idcaddie = $caddie_id+0; $this->getData(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // getData() : récupération infos caddie // --------------------------------------------------------------- protected function getData() { global $dbh; parent::getData(); $this->type = ''; if($this->idcaddie) { $requete = "SELECT * FROM caddie WHERE idcaddie='$this->idcaddie' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->idcaddie = $temp->idcaddie; $this->type = $temp->type; $this->name = $temp->name; $this->comment = $temp->comment; $this->autorisations = $temp->autorisations; $this->autorisations_all = $temp->autorisations_all; $this->classementGen = $temp->caddie_classement; $this->acces_rapide = $temp->acces_rapide; $this->favorite_color = $temp->favorite_color; $this->creation_user_name = $temp->creation_user_name; $this->creation_date = $temp->creation_date; //liaisons $req="SELECT idetagere, name FROM etagere_caddie JOIN etagere ON etagere_id=idetagere WHERE caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' GROUP BY idetagere"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($req,$dbh); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while ($ligne=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->liaisons["etageres"][]=array("id"=>$ligne->idetagere,"lib"=>$ligne->name); } } $req="SELECT id_bannette, nom_bannette FROM bannettes WHERE num_panier='".$this->idcaddie."' GROUP BY id_bannette"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($req,$dbh); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while ($ligne=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->liaisons["bannettes"][]=array("id"=>$ligne->id_bannette,"lib"=>$ligne->nom_bannette); } } $req="SELECT id_rss_flux, nom_rss_flux FROM rss_flux_content JOIN rss_flux ON num_rss_flux=id_rss_flux WHERE num_contenant='".$this->idcaddie."' AND type_contenant='CAD' GROUP BY id_rss_flux"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($req,$dbh); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while ($ligne=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->liaisons["rss_flux"][]=array("id"=>$ligne->id_rss_flux,"lib"=>$ligne->nom_rss_flux); } } $req="SELECT connector_out_set_id, connector_out_set_caption FROM connectors_out_sets WHERE connector_out_set_config REGEXP '\{s:16:\"included_caddies\";a:[0-9]+:\{i:0;[i:0-9;]*i:".$this->idcaddie.";[i:0-9;]*\}'"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($req,$dbh); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while ($ligne=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->liaisons["connectors"][]=array("id"=>$ligne->connector_out_set_id,"lib"=>$ligne->connector_out_set_caption); } } } $this->compte_items(); } } protected function get_template_form() { global $cart_form; return $cart_form; } protected function get_warning_delete() { global $msg; $message_delete_warning = $msg["caddie_used_in_warning"]; foreach ($this->liaisons as $type => $values){ if(count($values)){ switch ($type){ case "etageres": $message_delete_warning .= "\\n- ".$msg["etagere_menu"]; break; case "bannettes": $message_delete_warning .= "\\n- ".$msg["dsi_menu_bannettes"]; break; case "rss_flux": $message_delete_warning .= "\\n- ".$msg["dsi_menu_flux"]; break; case "connectors": $message_delete_warning .= "\\n- ".$msg["admin_connecteurs_sets"]; break; default://On ne doit pas passer par là break;//On sort aussi du foreach } } } $message_delete_warning .= "\\n"; return $message_delete_warning; } public static function get_types() { return array('NOTI', 'EXPL', 'BULL'); } // formulaire public function get_form($form_action="", $form_cancel="", $form_duplicate="") { global $msg, $charset; global $liaison_tpl; global $current_print; $form = parent::get_form($form_action, $form_cancel, $form_duplicate); $form=str_replace('!!cart_type!!', $this->get_type_form(), $form); if ($this->get_idcaddie()) { $info_liaisons = $this->get_links_form(); $message_delete_warning = ""; if($info_liaisons){ $liaison_tpl=str_replace("",$info_liaisons,$liaison_tpl); $form = str_replace('', $liaison_tpl, $form); $message_delete_warning = $this->get_warning_delete(); } $button_delete = "get_idcaddie().",'".htmlentities(addslashes($this->name),ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."')\" />"; $form = str_replace('!!button_delete!!', $button_delete, $form); $form .= confirmation_delete("./catalog.php?categ=caddie&action=del_cart&idcaddie=",$message_delete_warning); } else { $form = str_replace('!!button_delete!!', '', $form); } return $form; } // Liaisons pour le panier protected function get_links_form() { global $msg, $charset; global $dsi_active; $links_form = ""; $end = false; foreach ( $this->liaisons as $type => $values ) { if (count ( $values )) { $links_form .= "
"; switch ($type) { case "etageres" : $links_form .= "
"; $link = "!!name!!"; break; case "bannettes" : $links_form .= "
"; if ($dsi_active && (SESSrights & DSI_AUTH)) { $link = "!!name!!"; } else { $link = "!!name!!"; } break; case "rss_flux" : $links_form .= "
"; if ($dsi_active && (SESSrights & DSI_AUTH)) { $link = "!!name!!"; } else { $link = "!!name!!"; } break; case "connectors" : $links_form .= "
"; if (SESSrights & ADMINISTRATION_AUTH) { $link = "!!name!!"; } else { $link = "!!name!!"; } break; default : // On ne doit pas passer par là $links_form = ""; //break 2; // On sort aussi du foreach $end = true; break; } if($end) break; foreach ( $values as $infos ) { $links_form .= ""; } $links_form .= "
"; } } return $links_form; } public function set_properties_from_form() { global $cart_type; global $classementGen_caddie; parent::set_properties_from_form(); if(!$this->idcaddie || ($this->idcaddie && !$this->nb_item && $cart_type)) { $this->type = $cart_type; } $this->classementGen = stripslashes($classementGen_caddie); } protected static function get_order_cart_list() { return " order by type, name, comment "; } static public function get_cart_data($temp) { global $dbh; $nb_item = 0 ; $nb_item_pointe = 0 ; $nb_item_base = 0 ; $nb_item_base_pointe = 0 ; $nb_item_blob = 0 ; $nb_item_blob_pointe = 0 ; $rqt_nb_item="select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$temp->idcaddie."' "; $nb_item = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt_nb_item, $dbh), 0, 0); $rqt_nb_item_pointe = "select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$temp->idcaddie."' and (flag is not null and flag!='') "; $nb_item_pointe = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt_nb_item_pointe, $dbh), 0, 0); $rqt_nb_item_base="select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$temp->idcaddie."' and (content is null or content='') "; $nb_item_base = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt_nb_item_base, $dbh), 0, 0); $rqt_nb_item_base_pointe="select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$temp->idcaddie."' and (content is null or content='') and (flag is not null and flag!='') "; $nb_item_base_pointe = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt_nb_item_base_pointe, $dbh), 0, 0); $nb_item_blob = $nb_item - $nb_item_base ; $nb_item_blob_pointe = $nb_item_pointe - $nb_item_base_pointe ; return array( 'idcaddie' => $temp->idcaddie, 'name' => $temp->name, 'type' => $temp->type, 'comment' => $temp->comment, 'autorisations' => $temp->autorisations, 'autorisations_all' => $temp->autorisations_all, 'caddie_classement' => $temp->caddie_classement, 'acces_rapide' => $temp->acces_rapide, 'favorite_color' => $temp->favorite_color, 'nb_item' => $nb_item, 'nb_item_pointe' => $nb_item_pointe, 'nb_item_base' => $nb_item_base, 'nb_item_base_pointe' => $nb_item_base_pointe, 'nb_item_blob' => $nb_item_blob, 'nb_item_blob_pointe' => $nb_item_blob_pointe ); } // liste des paniers disponibles static public function get_cart_list($restriction_panier="",$acces_rapide = 0) { return parent::get_cart_list($restriction_panier, $acces_rapide); } // création d'un panier vide public function create_cart() { $requete = "insert into caddie set name='".addslashes($this->name)."', type='".$this->type."', comment='".addslashes($this->comment)."', autorisations='".$this->autorisations."', autorisations_all='".$this->autorisations_all."', caddie_classement='".addslashes($this->classementGen)."', acces_rapide='".$this->acces_rapide."', favorite_color='".addslashes($this->favorite_color)."' "; $user = $this->get_info_user(); if(is_object($user)) { $requete .= ", creation_user_name='".addslashes($user->name)."', creation_date='".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"; } pmb_mysql_query($requete); $this->idcaddie = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); $this->compte_items(); return $this->idcaddie; } // sauvegarde du panier public function save_cart() { $query = "update caddie set name='".addslashes($this->name)."', type='".$this->type."', comment='".addslashes($this->comment)."', autorisations='".$this->autorisations."', autorisations_all='".$this->autorisations_all."', caddie_classement='".addslashes($this->classementGen)."', acces_rapide='".$this->acces_rapide."', favorite_color='".addslashes($this->favorite_color)."' where ".static::get_field_name()."='".$this->get_idcaddie()."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); return true; } // ajout d'un item public function add_item($item=0, $object_type="NOTI", $bul_or_dep="") { // $bul_or_dep permet de choisir entre notice de dépouillement (DEP) // ou notice de bulletin (par défaut) lors de l'ajout d'un bulletin à un panier de notices global $dbh; if (!$item) return CADDIE_ITEM_NULL ; // les objets sont identiques if ($object_type==$this->type) { // rêgle : les caddies sont homogènes, on y stocke des objets de même type en fonction du type du caddie $requete_compte = "select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' AND object_id='".$item."' "; $result_compte = @pmb_mysql_query($requete_compte, $dbh); $deja_item=pmb_mysql_result($result_compte, 0, 0); if (!$deja_item) { $requete= "insert into caddie_content set caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."', object_id='".$item."', content='' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } } else { // Traitement des cas particuliers // panier d'exemplaires : // Notice reçue : // on stocke tous les exemplaires associés à la notice // voir le pb de notice de dépouillement if ($this->type=="EXPL" && $object_type=="NOTI") { $rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis = "select niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar from notices where notice_id = '$item' "; $res_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis, $dbh); $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_serial_bull_analysis); // monographie if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="m" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="0") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_notice='$item' "; // périodique : notice mère if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="s" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="1") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires, bulletins where bulletin_notice='$item' and expl_bulletin=bulletin_id "; // périodique : notice de dépouillement (analytique) if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="a" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires, analysis where analysis_notice='$item' and analysis_bulletin=expl_bulletin "; // bulletin : notice de bulletin if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="b" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires, bulletins where num_notice='$item' and bulletin_id=expl_bulletin "; } // Bulletin reçu : // on stocke tous les exemplaires associés au bulletin if ($this->type=="EXPL" && $object_type=="BULL") { $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_bulletin='$item' "; } // panier de notices : // EXPL reçu : // on stocke la notice de l'exemplaire // voir le pb d'expl de bulletin if ($this->type=="NOTI" && $object_type=="EXPL") { $rqt_mono_bull = "select expl_notice, expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; $res_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_bull, $dbh); $row_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_bull); // expl de monographie if ($row_mono_bull->expl_notice && !$row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) $rqt_expl = "select expl_notice from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; // expl de bulletin if (!$row_mono_bull->expl_notice && $row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) $rqt_expl = "select bulletin_notice from exemplaires, bulletins where expl_id='$item' and expl_bulletin=bulletin_id "; } // BULL reçu : // on stocke la notice du bulletin si existante // ATTENTION: modif version 3.1.12: ajout de la notice de bulletin et non plus les notices de dépouillement if ($this->type=="NOTI" && $object_type=="BULL") { if ($bul_or_dep=="DEP") $rqt_expl = "select analysis_notice from analysis where analysis_bulletin='$item' "; else $rqt_expl = "select num_notice from bulletins where bulletin_id='$item' and num_notice!=0"; } // fin if NOTI / BULL // panier de bulletins : // EXPL reçu : // on stocke le bulletin de l'exemplaire if ($this->type=="BULL" && $object_type=="EXPL") { $rqt_mono_bull = "select expl_notice, expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; $res_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_bull, $dbh); $row_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_bull); // expl de monographie if ($row_mono_bull->expl_notice && !$row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) return CADDIE_ITEM_IMPOSSIBLE_BULLETIN; // expl de bulletin if (!$row_mono_bull->expl_notice && $row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) $rqt_expl = "select expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; } // NOTI reçue : // on stocke le bulletin associé à la notice chapeau reçue // ou bien le bulletin contenant la notice de dépouillement reçue if ($this->type=="BULL" && $object_type=="NOTI") { $rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis = "select niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar from notices where notice_id = '$item' "; $res_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis, $dbh); $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_serial_bull_analysis); // monographie if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="m" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="0") return CADDIE_ITEM_IMPOSSIBLE_BULLETIN; // périodique : notice mère if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="s" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="1") $rqt_expl = "select bulletin_id from bulletins where bulletin_notice='$item' "; // périodique : notice de dépouillement (analytique) if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="a" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select analysis_bulletin from analysis where analysis_notice='$item' "; // bulletin : notice de bulletin if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="b" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select bulletin_id from bulletins where num_notice='$item' "; } if ($this->type=="EXPL" && $object_type=="EXPL") { $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; } // fin if NOTI / BULL if ($rqt_expl) { $res_expl = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_expl, $dbh); for($i=0;$iidcaddie."' AND object_id='".$row[0]."' "; $result_compte = @pmb_mysql_query($requete_compte, $dbh); $deja_item=pmb_mysql_result($result_compte, 0, 0); if (!$deja_item) { $requete= "insert into caddie_content set caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."', object_id='".$row[0]."', content='' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } } // fin for } } // fin else types différents return CADDIE_ITEM_OK ; } // ajout d'un item blob public function add_item_blob($blobobject=0, $blob_type="EXPL_CB") { global $dbh; if (!$blobobject) return CADDIE_ITEM_NULL ; $requete_compte = "select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and content='".$blobobject."' and blob_type='".$blob_type."' "; $result_compte = @pmb_mysql_query($requete_compte, $dbh); $deja_item=pmb_mysql_result($result_compte, 0, 0); if (!$deja_item) { $requete= "insert into caddie_content set caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."', object_id=0, content='".$blobobject."', blob_type='".$blob_type."' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } } // suppression d'un item EXPL_CB public function del_item_blob($expl_cb="") { global $dbh; $requete = "delete FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and blob_type='EXPL_CB' and content='".$expl_cb."' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $this->compte_items(); } public function del_item_base($item=0,$forcage=array()) { global $dbh; if (!$item) return CADDIE_ITEM_NULL ; switch ($this->type) { case "EXPL" : if (!$this->verif_expl_item($item)) { if ($forcage['source_id']) { exemplaire::save_to_agnostic_warehouse(array(0=>$item),$forcage['source_id']); } if (exemplaire::del_expl($item)) { return CADDIE_ITEM_SUPPR_BASE_OK ; } else { return 0 ; } } else return CADDIE_ITEM_EXPL_PRET ; break ; case "BULL" : if (!$this->verif_bull_item($item,$forcage)) { // aucun prêt d'exemplaire de ce bulletin en cours, on supprime : $myBulletinage = new bulletinage($item); $myBulletinage->delete(); return CADDIE_ITEM_SUPPR_BASE_OK ; } else return CADDIE_ITEM_BULL_USED ; break ; case "NOTI" : if (!$this->verif_noti_item($item,$forcage)) { if ($forcage['source_id']) { notice::save_to_agnostic_warehouse(array(0=>$item),$forcage['source_id']); } $requete="SELECT niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar FROM notices WHERE notice_id='".$item."'"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res) && (pmb_mysql_result($res,0,0) == "s") && (pmb_mysql_result($res,0,1) == "1")){ $myBulletinage = new serial($item); $myBulletinage->serial_delete(); }else{ notice::del_notice($item); } return CADDIE_ITEM_SUPPR_BASE_OK ; } else return CADDIE_ITEM_NOTI_USED ; break ; } return CADDIE_ITEM_OK ; } // suppression d'un item de tous les caddies du même type le contenant public function del_item_all_caddies($item, $type) { global $dbh; $requete = "select idcaddie FROM caddie where type='".$type."' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); for($i=0;$iidcaddie."' and object_id='".$item."' "; $result_suppr = pmb_mysql_query($requete_suppr, $dbh); } } public function del_item_flag($inconnu_aussi=1) { global $dbh; $requete = "delete FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and (flag is not null and flag!='') "; if (!$inconnu_aussi) $requete .= " and (content is null or content='') "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $this->compte_items(); } public function del_item_no_flag($inconnu_aussi=1) { global $dbh; $requete = "delete FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and (flag is null or flag='') "; if (!$inconnu_aussi) $requete .= " and (content is null or content='') "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $this->compte_items(); } // Export des documents numérique d'un item public function export_doc_num($item=0,$chemin) { global $dbh, $charset, $msg; $pattern_nom_fichier_doc_num="!!explnumid!!_!!idnotice!!_!!idbulletin!!_!!indicedocnum!!_!!nomdoc!!"; if ($this->type=="NOTI") { $requete = "select explnum_id, explnum_notice as numnotice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_data, explnum_extfichier, explnum_nomfichier, length(explnum_data) as taille "; $requete .= " FROM explnum WHERE "; $requete .= " explnum_notice=$item "; } elseif ($this->type=="BULL") { $requete = "select explnum_id, bulletin_notice as numnotice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_data, explnum_extfichier, explnum_nomfichier, length(explnum_data) as taille "; $requete .= " FROM explnum JOIN bulletins on bulletin_id=explnum_bulletin WHERE "; $requete .= " explnum_bulletin=$item "; } else return; // pas encore de document numérique attaché à un exemplaire $requete .= " and ((explnum_data is not null and explnum_data!='') OR (explnum_nomfichier is not null and explnum_nomfichier!=''))"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error()."
$requete"); for($i=0;$iexplnum_id = str_pad ($t->explnum_id, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ; $t->numnotice = str_pad ($t->numnotice, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ; $t->explnum_bulletin = str_pad ($t->explnum_bulletin, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ; $nomfic= $pattern_nom_fichier_doc_num; $nomfic = str_replace("!!explnumid!!", str_pad ($t->explnum_id, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $nomfic) ; $nomfic = str_replace("!!idnotice!!", str_pad ($t->numnotice, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $nomfic) ; $nomfic = str_replace("!!idbulletin!!", str_pad ($t->explnum_bulletin, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $nomfic) ; $nomfic = str_replace("!!indicedocnum!!", str_pad ($i, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $nomfic) ; $nomfic = str_replace("!!nomdoc!!", $t->explnum_nomfichier, $nomfic) ; $hf = fopen($chemin.$nomfic, "w"); if ($hf) { $explnum = new explnum($t->explnum_id); fwrite($hf, $explnum->get_file_content()); fclose($hf); $ret = "
  • ".$msg['caddie_expdocnum_wtrue']." ".htmlentities($nomfic, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."
  • "; } else { $ret = "
  • ".$msg['caddie_expdocnum_wfalse']." ".htmlentities($nomfic, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."
  • "; } } if (!empty($ret)) return "
    ".$msg['caddie_expdocnum_dir']." ".htmlentities($chemin, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."
    "; else return; } public function pointe_item($item=0, $object_type="NOTI", $blob="", $blob_type="EXPL_CB") { global $dbh; if (!$item) { $requete_compte = "select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and content='".$blob."' and blob_type='".$blob_type."' "; $result_compte = @pmb_mysql_query($requete_compte, $dbh); $deja_item=pmb_mysql_result($result_compte, 0, 0); if ($deja_item) { $requete = "update caddie_content set flag='1' where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and content='".$blob."' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $this->compte_items(); } else return CADDIE_ITEM_INEXISTANT; return CADDIE_ITEM_NULL ; } // les objets sont identiques if ($object_type==$this->type) { // rêgle : les caddies sont homogènes, on y stocke des objets de même type en fonction du type du caddie $requete_compte = "select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and object_id='".$item."' "; $result_compte = @pmb_mysql_query($requete_compte, $dbh); $deja_item=pmb_mysql_result($result_compte, 0, 0); if ($deja_item) { $requete = "update caddie_content set flag='1' where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and object_id='".$item."' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $this->compte_items(); } else return CADDIE_ITEM_INEXISTANT; } else { // Traitement des cas particuliers // panier d'exemplaires : // Notice reçue : // on stocke tous les exemplaires associés à la notice // voir le pb de notice de dépouillement if ($this->type=="EXPL" && $object_type=="NOTI") { $rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis = "select niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar from notices where notice_id = '$item' "; $res_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis, $dbh); $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_serial_bull_analysis); // monographie if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="m" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="0") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_notice='$item' "; // périodique : notice mère if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="s" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="1") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires, bulletins where bulletin_notice='$item' and expl_bulletin=bulletin_id "; // périodique : notice de dépouillement (analytique) if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="a" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires, analysis where analysis_notice='$item' and analysis_bulletin=expl_bulletin "; // bulletin : notice de bulletin if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="b" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires, bulletins where num_notice='$item' and bulletin_id=expl_bulletin "; } // Bulletin reçu : // on stocke tous les exemplaires associés au bulletin if ($this->type=="EXPL" && $object_type=="BULL") { $rqt_expl = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_bulletin='$item' "; } // panier de notices : // EXPL reçu : // on stocke la notice de l'exemplaire // voir le pb d'expl de bulletin if ($this->type=="NOTI" && $object_type=="EXPL") { $rqt_mono_bull = "select expl_notice, expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; $res_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_bull, $dbh); $row_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_bull); // expl de monographie if ($row_mono_bull->expl_notice && !$row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) $rqt_expl = "select expl_notice from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; // expl de bulletin if (!$row_mono_bull->expl_notice && $row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) $rqt_expl = "select bulletin_notice from exemplaires, bulletins where expl_id='$item' and expl_bulletin=bulletin_id "; } // BULL reçu : // on stocke les notices de dépouillement du bulletin if ($this->type=="NOTI" && $object_type=="BULL") { $rqt_expl = "select analysis_notice from analysis where analysis_bulletin='$item' "; } // fin if NOTI / EXPL // panier de bulletins : // EXPL reçu : // on stocke le bulletin de l'exemplaire if ($this->type=="BULL" && $object_type=="EXPL") { $rqt_mono_bull = "select expl_notice, expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; $res_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_bull, $dbh); $row_mono_bull = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_bull); // expl de monographie if ($row_mono_bull->expl_notice && !$row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) return CADDIE_ITEM_IMPOSSIBLE_BULLETIN; // expl de bulletin if (!$row_mono_bull->expl_notice && $row_mono_bull->expl_bulletin) $rqt_expl = "select expl_bulletin from exemplaires where expl_id='$item' "; } // NOTI reçue : // on stocke le bulletin associé à la notice chapeau reçue // ou bien le bulletin contenant la notice de dépouillement reçue if ($this->type=="BULL" && $object_type=="NOTI") { $rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis = "select niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar from notices where notice_id = '$item' "; $res_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_mono_serial_bull_analysis, $dbh); $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_mono_serial_bull_analysis); // monographie if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="m" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="0") return CADDIE_ITEM_IMPOSSIBLE_BULLETIN; // périodique : notice mère if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="s" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="1") $rqt_expl = "select bulletin_id from bulletins where bulletin_notice='$item' "; // périodique : notice de dépouillement (analytique) if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="a" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select analysis_bulletin from analysis where analysis_notice='$item' "; // bulletin : notice de bulletin if ($row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_biblio=="b" && $row_mono_serial_bull_analysis->niveau_hierar=="2") $rqt_expl = "select bulletin_id from bulletins where num_notice='$item' "; } if ($rqt_expl) { $res_expl = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_expl, $dbh); for($i=0;$iidcaddie."' and object_id='".$row[0]."' "; $result_compte = @pmb_mysql_query($requete_compte, $dbh); $deja_item=pmb_mysql_result($result_compte, 0, 0); if ($deja_item) { $requete = "update caddie_content set flag='1' where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and object_id='".$row[0]."' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } } // fin for $this->compte_items(); } } // fin else types différents return CADDIE_ITEM_OK ; } // suppression d'un panier public function delete() { global $dbh; //On supprime le panier des étagères $requete = "DELETE FROM etagere_caddie where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //On supprime le panier des bannettes $requete = "UPDATE bannettes SET num_panier=0 where num_panier='".$this->idcaddie."' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //On supprime le panier des flux RSS $requete = "DELETE FROM rss_flux_content where num_contenant='".$this->idcaddie."' AND type_contenant='CAD' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //On supprime dans les sets pour les connecteurs sortants $requete = "SELECT * FROM connectors_out_sets WHERE connector_out_set_config REGEXP '\{s:16:\"included_caddies\";a:[0-9]+:\{i:0;[i:0-9;]*i:".$this->idcaddie.";[i:0-9;]*\}'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $array_connector_out_set_config = unserialize($row->connector_out_set_config); foreach ($array_connector_out_set_config["included_caddies"] as $k => $v) { if ($v==$this->idcaddie) { array_splice($array_connector_out_set_config["included_caddies"],$k,1); break; } } @pmb_mysql_query("UPDATE connectors_out_sets SET connector_out_set_config = '".addslashes(serialize($array_connector_out_set_config))."' WHERE connector_out_set_id = ".$row->connector_out_set_id); } } //suppression panier parent::delete(); } // get_cart() : ouvre un panier et récupère le contenu public function get_cart($flag="", $inconnu_aussi=1) { global $dbh; $cart_list=array(); switch ($flag) { case "FLAG" : $requete = "SELECT * FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and (flag is not null and flag!='') "; if (!$inconnu_aussi) $requete .= " and (content is null or content='') "; break ; case "NOFLAG" : $requete = "SELECT * FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and (flag is null or flag='') "; if (!$inconnu_aussi) $requete .= " and (content is null or content='') "; break ; case "ALL" : default : $requete = "SELECT * FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' "; if (!$inconnu_aussi) $requete .= " and (content is null or content='') "; break ; } $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $cart_list[] = $temp->object_id; } } return $cart_list; } // compte_items public function compte_items() { parent::compte_items(); $this->nb_item_base = 0 ; $this->nb_item_base_pointe = 0 ; $this->nb_item_blob = 0 ; $this->nb_item_blob_pointe = 0 ; $rqt_nb_item_base="select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and (content is null or content='')"; $this->nb_item_base = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt_nb_item_base), 0, 0); $rqt_nb_item_base_pointe="select count(1) from caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->idcaddie."' and (content is null or content='') and (flag is not null and flag!='') "; $this->nb_item_base_pointe = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt_nb_item_base_pointe), 0, 0); $this->nb_item_blob = $this->nb_item - $this->nb_item_base ; $this->nb_item_blob_pointe = $this->nb_item_pointe - $this->nb_item_base_pointe ; } public function verif_expl_item($expl) { if ($expl) { $query = "select count(1) from pret where pret_idexpl=".$expl." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) return 1 ; } return 0 ; } public function verif_bull_item($bull,$forcage=array()) { global $dbh; // plus aucune vérification, on supprime en cascade : // bulletin // notice // exemplaire // exemplaires numériques /*$query = "select count(1) from exemplaires, pret where expl_bulletin=".$bull." and pret_idexpl=expl_id limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) return 1 ; else return 0 ;*/ if($bull){ $query = "select count(1) from analysis where analysis_bulletin=".$bull." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)){ return 1 ; } $query = "select count(1) from exemplaires where expl_bulletin=".$bull." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)){ return 1 ; } $query = "select count(1) from bulletins where bulletin_id=".$bull." AND num_notice!='0' limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)){ return 1 ; } $query = "select count(1) from explnum where explnum_bulletin=".$bull." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)&& !$forcage['bulletin_linked_expl_num']){ return 1 ; } } return 0; } public function verif_noti_item($noti,$forcage=array()) { global $dbh; if ($noti) { if ($this->type=="BULL") { $query = "select count(1) from analysis where analysis_notice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) return 1 ; } $query = "select count(1) from bulletins where bulletin_notice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) return 1 ; $notice_relations = notice_relations_collection::get_object_instance($noti); if ($notice_relations->get_nb_links() && !$forcage['notice_linked']) return 1 ; $query = "select count(1) from exemplaires where expl_notice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) return 1 ; $query = "select count(1) from resa where resa_idnotice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)) return 1 ; $query = "select count(1) from explnum where explnum_notice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)&& !$forcage['notice_linked_expl_num']) return 1 ; //Pour les périodiques $requete="SELECT niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar FROM notices WHERE notice_id='".$noti."'"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res) && (pmb_mysql_result($res,0,0) == "s") && (pmb_mysql_result($res,0,1) == "1")){ $query = "select count(1) from collections_state where id_serial=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0) && !$forcage['notice_perio_collstat']) return 1 ; $query = "select count(1) from abts_abts where num_notice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0) && !$forcage['notice_perio_abo']) return 1 ; $query = "select count(1) from abts_modeles where num_notice=".$noti." limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0) && !$forcage['notice_perio_modele']) return 1 ; } } return 0 ; } static public function show_actions($id_caddie = 0, $type_caddie = 'NOTI') { global $cart_action_selector,$cart_action_selector_line; $array_actions = self::get_array_actions($id_caddie, $type_caddie); //On crée les lignes du menu $lines = ''; if(is_array($array_actions) && count($array_actions)){ foreach($array_actions as $item_action){ $tmp_line = str_replace('!!cart_action_selector_line_location!!',$item_action['location'],$cart_action_selector_line); $tmp_line = str_replace('!!cart_action_selector_line_msg!!',$item_action['msg'],$tmp_line); $lines.= $tmp_line; } } //On récupère le template $to_show = str_replace('!!cart_action_selector_lines!!',$lines,$cart_action_selector); return $to_show; } public static function get_array_actions($id_caddie = 0, $type_caddie = 'NOTI', $actions_to_remove = array()) { global $msg; global $pmb_scan_request_activate, $gestion_acces_active, $pmb_transferts_actif; $array_actions = array(); if (empty($actions_to_remove['edit_cart'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_edit_panier"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=gestion&quoi=panier&action=edit_cart&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['supprpanier'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_suppr_panier"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=supprpanier&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['transfert'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_transfert"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=transfert&action=transfert&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item='); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['edition'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_edition"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=edition&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if ($type_caddie == "EXPL" && empty($actions_to_remove['impr_cote'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_impr_cote"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=impr_cote&action=choix_quoi&object_type=EXPL&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['export'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_export"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=export&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['expdocnum'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_exp_docnum"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=expdocnum&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['selection'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_selection"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=selection&action=&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } $evt_handler = events_handler::get_instance(); $event = new event_users_group("users_group", "get_autorisation_del_base"); $evt_handler->send($event); if(!$event->get_error_message() && empty($actions_to_remove['supprbase'])){ $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_suppr_base"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=supprbase&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if (empty($actions_to_remove['reindex'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_reindex"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=reindex&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if($gestion_acces_active && empty($actions_to_remove['access_rights'])){ $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_access_rights"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=access_rights&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie.'&item=0'); } if((SESSrights & CIRCULATION_AUTH) && $pmb_scan_request_activate && empty($actions_to_remove['scan_request'])){ $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["scan_request_record_button"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=scan_request&action=choix_quoi&object_type=NOTI&idcaddie='.$id_caddie); } if ($pmb_transferts_actif && empty($actions_to_remove['transfert_to_locations'])) { $array_actions[] = array('msg' => $msg["caddie_menu_action_transfert_to_location"], 'location' => './catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=transfert_to_location&action=choix_quoi&object_type=EXPL&idcaddie='.$id_caddie); } $event = new event_display_overload("caddie_action", "add_array_caddie_action"); $event->set_entity_id($id_caddie); $event->set_overload_type($type_caddie); $evt_handler->send($event); $action_overloads_tmp=$event->get_array_action_overloads(); if(is_array($action_overloads_tmp) && count($action_overloads_tmp)){ foreach($action_overloads_tmp as $element){ $array_actions[] = $element; } } return $array_actions; } public static function is_reachable($caddie_id=0) { global $PMBuserid; $query = 'select idcaddie from caddie where idcaddie="'.$caddie_id.'" and (autorisations="'.$PMBuserid.'" or autorisations like "'.$PMBuserid.' %" or autorisations like "% '.$PMBuserid.' %" or autorisations like "% '.$PMBuserid.'" or autorisations_all=1)'; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { return true; } return false; } public static function get_data_from_id($caddie_id=0) { $data = array(); $query = "SELECT name, comment, caddie_classement FROM caddie WHERE idcaddie='".$caddie_id."'"; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $data = array( 'name' => $row->name, 'comment' => $row->comment, 'classement' => $row->caddie_classement ); } return $data; } protected function replace_in_action_query($query, $by) { $final_query=str_replace("CADDIE(NOTI)",$by,$query); $final_query=str_replace("CADDIE(EXPL)",$by,$final_query); $final_query=str_replace("CADDIE(BULL)",$by,$final_query); return $final_query; } protected function get_edition_template_form() { global $cart_choix_quoi_edition; return $cart_choix_quoi_edition; } public function get_list_caddie_content_ui() { global $show_list; list_caddie_content_ui::set_id_caddie($this->idcaddie); list_caddie_content_ui::set_object_type($this->type); if($show_list) { list_caddie_content_ui::set_show_list(true); } switch ($this->type) { case 'BULL': return new list_caddie_content_ui(array(), array(), array('by' => 'bulletin_titre', 'asc_desc' => 'asc')); break; case 'NOTI': case 'EXPL': default: return new list_caddie_content_ui(); break; } } public function get_edition_form($action="", $action_cancel="") { global $msg; if(!$action) $action = "./catalog/caddie/action/edit.php?idcaddie=".$this->get_idcaddie(); if(!$action_cancel) $action_cancel = "./catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=action&quelle=edition&action=&idcaddie=0" ; $form = parent::get_edition_form($action, $action_cancel); $sel_notice_tpl=notice_tpl_gen::gen_tpl_select("notice_tpl",0,'',1,1); $suppl = ""; if($sel_notice_tpl) { $sel_notice_tpl=$msg['caddie_select_notice_tpl']." ".$sel_notice_tpl; $suppl.= " "; } $form = str_replace('', $suppl, $form); $form = str_replace('', $sel_notice_tpl, $form); return $form; } public function get_export_form($action="", $action_cancel="") { global $msg; global $base_path; global $cart_choix_quoi_exporter; global $catalog; $form = $cart_choix_quoi_exporter; $form = str_replace('!!action!!', $action, $form); $form = str_replace('!!action_cancel!!', $action_cancel, $form); $form = str_replace('!!titre_form!!', $msg["caddie_choix_export"], $form); $form = str_replace('!!bouton_valider!!', $msg["caddie_bouton_exporter"], $form); //Lecture des différents exports possibles $catalog=array(); $n_typ_total=0; if (file_exists("$base_path/admin/convert/imports/catalog_subst.xml")) $fic_catal = "$base_path/admin/convert/imports/catalog_subst.xml"; else $fic_catal = "$base_path/admin/convert/imports/catalog.xml"; _parser_($fic_catal, array("ITEM"=>"_item_catalog_"), "CATALOG"); //Création de la liste des types d'import $export_type=""; $form=str_replace("!!export_type!!",$export_type,$form); $param = new export_param(EXP_DEFAULT_GESTION); $form=str_replace("!!form_param!!",$param->check_default_param(),$form); return $form; } public function get_item_info_from_expl_cb($expl_cb, $ajax_mode = 0) { global $msg; global $alert_sound_list; $item_info = new stdClass(); $item_info->message_ajout_expl = ''; $item_info->expl_ajout_ok = 0; $item_info->expl_id = 0; $item_info->stuff = ''; if($expl_cb) { $item_info->expl_ajout_ok = 1; $query = "select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_cb='".$expl_cb."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(!pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { // exemplaire inconnu $item_info->message_ajout_expl = "$expl_cb : $msg[367]"; $item_info->expl_ajout_ok = 0; $alert_sound_list[]="critique"; } else { $expl_trouve = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $item_info->expl_id = $expl_trouve->expl_id; if($stuff = get_expl_info($item_info->expl_id)) { //on renvoi moins d'infos via le mode AJAX if($ajax_mode) { $item_info->expl_notice=$stuff->expl_notice; $item_info->titre=$stuff->titre; } else { $item_info->stuff = check_pret($stuff); } } else { $item_info->message_ajout_expl = "$expl_cb : $msg[395]"; $item_info->expl_ajout_ok = 0; $alert_sound_list[]="critique"; } } } return $item_info; } // affichage du contenu complet d'un caddie public function aff_cart_objects ($url_base="./catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=gestion&quoi=panier&idcaddie=0", $no_del=false,$rec_history=0, $no_point=false ) { global $msg; global $dbh; global $begin_result_liste, $end_result_liste; global $affich_tris_result_liste; global $pmb_nb_max_tri; global $nbr_lignes, $page, $nb_per_page_search ; global $url_base_suppr_cart ; $url_base_suppr_cart = $url_base ; $cb_display = "
    "; // nombre de références par pages if ($nb_per_page_search != "") $nb_per_page = $nb_per_page_search ; else $nb_per_page = 10; // on récupére le nombre de lignes if(!$nbr_lignes) { $requete = "SELECT count(1) FROM caddie_content where caddie_id='".$this->get_idcaddie()."' ".static::get_query_filters(); $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); } if(!$page) $page=1; $debut =($page-1)*$nb_per_page; //Calcul des variables pour la suppression d'items $modulo = $nbr_lignes%$nb_per_page; if($modulo == 1){ $page_suppr = (!$page ? 1 : $page-1); } else { $page_suppr = $page; } $nb_after_suppr = ($nbr_lignes ? $nbr_lignes-1 : 0); if($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête switch ($this->type) { case "NOTI": $from = " caddie_content left join notices on notice_id = object_id "; $order_by = " index_sew " ; break ; case "EXPL": $from = " caddie_content left join exemplaires on expl_id=object_id left join notices on notice_id = expl_notice "; $order_by = " index_sew " ; break ; case "BULL": $from = " caddie_content left join bulletins on bulletin_id = object_id "; $order_by = " date_date " ; break ; } $requete = "SELECT * FROM $from where caddie_id='".$this->get_idcaddie()."' ".static::get_query_filters(); $requete .= " order by ".$order_by; $requete .= " LIMIT $debut,$nb_per_page "; //gestion du tri if ($this->type=="NOTI") { if ($nbr_lignes<=$pmb_nb_max_tri) { if ($_SESSION["tri"]) { $requete = "SELECT notice_id,caddie_content.* FROM $from where caddie_id='".$this->get_idcaddie()."'"; $sort=new sort('notices','base'); $requete = $sort->appliquer_tri($_SESSION["tri"], $requete, "notice_id", $debut, $nb_per_page); } } } // fin gestion tri $nav_bar = aff_pagination ($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true) ; // l'affichage du résultat est fait après le else } else { print $msg[399]; return; } $liste=array(); $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) ; if ($result) { if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $liste[] = array('object_id' => $temp->object_id, 'content' => $temp->content, 'blob_type' => $temp->blob_type, 'flag' => $temp->flag ) ; } } } if ((empty($liste) && !is_array($liste)) || !is_array($liste)) { print $msg[399]; return; } else { print $this->get_js_script_cart_objects('catalog'); // en fonction du type de caddie on affiche ce qu'il faut if ($this->type=="NOTI") { // boucle de parcours des notices trouvées // inclusion du javascript de gestion des listes dépliables // début de liste print $begin_result_liste; //Affichage du lien impression et panier if (($rec_history)&&($_SESSION["CURRENT"]!==false)) { $current=$_SESSION["CURRENT"]; print " \"".$msg["histo_add_to_cart"]."\" \"".$msg["histo_print"]."\""; print " \"".$msg["docnum_download"]."\""; if ($nbr_lignes<=$pmb_nb_max_tri) { print " ".$affich_tris_result_liste; } } print caddie::show_actions($this->get_idcaddie(),$this->type); $elements_records_caddie_list_ui = new elements_records_caddie_list_ui($liste, count($liste), false); $elements_records_caddie_list_ui->set_show_resa(0); $elements_records_caddie_list_ui->set_show_resa_planning(0); $elements_records_caddie_list_ui->set_draggable(0); elements_records_caddie_list_ui::set_url_base($url_base); elements_records_caddie_list_ui::set_idcaddie($this->get_idcaddie()); elements_records_caddie_list_ui::set_no_del($no_del); elements_records_caddie_list_ui::set_no_point($no_point); print $elements_records_caddie_list_ui->get_elements_list(); print $end_result_liste; } // fin si NOTI // si EXPL if ($this->type=="EXPL") { // boucle de parcours des exemplaires trouvés // inclusion du javascript de gestion des listes dépliables // début de liste print $begin_result_liste; print caddie::show_actions($this->get_idcaddie(),$this->type); foreach ($liste as $cle => $expl) { if (!$expl['content']) { if($stuff = get_expl_info($expl['object_id'])) { if (!$no_point) { if ($expl['flag']) $marque_flag ="" ; else $marque_flag ="" ; } else { if ($expl['flag']) $marque_flag ="" ; else $marque_flag ="" ; } if (!$no_del) $stuff->lien_suppr_cart = "basket $marque_flag"; else $stuff->lien_suppr_cart = $marque_flag ; $stuff = check_pret($stuff); print pmb_bidi(print_info($stuff,0,1)); } else { print "
    ID : ".$expl['object_id']." : ${msg[395]}
    "; } } else { if (!$stuff = get_expl_info($expl['object_id'])) { $expl_id = 0; } else { $expl_id = $stuff->expl_id; } if (!$no_point) { if ($expl['flag']) $marque_flag ="" ; else $marque_flag ="" ; } else { if ($expl['flag']) $marque_flag ="" ; else $marque_flag ="" ; } if (!$no_del) $lien_suppr_cart = "basket $marque_flag"; else $lien_suppr_cart = $marque_flag ; $cb_display = "
    $lien_suppr_cart Code-barre : $expl[content] : ${msg[395]}
    "; print $cb_display; } } // fin de liste print $end_result_liste; } // fin si EXPL if ($this->type=="BULL") { // boucle de parcours des bulletins trouvés // inclusion du javascript de gestion des listes dépliables // début de liste print $begin_result_liste; print caddie::show_actions($this->get_idcaddie(),$this->type); foreach ($liste as $cle => $expl) { if (!$no_del) $show_del=1; else $show_del=0; if($bull_aff = show_bulletinage_info($expl['object_id'], 0 , $show_del, $expl['flag'],1)) { print pmb_bidi($bull_aff); } else { if (!$no_point) { if ($expl['flag']) $marque_flag ="" ; else $marque_flag ="" ; } else { if ($expl['flag']) $marque_flag ="" ; else $marque_flag ="" ; } if (!$no_del) $lien_suppr_cart = "basket $marque_flag"; else $lien_suppr_cart = $marque_flag ; $cb_display = "
    $lien_suppr_cart Code-barre : $expl[content] : ${msg[395]}
    "; print $cb_display; } } // fin de liste print $end_result_liste; } // fin si BULL } print "
    ".$nav_bar ; return; } public function aff_cart_titre() { global $msg; $link = "./catalog.php?categ=search&mode=3&object_type=".$this->type."&idcaddie=".$this->get_idcaddie()."&item="; return " "; } public function aff_cart_nb_items() { global $msg; return "
    "; } protected function get_choix_quoi_template_form() { global $cart_choix_quoi; return $cart_choix_quoi; } public function get_choix_quoi_form($action="", $action_cancel="", $titre_form="", $bouton_valider="",$onclick="", $aff_choix_dep = false) { global $msg, $charset, $base_path; global $quelle; global $cart_choix_quoi_not_ou_dep,$notice_linked_suppr_form,$bull_liked_suppr_form; global $deflt_agnostic_warehouse; $form = parent::get_choix_quoi_form($action, $action_cancel, $titre_form, $bouton_valider, $onclick, $aff_choix_dep); $sources_form =''; if ($quelle=='supprbase') { $n_sources=0; require_once($base_path."/admin/connecteurs/in/agnostic/agnostic.class.php"); $conn=new agnostic($base_path.'/admin/connecteurs/in/agnostic'); $conn->get_sources(); $n_sources=count($conn->sources); if ($n_sources) { $sources_form = "
    "; } if($this->type == 'NOTI') { $form = str_replace('', $notice_linked_suppr_form.$sources_form, $form); }elseif($this->type == 'EXPL') { $form = str_replace('', $sources_form, $form); }elseif($this->type == 'BULL'){ $form = str_replace('', $bull_liked_suppr_form, $form); } } if ($aff_choix_dep) $form = str_replace('!!bull_not_ou_dep!!',$cart_choix_quoi_not_ou_dep,$form); else $form = str_replace('!!bull_not_ou_dep!!',"
    ",$form); return $form; } public function reindex_object($object) { if ($this->type=='NOTI'){ // Mise à jour de tous les index de la notice notice::majNoticesTotal($object); }elseif($this->type=='BULL'){ $requete="SELECT bulletin_titre, num_notice FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_id='".$object."'"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ $element=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res); if(trim($element->bulletin_titre)){ $requete="UPDATE bulletins SET index_titre=' ".addslashes(strip_empty_words($element->bulletin_titre))." ' WHERE bulletin_id='".$object."'"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if($element->num_notice){ notice::majNoticesTotal($element->num_notice); } } }elseif($this->type=='EXPL'){ $requete="SELECT expl_notice, expl_bulletin FROM exemplaires WHERE expl_id='".$object."' "; $res=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ $row=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res); if($row->expl_notice){ notice::majNoticesTotal($row->expl_notice); }else{ $requete="SELECT bulletin_titre, num_notice FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_id='".$row->expl_bulletin."'"; $res2=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res2)){ $element=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res2); if(trim($element->bulletin_titre)){ $requete="UPDATE bulletins SET index_titre=' ".addslashes(strip_empty_words($element->bulletin_titre))." ' WHERE bulletin_id='".$row->expl_bulletin."'"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if($element->num_notice){ notice::majNoticesTotal($element->num_notice); } } } } } } public function del_items_base_from_list($liste=array()) { global $supp_notice_linked; global $supp_notice_linked_expl_num; global $source_id; global $supp_notice_perio_abo; global $supp_notice_perio_collstat; global $supp_notice_perio_modele; global $supp_bulletin_linked_expl_num; global $supp_notice_linked_cascade; global $url_base; // le formulaire demande de supprimer les notices meme avec liens $forcage = array(); if($supp_notice_linked) $forcage['notice_linked']=1; else $forcage['notice_linked']=0; if($supp_notice_linked_expl_num) $forcage['notice_linked_expl_num']=1; else $forcage['notice_linked_expl_num']=0; if($source_id) $forcage['source_id']=$source_id; else $forcage['source_id']=0; if($supp_notice_perio_abo) $forcage['notice_perio_abo']=1; else $forcage['notice_perio_abo']=0; if($supp_notice_perio_collstat) $forcage['notice_perio_collstat']=1; else $forcage['notice_perio_collstat']=0; if($supp_notice_perio_modele) $forcage['notice_perio_modele']=1; else $forcage['notice_perio_modele']=0; if($supp_bulletin_linked_expl_num) $forcage['bulletin_linked_expl_num']=1; else $forcage['bulletin_linked_expl_num']=0; $res_aff_suppr_base = ''; foreach ($liste as $cle => $object) { // le formulaire demande de suprimmer toutes les notices liées à celle-ci if($supp_notice_linked_cascade) { $forcage['notice_linked']=1; $liste_linked=notice::get_list_child($object); foreach($liste_linked as $object) { if ($this->del_item_base($object,$forcage)==CADDIE_ITEM_SUPPR_BASE_OK) $this->del_item_all_caddies ($object, $this->type) ; else { $res_aff_suppr_base .= aff_cart_unique_object ($object, $this->type, $url_base="./catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=gestion&quoi=panier&idcaddie=".$this->idcaddie) ; } } } else { if ($this->del_item_base($object,$forcage)==CADDIE_ITEM_SUPPR_BASE_OK) $this->del_item_all_caddies ($object, $this->type) ; else { $res_aff_suppr_base .= aff_cart_unique_object ($object, $this->type, $url_base="./catalog.php?categ=caddie&sub=gestion&quoi=panier&idcaddie=".$this->idcaddie) ; } } } return $res_aff_suppr_base; } protected function write_content_tableau() { global $elt_flag, $elt_no_flag, $notice_tpl; afftab_cart_objects ($this->idcaddie, $elt_flag , $elt_no_flag, $notice_tpl ); } protected function get_display_content_tableauhtml() { global $elt_flag, $elt_no_flag, $notice_tpl; afftab_cart_objects ($this->idcaddie, $elt_flag , $elt_no_flag, $notice_tpl ) ; } public function get_export_iframe($param_exp='') { export_param::init_session(); $param_exp=new export_param(EXP_SESSION_CONTEXT); return parent::get_export_iframe($param_exp); } public function get_idcaddie() { return $this->idcaddie; } public function get_id() { return $this->idcaddie; } public function set_idcaddie($idcaddie) { $this->idcaddie = intval($idcaddie); } } // fin de déclaration de la classe caddie