id = intval($id); $this->getData(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // getData() : recuperation infos editeurs // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function getData() { $this->name = ''; $this->adr1 = ''; $this->adr2 = ''; $this->cp = ''; $this->ville = ''; $this->pays = ''; $this->web = ''; $this->link = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->isbd_entry = ''; $this->ed_comment = ''; $this->num_statut = 1; $this->supplier = new entites(); $this->authority = ''; if($this->id) { $requete = "SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE ed_id='".$this->id."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->id = $row->ed_id; $this->name = $row->ed_name; $this->adr1 = $row->ed_adr1; $this->adr2 = $row->ed_adr2; $this->cp = $row->ed_cp; $this->ville = $row->ed_ville; $this->pays = $row->ed_pays; $this->web = $row->ed_web; $this->ed_comment = $row->ed_comment; $this->supplier = new entites($row->ed_num_entite); $result = entites::get_coordonnees($row->ed_num_entite,1); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->supplier->coords_invoice = $row; } $this->authority = authorities_collection::get_authority(AUT_TABLE_AUTHORITY, 0, [ 'num_object' => $this->id, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS]); $this->num_statut = $this->authority->get_num_statut(); if($this->web) { $this->link = "".$this->web.""; } // Determine le lieu de publication $l = ''; if ($this->adr1) $l = $this->adr1; if ($this->adr2) $l = ($l=='') ? $this->adr2 : $l.', '.$this->adr2; if ($this->cp) $l = ($l=='') ? $this->cp : $l.', '.$this->cp; if ($this->pays) $l = ($l=='') ? $this->pays : $l.', '.$this->pays; if ($this->ville) $l = ($l=='') ? $this->ville : $this->ville.' ('.$l.')'; if ($l=='') $l = '[S.l.]'; // Determine le nom de l'editeur if ($this->name) $n = $this->name; else $n = '[S.n.]'; // Constitue l'ISBD pour le coupe lieu/editeur if ($l == '[S.l.]' AND $n == '[S.n.]') $this->isbd_entry = '[S.l. : s.n.]'; else $this->isbd_entry = $l.' : '.$n; //On fait en sorte que le   ne nous embête pas à l'affichage global $charset; $this->isbd_entry = html_entity_decode($this->isbd_entry,ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ($this->ville) { if ($this->pays) $this->display = "$this->ville [$this->pays] : $this->name"; else $this->display = "$this->ville : $this->name"; } else { if ($this->pays) $this->display = "[$this->pays] : $this->name"; else $this->display = $this->name; } // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche editeur si l'utilisateur a acces aux autorites // defined('SESSrights') dans le cas de l'indexation il 'y a pas de AUTH ni de session if (defined('SESSrights') && (intval(SESSrights) & AUTORITES_AUTH)) { $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "".$this->display.""; } else { $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->display; } } } } public function build_header_to_export() { global $msg; $data = array( $msg[67], $msg[69], $msg[70], $msg[71], $msg['congres_ville_libelle'], $msg['congres_pays_libelle'], $msg[147], $msg[707], $msg[4019], ); return $data; } public function build_data_to_export() { $data = array( $this->name, $this->adr1, $this->adr2, $this->cp, $this->ville, $this->pays, $this->web, $this->ed_comment, $this->num_statut, ); return $data; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // show_form : affichage du formulaire de saisie // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function show_form($duplicate = false) { global $msg; global $publisher_form; global $charset; global $pmb_type_audit; global $thesaurus_concepts_active; global $collections_list_tpl; if($this->id && !$duplicate) { $action = static::format_url("&sub=update&id=".$this->id); $libelle = $msg[148]; $button_remplace = "id)."\"'>"; $button_voir = "id\"'>"; $button_delete = ""; } else { $action = static::format_url('&sub=update&id='); $libelle = $msg[145]; $button_remplace = ''; $button_voir = ''; $button_delete =''; } $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS,$this->id); $publisher_form = str_replace('', $aut_link->get_form('saisie_editeur') , $publisher_form); $aut_pperso= new aut_pperso("publisher",$this->id); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!aut_pperso!!', $aut_pperso->get_form(), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!libelle!!', $libelle, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!action!!', $action, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!cancel_action!!', static::format_back_url(), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_nom!!', htmlentities($this->name,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_adr1!!', htmlentities($this->adr1,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_adr2!!', htmlentities($this->adr2,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_cp!!', htmlentities($this->cp,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_ville!!', htmlentities($this->ville,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_pays!!', htmlentities($this->pays,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_web!!', htmlentities($this->web,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!remplace!!', $button_remplace, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!voir_notices!!', $button_voir, $publisher_form ); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!delete!!', $button_delete, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!delete_action!!', static::format_delete_url("&id=".$this->id), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!auth_statut_selector!!', authorities_statuts::get_form_for(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS, $this->num_statut) , $publisher_form); // pour retour a la bonne page en gestion d'autorites // &user_input=".rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input))."&nbr_lignes=$nbr_lignes&page=$page global $user_input, $nbr_lignes, $page ; $publisher_form = str_replace('!!user_input!!', htmlentities($user_input,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!nbr_lignes!!', $nbr_lignes, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!page!!', $page, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!ed_comment!!', $this->ed_comment, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!id_fou!!', $this->supplier->id_entite, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!lib_fou!!', $this->supplier->raison_sociale, $publisher_form); if($thesaurus_concepts_active == 1){ $index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_PUBLISHER); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', $index_concept->get_form('saisie_editeur'), $publisher_form); }else{ $publisher_form = str_replace('!!concept_form!!', "", $publisher_form); } if ($this->name) { $publisher_form = str_replace('!!document_title!!', addslashes($this->name.' - '.$libelle), $publisher_form); } else { $publisher_form = str_replace('!!document_title!!', addslashes($libelle), $publisher_form); } $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!thumbnail_url_form!!', thumbnail::get_form('authority', $authority->get_thumbnail_url()), $publisher_form); //Collections $collections_content = ''; $collections = $this->get_collections(); if (count($collections)) { $odd_even=1; $collections_content .= "
"; foreach ($collections as $collection) { $collections_content .= " "; if ($odd_even==0) { $collections_content .= " "; $odd_even=1; } else if ($odd_even==1) { $collections_content .= " "; $odd_even=0; } $collections_content .= "'; $collections_content .=''; } $collections_content .= "
"; $collections_content .= ""; $collections_content .= $collection['collection_name']; $collections_content .= '
"; $collections_content = str_replace("",$collections_content,$collections_list_tpl); } $publisher_form=str_replace("!!liaisons_collections!!",$collections_content,$publisher_form); if ($pmb_type_audit && $this->id && !$duplicate) { $bouton_audit= audit::get_dialog_button($this->id, AUDIT_PUBLISHER); } else { $bouton_audit= ""; } $publisher_form = str_replace('!!audit_bt!!',$bouton_audit, $publisher_form); $publisher_form = str_replace('!!controller_url_base!!', static::format_url(), $publisher_form); print $publisher_form; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // replace_form : affichage du formulaire de remplacement // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function replace_form() { global $publisher_replace; global $msg; global $include_path; if(!$this->id || !$this->name) { require_once("$include_path/"); error_message($msg[161], $msg[162], 1, static::format_url('&sub=&id=')); return false; } $publisher_replace=str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $publisher_replace); $publisher_replace=str_replace('!!ed_name!!', $this->name, $publisher_replace); $publisher_replace = str_replace('!!controller_url_base!!', static::format_url(), $publisher_replace); $publisher_replace = str_replace('!!cancel_action!!', static::format_back_url(), $publisher_replace); print $publisher_replace; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // get_collections : renvoie toutes les collections liées // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function get_collections() { global $dbh; $collections = array(); $requete = "SELECT * FROM collections WHERE collection_parent=".$this->id; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $collection = array(); $collection['collection_id'] = $row->collection_id; $collection['collection_name'] = $row->collection_name; $collections[] = $collection; } } return $collections; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // delete() : suppression de l'editeur // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function delete() { global $dbh; global $msg; if(!$this->id) // impossible d'acceder a cette notice auteur return $msg[403]; if(($usage=aut_pperso::delete_pperso(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS, $this->id,0) )){ // Cette autorité est utilisée dans des champs perso, impossible de supprimer return ''.$this->display.'

'.$usage['display']; } // effacement dans les notices // recuperation du nombre de notices affectees $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM notices WHERE "; $requete .= "ed1_id=$this->id OR "; $requete .= "ed2_id=$this->id"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if(!$nbr_lignes) { // on regarde si l'editeur a des collections enfants $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM collections WHERE "; $requete .= "collection_parent=".$this->id; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if(!$nbr_lignes) { // On regarde si l'autorité est utilisée dans des vedettes composées $attached_vedettes = vedette_composee::get_vedettes_built_with_element($this->id, TYPE_PUBLISHER); if (count($attached_vedettes)) { // Cette autorité est utilisée dans des vedettes composées, impossible de la supprimer return ''.$this->name."
'.vedette_composee::get_vedettes_display($attached_vedettes); } // effacement dans la table des editeurs $requete = "DELETE FROM publishers WHERE ed_id=".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // liens entre autorités $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS,$this->id); $aut_link->delete(); $aut_pperso= new aut_pperso("publisher",$this->id); $aut_pperso->delete(); // nettoyage indexation concepts $index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_PUBLISHER); $index_concept->delete(); // nettoyage indexation indexation_authority::delete_all_index($this->id, "authorities", "id_authority", AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); // effacement de l'identifiant unique d'autorité $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $authority->delete(); audit::delete_audit(AUDIT_PUBLISHER,$this->id); return false; } else { // Cet editeur a des collections, impossible de le supprimer return ''.$this->name."
${msg[405]}"; } } else { // Cet editeur est utilise dans des notices, impossible de le supprimer return ''.$this->name."
${msg[404]}"; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // replace($by) : remplacement de l'editeur // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function replace($by,$link_save=0) { global $msg; global $dbh; global $pmb_synchro_rdf; if((!$by)||(!$this->id)) { // pas de valeur de remplacement !!! return "L'identifiant editeur est vide ou l'editeur de remplacement est meme que celui d'origine !"; } if($this->id == $by) { // impossible de remplacer un editeur par lui-meme return $msg[228]; } $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS,$this->id); // "Conserver les liens entre autorités" est demandé if($link_save) { // liens entre autorités $aut_link->add_link_to(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS,$by); } $aut_link->delete(); vedette_composee::replace(TYPE_PUBLISHER, $this->id, $by); // a) remplacement dans les notices $requete = "UPDATE notices SET ed1_id=$by WHERE ed1_id=".$this->id; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "UPDATE notices SET ed2_id=$by WHERE ed2_id=".$this->id; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // b) remplacement dans la table des collections $requete = "UPDATE collections SET collection_parent=$by WHERE collection_parent=".$this->id; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // nettoyage indexation concepts $index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_PUBLISHER); $index_concept->delete(); // c) suppression de l'editeur a remplacer $requete = "DELETE FROM publishers WHERE ed_id=".$this->id; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //Remplacement dans les champs persos sélecteur d'autorité aut_pperso::replace_pperso(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS, $this->id, $by); audit::delete_audit (AUDIT_PUBLISHER, $this->id) ; // nettoyage indexation indexation_authority::delete_all_index($this->id, "authorities", "id_authority", AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); // effacement de l'identifiant unique d'autorité $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $authority->delete(); editeur::update_index($by); //mise à jour de l'oeuvre rdf if($pmb_synchro_rdf){ $synchro_rdf = new synchro_rdf(); $synchro_rdf->replaceAuthority($this->id,$by,'editeur'); } return FALSE; } /** * Initialisation du tableau de valeurs pour update et import */ protected static function get_default_data() { return array( 'name' => '', 'adr1' => '', 'adr2' => '', 'cp' => '', 'ville' => '', 'pays' => '', 'web' => '', 'ed_comment' => '', 'id_fou' => 0, 'statut' => 1, 'thumbnail_url' => '' ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // update($value) : mise a jour de l'editeur // --------------------------------------------------------------- public function update($value) { global $dbh; global $msg; global $include_path; global $pmb_synchro_rdf; global $thesaurus_concepts_active; $value = array_merge(static::get_default_data(), $value); if(!$value['name']) return false; // nettoyage des valeurs en entree $value['name'] = clean_string($value['name']); $value['adr1'] = clean_string($value['adr1']); $value['adr2'] = clean_string($value['adr2']); $value['cp'] = clean_string($value['cp']); $value['ville'] = clean_string($value['ville']); $value['pays'] = clean_string($value['pays']); $value['web'] = clean_string($value['web']); // construction de la requete $requete = 'SET ed_name="'.$value['name'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_adr1="'.$value['adr1'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_adr2="'.$value['adr2'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_cp="'.$value['cp'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_ville="'.$value['ville'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_pays="'.$value['pays'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_web="'.$value['web'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_comment="'.$value['ed_comment'].'", '; $requete .= 'ed_num_entite="'.$value['id_fou'].'", '; $requete .= 'index_publisher=" '.strip_empty_chars($value['name'].' '.$value['ville'].' '.$value['pays']).' "'; if($this->id) { // update $requete = 'UPDATE publishers '.$requete; $requete .= ' WHERE ed_id='.$this->id.' LIMIT 1;'; if(pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) { audit::insert_modif (AUDIT_PUBLISHER, $this->id) ; $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS,$this->id); $aut_link->save_form(); $aut_pperso= new aut_pperso("publisher",$this->id); if($aut_pperso->save_form()){ $this->cp_error_message = $aut_pperso->error_message; return false; } //mise à jour de l'éditeur dans la base rdf if($pmb_synchro_rdf){ $synchro_rdf = new synchro_rdf(); $synchro_rdf->updateAuthority($this->id,'editeur'); } }else { require_once("$include_path/"); warning($msg[145], $msg[150]); return FALSE; } } else { // s'assurer que l'editeur n'existe pas deja // on teste sur le nom et la ville seulement. voir a l'usage si necessaire de tester plus $id_doublon = editeur::check_if_exists($value, 1); if ($id_doublon) { require_once("$include_path/"); print $this->warning_already_exist($msg[145], $msg[149] . "" . stripslashes(" (${value['name']}).")); return FALSE; } $requete = 'INSERT INTO publishers '.$requete.';'; if(pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) { $this->id=pmb_mysql_insert_id(); audit::insert_creation (AUDIT_PUBLISHER, $this->id) ; $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS,$this->id); $aut_link->save_form(); $aut_pperso= new aut_pperso("publisher",$this->id); if($aut_pperso->save_form()){ $this->cp_error_message = $aut_pperso->error_message; return false; } } else { require_once("$include_path/"); warning($msg[145], $msg[151]); return FALSE; } } //update authority informations $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $authority->set_num_statut($value['statut']); $authority->set_thumbnail_url($value['thumbnail_url']); $authority->update(); if($thesaurus_concepts_active == 1){ $index_concept = new index_concept($this->id, TYPE_PUBLISHER); $index_concept->save(); } // Mise à jour des vedettes composées contenant cette autorité vedette_composee::update_vedettes_built_with_element($this->id, TYPE_PUBLISHER); editeur::update_index($this->id); return TRUE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // import($value) : import editeur // --------------------------------------------------------------- public static function import($data) { global $dbh; global $pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit; // check sur le type de la variable passee en parametre if ((empty($data) && !is_array($data)) || !is_array($data)) { // si ce n'est pas un tableau ou un tableau vide, on retourne 0 return 0; } $data = array_merge(static::get_default_data(), $data); // tentative de recuperer l'id associee dans la base (implique que l'autorite existe) // preparation de la requeªte if(!isset(static::$long_maxi)) { static::$long_maxi = pmb_mysql_field_len(pmb_mysql_query("SELECT ed_name FROM publishers limit 1"),0); } $key = addslashes(rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['name']))),0,static::$long_maxi))); $ville=(isset($data['ville']) ? addslashes(trim($data['ville'])) : ''); $adr=(isset($data['adr']) ? addslashes(trim($data['adr'])) : ''); $adr2=(isset($data['adr2']) ? addslashes(trim($data['adr2'])) : ''); $cp=(isset($data['cp']) ? addslashes(trim($data['cp'])) : ''); $pays=(isset($data['pays']) ? addslashes(trim($data['pays'])) : ''); $web=(isset($data['web']) ? addslashes(trim($data['web'])) : ''); $ed_comment=(isset($data['ed_comment']) ? addslashes(trim($data['ed_comment'])) : ''); if ($key=="") return 0; /* on laisse tomber les editeurs sans nom !!! exact. FL*/ $binary = ''; if ($pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit) { $binary = 'BINARY'; } $query = "SELECT ed_id FROM publishers WHERE " . $binary . " ed_name='${key}' and ed_ville = '${ville}' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(!$result) die("can't SELECT publisher ".$query); // resultat // recuperation du resultat de la recherche $tediteur = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); // et recuperation eventuelle de l'id if($tediteur->ed_id) return $tediteur->ed_id; // id non-recuperee, il faut creer la forme. $query = 'INSERT INTO publishers SET ed_name="'.$key.'", ed_ville = "'.$ville.'", ed_adr1 = "'.$adr.'", ed_comment="'.$ed_comment.'", ed_adr2="'.$adr2. '", ed_cp="'.$cp.'", ed_pays="'.$pays.'", ed_web="'.$web.'", index_publisher=" '.strip_empty_chars($key).' " '; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(!$result) die("can't INSERT into publisher : ".$query); $id=pmb_mysql_insert_id($dbh); audit::insert_creation (AUDIT_PUBLISHER, $id) ; //update authority informations $authority = new authority(0, $id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $authority->set_num_statut($data['statut']); $authority->set_thumbnail_url($data['thumbnail_url']); $authority->update(); editeur::update_index($id); return $id; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // search_form() : affichage du form de recherche // --------------------------------------------------------------- public static function search_form() { global $user_query, $user_input; global $msg, $charset; global $authority_statut; $user_query = str_replace ('!!user_query_title!!', $msg[357]." : ".$msg[135] , $user_query); $user_query = str_replace ('!!action!!', static::format_url('&sub=reach&id='), $user_query); $user_query = str_replace ('!!add_auth_msg!!', $msg[143] , $user_query); $user_query = str_replace ('!!add_auth_act!!', static::format_url('&sub=editeur_form'), $user_query); $user_query = str_replace ('', "$msg[1311]", $user_query); $user_query = str_replace('', authorities_statuts::get_form_for(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS, $authority_statut, true), $user_query); $user_query = str_replace("!!user_input!!",htmlentities(stripslashes($user_input),ENT_QUOTES, $charset),$user_query); print pmb_bidi($user_query) ; // print "
// // "; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // update_index($id) : maj des index //--------------------------------------------------------------- public static function update_index($id, $datatype = 'all') { indexation_stack::push($id, TYPE_PUBLISHER, $datatype); //---------INI 13/04/2022-----LLIUREX Temp solution to fix indexation bug--------------------------- $indexation_authority = indexations_collection::get_indexation(AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $indexation_authority->maj($id, $datatype); //--------FIN 13/04/2022--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //On cherche tous les n-uplet de la table notice correspondant a cet éditeur. $query = "select distinct notice_id from notices where ed1_id='".$id."' OR ed2_id='".$id."'"; authority::update_records_index($query, 'publisher'); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // get_informations_from_unimarc : ressort les infos d'un éditeur depuis une notice unimarc //--------------------------------------------------------------- public static function get_informations_from_unimarc($fields){ $data = array(); if($fields['214']){ $data['name'] = $fields['214'][0]['c'][0]; if($fields['214'][0]['a'][0]) $data['ville'] = clean_string($fields['214'][0]['a'][0]); if($fields['214'][0]['b'][0]) $data['adr1'] = clean_string($fields['214'][0]['b'][0]); if($fields['214'][0]['d'][0]) $data['year'] = clean_string($fields['214'][0]['d'][0]); } elseif($fields['210']){ $data['name'] = $fields['210'][0]['c'][0]; if($fields['210'][0]['a'][0]) $data['ville'] = clean_string($fields['210'][0]['a'][0]); if($fields['210'][0]['b'][0]) $data['adr1'] = clean_string($fields['210'][0]['b'][0]); if($fields['210'][0]['d'][0]) $data['year'] = clean_string($fields['210'][0]['d'][0]); } if($fields['219']){ $data['name'] = $fields['210'][0]['c'][0]; if($fields['219'][0]['a'][0]) $data['ville'] = clean_string($fields['219'][0]['a'][0]); if($fields['219'][0]['b'][0]) $data['adr1'] = clean_string($fields['219'][0]['b'][0]); if($fields['219'][0]['d'][0]) $data['year'] = clean_string($fields['219'][0]['d'][0]); } return $data; } public static function check_if_exists($data, $from_form = 0){ global $dbh; global $pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit; if (!isset(static::$long_maxi)) { static::$long_maxi = pmb_mysql_field_len(pmb_mysql_query("SELECT ed_name FROM publishers limit 1"),0); } if ($from_form) { $key = rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['name']))),0,static::$long_maxi)); $ville = trim($data['ville']); } else { $key = addslashes(rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['name']))),0,static::$long_maxi))); $ville = addslashes(trim($data['ville'])); } $binary = ''; if ($pmb_controle_doublons_diacrit) { $binary = 'BINARY'; } $query = "SELECT ed_id FROM publishers WHERE " . $binary . " ed_name='${key}' and ed_ville = '${ville}' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(!$result) die("can't SELECT publisher ".$query); // resultat if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { // recuperation du resultat de la recherche $tediteur = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); // et recuperation eventuelle de l'id if ($tediteur->ed_id) return $tediteur->ed_id; } return 0; } public function get_header() { return $this->display; } public function get_cp_error_message(){ return $this->cp_error_message; } public function get_gestion_link(){ return './autorites.php?categ=see&sub=publisher&id='.$this->id; } public function get_isbd() { return $this->isbd_entry; } public static function get_format_data_structure($antiloop = false) { global $msg; $main_fields = array(); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "name", 'desc' => $msg['editeur_nom'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "adr1", 'desc' => $msg['editeur_adr1'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "adr2", 'desc' => $msg['editeur_adr2'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "cp", 'desc' => $msg['editeur_cp'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "ville", 'desc' => $msg['editeur_ville'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "pays", 'desc' => $msg['146'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "web", 'desc' => $msg['editeur_web'] ); $main_fields[] = array( 'var' => "comment", 'desc' => $msg['ed_comment'] ); $authority = new authority(0, 0, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $main_fields = array_merge($authority->get_format_data_structure(), $main_fields); return $main_fields; } public function format_datas($antiloop = false){ $formatted_data = array( 'name' => $this->name, 'adr1' => $this->adr1, 'adr2' => $this->adr2, 'cp' => $this->cp, 'ville' => $this->ville, 'pays' => $this->pays, 'web' => $this->web, 'comment' => $this->ed_comment ); $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $formatted_data = array_merge($authority->format_datas(), $formatted_data); return $formatted_data; } public static function set_controller($controller) { static::$controller = $controller; } protected static function format_url($url='') { global $base_path; if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) { return static::$controller->get_url_base().$url; } else { return $base_path.'/autorites.php?categ=editeurs'.$url; } } protected static function format_back_url() { if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) { return static::$controller->get_back_url(); } else { return "history.go(-1)"; } } protected static function format_delete_url($url='') { global $base_path; if(isset(static::$controller) && is_object(static::$controller)) { return static::$controller->get_delete_url(); } else { return static::format_url("&sub=delete".$url); } } protected function warning_already_exist($error_title, $error_message, $values=array()) { $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS); $display = $authority->get_display_authority_already_exist($error_title, $error_message, $values); $display = str_replace("!!action!!", static::format_url(), $display); $display = str_replace("!!forcing_button!!", '', $display); $display = str_replace('!!hidden_specific_values!!', '', $display); return $display; } } # fin de definition de la classe editeur } # fin de declaration