert_modif(AUDIT_AUTHOR, $this->id);
// update
// on check s'il n'y a pas un renvoi circulaire
if ($this->id ==$value['voir_id']) {
require_once ("$include_path/");
warning($msg[199], htmlentities($msg[222] ." -> " .$this->display, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
return FALSE;
$requete = 'UPDATE authors ' .$requete;
$requete .= ' WHERE author_id=' .$this->id .' ;';
if (pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) {
// liens entre autorités
$aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id);
$aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("author", $this->id);
$this->cp_error_message = $aut_pperso->error_message;
return false;
// mise à jour de l'auteur dans la base rdf
if ($pmb_synchro_rdf) {
$synchro_rdf = new synchro_rdf();
$synchro_rdf->updateAuthority($this->id, 'auteur');
// ////////////////////////modif de l'update///////////////////////////////
$query = "select 1 from authors where (author_enrichment_last_update < now()-interval '0' day) and author_id=$this->id";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} else {
require_once ("$include_path/");
warning($msg[199], htmlentities($msg[208] ." -> " .$this->display, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
return FALSE;
} else {
// creation
$requete = 'INSERT INTO authors ' .$requete .' ';
if (pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) {
$this->id = pmb_mysql_insert_id();
audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_AUTHOR, $this->id);
// liens entre autorités
$aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $this->id);
$aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("author", $this->id);
$this->cp_error_message = $aut_pperso->error_message;
return false;
// ajout des enrichissements si activés
if ($opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql) {
} else {
require_once ("$include_path/");
warning($msg[200], htmlentities($msg[221] ." -> " .$requete, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
return FALSE;
//update authority informations
$authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
// Indexation concepts
if ($thesaurus_concepts_active ==1) {
$index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
// Mise à jour des vedettes composées contenant cette autorité
vedette_composee::update_vedettes_built_with_element($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
//publication d'un event !
$evt_handler = events_handler::get_instance();
$event = new event_author("author", "update");
return TRUE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// import() : import d'un auteur
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// fonction d'import de notice auteur (membre de la classe 'author');
static public function import($data) {
// cette méthode prend en entrée un tableau constitué des informations éditeurs suivantes :
// $data['type'] type de l'autorité (70 , 71 ou 72)
// $data['name'] élément d'entrée de l'autorité
// $data['rejete'] élément rejeté
// $data['date'] dates de l'autorité
// $data['lieu'] lieu du congrès 210$e
// $data['ville'] ville du congrès
// $data['pays'] pays du congrès
// $data['subdivision'] 210$b
// $data['numero'] numero du congrès 210$d
// $data['voir_id'] id de la forme retenue (sans objet pour l'import de notices)
// $data['author_comment'] commentaire
// $data['authority_number'] Numéro d'autortité
// TODO gestion du dédoublonnage !
global $dbh;
global $opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql;
global $pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit;
// check sur le type de la variable passée en paramètre
if ((empty($data) && !is_array($data)) || !is_array($data)) {
// si ce n'est pas un tableau ou un tableau vide, on retourne 0
return 0;
$data = array_merge(static::get_default_data(), $data);
// check sur les éléments du tableau (data['name'] ou data['rejete'] est requis).
if(!isset(static::$long_maxi_name)) {
static::$long_maxi_name = pmb_mysql_field_len(pmb_mysql_query("SELECT author_name FROM authors limit 1"), 0);
if(!isset(static::$long_maxi_rejete)) {
static::$long_maxi_rejete = pmb_mysql_field_len(pmb_mysql_query("SELECT author_rejete FROM authors limit 1"), 0);
$data['name'] = rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['name']))), 0, static::$long_maxi_name));
$data['rejete'] = rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['rejete']))), 0, static::$long_maxi_rejete));
if (! $data['name'] &&! $data['rejete']) {
return 0;
// check sur le type d'autorité
if (! $data['type'] ==70 &&! $data['type'] ==71 &&! $data['type'] ==72) {
return 0;
// tentative de récupérer l'id associée dans la base (implique que l'autorité existe)
// préparation de la requête
$key0 = $data['type'];
$key1 = addslashes($data['name']);
$key2 = addslashes($data['rejete']);
$key3 = addslashes($data['date']);
$key4 = addslashes($data['subdivision']);
$key5 = addslashes($data['lieu']);
$key6 = addslashes($data['ville']);
$key7 = addslashes($data['pays']);
$key8 = addslashes($data['numero']);
$data['lieu'] = addslashes($data['lieu']);
$data['ville'] = addslashes($data['ville']);
$data['pays'] = addslashes($data['pays']);
$data['subdivision'] = addslashes($data['subdivision']);
$data['numero'] = addslashes($data['numero']);
$data['author_comment'] = addslashes($data['author_comment']);
$data['author_web'] = addslashes($data['author_web']);
$data['author_isni'] = addslashes($data['author_isni']);
$data['statut'] = 1;
$binary = '';
if ($pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit) {
$binary = 'BINARY';
$query = "SELECT author_id FROM authors WHERE author_type='${key0}' AND " . $binary . " author_name='${key1}' AND " . $binary . " author_rejete='${key2}' AND author_date='${key3}'";
if ($data["type"] >70) {
$query .= " and author_subdivision='${key4}' and author_lieu='${key5}' and author_ville='${key6}' and author_pays='${key7}' and author_numero='${key8}'";
$query .= " LIMIT 1";
$result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if (! $result)
die("can't SELECT in database");
// résultat
// récupération du résultat de la recherche
if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
$aut = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
// du résultat et récupération éventuelle de l'id
if ($aut->author_id)
return $aut->author_id;
// id non-récupérée, il faut créer l'auteur
$query = 'INSERT INTO authors SET author_type="'.$key0.'", ';
$query .= 'author_name="'.$key1.'", ';
$query .= 'author_rejete="'.$key2.'", ';
$query .= 'author_date="'.$key3.'", ';
$query .= 'author_lieu="'.$data['lieu'].'", ';
$query .= 'author_ville="'.$data['ville'].'", ';
$query .= 'author_pays="'.$data['pays'].'", ';
$query .= 'author_subdivision="'.$data['subdivision'].'", ';
$query .= 'author_numero="'.$data['numero'] .'", ';
$query .= 'author_web="'.$data['author_web'].'", ';
$query .= 'author_isni="'.$data['author_isni'].'", ';
$query .= 'author_comment="'.$data['author_comment'].'", ';
$word_to_index = $key1 .' ' .$key2 .' ' .$data['lieu'] .' ' .$data['ville'] .' ' .$data['pays'] .' ' .$data['numero'] .' ' .$data["subdivision"];
if ($key0 =="72")
$word_to_index .= " " .$key3;
$query .= 'index_author=" '.strip_empty_chars($word_to_index).' " ';
$result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if (! $result)
die("can't INSERT into table authors :
$query ");
$id = pmb_mysql_insert_id($dbh);
audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_AUTHOR, $id);
//update authority informations
$authority = new authority(0, $id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
return $id;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// search_form() : affichage du form de recherche
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public static function search_form($type_autorite = 7) {
global $user_query;
global $msg;
global $user_input, $charset;
global $authority_statut;
$sel_tout = ($type_autorite ==7) ? 'selected' : " ";
$sel_pp = ($type_autorite ==70) ? 'selected' : " ";
$sel_coll = ($type_autorite ==71) ? 'selected' : " ";
$sel_congres = ($type_autorite ==72) ? 'selected' : " ";
$libelleBtn = $msg[207];
if ($type_autorite ==7 ||$type_autorite ==70)
$libelleBtn = $msg[207];
elseif ($type_autorite ==71)
$libelleBtn = $msg["aut_ajout_collectivite"];
elseif ($type_autorite ==72)
$libelleBtn = $msg["aut_ajout_congres"];
$libelleRech = $msg[133];
if ($type_autorite ==7 ||$type_autorite ==70)
$libelleRech = $msg[133];
elseif ($type_autorite ==71)
$libelleRech = $msg[204];
elseif ($type_autorite ==72)
$libelleRech = $msg["congres_libelle"];
$sel_autorite_auteur = '";
$user_query = str_replace("", $sel_autorite_auteur, $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace("", authorities_statuts::get_form_for(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS, $authority_statut, true), $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace('!!user_query_title!!', $msg[357] ." : " .$libelleRech, $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace('!!action!!', static::format_url('&sub=reach&id='), $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace('!!add_auth_msg!!', $libelleBtn, $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace('!!add_auth_act!!', static::format_url('&sub=author_form&type_autorite=' .$type_autorite), $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace('', "$msg[1310]", $user_query);
$user_query = str_replace("!!user_input!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $user_query);
print pmb_bidi($user_query);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// update_index($id) : maj des index
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
public static function update_index($id, $datatype = 'all') {
global $dbh;
indexation_stack::push($id, TYPE_AUTHOR, $datatype);
//-------------------------INI 13/04/2022 LLIUREX Temp solution to fix bug in indexation-----------------------------------------
$indexation_authority = indexations_collection::get_indexation(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
$indexation_authority->maj($id, $datatype);
//-------------------------FIN 13/04/2022----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// On cherche tous les n-uplet de la table notice correspondant à cet auteur.
$query = "select distinct responsability_notice as notice_id from responsability where responsability_author='" .$id ."'";
authority::update_records_index($query, 'author');
// On met à jour les titres uniformes correspondant à cet auteur
$found = pmb_mysql_query("select distinct responsability_tu_num from responsability_tu where responsability_tu_author_num='" .$id ."'", $dbh);
// Pour chaque n-uplet trouvés on met a jour l'index du titre uniforme avec l'auteur modifié :
$tu_ids = array();
while ( ($mesTu = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($found)) ) {
$tu_ids[] = $mesTu->responsability_tu_num;
if(count($tu_ids)) {
foreach ($tu_ids as $tu_id) {
titre_uniforme::update_index($tu_id, 'author');
public static function get_informations_from_unimarc($fields, $zone, $type, $field = "") {
$data = array();
// zone 200
if ($zone =="2") {
switch ($type) {
case 70 :
if (!$field) {
$field = $zone ."00";
$data['type'] = 70;
$data['name'] = $fields[$field][0]['a'][0];
$data['rejete'] = (isset($fields[$field][0]['b'][0]) ? $fields[$field][0]['b'][0] : '');
$data['date'] = (isset($fields[$field][0]['f'][0]) ? $fields[$field][0]['f'][0] : '');
$data['subdivision'] = "";
$data['lieu'] = "";
$data['ville'] = "";
$data['pays'] = "";
$data['numero'] = "";
case 71 :
if (! $field) {
$field = $zone ."10";
if (substr($fields[$field][0]['IND'], 0, 1) ==1) {
$data['type'] = 72;
} else {
$data['type'] = 71;
$data['name'] = $fields[$field][0]['a'][0] .(isset($fields[$field][0]['c']) && (count($fields[$field][0]['c']) !=0) ? " (" .implode(", ", $fields[$field][0]['c']) .")" : "");
$data['rejete'] = (isset($fields[$field][0]['g'][0]) ? $fields[$field][0]['g'][0] : '');
$data['date'] = (isset($fields[$field][0]['f'][0]) ? $fields[$field][0]['f'][0] : '');
if (isset($fields[$field][0]['b']) && count($fields[$field][0]['b'])) {
$data['subdivision'] = implode(". ", $fields[$field][0]['b']);
} else {
$data['subdivision'] = "";
$data['lieu'] = (isset($fields[$field][0]['e'][0]) ? $fields[$field][0]['e'][0] : '');
$data['ville'] = "";
$data['pays'] = "";
$data['numero'] = (isset($fields[$field][0]['d'][0]) ? $fields[$field][0]['d'][0] : '');
$data['author_comment'] = "";
for($i = 0; $i 70) {
$query .= " and author_subdivision='${key4}' and author_lieu='${key5}' and author_ville='${key6}' and author_pays='${key7}' and author_numero='${key8}'";
$query = $base_query." LIMIT 1";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if (! $result)
die("can't SELECT in database");
// résultat
if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
// récupération du résultat de la recherche
$aut = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
// du résultat et récupération éventuelle de l'id
* Publication d'un événement sur le dédoublonnage d'un auteur
* Permet d'ajouter des critères de vérification dans les plugins clients
* Si un message d'erreur est présent sur l'instance du plugin
* -> L'auteur est un doublon
* Sinon
* -> On retourne 0
if ($aut->author_id){
$evt_handler = events_handler::get_instance();
$event = new event_author_deduplication("author", "check_if_exist");
if($evt_handler->get_hooks()) {
return $event->get_id_author() ? $event->get_id_author() : 0;
return $aut->author_id;
return 0;
public function get_id_bnf($id) {
// autre moyen de récuperer authority_number?
global $dbh;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// verification de l'id bnf dans la base
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
$id_bnf = "";
$query = "SELECT authority_number from authorities_sources WHERE num_authority='$id' ";
$result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
$id_bnf = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
return $id_bnf;
public static function delete_enrichment($id) {
// to Do
public static function author_enrichment($id) {
global $opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql;
global $lang;
global $charset;
if ($opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql) {
// definition des endpoints databnf et dbpedia
$configbnf = array(
'remote_store_endpoint' => ''
$storebnf = ARC2::getRemoteStore($configbnf);
$configdbp = array(
'remote_store_endpoint' => ''
$storedbp = ARC2::getRemoteStore($configdbp);
// verifier la date de author_enrichment_last_update => if(self)
$aut_id_bnf = self::get_id_bnf($id);
// si l'auteur est dans la base on récupère son uri bnf...
if ($aut_id_bnf !="") {
$sparql = "
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX bnf-onto:
SELECT distinct ?author WHERE {
?author rdf:type skos:Concept .
?author bnf-onto:FRBNF $aut_id_bnf
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
// On vérifie qu'il n'y a pas d'erreur sinon on stoppe le programme et on renvoi une chaine vide
$err = $storebnf->getErrors();
if ($err) {
// definition de l'uri bnf
if ($rows[0]["author"]) {
$uri_bnf = $rows[0]["author"];
$enrichment['links']['uri_bnf'] = $uri_bnf;
// ... ainsi que son uri dbpedia si elle existe
$sparql = "
PREFIX rdagroup2elements:
PREFIX foaf:
SELECT ?dbpedia WHERE{
<$uri_bnf> foaf:focus ?author.
OPTIONAL {?author owl:sameAs ?dbpedia.
FILTER regex(str(?dbpedia), 'http://dbpedia', 'i')}.
try {
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
if ($rows[0]["dbpedia"]) {
$sub_dbp_uri = substr($rows[0]["dbpedia"], 28);
$uri_dbpedia = "" .rawurlencode($sub_dbp_uri);
$enrichment['links']['uri_dbpedia'] = $uri_dbpedia;
// debut de la requete d'enrichissement
if ($uri_bnf !="") {
// recuperation des infos biographiques bnf
$sparql = "
PREFIX foaf:
PREFIX rdagroup2elements:
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX rdfs:
PREFIX bnf-onto:
<$uri_bnf> foaf:focus ?person .
<$uri_bnf> skos:prefLabel ?isbd .
?person foaf:page ?page .
?person rdagroup2elements:biographicalInformation ?biography
?person rdagroup2elements:dateOfBirth ?birthdate.
?birthdate rdfs:label ?birth.
OPTIONAL {?person bnf-onto:firstYear ?birthfirst.}
OPTIONAL {?person rdagroup2elements:placeOfBirth ?birthplace .}
?person rdagroup2elements:dateOfDeath ?deathdate .
?deathdate rdfs:label ?death.
OPTIONAL {?person rdagroup2elements:placeOfDeath ?deathplace .}
try {
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
if ($rows[0]['birth'])
$birthdate = $rows[0]['birth'];
else {
if ($rows[0]['birthfirst'])
$birthdate = $rows[0]['birthfirst'];
$birthdate = "";
$enrichment['bio'] = array(
'isbd' => $rows[0]['isbd'],
'biography_bnf' => $rows[0]['biography'],
'birthdate' => $birthdate,
'birthplace' => $rows[0]['birthplace'],
'deathdate' => $rows[0]['death'],
'deathplace' => $rows[0]['deathplace']
// fin bio bnf
// vignettes bnf
$sparql = "
PREFIX foaf:
PREFIX dcterm:
<$uri_bnf> foaf:focus ?person .
?person foaf:depiction ?url .
try {
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$depictions[] = $row['url'];
$enrichment['depictions']['depictions_bnf'] = $depictions;
// biblio bnf
$sparql = "
PREFIX foaf:
PREFIX dcterms:
PREFIX rdarelationships:
SELECT ?work ?date ?dates ?work_concept ?title MIN(?minUrl) AS ?url MIN(?minGallica) AS ?gallica WHERE {
<$uri_bnf> foaf:focus ?person .
?work dcterms:creator ?person .
OPTIONAL { ?work dcterms:date ?date } .
OPTIONAL { ?work ?dates } .
?work_concept foaf:focus ?work .
?work dcterms:title ?title .
OPTIONAL{?work foaf:depiction ?minUrl .}
?manifestation rdarelationships:workManifested ?work .
?manifestation rdarelationships:electronicReproduction ?minGallica .
} order by ?dates";
try {
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
if ($rows[0]['work']) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$tab_isbn = array();
$sparql ="
PREFIX rdarelationships:
PREFIX bnf-onto:
SELECT distinct ?isbn WHERE {
?manifestation rdarelationships:workManifested <".$row['work'].">.
?manifestation bnf-onto:isbn ?isbn
}order by ?isbn";
try {
$isbns = $storebnf->query ( $sparql, 'rows' );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$isbns = array ();
foreach ($isbns as $isbn){
$tab_isbn[] = "'".$isbn['isbn']."'";
$aut_works[] = array(
'title' => $row['title'],
'uri_work' => $row['work'],
'date' => $row['date'],
'work_concept' => $row['work_concept'],
'url' => $row['url'],
'gallica' => $row['gallica'],
'tab_isbn' => $tab_isbn
$enrichment['biblio'] = $aut_works;
// si uri dbpedia on recherche la bio dbpedia et l'image
if ($uri_dbpedia !="") {
$langue = substr($lang, 0, 2);
$sparqldbp = "
PREFIX dbpedia-owl:
SELECT ?comment ?image WHERE{
<$uri_dbpedia> dbpedia-owl:abstract ?comment FILTER langMatches( lang(?comment), '" .$langue ."' ).
OPTIONAL {<$uri_dbpedia> dbpedia-owl:thumbnail ?image} .
try {
$rows = $storedbp->query($sparqldbp, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
$enrichment['bio']['biography_dbpedia'] = encoding_normalize::clean_cp1252($rows[0]['comment'], "utf-8");
if ($rows[0]['image'])
$enrichment['depictions']['depiction_dbpedia'] = $rows[0]['image'];
// recherche du mouvement litteraire ...
$sparqldbp = "
PREFIX dbpedia-owl:
PREFIX rdfs:
SELECT ?movement ?mov WHERE{
<$uri_dbpedia> dbpedia-owl:movement ?mov.
?mov rdfs:label ?movement
FILTER langMatches( lang(?movement), '$langue').
try {
$rows = $storedbp->query($sparqldbp, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$movement = array();
$list_aut = array();
$movement['title'] = $row['movement'];
$sparqldbp = "
PREFIX dbpedia-owl:
PREFIX foaf:
SELECT distinct ?auts WHERE{
?auts ?p <" .$row['mov'] .">.
FILTER( ?p = dbpedia-owl:genre || ?p = dbpedia-owl:movement)
?auts rdf:type foaf:Person
try {
$rows = $storedbp->query($sparqldbp, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ($row['auts'] !=$uri_dbpedia) {
$list_aut[] = rawurldecode($row['auts']);
$list_aut = array_unique($list_aut);
foreach ( array_chunk($list_aut, 10) as $chunk ) {
$sparql = "
PREFIX bnf-onto:
PREFIX foaf:
PREFIX skos:
SELECT ?numaut ?name WHERE{
?aut rdf:type foaf:Person .
?author foaf:focus ?aut.
?author skos:exactMatch ?uri_dbpedia.
FILTER (?uri_dbpedia = <" .implode("> || ?uri_dbpedia = <", $chunk) .">)
?author bnf-onto:FRBNF ?numaut.
?aut foaf:name ?name.
try {
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$aauthor = Array(
"id_bnf" => $row['numaut'],
"name" => $row['name']
$movement['authors'][] = $aauthor;
$enrichment['movement'][] = $movement;
// ... et du genre
$sparqldbp = "
PREFIX dbpedia-owl:
PREFIX rdfs:
SELECT ?genre ?mov WHERE{
<$uri_dbpedia> dbpedia-owl:genre ?mov.
?mov rdfs:label ?genre
FILTER langMatches( lang(?genre), '$langue').
try {
$rows = $storedbp->query($sparqldbp, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$genre = array();
$list_aut = array();
$genre['title'] = $row['genre'];
$sparqldbp = "
PREFIX dbpedia-owl:
PREFIX foaf:
SELECT distinct ?auts WHERE{
?auts ?p <" .$row['mov'] .">.
FILTER( ?p = dbpedia-owl:genre || ?p = dbpedia-owl:genre)
?auts rdf:type foaf:Person
try {
$rows = $storedbp->query($sparqldbp, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ($row['auts'] !=$uri_dbpedia) {
$list_aut[] = rawurldecode($row['auts']);
$list_aut = array_unique($list_aut);
foreach ( array_chunk($list_aut, 10) as $chunk ) {
$sparql = "
PREFIX bnf-onto:
PREFIX foaf:
PREFIX skos:
SELECT ?numaut ?name WHERE{
?aut rdf:type foaf:Person .
?author foaf:focus ?aut.
?author skos:exactMatch ?uri_dbpedia.
FILTER (?uri_dbpedia = <" .implode("> || ?uri_dbpedia = <", $chunk) .">)
?author bnf-onto:FRBNF ?numaut.
?aut foaf:name ?name.
try {
$rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$aauthor = Array(
"id_bnf" => $row['numaut'],
"name" => $row['name']
$genre['authors'][] = $aauthor;
$enrichment['genre'][] = $genre;
if ($charset !='utf-8'){
$enrichment = pmb_utf8_array_decode($enrichment);
$enrichments = serialize($enrichment);
$enrichments = addslashes($enrichments);
$query = "UPDATE authors SET author_enrichment = '" .$enrichments ."', author_enrichment_last_update = NOW() WHERE author_id='" .$id ."'";
$result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
// update
public function get_header() {
return $this->display;
public function get_cp_error_message(){
return $this->cp_error_message;
public function get_gestion_link(){
return './autorites.php?categ=see&sub=author&id='.$this->id;
public function get_isbd() {
return $this->isbd_entry;
public static function get_format_data_structure($antiloop = false) {
global $msg;
$main_fields = array();
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "type",
'desc' => $msg['205']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "name",
'desc' => $msg['201']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "rejete",
'desc' => $msg['202']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "date",
'desc' => $msg['713']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "lieu",
'desc' => $msg['congres_lieu_libelle']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "ville",
'desc' => $msg['congres_ville_libelle']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "pays",
'desc' => $msg['congres_pays_libelle']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "subdivision",
'desc' => $msg['congres_subdivision_libelle']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "numero",
'desc' => $msg['congres_numero_libelle']
if(!$antiloop) {
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "see",
'desc' => $msg['206'],
'children' => authority::prefix_var_tree(auteur::get_format_data_structure(true),"see")
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "web",
'desc' => $msg['147']
$main_fields[] = array(
'var' => "comment",
'desc' => $msg['author_comment']
$authority = new authority(0, 0, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
$main_fields = array_merge($authority->get_format_data_structure(), $main_fields);
return $main_fields;
public function format_datas($antiloop = false){
$see_datas = array();
if(!$antiloop) {
if($this->see) {
$see = new auteur($this->see);
$see_datas = $see->format_datas(true);
$formatted_data = array(
'type' => $this->type,
'name' => $this->name,
'rejete' => $this->rejete,
'date' => $this->date,
'lieu' => $this->lieu,
'ville' => $this->ville,
'pays' => $this->pays,
'subdivision' => $this->subdivision,
'numero' => $this->numero,
'see' => $see_datas,
'web' => $this->author_web,
'isni' => $this->author_isni,
'comment' => $this->author_comment
$authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
$formatted_data = array_merge($authority->format_datas(), $formatted_data);
return $formatted_data;
public static function set_controller($controller) {
static::$controller = $controller;
protected static function format_url($url='') {
global $base_path;
if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) {
return static::$controller->get_url_base().$url;
} else {
return $base_path.'/autorites.php?categ=auteurs'.$url;
protected static function format_back_url() {
if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) {
return static::$controller->get_back_url();
} else {
return "history.go(-1)";
protected static function format_delete_url($url='') {
global $base_path;
if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) {
return static::$controller->get_delete_url();
} else {
return static::format_url("&sub=delete".$url);
protected function warning_already_exist($error_title, $error_message, $values=array()) {
global $msg;
$authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
$display = $authority->get_display_authority_already_exist($error_title, $error_message, $values);
$display = str_replace("!!action!!", static::format_url('&sub=update&id='.$this->id.'&forcing=1'), $display);
$label = (empty($this->id) ? $msg[287] : $msg['force_modification']);
$display = str_replace("!!forcing_button!!", $authority->get_display_forcing_button($label) , $display);
$hidden_specific_values = $authority->put_global_in_hidden_field('concept');
$hidden_specific_values .= $authority->put_global_in_hidden_field('tab_concept_order');
$display = str_replace('!!hidden_specific_values!!', $hidden_specific_values, $display);
return $display;
public function get_concepts(){
$index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_AUTHOR);
return $index_concept->get_concepts();
} // class auteur