name = $entity->get_display_name_for_area(); $store_data[] = $entity; foreach (self::$entity_forms[$entity->uri] as $form) { foreach ($form["properties"] as $property) { $store_data[] = $property; } unset($form["properties"]); $store_data[] = $form; } } $store_data = array_merge($store_data,self::$contribution_status); self::$store_data = $store_data; return self::$store_data; } public static function fetch_data(){ if(!self::$initialized){ self::$entities = array(); $ontology = contribution_area::get_ontology(); $classes_array = $ontology->get_classes_uri(); foreach($classes_array as $entity){ if (isset($entity->flags) && (is_array($entity->flags) && in_array('pmb_entity', $entity->flags))) { $entity->type = "entity"; $entity->id = self::get_identifier(); self::$entities[] = $entity; $classes_properties = $ontology->get_class_properties($entity->uri); foreach ($classes_properties as $property_uri) { $property = $ontology->get_property($entity->uri, $property_uri); self::$classes_properties[$entity->pmb_name][$property->pmb_name] = $ontology->get_property($entity->uri, $property_uri); } self::$entity_forms[$entity->uri] = array(); self::get_entity_forms(self::$entity_forms[$entity->uri], $entity); } } self::$initialized = true; } } public static function get_datastore() { if (! isset ( self::$datastore )) { $store_config = array( /* db */ 'db_name' => DATA_BASE, 'db_user' => USER_NAME, 'db_pwd' => USER_PASS, 'db_host' => SQL_SERVER, /* store */ 'store_name' => 'contribution_area_datastore', /* stop after 100 errors */ 'max_errors' => 100, 'store_strip_mb_comp_str' => 0 ); $tab_namespaces = array ( "dc" => "", "dct" => "", "owl" => "", "rdf" => "", "rdfs" => "", "xsd" => "", "pmb" => "", "ca" => "" ); self::$datastore = new onto_store_arc2_extended ( $store_config ); self::$datastore->set_namespaces ( $tab_namespaces ); } return self::$datastore; } public static function delete_uri($uri) { // On supprime tous les triplets correspondant ŕ cette uri $query_delete = "delete { <".$uri."> ?prop ?obj }"; self::get_datastore ()->query($query_delete); $query_delete = "delete { ?suj ?prop <".$uri."> }"; self::get_datastore ()->query($query_delete); } public static function get_identifier(){ self::$identifier++; return self::$identifier; } public static function get_entity_forms(&$forms_array, $entity){ $query = 'select id_form, form_title, form_comment, form_parameters from contribution_area_forms where form_type = "'.$entity->pmb_name.'"'; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $forms_array[] = array( 'type' => "form", 'form_id' => $row->id_form, 'id' => self::get_identifier(), 'parent_type' => $entity->pmb_name, 'name' => $row->form_title, 'comment' => $row->form_comment, 'parent' => $entity->id, 'pmb_name' => $entity->pmb_name, ); $form_parameters = json_decode($row->form_parameters, true); $properties = array(); if(is_array($form_parameters)){ foreach($form_parameters as $prop => $pValues){ //on regarde s'il s'agit d'un toogle $properties[] = array( 'type' => "property", 'form_id' => $row->id_form, 'id' => self::get_identifier(), 'parent_type' => $entity->pmb_name, 'name' => $pValues['label'], 'flag' => (!empty(self::$classes_properties[$entity->pmb_name][$prop]->flags[0]) ? self::$classes_properties[$entity->pmb_name][$prop]->flags[0] : ""), 'pmb_name' => (!empty(self::$classes_properties[$entity->pmb_name][$prop]->pmb_name) ? self::$classes_properties[$entity->pmb_name][$prop]->pmb_name : "") ); } } $forms_array[count($forms_array)-1]["properties"] = $properties; } } return $forms_array; } public static function display_forms_list(){ global $contribution_area_entity_line; global $contribution_area_form_line; global $contribution_area_form_table; global $msg; global $charset; self::fetch_data(); $form_list = '
'; $i = 0; foreach (self::$entities as $entity) { $forms = ""; if (!is_array($entity)) { $form_line = str_replace('!!entity_id!!', $i.$entity->id, $contribution_area_entity_line); $form_line = str_replace('!!entity_name!!', $entity->get_display_name(), $form_line); $form_line = str_replace('!!entity_type!!', $entity->pmb_name, $form_line); $form_line = str_replace('!!forms_table!!', (count(self::$entity_forms[$entity->uri]) ? $contribution_area_form_table : "") , $form_line); $j = 0; foreach (self::$entity_forms[$entity->uri] as $form) { $j++; $forms .= $contribution_area_form_line; if ($j % 2) { $forms = str_replace('!!odd_even!!', "odd", $forms); } else { $forms = str_replace('!!odd_even!!', "even", $forms); } $forms = str_replace('!!form_name!!', htmlentities($form['name'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $forms); $forms = str_replace('!!form_id!!', $form['form_id'], $forms); $forms = str_replace('!!form_type!!', $entity->pmb_name, $forms); //On va vérifier si le formulaire est dans un scénario auquel cas on disable la suppression avec un autre message $contribution_form = new contribution_area_form($entity->pmb_name, $form['form_id']); $has_linked_scenario = $contribution_form->get_scenario_linked()['count']; //Desactivation des boutons supprimer pour les formulaires comportant des brouillons (message prioritaire sur le message d'utilisatiuon du formulaire dans un scénario) if (contribution_area_form::has_draft_contribution_from_id($form['form_id'])){ $forms = str_replace('!!disabled!!', 'disabled', $forms); $forms = str_replace('!!disabled_message!!', $msg['contribution_has_draft_hover'], $forms); } else if ($has_linked_scenario) { $forms = str_replace('!!disabled!!', 'disabled', $forms); $forms = str_replace('!!disabled_message!!', $msg['contribution_has_scenario_hover'], $forms); } else { $forms = str_replace('!!disabled!!', '', $forms); $forms = str_replace('!!disabled_message!!', '', $forms); } unset($contribution_form); } $form_line = str_replace('!!forms_number!!', '('.$j.')', $form_line); $form_line = str_replace('!!forms_tab!!', $forms, $form_line); $form_list.= $form_line; $i++; } } $form_list .= "
"; return $form_list; } public static function get_forms_by_entity($entity){ } public static function get_contribution_status() { if (!count(self::$contribution_status)) { $query = "SELECT contribution_area_status_id AS id, contribution_area_status_gestion_libelle AS name, contribution_area_status_available_for as available_for FROM contribution_area_status"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $available_for = unserialize($row["available_for"]); if (!empty($available_for)) { $row["type"] = "contributionStatus"; $row["pmb_name"] = $row["id"]; $row["available_for"] = $available_for; self::$contribution_status[] = $row; } } } } return self::$contribution_status; } public static function get_moderation_forms($user_id = 0) { global $charset; $query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?contributor . ?s ?p ?o . ?s ?last_edit . optional { ?s ?identifier } } ORDER BY ?contributor DESC (?last_edit)"; $results = array (); //Parse initial des résultats de la requete sparql if (self::get_datastore()->query($query)) { $rows = self::get_datastore()->get_result(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (empty($row->identifier)) { if (!isset($results[$row->s])) { $results[$row->s] = array (); } $results[$row->s][explode('#', $row->p)[1]] = $row->o; if (empty($results[$row->s]["uri_id"])) { $uri_id = onto_common_uri::get_id($row->s); if (empty($uri_id)) { $uri_id = onto_common_uri::set_new_uri($row->s); } $results[$row->s]["uri_id"] = $uri_id; } if (!isset($results[$row->s]["contributor"])) { $results[$row->s]["contributor"] = $row->contributor; } } } } return self::edit_results_to_template($results, false, 0); } public static function get_contributor_infos($contributor_id) { $contributor_infos = array(); $contributor_id += 0; if ($contributor_id) { $contributor = new emprunteur($contributor_id); $contributor_infos['id'] = $contributor->id; $contributor_infos['name'] = $contributor->nom.' '.$contributor->prenom; } return $contributor_infos; } public static function get_empr_forms($id_empr, $validated_forms = false, $last_id = 0) { global $charset; $id_empr+= 0; if (!$id_empr) { return array(); } $query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s '" . $id_empr . "' . ?s ?p ?o . ?s ?last_edit } ORDER BY DESC (?last_edit)"; $results = array (); //Parse initial des résultats de la requete sparql if (self::get_datastore ()->query ( $query )) { $rows = self::get_datastore ()->get_result (); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if (! isset ( $results [$row->s] )) { $results [$row->s] = array (); } $results [$row->s] [explode('#', $row->p)[1]] = htmlentities($row->o,ENT_QUOTES,$charset); if (empty($results[$row->s]["uri_id"])) { $uri_id = onto_common_uri::get_id($row->s); if (empty($uri_id)) { $uri_id = onto_common_uri::set_new_uri($row->s); } $results[$row->s]["uri_id"] = $uri_id; } } } return self::edit_results_to_template($results, $validated_forms, $last_id); } public static function get_area_infos($area_id) { $area_infos = array(); $area_id += 0; if ($area_id) { $area = new contribution_area($area_id); $area_infos['id'] = $area->get_id(); $area_infos['name'] = $area->get_title(); $area_infos['color'] = $area->get_color(); } return $area_infos; } public static function get_link_from_type($type, $id, $bulletin = false) { switch ($type) { case '' : if ($bulletin){ $query = "SELECT bulletin_id FROM bulletins WHERE num_notice = '".$id."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $bulletin = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); return './index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id='.$bulletin->bulletin_id; } } return './index.php?lvl=notice_display&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=author_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=categ_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=coll_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=concept_see&id='.$id; case '' : $query = 'SELECT explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin FROM explnum WHERE explnum_id = "'.$id.'"'; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($row->explnum_notice) { return './index.php?lvl=notice_display&id='.$row->explnum_notice; } else { return './index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id='.$row->explnum_bulletin; } } case '' : return './index.php?lvl=indexint_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=publisher_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=serie_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=subcoll_see&id='.$id; case '' : return './index.php?lvl=titre_uniforme_see&id='.$id; default : return '#'; } } public static function edit_results_to_template($results,$validated_forms = false, $last_id = 0) { global $msg, $charset, $pmb_contribution_opac_show_sub_form; //gestion des droits $returned_result = array (); //Composition d'un résultat manipulable dans les templates $onto = self::get_ontology(); foreach ($results as $form_uri => $properties_array) { //droit sur l'espace if (!empty($properties_array['area']) && isset($dom_4)) { if (!$dom_4->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],$properties_array['area'], 4)) { continue; } } if (!$validated_forms && !empty($properties_array["identifier"])) { continue; } else if ($validated_forms && !isset($properties_array["identifier"])) { continue; } if (!isset($returned_result[$onto->get_class_label($properties_array['type'])])) { $returned_result [$onto->get_class_label($properties_array['type'])] = array (); } if (!isset($properties_array['entity_type'])) { $properties_array['entity_type'] = $onto->get_class_label($properties_array['type']); } if (!empty($properties_array['last_edit'])) { $properties_array['last_edit'] = date($msg['1005'].' H:i', $properties_array['last_edit']); } //infos de l'espace if (!empty($properties_array['area'])) { $properties_array['area'] = self::get_area_infos($properties_array['area']); } //id de l'entité en base SQL if (!empty($properties_array['identifier'])) { if (isset($properties_array['bibliographical_lvl']) && $properties_array['bibliographical_lvl'] == 'b') { $properties_array['link'] = self::get_link_from_type($properties_array['type'], $properties_array['identifier'], true); } else { $properties_array['link'] = self::get_link_from_type($properties_array['type'], $properties_array['identifier']); } } //infos du contributeur if (!empty($properties_array['contributor'])) { $contributor = self::get_contributor_infos($properties_array['contributor']); $properties_array['contributor'] = $contributor; $properties_array['contributor_id'] = $contributor['id']; $properties_array['contributor_name'] = $contributor['name']; } $results[$form_uri] = $properties_array; } return $results; } public static function get_ontology() { if(!isset(self::$ontology)){ self::$ontology = contribution_area::get_ontology(); } return self::$ontology; } public static function mail_empr_contribution_validate($uri) { global $msg, $charset, $opac_url_base, $include_path; $store = new contribution_area_store(); $dataStore = $store->get_datastore(); $query = "SELECT * WHERE { <".$uri."> ?id_contributor. <".$uri."> ?last_edit. <".$uri."> ?display_label. }"; $dataStore->query($query); $results = $dataStore->get_result(); // On va cherche l'emprunteur $empr = new emprunteur($results[0]->id_contributor); // Adresse mail de la loc de l'emprunteur $requete = "select location_libelle, email, empr_location from empr, docs_location where empr_location=idlocation and id_empr='".$results[0]->id_contributor."'"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $loc=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res); $PMBuseremail = $loc->email ; // On commence a preparer le mail $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=".$charset."\n"; // On genere le template de mail $template_path = $include_path."/templates/contribution_area/contribution_validate_mail.tpl.html"; if (file_exists($include_path."/templates/contribution_area/contribution_validate_mail.subst.tpl.html")) { $template_path = $include_path."/templates/contribution_area/contribution_validate_mail.subst.tpl.html"; } if ($empr->mail) { $output_final = "" ; $sujet = $msg['subject_mail_confirm_validate_contribution']; $dateTime = new DateTime(); $last_edit = $dateTime->setTimestamp($results[0]->last_edit); $messages = [ "subject" => $msg['subject_mail_confirm_validate_contribution'], "url" => $msg['mail_confirm_contribution_url'] ]; $url = $opac_url_base."empr.php?tab=contribution_area&lvl=contribution_area_done"; //on fait le rendu du template pour l'envoyer aux administrateur $h2o = H2o_collection::get_instance($template_path); $output_final .= $h2o->render(['empr' => $empr, 'isbd' => $results[0]->display_label, 'date_contrib' => $last_edit->format('d-m-Y'), 'msg' => $messages, 'url' => $url]); //on envoi le mail $res_envoi = mailpmb($empr->nom." ".$empr->prenom, $empr->mail, $sujet, $output_final, "", $PMBuseremail, $headers, "", "", 1); } } } // end of contribution_area_forms_controller