add_register("rdf_entities_integration", true); class onto_parametres_perso extends parametres_perso { /** * déclaration des uri liées aux préfixes * * @var array */ public static $entities_uri = array( 'notices' => '', 'author' => '', 'categ' => '', 'publisher' => '', 'collection' => '', 'subcollection' => '', 'serie' => '', 'tu' => '', 'indexint' => '', 'skos' => '', 'explnum' => '', 'expl' => '', ); /** * Nom du fichier où est enregistrée l'ontologie des champs persos * @var string */ protected static $filename = "./temp/ontologies_pmb_entities_ppersos.rdf"; /** * URI du rdf:description * * @var string */ protected $uri_description; /** * URI du rdfs:range * * @var string */ protected $uri_range; /** * URI du pmb:datatype * * @var string */ protected $uri_datatype; /** * Portion de propriétés optionnelle en fonction du type de champ perso * * @var string */ protected $optional_properties; /** * Noeuds blancs nécessaires * @var string */ protected $blank_nodes; /** * @var string */ protected $rdf_nodeId; /** * Triplets qui définissent les sous-classes de l'entité parente * @var string */ protected $parent_subclasses; public function init_attributes () { $this->uri_description = ""; $this->uri_range = ''; $this->optional_properties = ""; $this->blank_nodes = ""; } public function build_onto () { $onto = " "; foreach ($this->t_fields as $id => $t_field) { $this->init_attributes(); $this->set_uri_description($t_field["NAME"]); $this->set_datatype_from_field($id,$t_field); $this->set_restrictions($t_field); $onto.= " " . htmlspecialchars(encoding_normalize::utf8_normalize($t_field["TITRE"]), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . " " . htmlspecialchars(encoding_normalize::utf8_normalize($t_field["COMMENT"]), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . " "; $onto.= $this->optional_properties; $onto.= " ".htmlspecialchars(encoding_normalize::json_encode($t_field["OPTIONS"][0]))." $this->uri_description"; if (isset($t_field["OPTIONS"][0]["DATA_TYPE"][0]["value"])){ $onto .= "".$this->get_authority_type_from_query_auth($t_field["OPTIONS"][0]["DATA_TYPE"][0]["value"]).""; } $onto .= " "; // On n'oublie pas les noeuds blancs $onto.= $this->blank_nodes; } // On ajoute les sous-classes au parent if ($this->parent_subclasses) { $onto.= " ".$this->parent_subclasses." "; } return $onto; } public function set_datatype_from_field ($id ,$t_field) { $type = $t_field["TYPE"] ?? ($t_field["type"] ?? ""); switch ($type) { case "comment" : case "html" : $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "list" : case "query_list" : $this->get_items_from_options($id, $t_field["OPTIONS"][0]); $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "query_auth" : $this->set_uri_range($this->get_authority_from_query_auth($t_field["OPTIONS"][0]["DATA_TYPE"][0]["value"])); $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "date_box" : $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "url" : $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "resolve" : $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "marclist" : $this->uri_datatype = ''; $this->optional_properties.= " ".$t_field["OPTIONS"][0]["DATA_TYPE"][0]["value"].""; break; case "date_flot": $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "q_txt_i18n" : // Texte multilingue qualifié $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; case "text" : case "text_i18n" : case "external" : default: $this->uri_datatype = ''; break; } } public function get_authority_from_query_auth ($choice) { switch ($choice){ case 1: return ''; case 2: return ''; case 3: return ''; case 4: return ''; case 5: return ''; case 6: return ''; case 7: return ''; case 8: return ''; case 9: default: if($choice >=1000){ return ''.intval($choice-1000); } return ""; } } public function get_uri_range() { return $this->uri_range; } public function set_uri_range ($uri_range) { $this->uri_range = $uri_range; } protected function get_items_from_options($id,$options) { $query = ''; $list_items = array(); switch ($options['FOR']) { case 'list': $query = "SELECT ". $this->prefix . "_custom_list_value as id, ". $this->prefix . "_custom_list_lib as libelle FROM " . $this->prefix ."_custom_lists WHERE " . $this->prefix . "_custom_champ = " . $id . " ORDER BY ordre"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->optional_properties.= " "; $this->blank_nodes.= " ".htmlspecialchars(encoding_normalize::utf8_normalize($row->libelle), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')." ".htmlspecialchars(encoding_normalize::utf8_normalize($row->id), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')." "; } } break; case 'query_list': $this->optional_properties.= " ".htmlspecialchars($options['QUERY'][0]['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8').""; break; } return $list_items; } public function get_uri_description () { return $this->uri_description; } public function set_uri_description ($name) { $this->uri_description = $this->prefix . "_" . $name; } public function rec_fields_perso_with_integrator($integrator, $uri, $id) { //Enregistrement des champs personalisés $integrated_entities = array(); $query = "delete from ".$this->prefix."_custom_values where ".$this->prefix."_custom_origine=".$id; pmb_mysql_query($query); foreach ($this->t_fields as $key => $val) { $query = ''; $this->set_uri_description($val["NAME"]); $property = $integrator->get_store()->get_property($uri, 'pmb:'.$this->uri_description); if (count($property)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($property); $j++) { if ($property[$j]['type'] === 'uri') { $integrated_entity = $integrator->integrate_entity($property[$j]['value']); $integrated_entities[] = $integrated_entity; if ($integrated_entity['id']) { $property[$j]['value'] = $integrated_entity['id']; } } if ($query) { $query.= ','; } $query.= '('.$key.','.$id.',"'.$property[$j]['value'].'",'.$j.')'; } if ($query) { $query = 'insert into '.$this->prefix.'_custom_values ('.$this->prefix.'_custom_champ,'.$this->prefix.'_custom_origine,'.$this->prefix.'_custom_'.$val["DATATYPE"].','.$this->prefix.'_custom_order) values '.$query; pmb_mysql_query($query); } } } return $integrated_entities; } /** * Les champs persos ont-ils été modifiés récemment ? * @return boolean */ public static function is_modified() { global $thesaurus_ontology_filemtime; if (!file_exists(self::$filename)) { return true; } $tab_file_rdf = unserialize($thesaurus_ontology_filemtime); if (!isset($tab_file_rdf[self::$filename])) { $tab_file_rdf[self::$filename] = 0; } if(filemtime(self::$filename) > $tab_file_rdf[self::$filename]){ return true; } return false; } public static function load_in_store($store, $force = false) { global $thesaurus_ontology_filemtime; $tab_file_rdf = unserialize($thesaurus_ontology_filemtime); if (!isset($tab_file_rdf[self::$filename])) { $tab_file_rdf[self::$filename] = 0; } if ($force || (filemtime(self::$filename) > $tab_file_rdf[self::$filename])) { $ontology_pperso = ''; foreach (self::$entities_uri as $prefix => $uri) { $onto_parametre_perso = new onto_parametres_perso($prefix); $ontology_pperso.= $onto_parametre_perso->build_onto(); } //cms parametres perso $onto_cms_parametre_perso = new onto_cms_parametres_perso(); $ontology_pperso_cms = $onto_cms_parametre_perso->build_onto(); $ontology_pperso.= $ontology_pperso_cms; //autorite perso $onto_auth_perso = new onto_auth_perso(); $ontology_pperso.= $onto_auth_perso->build_onto(); //$ontology_pperso.= $onto_cms_parametre_perso->build_onto(); file_put_contents(self::$filename, " ".$ontology_pperso." "); $res = $store->query('LOAD '); $tab_file_rdf[self::$filename] = filemtime(self::$filename); if($res){ $thesaurus_ontology_filemtime = serialize($tab_file_rdf); $query='UPDATE parametres SET valeur_param="'.addslashes(serialize($tab_file_rdf)).'" WHERE type_param="thesaurus" AND sstype_param="ontology_filemtime"'; pmb_mysql_query($query); return true; }else{ return false; } } return true; } /** * Supprime le fichier */ public static function reinitialize() { global $thesaurus_ontology_filemtime; $tab_file_rdf = unserialize($thesaurus_ontology_filemtime); $tab_file_rdf[self::$filename] = 0; $thesaurus_ontology_filemtime = serialize($tab_file_rdf); $query='UPDATE parametres SET valeur_param="'.addslashes(serialize($tab_file_rdf)).'" WHERE type_param="thesaurus" AND sstype_param="ontology_filemtime"'; pmb_mysql_query($query); } protected function set_restrictions($field_params) { $min = '0'; $max = 'n'; $restrict = ""; if (isset($field_params['MANDATORY']) && $field_params['MANDATORY']) { $min = '1'; $restrict.= " 1"; } if ((!isset($field_params['OPTIONS'][0]['MULTIPLE'][0]['value']) && isset($field_params['OPTIONS'][0]['REPEATABLE'][0]['value']) && ($field_params['OPTIONS'][0]['REPEATABLE'][0]['value'] == '0')) || (isset($field_params['OPTIONS'][0]['MULTIPLE'][0]['value']) && ($field_params['OPTIONS'][0]['MULTIPLE'][0]['value'] == 'no'))) { $max = '1'; $restrict.= " 1"; } if ($restrict) { $this->blank_nodes.= " ".$restrict." "; $this->rdf_nodeId = $this->uri_description."_".$min."-".$max; $this->parent_subclasses.= " "; } } /** * * @param int $id * @param uri $subject * @return onto_assertion[] */ public function get_assertions_for_rdf($id, $subject) { $assertions = array(); $this->get_values($id); foreach ($this->t_fields as $key => $val) { if (isset($this->values[$key])) { $this->set_uri_description($val["NAME"]); $property = ''. $this->uri_description; foreach ($this->values[$key] as $value) { $object_properties = $this->get_object_properties($value,$val); $object_type = ''; if (isset($val['OPTIONS'][0]['DATA_TYPE'][0]['value'])) { $object_type = $this->get_authority_from_query_auth($val['OPTIONS'][0]['DATA_TYPE'][0]['value']); } $assertions[] = new onto_assertion($subject, $property, $value, $object_type, $object_properties); } } } return $assertions; } protected function get_object_properties($value, $val) { switch ($val['TYPE']) { case 'query_auth' : $object_type = $this->get_authority_type_from_query_auth($val['OPTIONS'][0]['DATA_TYPE'][0]['value']); return array( 'type' => 'uri', 'display_label' => rdf_entities_converter::get_entity_isbd($value, $object_type) ); break; default : return array('type' => 'literal'); break; } } public function get_authority_type_from_query_auth ($choice) { switch ($choice){ case 1: return 'author'; case 2: return 'category'; case 3: return 'publisher'; case 4: return 'collection'; case 5: return 'sub_collection'; case 6: return 'serie'; case 7: return 'indexint'; case 8: return 'work'; case 9: default: if($choice >=1000){ return 'authperso_'.intval($choice-1000); } return "concept"; } } }