id = intval($id); $this->fetch_datas(); } // end of member function __construct protected function fetch_datas(){ $this->name = ""; $this->nature = 0; $this->order = 0; $this->types=array(); if($this->id){ $query = "select * from nomenclature_formations where id_formation = ".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->set_name($row->formation_name); $this->set_nature($row->formation_nature); $this->set_order($row->formation_order); //récupération des types $query = "select id_type from nomenclature_types where type_formation_num = ".$this->id." order by type_order asc"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $this->add_type(new nomenclature_type($row->id_type)); } } } } } public function get_form() { global $nomenclature_formation_content_form_tpl,$msg,$charset; $content_form = $nomenclature_formation_content_form_tpl; $content_form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $content_form); $interface_form = new interface_admin_nomenclature_form('nomenclature_formation_form'); if(!$this->id){ $interface_form->set_label($msg['admin_nomenclature_formation_form_add']); }else{ $interface_form->set_label($msg['admin_nomenclature_formation_form_edit']); } $content_form = str_replace('!!name!!', htmlentities($this->name, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $content_form); if($this->nature){// voix $content_form=str_replace('!!nature_checked_0!!',"",$content_form); $content_form=str_replace('!!nature_checked_1!!',"checked",$content_form); }else{// instruments $content_form=str_replace('!!nature_checked_0!!',"checked",$content_form); $content_form=str_replace('!!nature_checked_1!!',"",$content_form); } $tpl_types=" "; foreach($this->types as $type){ $tpl_type=" "; $tpl_types.=$tpl_type; } $tpl_types.="
"; $content_form=str_replace('!!types!!',$tpl_types,$content_form); $interface_form->set_object_id($this->id) ->set_object_type('formation') ->set_confirm_delete_msg($msg['confirm_suppr_de']." ".$this->name." ?") ->set_content_form($content_form) ->set_table_name('nomenclature_formations') ->set_field_focus('name'); return $interface_form->get_display(); } public function set_properties_from_form() { global $name, $nature; $this->name = stripslashes($name); $this->nature = stripslashes($nature); } public function save() { global $msg; $fields=" formation_name='".addslashes($this->name)."', formation_nature='".addslashes($this->nature)."' "; if(!$this->id){ // Ajout $requete="select max(formation_order) as ordre from nomenclature_formations"; $resultat=pmb_mysql_query($requete); $ordre_max=@pmb_mysql_result($resultat,0,0); $req="INSERT INTO nomenclature_formations SET $fields, formation_order=".($ordre_max+1); pmb_mysql_query($req); $this->id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); } else { $req="UPDATE nomenclature_formations SET $fields where id_formation=".$this->id; pmb_mysql_query($req); } print display_notification($msg['account_types_success_saved']); } public static function delete($id) { $id = intval($id); if($id) { $req="DELETE from nomenclature_types WHERE type_formation_num=".$id; pmb_mysql_query($req); $req="DELETE from nomenclature_formations WHERE id_formation=".$id; pmb_mysql_query($req); } return true; } public function set_formation( $formation ) { $this->formation=$formation; } public function add_type( $type ) { $this->types[] = $type; } // end of member function add_type public function get_data(){ $data_types=array(); for($i=0; $itypes);$i++) { $type=$this->types[$i]; $data_types[]=$type->get_data(); } return( array( 'id'=> $this->id, 'name'=> $this->name, 'nature'=> $this->nature, 'order'=> $this->order, 'types'=>$data_types ) ); } /** * Setter * * @param nomenclature_record_formations notice à associer * @return void * @access public */ public function set_record( $record_formation ) { // $this->record_formation=$record_formation; } // end of member function set_record /** * Getter * * @return nomenclature_record_formations * @access public */ public function get_record( ) { return $this->record_formation; } // end of member function get_record /** * Getter * * @return string * @access public */ public function get_name( ) { return $this->name; } // end of member function get_name /** * Setter * * @param string name Nom de la formation * @return void * @access public */ public function set_name( $name ) { $this->name = $name; } // end of member function set_name /** * Getter * * @return string * @access public */ public function get_order( ) { return $this->order; } // end of member function get_order /** * Setter * * @param int name ordre de la formation * @return void * @access public */ public function set_order( $order ) { $this->order = $order; } // end of member function set_order /** * Getter * * @return string * @access public */ public function get_nature( ) { return $this->nature; } // end of member function get_nature /** * Setter * * @param int name ordre de la formation * @return void * @access public */ public function set_nature( $nature ) { $this->nature = $nature; } // end of member function set_nature /** * Getter * * @return nomenclature_type * @access public */ public function get_types( ) { return $this->types; } // end of member function get_types /** * Setter * * @param nomenclature_type types Tableau des types * @return void * @access public */ public function set_types( $types ) { $this->types = $types; } // end of member function set_types public function get_type($indice){ return $this->types[$indice]; } public function get_id(){ return $this->id; } } // end of nomenclature_formation