id = $id+0; $this->is_under_tilde=0; if($this->id) { $this->thes = thesaurus::getByEltId($this->id); } $this->getData(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // getData() : récupération des propriétés // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function getData() { global $dbh; global $lang; global $opac_url_base, $use_opac_url_base; global $thesaurus_categories_show_only_last ; // le paramètre pour afficher le chemin complet ou pas $anti_recurse=array(); if(!$this->id) return; $requete = "SELECT noeuds.id_noeud as categ_id, autorite, "; $requete.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie) as categ_libelle, "; $requete.= "noeuds.num_parent as categ_parent, "; $requete.= "noeuds.num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, "; $requete.= "noeuds.not_use_in_indexation as not_use_in_indexation, "; $requete.= "noeuds.authority_import_denied as authority_import_denied, "; $requete.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.note_application, catlg.note_application) as categ_comment "; $requete.= "FROM noeuds left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud = catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = '".$this->thes->langue_defaut."' "; $requete.= "left join categories as catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$lang."' "; $requete.= "where noeuds.id_noeud = '".$this->id."' limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(!pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) return; $data = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->id = $data->categ_id; $this->autorite = $data->autorite; $id_top = $this->thes->num_noeud_racine; $this->libelle = $data->categ_libelle; if(preg_match("#^~#",$this->libelle)){ $this->is_under_tilde=1; } $this->commentaire = $data->categ_comment; $this->parent_id = $data->categ_parent; $this->voir_id = $data->categ_see; $this->import_denied = $data->authority_import_denied; $this->not_use_in_indexation = $data->not_use_in_indexation; //$anti_recurse[$this->voir_id]=1; if($this->parent_id != $id_top) $this->has_parent = TRUE; $requete = "SELECT 1 FROM noeuds WHERE num_parent='".$this->id."' limit 1"; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) $this->has_child = TRUE; // constitution du chemin $anti_recurse[$this->id]=1; $this->path_table=array(); if ($this->has_parent) { $id_parent=$this->parent_id; do { $requete = "select id_noeud as categ_id, num_noeud, num_parent as categ_parent, libelle_categorie as categ_libelle, num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, note_application as categ_comment,if(langue = '".$lang."',2, if(langue= '".$this->thes->langue_defaut."' ,1,0)) as p FROM noeuds, categories where id_noeud ='".$id_parent."' AND noeuds.id_noeud = categories.num_noeud order by p desc limit 1"; $result=@pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $parent = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if(preg_match("#^~#",$parent->categ_libelle)){ $this->is_under_tilde=1; } $anti_recurse[$parent->categ_id]=1; $this->path_table[] = array( 'id' => $parent->categ_id, 'libelle' => $parent->categ_libelle, 'commentaire' => $parent->categ_comment); $id_parent=$parent->categ_parent; } else { break; } if(!isset($anti_recurse[$parent->categ_parent])) $anti_recurse[$parent->categ_parent] = 0; } while (($parent->categ_parent != $id_top) &&(!$anti_recurse[$parent->categ_parent])); } // ceci remet le tableau dans l'ordre général->particulier $this->path_table = array_reverse($this->path_table); if ($thesaurus_categories_show_only_last) { $this->catalog_form = $this->libelle; // si notre catégorie a un parent, on initie la boucle en le récupérant /* $requete_temp = "SELECT noeuds.id_noeud as categ_id, "; $requete_temp.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie) as categ_libelle "; $requete_temp.= "FROM noeuds left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud = catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = '".$this->thes->langue_defaut."' "; $requete_temp.= "left join categories as catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$lang."' "; $requete_temp.= "where noeuds.id_noeud = '".$this->parent_id."' limit 1 "; ER 12/08/2008 NOUVELLE VERSION OPTIMISEE DESSOUS : */ $requete_temp = "select id_noeud as categ_id, num_noeud, num_parent as categ_parent, libelle_categorie as categ_libelle, num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, note_application as categ_comment,if(langue = '".$lang."',2, if(langue= '".$this->thes->langue_defaut."' ,1,0)) as p FROM noeuds, categories where id_noeud ='".$this->parent_id."' AND noeuds.id_noeud = categories.num_noeud order by p desc limit 1"; $result_temp=@pmb_mysql_query($requete_temp); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_temp)) { $parent = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_temp); $this->parent_libelle = $parent->categ_libelle ; } else $this->parent_libelle ; } elseif (!empty($this->path_table)) { foreach ($this->path_table as $i => $l) { $temp_table[] = $l['libelle']; } $this->parent_libelle = implode(':', $temp_table); $this->catalog_form = $this->parent_libelle.':'.$this->libelle; } else { $this->catalog_form = $this->libelle; } // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche catégorie si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités, ou bien en envoi en OPAC. if ($use_opac_url_base) $url_base_lien_aut = $opac_url_base."index.php?&lvl=categ_see&id=" ; else $url_base_lien_aut = static::format_url("&sub=categ_form&id="); if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH || $use_opac_url_base) $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "".$this->catalog_form.""; else $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->catalog_form; //Recherche des termes associés $requete = "select count(1) from categories where num_noeud = '".$this->id."' and langue = '".$lang."' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0,0) == 0) $lg = $this->thes->langue_defaut ; else $lg = $lang; $requete = "SELECT distinct voir_aussi.num_noeud_dest as categ_assoc_categassoc, "; $requete.= "categories.libelle_categorie as categ_libelle, categories.note_application as categ_comment "; $requete.= "FROM voir_aussi, categories "; $requete.= "WHERE voir_aussi.num_noeud_orig='".$this->id."' "; $requete.= "AND categories.num_noeud=voir_aussi.num_noeud_dest "; $requete.= "AND categories.langue = '".$lg."' "; $result=@pmb_mysql_query($requete,$dbh); while ($ta=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { //Recherche des renvois réciproques $requete1 = "select count(1) from voir_aussi where num_noeud_orig = '".$ta->categ_assoc_categassoc."' and num_noeud_dest = '".$this->id."' "; if (pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($requete1, $dbh), 0, 0)) $rec=1; else $rec=0; $this->associated_terms[] = array( 'id' => $ta->categ_assoc_categassoc, 'libelle' => $ta->categ_libelle, 'commentaire' => $ta->categ_comment, 'rec' => $rec); } } public function build_header_to_export() { global $msg; $data = array( $msg[67], $msg[707], $msg['categ_parent'], $msg['aut_categs_children'], $msg['categ_renvoi'], ); return $data; } public function build_data_to_export() { $listchilds_display = ''; $this->listChilds(); foreach ($this->listchilds as $child) { if ($listchilds_display) $listchilds_display.= '; '; $listchilds_display.= $child['libelle']; } $renvoivoir = $this->get_renvoivoir(); $data = array( $this->libelle, $this->commentaire, $this->parent_libelle, $listchilds_display, $renvoivoir['libelle'], ); return $data; } /** * catégorie parente */ public function get_form_categ_parent() { global $charset; global $form_categ_parent; global $parent; if($this->id) { $p_value = $this->parent_id; $p_libelle = $this->parent_libelle; } else { if($parent) { $pr = new category($parent); $p_value = $pr->id; $p_libelle = $pr->catalog_form; } else { $p_value = 0; $p_libelle = ''; } } $form = $form_categ_parent; $form = str_replace('!!parent_value!!', $p_value, $form); $form = str_replace('!!parent_libelle!!', htmlentities($p_libelle,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form); return $form; } /** * renvoi voir */ public function get_renvoivoir() { if ($this->id) { $v_value = $this->voir_id; if ($v_value) { $voir = new category($v_value); $v_libelle = $voir->catalog_form; } else { $v_libelle = ""; } } else { $v_value = 0; $v_libelle = ''; } return array( 'id' => $v_value, 'libelle' => $v_libelle ); } public function get_form_renvoivoir() { global $charset; global $form_renvoivoir; $form = $form_renvoivoir; $data = $this->get_renvoivoir(); $form = str_replace('!!voir_value!!', $data['id'], $form); $form = str_replace('!!voir_libelle!!', htmlentities($data['libelle'],ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form); return $form; } /** * renvois voir aussi */ public function get_form_renvoivoiraussi() { global $add_see_also; global $form_renvoivoiraussi; global $categ0, $categ_add_button; global $parent; $see_also = array(); if ($this->id) { $see_also = $this->associated_terms; } $categ0_rec = ''; if (empty($see_also)) { $max_categ = 1; $categ0_id = 0; $categ0_lib = ''; } else { $max_categ = count($see_also); $csa = new category($see_also[0]['id']); $categ0_id = $see_also[0]['id']; $categ0_lib = $csa->catalog_form; if (!empty($see_also[0]['rec'])) { $categ0_rec = 'checked'; } } $see_also_form = $add_see_also; $see_also_form .= "\n"; $categ_ = $categ0; $categ_ = str_replace("!!categ_libelle!!", $categ0_lib, $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!categ_id!!", $categ0_id, $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!icateg!!", "0", $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!parent!!", $parent, $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!chk!!", $categ0_rec, $categ_); $categ_sort = []; $categ_sort[$categ0_lib] = $categ_; if (is_array($see_also) && count($see_also)) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($see_also); $i++) { $csa = new category($see_also[$i]['id']); $categ_ = $categ0; $categ_ = str_replace("!!categ_libelle!!", $csa->catalog_form, $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!categ_id!!", $see_also[$i]['id'], $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!icateg!!", $i, $categ_); $categ_ = str_replace("!!parent!!", $parent, $categ_); $categ_rec = "unchecked='unchecked'"; if (!empty($see_also[$i]['rec'])) { $categ_rec = "checked='checked'"; } $categ_ = str_replace("!!chk!!", $categ_rec, $categ_); $categ_sort[$csa->catalog_form] = $categ_; } ksort($categ_sort); } $categ_last_key = array_key_last($categ_sort); $categ_sort[$categ_last_key] = str_replace("!!categ_add_button!!", $categ_add_button, $categ_sort[$categ_last_key]); $first = true; foreach ($categ_sort as $categ_aff) { $categ_aff = str_replace("!!categ_add_button!!", "", $categ_aff); $see_also_form .= $categ_aff."\n"; if ($first) { $see_also_form .= "
\n"; $first = false; } } $see_also_form .= "
"; return str_replace("!!renvoi_voir_aussi!!", $see_also_form, $form_renvoivoiraussi); } protected function get_content_link($tcateg, $odd_even=0) { global $charset; global $parent; $content = ''; if ($odd_even==0) { $content .= " "; $odd_even=1; } else if ($odd_even==1) { $content .= " "; $odd_even=0; } $notice_count = $tcateg->notice_count(false); $content .= ""; if($tcateg->has_child) { $content .= ""; $content .= ""; } else { $content .= ""; } if ($tcateg->commentaire) { $zoom_comment = ""; $java_comment = " onmouseover=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_comment".$tcateg->id."');''; \" onmouseout=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_comment".$tcateg->id."');'none'; \"" ; } else { $zoom_comment = "" ; $java_comment = "" ; } $content .= ""; $content .= $tcateg->libelle; $content .= ''; $content .= $zoom_comment.''; if($notice_count && $notice_count!=0) $content .= "id'\">".$notice_count.""; else $content .= " "; $content .=''; return $content; } public function get_form_links() { global $msg, $charset; global $categories_liaison_tpl; $form_links = ""; $categ_child_content=""; if (noeuds::hasChild($this->id)) { $this->has_link = true; $odd_even=1; if ($res = noeuds::listChilds($this->id, 0)) { $categ_child_content .= "
"; $categs = array(); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $categs[] = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_CATEG,$row->id_noeud); } usort($categs, "usort_categs_array_by_libelle"); foreach ($categs as $tcateg) { $categ_child_content .= $this->get_content_link($tcateg, $odd_even); } $categ_child_content .= "
"; } } $categ_renvoivoir_content=""; if (noeuds::isTarget($this->id)){ $this->has_link = true; $odd_even=1; if ($res = noeuds::listTargets($this->id)) { $categ_renvoivoir_content .= "
"; $categs = array(); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $categs[] = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_CATEG,$row->id_noeud); } usort($categs, "usort_categs_array_by_libelle"); foreach ($categs as $tcateg) { $categ_renvoivoir_content .= $this->get_content_link($tcateg, $odd_even); } $categ_renvoivoir_content .= "
"; } } $categ_renvoivoiraussi_content=""; //Voir aussi $requete="SELECT distinct num_noeud_orig AS id_noeud FROM voir_aussi WHERE num_noeud_dest='".$this->id."'"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { $this->has_link = true; $odd_even=1; $categ_renvoivoiraussi_content .= "
"; $categs = array(); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $categs[] = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_CATEG,$row->id_noeud); } usort($categs, "usort_categs_array_by_libelle"); foreach ($categs as $tcateg) { $categ_renvoivoiraussi_content .= $this->get_content_link($tcateg, $odd_even); } $categ_renvoivoiraussi_content .= "
"; } if ($this->has_link) { $form_links=$categories_liaison_tpl; $form_links=str_replace("",$categ_child_content, $form_links); $form_links=str_replace("",$categ_renvoivoir_content,$form_links); $form_links=str_replace("",$categ_renvoivoiraussi_content,$form_links); } return $form_links; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // show_form : affichage du formulaire de saisie // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function show_form() { global $msg, $charset; global $id_thes; global $include_path; global $parent; global $thesaurus_mode_pmb; global $category_form; global $lang; global $thesaurus_concepts_active; global $form_num_aut; global $pmb_type_audit; global $traduction_na_tpl, $traduction_cm_tpl; global $user_input, $nbr_lignes, $page, $nb_per_page_gestion; global $thesaurus_defaut; //recuperation du thesaurus session if(!$id_thes) { $id_thes = thesaurus::getSessionThesaurusId(); } if($id_thes == '-1') $id_thes = $thesaurus_defaut; thesaurus::setSessionThesaurusId($id_thes); $thes = new thesaurus($id_thes); //Récuperation de la liste des langues définies pour l'interface $langages = new XMLlist("$include_path/messages/languages.xml", 1); $langages->analyser(); $lg = $langages->table; //Récuperation de la liste des langues définies pour les thésaurus //autre que la langue par defaut du thesaurus $thes_liste_trad = thesaurus::getTranslationsList(); $lg1 = array(); foreach($thes_liste_trad as $dummykey=>$item) { if ( ($item != $thes->langue_defaut) && ($lg[$item]!= '') ) $lg1[$item] = $lg[$item]; } if($this->id) { $title = $msg[318]; $action = static::format_url("&sub=update&id=".$this->id."&parent=".$parent); $delete_button = ""; $button_voir = "id."\"'>"; // on récupère les données de la catégorie $c_form = '


'; //Non utilisisable en indexation $not_use_in_indexation=$this->not_use_in_indexation; //numero autorite $n=new noeuds($this->id); $num_aut=$n->autorite; $authority_statut=$n->num_statut; //import bloqué $import_denied = $n->authority_import_denied; if (noeuds::isProtected($this->id)) { $aff_node_info=false; } else { $aff_node_info=true; } } else { $action = static::format_url("&sub=update&id=".$this->id."&parent=".$parent); $delete_button = ''; $button_voir = ''; $title = $msg[319]; $libelle = ''; $c_form = ''; $not_use_in_indexation = 0; $num_aut=0; $authority_statut=0; $aff_node_info=true; $import_denied = 0; } if ($thesaurus_mode_pmb != 0) { $title.= ' ('.htmlentities($thes->libelle_thesaurus, ENT_QUOTES, $charset).')'; if(!$this->id) { $thesaurus_action = static::format_url("&sub=categ_form&id=".$this->id."&parent=0"); if(strpos($thesaurus_action, '&action=update&') !== false) { $thesaurus_action = str_replace('&action=update&', '&', $thesaurus_action); } $category_form = str_replace('', thesaurus::getSelectorCategoryForm($thes->id_thesaurus, $thesaurus_action, true), $category_form); } else { $category_form = str_replace('', thesaurus::getSelectorCategoryForm($thes->id_thesaurus, '', false), $category_form); } } //Traductions $tab_traductions = array(); //Affichage des boutons de traduction $bt_lib_trad = ''; $bt_cm_trad = ''; $bt_na_trad = ''; if ( count($lg1) > 0 ) { $bt_lib_trad = ""; $bt_cm_trad = ""; $bt_na_trad = ""; } $category_form = str_replace('', $bt_lib_trad, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('', $bt_cm_trad, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('', $bt_na_trad, $category_form); //On lit d'abord dans la langue par défaut du thesaurus if (categories::exists($this->id, $thes->langue_defaut)) { $c = new categories($this->id, $thes->langue_defaut); $libelle_categorie = $c->libelle_categorie; $note_application = $c->note_application; $commentaire = $c->comment_public; } else { $libelle_categorie = ''; $note_application = ''; $commentaire = ''; } $tab_traductions [$thes->langue_defaut][0] = $lg[$thes->langue_defaut]; $tab_traductions [$thes->langue_defaut][1] = $libelle_categorie; $tab_traductions [$thes->langue_defaut][2] = $note_application; $tab_traductions [$thes->langue_defaut][3] = $commentaire; //Ensuite, on regarde si les categories existent pour les langues de traduction des thesaurus foreach($lg1 as $key=>$value){ if (categories::exists($this->id, $key)) { $c = new categories($this->id, $key); $libelle_categorie = $c->libelle_categorie; $note_application = $c->note_application; $commentaire = $c->comment_public; } else { $libelle_categorie = ''; $note_application = ''; $commentaire = ''; } $tab_traductions[$key][0] = $value; $tab_traductions[$key][1] = $libelle_categorie; $tab_traductions[$key][2] = $note_application; $tab_traductions[$key][3] = $commentaire; } //categories langue par defaut thesaurus $category_form = str_replace('!!lang_def_cle!!', htmlentities('['.$thes->langue_defaut.']', ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!lang_def!!', htmlentities(' ('.$tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][0].') ', ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!lang_def_js!!', ' ('.$tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][0].') ', $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!lang_def_libelle!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); $label1 = "\t
\n"; $input1 = "\t
\n"; //categories langue interface (si dans la liste des langues pour les thesaurus) if ( ($lang != $thes->langue_defaut) && ($lg1[$lang] != '') ) { $c_libelle_trad = $label1.htmlentities($tab_traductions[$lang][0], ENT_QUOTES, $charset).$label2; $c_libelle_trad.= $input1.$lang.$input2.htmlentities($tab_traductions[$lang][1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset).$input3; } else { $c_libelle_trad = ''; } //categories autres langues foreach($tab_traductions as $key=>$value) { if ($key != $thes->langue_defaut && $key != $lang) { $c_libelle_trad.= $label1.htmlentities($tab_traductions[$key][0], ENT_QUOTES, $charset).$label2; $c_libelle_trad.= $input1.$key.$input2.htmlentities($tab_traductions[$key][1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset).$input3; } } $category_form = str_replace('!!c_libelle_trad!!', $c_libelle_trad, $category_form); //Non utilisisable en indexation if($not_use_in_indexation == 1){ $not_use_checked = "checked='checked'"; }else{ $not_use_checked = ""; } $category_form = str_replace('!!not_use_in_indexation!!',$not_use_checked,$category_form); //note d'application langue par defaut thesaurus $category_form = str_replace('!!lang_def_na!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][2], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); //commentaire langue par defaut thesaurus $category_form = str_replace('!!lang_def_cm!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][3], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); $na_trad = ""; $cm_trad = ""; //note d'application et commentaire en langue de l'interface if ($lang != $thes->langue_defaut) { $na_trad = $traduction_na_tpl; $na_trad = str_replace('!!lang_value!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$lang][0], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $na_trad); $na_trad = str_replace('!!lang!!', $lang, $na_trad); $na_trad = str_replace('!!note_application!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$lang][2], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $na_trad); $cm_trad = $traduction_cm_tpl; $cm_trad = str_replace('!!lang_value!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$lang][0], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $cm_trad); $cm_trad = str_replace('!!lang!!', $lang, $cm_trad); $cm_trad = str_replace('!!commentaire!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$lang][3], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $cm_trad); } //note d'application et commentaire autres langues foreach($tab_traductions as $key=>$value) { if ($key != $thes->langue_defaut && $key != $lang) { $temp_na_trad = $traduction_na_tpl; $temp_na_trad = str_replace('!!lang_value!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$key][0], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $temp_na_trad); $temp_na_trad = str_replace('!!lang!!', $key, $temp_na_trad); $temp_na_trad = str_replace('!!note_application!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$key][2], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $temp_na_trad); $na_trad .= $temp_na_trad; $temp_cm_trad = $traduction_cm_tpl; $temp_cm_trad = str_replace('!!lang_value!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$key][0], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $temp_cm_trad); $temp_cm_trad = str_replace('!!lang!!', $key, $temp_cm_trad); $temp_cm_trad = str_replace('!!commentaire!!', htmlentities($tab_traductions[$key][3], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $temp_cm_trad); $cm_trad .= $temp_cm_trad; } } $category_form = str_replace('!!na_trad!!', $na_trad, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!cm_trad!!', $cm_trad, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!action!!', $action, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!cancel_action!!', static::format_back_url(), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!id_parent!!', $parent, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!form_title!!', $title, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!category_comment!!', htmlentities($commentaire,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); /** * Gestion du selecteur de statut d'autorité */ $category_form = str_replace('!!auth_statut_selector!!', authorities_statuts::get_form_for(AUT_TABLE_CATEG, $authority_statut), $category_form); if ($aff_node_info) { $category_form = str_replace('', $this->get_form_categ_parent(), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('', $this->get_form_renvoivoir() , $category_form); $category_form=str_replace("",$this->get_form_renvoivoiraussi(),$category_form); //liaisons $category_form=str_replace("", $this->get_form_links(),$category_form); //Numéro d'autorité $form_num_aut=str_replace("!!num_aut!!",$num_aut,$form_num_aut); $category_form=str_replace("",$form_num_aut,$category_form); // Indexation concepts if($thesaurus_concepts_active == 1 ){ $index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_CATEGORY); $category_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', $index_concept->get_form('categ_form'), $category_form); }else{ $category_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', "", $category_form); } if ($tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][1]) { $category_form = str_replace('!!document_title!!', addslashes($tab_traductions[$thes->langue_defaut][1].' - '.$title), $category_form); } else { $category_form = str_replace('!!document_title!!', addslashes($title), $category_form); } if ($this->id) { // Impression de la branche du thésaurus $lien_impression_thesaurus="id."','print'); return false;\">".$msg['print_branche'].""; $category_form=str_replace("",$lien_impression_thesaurus,$category_form); } //Remplacement $button_remplace = "id."&parent=".$parent)."\"'/>"; $category_form = str_replace("", $button_remplace, $category_form); //Suppression $category_form = str_replace('', $delete_button, $category_form); } else { $category_form=str_replace("",$num_aut,$category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', "", $category_form); } $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_CATEG); $category_form = str_replace('!!thumbnail_url_form!!', thumbnail::get_form('authority', $authority->get_thumbnail_url()), $category_form); if($import_denied == 1 || !$this->id){ $import_denied_checked = "checked='checked'"; }else{ $import_denied_checked = ""; } $category_form = str_replace('!!authority_import_denied!!',$import_denied_checked,$category_form); $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_CATEG,$this->id); $category_form = str_replace('', $aut_link->get_form('categ_form') , $category_form); global $pmb_map_activate; if($pmb_map_activate){ $map_edition=new map_edition_controler(AUT_TABLE_CATEG,$this->id); $map_form=$map_edition->get_form(); $category_form = str_replace('', $map_form , $category_form); } $aut_pperso= new aut_pperso("categ",$this->id); $category_form = str_replace('!!aut_pperso!!', $aut_pperso->get_form(), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!voir_notices!!', $button_voir, $category_form); if($pmb_type_audit && $this->id) { $bouton_audit= audit::get_dialog_button($this->id, AUDIT_CATEG); } else { $bouton_audit= ""; } $category_form = str_replace('!!audit_bt!!', $bouton_audit, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!user_input!!', htmlentities($user_input,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!nbr_lignes!!', $nbr_lignes, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!page!!', $page, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!nb_per_page!!', $nb_per_page_gestion, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!parent!!', $parent, $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!controller_url_base!!', static::format_url(), $category_form); $category_form = str_replace('!!delete_action!!', static::format_delete_url("&parent=".$parent."&id=".$this->id), $category_form); print $category_form; } public function has_notices() { global $dbh; global $thesaurus_auto_postage_montant,$thesaurus_auto_postage_descendant,$thesaurus_auto_postage_nb_montant,$thesaurus_auto_postage_nb_descendant; global $thesaurus_auto_postage_etendre_recherche,$nb_level_enfants,$nb_level_parents; $thesaurus_auto_postage_descendant = $thesaurus_auto_postage_montant=0; // Autopostage actif if ($thesaurus_auto_postage_descendant || $thesaurus_auto_postage_montant ) { if(!isset($nb_level_enfants)) { // non defini, prise des valeurs par défaut if(isset($_SESSION["nb_level_enfants"]) && $thesaurus_auto_postage_etendre_recherche) $nb_level_descendant=$_SESSION["nb_level_enfants"]; else $nb_level_descendant=$thesaurus_auto_postage_nb_descendant; } else { $nb_level_descendant=$nb_level_enfants; } // lien Etendre auto_postage if(!isset($nb_level_parents)) { // non defini, prise des valeurs par défaut if(isset($_SESSION["nb_level_parents"]) && $thesaurus_auto_postage_etendre_recherche) $nb_level_montant=$_SESSION["nb_level_parents"]; else $nb_level_montant=$thesaurus_auto_postage_nb_montant; } else { $nb_level_montant=$nb_level_parents; } $_SESSION["nb_level_enfants"]= $nb_level_descendant; $_SESSION["nb_level_parents"]= $nb_level_montant; $q = "select path from noeuds where id_noeud = '".$this->id."' "; $r = pmb_mysql_query($q); $path=pmb_mysql_result($r, 0, 0); $nb_pere=substr_count($path,'/'); // Si un path est renseigné et le paramètrage activé if ($path && ($thesaurus_auto_postage_descendant || $thesaurus_auto_postage_montant || $thesaurus_auto_postage_etendre_recherche) && ($nb_level_montant || $nb_level_descendant)){ //Recherche des fils if(($thesaurus_auto_postage_descendant || $thesaurus_auto_postage_etendre_recherche)&& $nb_level_descendant) { if($nb_level_descendant != '*' && is_numeric($nb_level_descendant)) $liste_fils=" path regexp '^$path(\\/[0-9]*){0,$nb_level_descendant}$' "; else $liste_fils=" path regexp '^$path(\\/[0-9]*)*' "; } else { $liste_fils=" id_noeud='".$this->id."' "; } // recherche des pères if(($thesaurus_auto_postage_montant || $thesaurus_auto_postage_etendre_recherche) && $nb_level_montant) { $id_list_pere=explode('/',$path); $stop_pere=0; if($nb_level_montant != '*' && is_numeric($nb_level_montant)) $stop_pere=$nb_pere-$nb_level_montant; for($i=$nb_pere;$i>=$stop_pere; $i--) { $liste_pere.= " or id_noeud='".$id_list_pere[$i]."' "; } } // requete permettant de remonter les notices associées à la liste des catégories trouvées; $suite_req = " FROM noeuds inner join notices_categories on id_noeud=num_noeud inner join notices on notcateg_notice=notice_id WHERE ($liste_fils $liste_pere) and notices_categories.notcateg_notice = notices.notice_id "; } else { // cas normal d'avant $suite_req=" FROM notices_categories, notices WHERE notices_categories.num_noeud = '".$this->id."' and notices_categories.notcateg_notice = notices.notice_id "; } $query ="SELECT COUNT(1) ".$suite_req; } else { // Autopostage désactivé $query ="SELECT COUNT(1) FROM notices_categories WHERE notices_categories.num_noeud='".$this->id."' "; } $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); return (pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)); } public function notice_count($include_subcategories=true) { /* * $include_subcategories : Inclue également les notices dans les catégories filles */ $listcontent = array(); if (!$include_subcategories) { $asql = "SELECT notcateg_notice FROM notices_categories WHERE num_noeud = ".$this->id; $ares = pmb_mysql_query($asql); while ($arow=pmb_mysql_fetch_row($ares)) { $listcontent[] = $arow[0]; } $notice_count = count($listcontent); return $notice_count; } else { get_category_notice_count($this->id, $listcontent); $listcontent = array_unique($listcontent); //S'agirait pas d'avoir deux fois la même notice comptée. $notice_count = count($listcontent); return $notice_count; } } public static function get_informations_from_unimarc($fields,$link = false,$code_field="250"){ $data = array(); if(!$link){ $data['label'] = $fields[$code_field][0]['a'][0]; if($fields[$code_field][0]['j']){ for($i=0 ; $inum_parent=($num_parent != 0 ? $num_parent : $row->num_noeud_racine); $n->num_thesaurus=$id_thesaurus; $n->num_statut = ($data['statut'] ? $data['statut']+= 0 : $data['statut'] = 1); $n->save(); $id = $n->id_noeud; $c=new categories($id, $lang); $c->libelle_categorie=$data['label']; $c->note_application = $data['note']; $c->comment_public = $data['comment']; $c->save(); }else{ $c=new categories($id, $lang); $c->note_application = $data['note']; $c->comment_public = $data['comment']; $c->save(); } }else{ //pas de thésausus, on peut rien faire... return 0; } return $id; } public static function check_if_exists($data, $id_thesaurus, $num_parent = 0, $lang=""){ $lang = strtolower($lang); switch($lang){ case "fr" : case "fre" : case "français" : case "francais" : case "french" : $lang = "fr_FR"; break; default : $lang = "fr_FR"; break; } if($data['label'] == ""){ return 0; } $id = categories::searchLibelle(addslashes($data['label']), $id_thesaurus, $lang, $num_parent); return $id; } /* * Pour import autorité */ public function update($data,$id_thesaurus,$num_parent,$lang){ $lang = strtolower($lang); switch($lang){ case "fr" : case "fre" : case "français" : case "francais" : case "french" : $lang = "fr_FR"; break; default : $lang = "fr_FR"; break; } if($data['label'] == ""){ return 0; } if($num_parent){//Le noeud parent doit être dans le même thésaurus $req="SELECT id_noeud FROM noeuds WHERE id_noeud='".$num_parent."' AND num_thesaurus='".$id_thesaurus."'"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res && !pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ return 0; } } if($this->id == 0){ $query = "select * from thesaurus where id_thesaurus = ".$id_thesaurus; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); //création $n=new noeuds(); $n->num_parent=($num_parent != 0 ? $num_parent : $row->num_noeud_racine); $n->num_thesaurus=$id_thesaurus; $n->save(); $id = $n->id_noeud; $c=new categories($id, $lang); $c->libelle_categorie= $data['label']; $c->note_application = $data['note']; $c->comment_public = $data['comment']; $c->save(); $this->id = $c->num_noeud; return 1; } }else{ $c=new categories($this->id, $lang); $c->libelle_categorie= $data['label']; $c->note_application = $data['note']; $c->comment_public = $data['comment']; $c->save(); return 1; } } public function listChilds() { global $dbh; global $lang; if(!isset($this->listchilds)){ if ($this->id == $this->thes->num_noeud_racine){ $keep_tilde = 0; }else{ $keep_tilde = 1; } $q = "select "; $q.= "catdef.num_noeud, noeuds.autorite, noeuds.num_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir, noeuds.visible, noeuds.num_thesaurus, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.langue, catlg.langue ) as langue, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie ) as libelle_categorie, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.note_application, catlg.note_application ) as note_application, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.comment_public, catlg.comment_public ) as comment_public, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.comment_voir, catlg.comment_voir ) as comment_voir, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.index_categorie, catlg.index_categorie ) as index_categorie "; $q.= "from noeuds left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud=catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = '".$this->thes->langue_defaut."' "; $q.= "left join categories as catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$lang."' "; $q.= "where "; $q.= "noeuds.num_parent = '".$this->id."' "; if (!$keep_tilde) $q.= "and catdef.libelle_categorie not like '~%' "; $q.= "order by libelle_categorie "; // Possibilité d'ajouter une limitation ici (voir nouveau paramètre gestion) $q.=""; $r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); while($child=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $authority = new authority(0, $child->num_noeud, AUT_TABLE_CATEG); $this->listchilds[]= array( 'id' => $child->num_noeud, 'name' => $child->comment_public, 'libelle' => $child->libelle_categorie, 'num_authority' => $authority->get_id() ); } } return $this->listchilds; } /** * Permet de récupérer les catégories dont le num_renvoi correspond à l'id du noeud courant */ public function listSynonyms(){ if (isset($this->list_see)) { return $this->list_see; } global $dbh,$lang; $this->list_see = array(); $thes = thesaurus::getByEltId($this->id); $q = "select id_noeud from noeuds where num_thesaurus = '".$thes->id_thesaurus."' and autorite = 'ORPHELINS' "; $r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); if($r && pmb_mysql_num_rows($r)){ $num_noeud_orphelins = pmb_mysql_result($r, 0, 0); }else{ $num_noeud_orphelins=0; } $q = "select "; $q.= "catdef.num_noeud, noeuds.autorite, noeuds.num_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir, noeuds.visible, noeuds.num_thesaurus, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.langue, catlg.langue ) as langue, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie ) as libelle_categorie, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.note_application, catlg.note_application ) as note_application, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.comment_public, catlg.comment_public ) as comment_public, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.comment_voir, catlg.comment_voir ) as comment_voir, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.index_categorie, catlg.index_categorie ) as index_categorie "; $q.= "from noeuds left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud=catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = '".$thes->langue_defaut."' "; $q.= "left join categories as catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$lang."' "; $q.= "where "; $q.= "noeuds.num_parent = '$num_noeud_orphelins' and noeuds.num_renvoi_voir='".$this->id."' "; //if (!$keep_tilde) $q.= "and catdef.libelle_categorie not like '~%' "; //if ($ordered !== 0) $q.= "order by ".$ordered." "; $q.=""; // A voir pour ajouter un parametre gestion maxddisplay $r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); while($cat_see=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $this->list_see[]= array( 'id' => $cat_see->num_noeud, 'name' => $cat_see->comment_public, 'parend_id' => $cat_see ->num_parent, 'libelle' => $cat_see->libelle_categorie ); } return $this->list_see; } public function get_header() { return $this->catalog_form; } public function get_gestion_link(){ return './autorites.php?categ=see&sub=categ&id='.$this->id; } public function get_isbd() { return $this->libelle; } public static function get_format_data_structure($antiloop = false) { global $msg; $main_fields = array(); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "name", 'desc' => $msg['103'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "comment", 'desc' => $msg['categ_commentaire'] ); if(!$antiloop) { $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "parent", 'desc' => $msg['categ_parent'], 'children' => authority::prefix_var_tree(category::get_format_data_structure(true),"parent") ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "renvoi", 'desc' => $msg['categ_renvoi'], 'children' => authority::prefix_var_tree(category::get_format_data_structure(true),"renvoi") ); /*$main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "renvoi_voir_aussi", 'desc' => $msg['renvoi_voir_aussi'], 'children' => authority::prefix_var_tree(category::get_format_data_structure(true),"renvoi_voir_aussi[i]") );*/ } $authority = new authority(0, 0, AUT_TABLE_CATEG); $main_fields = array_merge($authority->get_format_data_structure(), $main_fields); return $main_fields; } public function format_datas($antiloop = false){ $parent_datas = array(); $renvoi_datas = array(); if(!$antiloop) { if($this->parent_id) { $parent = new category($this->parent_id); $parent_datas = $parent->format_datas(true); } if($this->voir_id) { $renvoi = new category($this->voir_id); $renvoi_datas = $renvoi->format_datas(true); } } $formatted_data = array( 'name' => $this->libelle, 'comment' => $this->commentaire, 'parent' => $parent_datas, 'renvoi' => $renvoi_datas, // 'renvoi_voir_aussi' => ); $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_CATEG); $formatted_data = array_merge($authority->format_datas(), $formatted_data); return $formatted_data; } /** * Suppression d'une catégorie */ public function delete() { global $msg, $charset, $parent, $force_delete_target, $forcage, $ret_url; global $pmb_synchro_rdf, $current_module; if (noeuds::hasChild($this->id)) { //cette autorité a des sous catégories return return_error_message($msg[321], $msg[322], 1, static::format_url("&id=".$this->id."&sub=categ_form&parent=".$parent)); } elseif (count(noeuds::listTargetsExceptOrphans($this->id))){ //d'autres catégories renvoient vers elle return return_error_message($msg[321], $msg["thes_suppr_impossible_renvoi_voir"], 1, static::format_url("&id=".$this->id."&sub=categ_form&parent=".$parent)); } elseif (noeuds::isProtected($this->id)) { //catégorie protégée return return_error_message($msg[321], $msg["thes_suppr_impossible_protege"], 1, static::format_url("&id=".$this->id."&sub=categ_form&parent=".$parent)); } elseif (count(vedette_composee::get_vedettes_built_with_element($this->id, TYPE_CATEGORY))) { // Cette autorité est utilisée dans des vedettes composées, impossible de la supprimer return return_error_message($msg[321], $msg["vedette_dont_del_autority"], 1).'
'.vedette_composee::get_vedettes_display($attached_vedettes); }elseif(($usage=aut_pperso::delete_pperso(AUT_TABLE_CATEG, $this->id,0) )){ // Cette autorité est utilisée dans des champs perso, impossible de supprimer return return_error_message($msg[321], $msg["autority_delete_error"].'

'.$usage['display'], 1); } elseif (noeuds::isUsedInNotices($this->id)) { if ($forcage == 1) { $tab= unserialize( urldecode($ret_url) ); foreach($tab->GET as $key => $val){ $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } foreach($tab->POST as $key => $val){ $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } $this->maj_graph_rdf($this->id); $this->delete_node_and_index($this->id); $requete="DELETE FROM notices_categories WHERE num_noeud=".$this->id; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } else { $tab = new stdClass(); $requete="SELECT notcateg_notice FROM notices_categories WHERE num_noeud=".$this->id." ORDER BY ordre_categorie"; $result_cat=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_cat)) { //affichage de l'erreur, en passant tous les param postés (serialise) pour l'éventuel forcage $tab->POST = $_POST; $tab->GET = $_GET; $ret_url= urlencode(serialize($tab)); $html = "
"; while (($r_cat=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_cat))) { $requete="select signature, niveau_biblio ,notice_id from notices where notice_id=".$r_cat->notcateg_notice." limit 20"; $result=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result))) { if($r->niveau_biblio != 's' && $r->niveau_biblio != 'a') { // notice de monographie $nt = new mono_display($r->notice_id); } else { // on a affaire à un périodique $nt = new serial_display($r->notice_id,1); } $html .= "
"; } $html .= ""; } return $html; } } } elseif (count(noeuds::listTargetsOrphansOnly($this->id)) && !isset($force_delete_target)) { return return_box_confirm_message($msg[321], $msg["confirm_suppr_categ_rejete"], static::format_url("&sub=delete&parent=".$parent."&id=".$this->id."&force_delete_target=1"), static::format_url("&id=".$this->id."&sub=categ_form&parent=".$parent), $msg[40], $msg[39]); } else { $array_to_delete = array(); $id_list_orphans = noeuds::listTargetsOrphansOnly($this->id); if (count($id_list_orphans)) { foreach ($id_list_orphans as $id_orphan) { // on n'efface pas les termes orphelins avec terme spécifique // on n'efface pas les termes orphelins utilisées en indexation if (!noeuds::hasChild($id_orphan) && !noeuds::isUsedInNotices($id_orphan)) { $array_to_delete[] = $id_orphan; } } } $array_to_delete[] = $this->id; foreach($array_to_delete as $id_to_delete){ $this->maj_graph_rdf($id_to_delete); $this->delete_node_and_index($id_to_delete); } } return false; } protected function maj_graph_rdf($id) { global $pmb_synchro_rdf; //On met à jour le graphe rdf avant de supprimer if ($pmb_synchro_rdf) { $arrayIdImpactes=array(); $synchro_rdf=new synchro_rdf(); $noeud=new noeuds($id); $thes=new thesaurus($noeud->num_thesaurus); //parent if($noeud->num_parent!=$thes->num_noeud_racine){ $arrayIdImpactes[]=$noeud->num_parent; } //renvoi_voir if($noeud->num_renvoi_voir){ $arrayIdImpactes[]=$noeud->num_renvoi_voir; } //on supprime le rdf if(count($arrayIdImpactes)){ foreach($arrayIdImpactes as $idNoeud){ $synchro_rdf->delConcept($idNoeud); } } $synchro_rdf->delConcept($id); //On remet à jour les noeuds impactes if(count($arrayIdImpactes)){ foreach($arrayIdImpactes as $idNoeud){ $synchro_rdf->storeConcept($idNoeud); } } //On met à jour le thésaurus pour les topConcepts $synchro_rdf->updateAuthority($noeud->num_thesaurus,'thesaurus'); } } protected function delete_node_and_index($id) { // nettoyage indexation concepts $index_concept = new index_concept($id, TYPE_CATEGORY); $index_concept->delete(); noeuds::delete($id); } public function get_parent() { $authority = new authority(0, $this->parent_id, AUT_TABLE_CATEG); return array( 'id' => $this->parent_id, 'libelle' => $this->parent_libelle, 'num_authority' => $authority->get_id() ); } public function get_right() { return SESSrights & THESAURUS_AUTH; } public static function set_controller($controller) { static::$controller = $controller; } protected static function format_url($url='') { global $base_path; if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) { return static::$controller->get_url_base().$url; } else { return $base_path.'/autorites.php?categ=categories'.$url; } } protected static function format_back_url() { if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) { return static::$controller->get_back_url(); } else { return "history.go(-1)"; } } protected static function format_delete_url($url='') { global $base_path; if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) { return static::$controller->get_delete_url(); } else { return static::format_url("&sub=delete".$url); } } } # fin de définition de la classe category } # fin de déclaration