* @license W3C Software License and GPL * @homepage * @package ARC2 */ ARC2::inc('StoreQueryHandler'); class ARC2_StoreDeleteQueryHandler extends ARC2_StoreQueryHandler { function __construct($a, &$caller) {/* caller has to be a store */ parent::__construct($a, $caller); } function __init() {/* db_con */ parent::__init(); $this->store = $this->caller; $this->handler_type = 'delete'; } /* */ function runQuery($infos) { $this->infos = $infos; $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $t1 = ARC2::mtime(); /* delete */ $this->refs_deleted = false; /* graph(s) only */ if (!$this->v('construct_triples', array(), $this->infos['query'])) { $tc = $this->deleteTargetGraphs(); } /* graph(s) + explicit triples */ elseif (!$this->v('pattern', array(), $this->infos['query'])) { $tc = $this->deleteTriples(); } /* graph(s) + constructed triples */ else { $tc = $this->deleteConstructedGraph(); } $t2 = ARC2::mtime(); /* clean up */ if ($tc && ($this->refs_deleted || (rand(1, 100) == 1))) $this->cleanTableReferences(); if ($tc && (rand(1, 100) == 1)) $this->store->optimizeTables(); if ($tc && (rand(1, 500) == 1)) $this->cleanValueTables(); $t3 = ARC2::mtime(); $index_dur = round($t3 - $t2, 4); $dur = round($t3 - $t1, 4); return array( 't_count' => $tc, 'delete_time' => $dur, 'index_update_time' => $index_dur, ); } /* */ function deleteTargetGraphs() { $tbl_prefix = $this->store->getTablePrefix(); $r = 0; $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); foreach ($this->infos['query']['target_graphs'] as $g) { if ($g_id = $this->getTermID($g, 'g', true)) { $rs = mysqli_query( $con, 'DELETE FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t WHERE g = ' .$g_id); $r += mysqli_affected_rows($con); } } $this->refs_deleted = $r ? 1 : 0; return $r; } /* */ function deleteTriples() { $r = 0; $dbv = $this->store->getDBVersion(); $tbl_prefix = $this->store->getTablePrefix(); $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); /* graph restriction */ $tgs = $this->infos['query']['target_graphs']; $gq = ''; foreach ($tgs as $g) { if ($g_id = $this->getTermID($g, 'g', true)) { $gq .= $gq ? ', ' . $g_id : $g_id; } } $gq = $gq ? ' AND G.g IN (' . $gq . ')' : ''; /* triples */ foreach ($this->infos['query']['construct_triples'] as $t) { $q = ''; $skip = 0; foreach (array('s', 'p', 'o') as $term) { if (isset($t[$term . '_type']) && preg_match('/(var)/', $t[$term . '_type'])) { //$skip = 1; } else { $term_id = $this->getTermID($t[$term], $term, true); $q .= ($q ? ' AND ' : '') . 'T.' . $term . '=' . $term_id; /* explicit lang/dt restricts the matching */ if ($term == 'o') { $o_lang = $this->v1('o_lang', '', $t); $o_lang_dt = $this->v1('o_datatype', $o_lang, $t); if ($o_lang_dt) { $q .= ($q ? ' AND ' : '') . 'T.o_lang_dt=' . $this->getTermID($o_lang_dt, 'lang_dt', true); } } } } if ($skip) { continue; } if ($gq) { $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t' : 'DELETE G'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t G JOIN ' . $this->getTripleTable() . ' T ON (T.t = G.t' . $gq . ') WHERE ' . $q . ' '; $this->refs_deleted = 1; } else {/* triples only */ $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $this->getTripleTable() : 'DELETE T'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->getTripleTable() . ' T WHERE ' . $q; } //$rs = mysql_query($sql, $con); $rs = $this->queryDB($sql, $con); $er = mysqli_error($con); if (!empty($er)) { $this->addError($er .' in ' . $sql); } $r += mysqli_affected_rows($con); } return $r; } /* */ function deleteConstructedGraph() { ARC2::inc('StoreConstructQueryHandler'); $h = new ARC2_StoreConstructQueryHandler($this->a, $this->store); $sub_r = $h->runQuery($this->infos); $triples = ARC2::getTriplesFromIndex($sub_r); $tgs = $this->infos['query']['target_graphs']; $this->infos = array('query' => array('construct_triples' => $triples, 'target_graphs' => $tgs)); return $this->deleteTriples(); } /* */ function cleanTableReferences() { /* lock */ if (!$this->store->getLock()) return $this->addError('Could not get lock in "cleanTableReferences"'); $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $tbl_prefix = $this->store->getTablePrefix(); $dbv = $this->store->getDBVersion(); /* check for unconnected triples */ $sql = ' SELECT T.t FROM '. $tbl_prefix . 'triple T LEFT JOIN '. $tbl_prefix . 'g2t G ON ( G.t = T.t ) WHERE G.t IS NULL LIMIT 1 '; if (($rs = mysqli_query( $con, $sql)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs)) { /* delete unconnected triples */ $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple' : 'DELETE T'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple T LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t G ON (G.t = T.t) WHERE G.t IS NULL '; mysqli_query( $con, $sql); } /* check for unconnected graph refs */ if ((rand(1, 10) == 1)) { $sql = ' SELECT G.g FROM '. $tbl_prefix . 'g2t G LEFT JOIN '. $tbl_prefix . 'triple T ON ( T.t = G.t ) WHERE T.t IS NULL LIMIT 1 '; if (($rs = mysqli_query( $con, $sql)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs)) { /* delete unconnected graph refs */ $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t' : 'DELETE G'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t G LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple T ON (T.t = G.t) WHERE T.t IS NULL '; mysqli_query( $con, $sql); } } /* release lock */ $this->store->releaseLock(); } /* */ function cleanValueTables() { /* lock */ if (!$this->store->getLock()) return $this->addError('Could not get lock in "cleanValueTables"'); $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $tbl_prefix = $this->store->getTablePrefix(); $dbv = $this->store->getDBVersion(); /* o2val */ $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $tbl_prefix . 'o2val' : 'DELETE V'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 'o2val V LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple T ON (T.o = V.id) WHERE T.t IS NULL '; mysqli_query( $con, $sql); /* s2val */ $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $tbl_prefix . 's2val' : 'DELETE V'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 's2val V LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple T ON (T.s = V.id) WHERE T.t IS NULL '; mysqli_query( $con, $sql); /* id2val */ $sql = ($dbv < '04-01') ? 'DELETE ' . $tbl_prefix . 'id2val' : 'DELETE V'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $tbl_prefix . 'id2val V LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'g2t G ON (G.g = V.id) LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple T1 ON (T1.p = V.id) LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl_prefix . 'triple T2 ON (T2.o_lang_dt = V.id) WHERE G.g IS NULL AND T1.t IS NULL AND T2.t IS NULL '; //mysql_query($sql, $con); /* release lock */ $this->store->releaseLock(); } /* */ }