* @package ARC2 */ ARC2::inc('StoreQueryHandler'); class ARC2_StoreLoadQueryHandler extends ARC2_StoreQueryHandler { function __construct($a, &$caller) {/* caller has to be a store */ parent::__construct($a, $caller); } function __init() {/* db_con, store_log_inserts */ parent::__init(); $this->store = $this->caller; $this->write_buffer_size = $this->v('store_write_buffer', 2500, $this->a); $this->split_threshold = $this->v('store_split_threshold', 0, $this->a); $this->strip_mb_comp_str = $this->v('store_strip_mb_comp_str', 0, $this->a); } /* */ function runQuery($infos, $data = '', $keep_bnode_ids = 0) { $url = $infos['query']['url']; $graph = $infos['query']['target_graph']; $this->target_graph = $graph ? $this->calcURI($graph) : $this->calcURI($url); $this->fixed_target_graph = $graph ? $this->target_graph : ''; $this->keep_bnode_ids = $keep_bnode_ids; /* reader */ ARC2::inc('Reader'); $reader = new ARC2_Reader($this->a, $this); $reader->activate($url, $data); /* format detection */ $mappings = array( 'rdfxml' => 'RDFXML', 'sparqlxml' => 'SPOG', 'turtle' => 'Turtle', 'ntriples' => 'Turtle', 'rss' => 'RSS', 'atom' => 'Atom', 'n3' => 'Turtle', 'html' => 'SemHTML', 'sgajson' => 'SGAJSON', 'cbjson' => 'CBJSON' ); $format = $reader->getFormat(); if (!$format || !isset($mappings[$format])) { return $this->addError('No loader available for "' .$url. '": ' . $format); } /* format loader */ $suffix = 'Store' . $mappings[$format] . 'Loader'; ARC2::inc($suffix); $cls = 'ARC2_' . $suffix; $loader = new $cls($this->a, $this); $loader->setReader($reader); /* lock */ if (!$this->store->getLock()) { $l_name = $this->a['db_name'] . '.' . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . '.write_lock'; return $this->addError('Could not get lock in "runQuery" (' . $l_name . ')'); } $this->has_lock = 1; /* logging */ $this->t_count = 0; $this->t_start = ARC2::mtime(); $this->log_inserts = $this->v('store_log_inserts', 0, $this->a); if ($this->log_inserts) { @unlink("arc_insert_log.txt"); $this->inserts = array(); $this->insert_times = array(); $this->t_prev = $this->t_start; $this->t_count_prev = 0 ; } /* load and parse */ $this->max_term_id = $this->getMaxTermID(); $this->max_triple_id = $this->getMaxTripleID(); $this->column_type = $this->store->getColumnType(); //$this->createMergeTable(); $this->term_ids = array(); $this->triple_ids = array(); $this->sql_buffers = array(); $r = $loader->parse($url, $data); /* done */ $this->checkSQLBuffers(1); if ($this->log_inserts) { $this->logInserts(); } $this->store->releaseLock(); //$this->dropMergeTable(); if ((rand(1, 100) == 1)) $this->store->optimizeTables(); $t2 = ARC2::mtime(); $dur = round($t2 - $this->t_start, 4); $r = array( 't_count' => $this->t_count, 'load_time' => $dur, ); if ($this->log_inserts) { $r['inserts'] = $this->inserts; $r['insert_times'] = $this->insert_times; } return $r; } /* */ function addT($s, $p, $o, $s_type, $o_type, $o_dt = '', $o_lang = '') { if (!$this->has_lock) return 0; $type_ids = array ('uri' => '0', 'bnode' => '1' , 'literal' => '2'); $g = $this->getStoredTermID($this->target_graph, '0', 'id'); $s = (($s_type == 'bnode') && !$this->keep_bnode_ids) ? '_:b' . abs(crc32($g . $s)) . '_' . (strlen($s) > 12 ? substr(substr($s, 2) , -10) : substr($s, 2)) : $s; $o = (($o_type == 'bnode') && !$this->keep_bnode_ids) ? '_:b' . abs(crc32($g . $o)) . '_' . (strlen($o) > 12 ? substr(substr($o, 2), -10) : substr($o, 2)) : $o; /* triple */ $t = array( 's' => $this->getStoredTermID($s, $type_ids[$s_type], 's'), 'p' => $this->getStoredTermID($p, '0', 'id'), 'o' => $this->getStoredTermID($o, $type_ids[$o_type], 'o'), 'o_lang_dt' => $this->getStoredTermID($o_dt . $o_lang, $o_dt ? '0' : '2', 'id'), 'o_comp' => $this->getOComp($o), 's_type' => $type_ids[$s_type], 'o_type' => $type_ids[$o_type], ); $t['t'] = $this->getTripleID($t); if (is_array($t['t'])) {/* t exists already */ $t['t'] = $t['t'][0]; } else { $this->bufferTripleSQL($t); } /* g2t */ $g2t = array('g' => $g, 't' => $t['t']); $this->bufferGraphSQL($g2t); $this->t_count++; /* check buffers */ if (($this->t_count % $this->write_buffer_size) == 0) { $force_write = 1; $reset_buffers = (($this->t_count % ($this->write_buffer_size * 2)) == 0); $refresh_lock = (($this->t_count % 25000) == 0); $split_tables = (($this->t_count % ($this->write_buffer_size * 10)) == 0); if ($this->log_inserts) $this->logInserts(); $this->checkSQLBuffers($force_write, $reset_buffers, $refresh_lock, $split_tables); } } /* */ function getMaxTermID() { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $sql = ''; foreach (array('id2val', 's2val', 'o2val') as $tbl) { $sql .= $sql ? ' UNION ' : ''; $sql .= "(SELECT MAX(id) as `id` FROM " . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . $tbl . ')'; } $r = 0; if (($rs = $this->queryDB($sql, $con)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs)) { $r = ($r < $row['id']) ? $row['id'] : $r; } } return $r + 1; } function getMaxTripleID() { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $sql = "SELECT MAX(t) AS `id` FROM " . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . "triple"; if (($rs = $this->queryDB($sql, $con)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs) && ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs))) { return $row['id'] + 1; } return 1; } function getStoredTermID($val, $type_id, $tbl) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); /* buffered */ if (isset($this->term_ids[$val])) { if (!isset($this->term_ids[$val][$tbl])) { foreach (array('id', 's', 'o') as $other_tbl) { if (isset($this->term_ids[$val][$other_tbl])) { $this->term_ids[$val][$tbl] = $this->term_ids[$val][$other_tbl]; $this->bufferIDSQL($tbl, $this->term_ids[$val][$tbl], $val, $type_id); break; } } } return $this->term_ids[$val][$tbl]; } /* db */ $tbl_prefix = $this->store->getTablePrefix(); $sub_tbls = ($tbl == 'id') ? array('id2val', 's2val', 'o2val') : ($tbl == 's' ? array('s2val', 'id2val', 'o2val') : array('o2val', 'id2val', 's2val')); foreach ($sub_tbls as $sub_tbl) { $id = 0; //$sql = "SELECT id AS `id`, '" . $sub_tbl . "' AS `tbl` FROM " . $tbl_prefix . $sub_tbl . " WHERE val = BINARY '" . mysql_real_escape_string($val, $con) . "'"; /* via hash */ if (preg_match('/^(s2val|o2val)$/', $sub_tbl) && $this->hasHashColumn($sub_tbl)) { $sql = "SELECT id AS `id`, val AS `val` FROM " . $tbl_prefix . $sub_tbl . " WHERE val_hash = BINARY '" . $this->getValueHash($val) . "'"; if (($rs = $this->queryDB($sql, $con)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs)) { if ($row['val'] == $val) { $id = $row['id']; break; } } } } else { $sql = "SELECT id AS `id` FROM " . $tbl_prefix . $sub_tbl . " WHERE val = BINARY '" . mysqli_real_escape_string( $con, $val) . "'"; if (($rs = $this->queryDB($sql . ' LIMIT 1', $con)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs); $id = $row['id']; } } if ($id) { $this->term_ids[$val] = array($tbl => $id); if ($sub_tbl != $tbl . '2val') { $this->bufferIDSQL($tbl, $id, $val, $type_id); } break; } } /* new */ if (!isset($this->term_ids[$val])) { $this->term_ids[$val] = array($tbl => $this->max_term_id); $this->bufferIDSQL($tbl, $this->max_term_id, $val, $type_id); $this->max_term_id++; /* upgrade tables ? */ if (($this->column_type == 'mediumint') && ($this->max_term_id >= 16750000)) { $this->store->extendColumns(); $this->column_type = 'int'; } } return $this->term_ids[$val][$tbl]; } function getTripleID($t) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $val = serialize($t); /* buffered */ if (isset($this->triple_ids[$val])) { return array($this->triple_ids[$val]);/* hack for "don't insert this triple" */ } /* db */ $sql = "SELECT t FROM " . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . "triple WHERE s = " . $t['s'] . " AND p = " . $t['p'] . " AND o = " . $t['o'] . " AND o_lang_dt = " . $t['o_lang_dt'] . " AND s_type = " . $t['s_type'] . " AND o_type = " . $t['o_type'] . " LIMIT 1 "; if (($rs = $this->queryDB($sql, $con)) && mysqli_num_rows($rs) && ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs))) { $this->triple_ids[$val] = $row['t'];/* hack for "don't insert this triple" */ return array($row['t']);/* hack for "don't insert this triple" */ } /* new */ else { $this->triple_ids[$val] = $this->max_triple_id; $this->max_triple_id++; /* split tables ? */ if (0 && $this->split_threshold && !($this->max_triple_id % $this->split_threshold)) { $this->store->splitTables(); $this->dropMergeTable(); $this->createMergeTable(); } /* upgrade tables ? // Thanks to patch by Mark Fichtner (https://github.com/Knurg) */ if (($this->column_type == 'mediumint') && ($this->max_triple_id >= 16750000)) { $this->store->extendColumns(); $this->column_type = 'int'; } return $this->triple_ids[$val]; } } function getOComp($val) { /* try date (e.g. 21 August 2007) */ //Modif AR poiur tenter de régler les pbs en PHP7.3 try{ $date = new DateTime($val); return $date->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s"); }catch(Exception $e){ } // if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}\s+[a-z]+\s+[0-9]{4}/i', $val) && ($uts = strtotime($val)) && ($uts !== -1)) { // return date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s", $uts); // } // /* xsd date (e.g. 2009-05-28T18:03:38+09:00 2009-05-28T18:03:38GMT) */ // if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}\T)([0-9\:]+)?([0-9\+\-\:\Z]+)?(\s*[a-z]{2,3})?$/si', $val, $m)) { // /* yyyy-mm-dd */ // $val = $m[1]; // /* hh:ss */ // if ($m[2]) { // $val .= $m[2]; // /* timezone offset */ // if (isset($m[3]) && ($m[3] != 'Z')) { // $uts = strtotime(str_replace('T', ' ', $val)); // if (preg_match('/([\+\-])([0-9]{2})\:?([0-9]{2})$/', $m[3], $sub_m)) { // $diff_mins = (3600 * ltrim($sub_m[2], '0')) + ltrim($sub_m[3], '0'); // $uts = ($sub_m[1] == '-') ? $uts + $diff_mins : $uts - $diff_mins; // $val = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $uts); // } // } // else { // $val .= 'Z'; // } // } // return $val; // } // /* fallback & backup w/o UTC calculation, to be removed in later revision */ // if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}[0-9\-\:\T\Z\+]+([a-z]{2,3})?$/i', $val)) { // return $val; // } if (is_numeric($val)) { $val = sprintf("%f", $val); if (preg_match("/([\-\+])([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/", $val, $m)) { return $m[1] . sprintf("%018s", $m[2]) . "." . sprintf("%-015s", $m[3]); } if (preg_match("/([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/", $val, $m)) { return "+" . sprintf("%018s", $m[1]) . "." . sprintf("%-015s", $m[2]); } return $val; } /* any other string: remove tags, linebreaks etc., but keep MB-chars */ //$val = substr(trim(preg_replace('/[\W\s]+/is', '-', strip_tags($val))), 0, 35); // [\PL\s]+ ( = non-Letters) kills digits $re = $this->has_pcre_unicode ? '/[\PL\s]+/isu' : '/[\s\'\"\´\`]+/is'; $re = '/[\s\'\"\´\`]+/is'; $val = trim(preg_replace($re, '-', strip_tags($val))); if (strlen($val) > 35) { $fnc = function_exists("mb_substr") ? 'mb_substr' : 'substr'; $val = $fnc($val, 0, 17) . '-' . $fnc($val, -17); } if ($this->strip_mb_comp_str) { $val = urldecode(preg_replace('/\%[0-9A-F]{2}/', '', urlencode($val))); } return $this->toUTF8($val); } /* */ function bufferTripleSQL($t) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $tbl = 'triple'; $sql = ", "; if (!isset($this->sql_buffers[$tbl])) { $this->sql_buffers[$tbl] = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . $tbl . " (t, s, p, o, o_lang_dt, o_comp, s_type, o_type) VALUES"; $sql = " "; } $this->sql_buffers[$tbl] .= $sql . "(" . $t['t'] . ", " . $t['s'] . ", " . $t['p'] . ", " . $t['o'] . ", " . $t['o_lang_dt'] . ", '" . mysqli_real_escape_string( $con, $t['o_comp']) . "', " . $t['s_type'] . ", " . $t['o_type'] . ")"; } function bufferGraphSQL($g2t) { $tbl = 'g2t'; $sql = ", "; if (!isset($this->sql_buffers[$tbl])) { $this->sql_buffers[$tbl] = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . $tbl . " (g, t) VALUES"; $sql = " "; } $this->sql_buffers[$tbl] .= $sql . "(" . $g2t['g'] . ", " . $g2t['t'] . ")"; } function bufferIDSQL($tbl, $id, $val, $val_type) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $tbl = $tbl . '2val'; if ($tbl == 'id2val') { $cols = "id, val, val_type"; $vals = "(" . $id . ", '" . mysqli_real_escape_string( $con, $val) . "', " . $val_type . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/^(s2val|o2val)$/', $tbl) && $this->hasHashColumn($tbl)) { $cols = "id, val_hash, val"; $vals = "(" . $id . ", '" . $this->getValueHash($val). "', '" . mysqli_real_escape_string( $con, $val) . "')"; } else { $cols = "id, val"; $vals = "(" . $id . ", '" . mysqli_real_escape_string( $con, $val) . "')"; } if (!isset($this->sql_buffers[$tbl])) { $this->sql_buffers[$tbl] = ''; $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $this->store->getTablePrefix() . $tbl . "(" . $cols . ") VALUES "; } else { $sql = ", "; } $sql .= $vals; $this->sql_buffers[$tbl] .= $sql; } /* */ function checkSQLBuffers($force_write = 0, $reset_id_buffers = 0, $refresh_lock = 0, $split_tables = 0) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); if (!$this->keep_time_limit) @set_time_limit($this->v('time_limit', 0, $this->a)); foreach (array('triple', 'g2t', 'id2val', 's2val', 'o2val') as $tbl) { $buffer_size = isset($this->sql_buffers[$tbl]) ? 1 : 0; if ($buffer_size && $force_write) { $t1 = ARC2::mtime(); $this->queryDB($this->sql_buffers[$tbl], $con); /* table error */ $er = mysqli_error($con); if (!empty($er)) { $this->autoRepairTable($er, $con, $this->sql_buffers[$tbl]); } unset($this->sql_buffers[$tbl]); if ($this->log_inserts) { $t2 = ARC2::mtime(); $this->inserts[$tbl] = $this->v($tbl, 0, $this->inserts) + max(0, mysqli_affected_rows($con)); $dur = round($t2 - $t1, 4); $this->insert_times[$tbl] = isset($this->insert_times[$tbl]) ? $this->insert_times[$tbl] : array('min' => $dur, 'max' => $dur, 'sum' => $dur); $this->insert_times[$tbl] = array('min' => min($dur, $this->insert_times[$tbl]['min']), 'max' => max($dur, $this->insert_times[$tbl]['max']), 'sum' => $dur + $this->insert_times[$tbl]['sum']); } /* reset term id buffers */ if ($reset_id_buffers) { $this->term_ids = array(); $this->triple_ids = array(); } /* refresh lock */ if ($refresh_lock) { $this->store->releaseLock(); $this->has_lock = 0; sleep(1); if (!$this->store->getLock(5)) return $this->addError('Could not re-obtain lock in "checkSQLBuffers"'); $this->has_lock = 1; } } } return 1; } function autoRepairTable($er, $con, $sql = '') { $this->addError('MySQL error: ' . $er . ' (' . $sql . ')'); if (preg_match('/Table \'[^\']+\/([a-z0-9\_\-]+)\' .*(crashed|repair)/i', $er, $m)) { $rs = $this->queryDB('REPAIR TABLE ' . rawurlencode($m[1]), $con); $msg = $rs ? mysqli_fetch_array($rs) : array(); if ($this->v('Msg_type', 'error', $msg) == 'error') { /* auto-reset */ if ($this->v('store_reset_on_table_crash', 0, $this->a)) { $this->store->drop(); $this->store->setUp(); } else { $er = $this->v('Msg_text', 'unknown error', $msg); $this->addError('Auto-repair failed on ' . rawurlencode($m[1]) . ': ' . $er); } //die("Fatal errors: \n" . print_r($this->getErrors(), 1)); } } } /* speed log */ function logInserts() { $t_start = $this->t_start; $t_prev = $this->t_prev; $t_now = ARC2::mtime(); $tc_prev = $this->t_count_prev; $tc_now = $this->t_count; $tc_diff = $tc_now - $tc_prev; $dur_full = $t_now - $t_start; $dur_diff = $t_now - $t_prev; $speed_full = round($tc_now / $dur_full); $speed_now = round($tc_diff / $dur_diff); $r = $tc_diff . ' in ' . round($dur_diff, 5) . ' = ' . $speed_now . ' t/s (' .$tc_now. ' in ' . round($dur_full, 5). ' = ' . $speed_full . ' t/s )'; $fp = @fopen("arc_insert_log.txt", "a"); @fwrite($fp, $r . "\r\n"); @fclose($fp); $this->t_prev = $t_now; $this->t_count_prev = $tc_now; } }