return $checkboxes;
// affichage du formulaire de la tâche
public function get_form() {
global $charset, $base_path, $msg;
global $planificateur_form, $act, $subaction;
$dir_upload_boolean = 0;
//Récupération des données du formulaire
if ($subaction == "change") {
//les paramètres ont été re-sérialisés dans set_properties_from_form()
$this->param = unserialize($this->param);
} else {
//Récupération des données de la base
$form = $planificateur_form;
$form=str_replace("!!submit_action!!","return checkForm();",$form);
$form=str_replace("!!libelle_type_task!!",scheduler_tasks::get_catalog_element($this->id_type, 'COMMENT'),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!task_statut!!","statut ? " checked " : "''" )." onchange='changeStatut();'/>",$form);
//ce type de tâche nécessite-t-il d'un répertoire d'upload pour les documents numériques?
if ($dir_upload_boolean) {
$up = new upload_folder($this->rep_upload);
if ($subaction == 'change') {
$nom_chemin = $up->formate_path_to_nom($this->path_upload);
} else {
$nom_chemin = $up->formate_nom_to_path($up->repertoire_nom.$this->path_upload);
".$msg["planificateur_upload"]." :
} else {
$nom_chemin = "";
$form = str_replace('!!path!!', htmlentities($nom_chemin ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
$form = str_replace('!!id_rep!!', htmlentities($this->rep_upload ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
$form=str_replace("!!task_perio_quotidien!!",$this->get_checkboxes('chkbx_task_quotidien', explode(',', $this->perio_jour_mois)),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!task_perio_hebdo!!",$this->get_checkboxes('chkbx_task_hebdo', explode(',', $this->perio_jour)),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!task_perio_mensuel!!",$this->get_checkboxes('chkbx_task_mensuel', explode(',', $this->perio_mois)),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!histo_day_checked!!",($this->param["histo_day"] != "" ? " checked " : ""),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!histo_number_checked!!",($this->param["histo_number"] != "" ? " checked " : ""),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!histo_day_visible!!",($this->param["histo_day"] == "" ? "disabled" : ""),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!histo_number_visible!!",($this->param["histo_number"] == "" ? "disabled" : ""),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!restart_on_failure_checked!!",($this->param["restart_on_failure"] ? " checked " : ""),$form);
$params_alert_mail = explode(",",$this->param["alert_mail_on_failure"]);
$form=str_replace("!!alert_mail_on_failure_checked!!",($params_alert_mail[0] ? " checked " : ""),$form);
$form=str_replace("!!mail_on_failure!!",(isset($params_alert_mail[1]) ? $params_alert_mail[1] : ''),$form);
//Inclusion du formulaire spécifique au type de tâche
$form=str_replace("!!specific_form!!", $this->show_form($this->param),$form);
if ($act == "task_duplicate") $this->id = 0;
if (!$this->id) {
} else {
return $form;
public function show_form() {
// à surcharger
public function make_serialized_task_params() {
global $timeout, $histo_day, $histo_number, $restart_on_failure, $alert_mail_on_failure, $mail_on_failure;
$t["timeout"] = ($timeout != "0" ? stripslashes($timeout) : "");
$t["histo_day"] = ($histo_day != "0" ? stripslashes($histo_day) : "");
$t["histo_number"] = ($histo_number != "0" ? stripslashes($histo_number) : "");
$t["restart_on_failure"] = ($restart_on_failure+0 ? "1" : "0");
$t["alert_mail_on_failure"] = $alert_mail_on_failure.($mail_on_failure ? ",".$mail_on_failure : "");
return $t;
protected function build_perio_property_from_form($perio_property) {
$built = '';
if ($perio_property[0] == '*') {
$built .= $perio_property[0].",";
} else {
for ($i=0; $ilibelle_tache = stripslashes($task_name);
$this->desc_tache = stripslashes($task_desc);
$this->num_user = $form_users+0;
$this->param = $this->make_serialized_task_params();
$this->statut = $task_active+0;
$this->rep_upload = $id_rep+0;
if ($this->rep_upload && $path) {
$up = new upload_folder($this->rep_upload);
$this->path_upload = $up->formate_path_to_save($up->formate_path_to_nom(stripslashes($path)));
} else {
$this->path_upload = "";
$this->perio_heure = ($task_perio_heure == '' ? '00' : stripslashes($task_perio_heure));
$this->perio_minute = ($task_perio_min == '' ? '00' : stripslashes($task_perio_min));
$this->perio_jour_mois = $this->build_perio_property_from_form($chkbx_task_quotidien);
$this->perio_jour = $this->build_perio_property_from_form($chkbx_task_hebdo);
$this->perio_mois = $this->build_perio_property_from_form($chkbx_task_mensuel);
//sauvegarde des données du formulaire,
public function save_property_form() {
global $base_path;
// est-ce une nouvelle tâche ??
if ($this->id == '') {
//Nouvelle planification
$requete="insert into planificateur (num_type_tache, libelle_tache, desc_tache, num_user, param, statut, rep_upload, path_upload, perio_heure,
perio_minute, perio_jour_mois, perio_jour, perio_mois)
$this->id = pmb_mysql_insert_id();
} else {
//Mise à jour des informations
$requete="update planificateur
set num_type_tache = '".$this->id_type."',
libelle_tache = '".addslashes($this->libelle_tache)."',
desc_tache = '".addslashes($this->desc_tache)."',
num_user = '".$this->num_user."',
param = '".addslashes($this->param)."',
statut = '".$this->statut."',
rep_upload = '".$this->rep_upload."',
path_upload = '".$this->path_upload."',
perio_heure = '".$this->perio_heure."',
perio_minute = '".$this->perio_minute."',
perio_jour_mois = '".$this->perio_jour_mois."',
perio_jour = '".$this->perio_jour."',
perio_mois = '".$this->perio_mois."'
where id_planificateur='".$this->id."'";
//calcul de la prochaine exécution
//Vérification des paramètres enregistrés
// insertion d'une nouvelle tâche si aucune n'est planifiée
//Suppression d'une planification de tâche associée à un type de tâche
public function delete() {
global $msg, $base_path;
global $template_result, $confirm, $disabled;
//disabled == 1 then statut = 0
if ($disabled == "1") {
if ($this->id) {
$query = "update planificateur set statut=0 where id_planificateur=".$this->id;
$template_result=str_replace("!!libelle_type_task!!",scheduler_tasks::get_catalog_element($this->id_type, 'COMMENT'),$template_result);
//on vérifie tout d'abord que la tâche soit désactivée
$query_active = "select statut from planificateur where id_planificateur=".$this->id;
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query_active);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
$value_statut = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, "statut");
} else {
$value_statut = "";
if ($value_statut == "0") {
$body = "
//Confirmation de suppression
if ($confirm == "1") {
//Vérifie si une tâche est en cours sur cette planification
$query_check = "select id_tache from taches where num_planificateur=".$this->id." and status <> 3";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query_check);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result) == '1') {
// ne pas la supprimer !
$ident_tache = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0,"id_tache");
//suppression des tâches à l'exclusion de celle en cours
$query="select id_tache from taches where num_planificateur=".$this->id."
and id_tache <> ".$ident_tache;
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
$tasks_ids = array();
while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
scheduler_log::delete('scheduler_'.scheduler_tasks::get_catalog_element($this->id_type, 'NAME').'_task_'.$row->id_tache.'.log');
$tasks_ids[] = $row->id_tache;
if(count($tasks_ids)) {
$query = "delete from taches
where id_tache IN (".implode(',', $tasks_ids).")";
$requete="delete from planificateur where id_planificateur=".$this->id."";
//et les documents numériques qu'en fait-on???
print "";
return $template_result;
/* Calcul prochaine execution */
public function calcul_execution() {
if ($this->id) {
$call_calendar = new scheduler_task_calendar($this->id);
$jour = $call_calendar->new_date["JOUR"];
$mois = $call_calendar->new_date["MOIS"];
$annee = $call_calendar->new_date["ANNEE"];
$heure = $call_calendar->new_date["HEURE"];
$minute = $call_calendar->new_date["MINUTE"];
if ($jour != "00") {
$date_exec = $annee."-".$mois."-".$jour;
$heure_exec = $heure.":".$minute;
} else {
$date_exec = "0000-00-00";
$heure_exec = "00:00";
} else {
$date_exec = "0000-00-00";
$heure_exec = "00:00";
//mise à jour de la prochaine planification
$query = "update planificateur set calc_next_heure_deb='".$heure_exec."', calc_next_date_deb='".$date_exec."'
where id_planificateur=".$this->id;
//vérification de deux paramètres génériques (historique, nb exécution conservées)
public function checkParams() {
$requete = "select param, num_type_tache from planificateur where id_planificateur=".$this->id;
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat) > 0) {
if ($params) {
foreach ($params as $index=>$param) {
if (($index == "histo_day") && ($param != "") && ($param !="0")) {
$query = "select id_tache from taches where num_planificateur ='".$this->id."'
and end_at < DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL ".$param." DAY)
and end_at != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
$tasks_ids = array();
while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
scheduler_log::delete('scheduler_'.scheduler_tasks::get_catalog_element($this->id_type, 'NAME').'_task_'.$row->id_tache.'.log');
$tasks_ids[] = $row->id_tache;
if(count($tasks_ids)) {
$query = "delete from taches
where id_tache IN (".implode(',', $tasks_ids).")";
if (($index == "histo_number") && ($param != "") && ($param !="0")) {
//check nbre exécution
$requete_select = "select count(*) as nbre from taches where num_planificateur =".$this->id."
and end_at != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
$result = pmb_mysql_query($requete_select);
$nb = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0,"nbre");
if ($nb > $param) {
$nb_r = $nb - $param;
$query = "select id_tache from taches where num_planificateur=".$this->id."
and end_at != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
order by end_at ASC
limit ".$nb_r;
$result = pmb_mysql_query($query);
$tasks_ids = array();
while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
scheduler_log::delete('scheduler_'.scheduler_tasks::get_catalog_element($this->id_type, 'NAME').'_task_'.$row->id_tache.'.log');
$tasks_ids[] = $row->id_tache;
if(count($tasks_ids)) {
$query = "delete from taches
where id_tache IN (".implode(',', $tasks_ids).")";
// il faut aussi effacer les documents numériques...
//en base...
$query_del_docnum = "delete from taches_docnum where num_tache not in (select id_tache from taches)";
public function insertOfTask($active ='') {
if ($active == '') {
//statut de la tâche
$query_state = "select statut from planificateur where id_planificateur=".$this->id;
$result_query_state = pmb_mysql_query($query_state);
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_query_state) > 0) {
$active = pmb_mysql_result($result_query_state,0, "statut");
// on recherche si cette planification possède une tâche en attente ou en cours d'exécution...
$query = "select t.id_tache, t.num_planificateur, p.statut
from taches t, planificateur p
where t.num_planificateur=p.id_planificateur
and t.end_at='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and t.num_planificateur=".$this->id;
$result_query = pmb_mysql_query($query);
// nouvelle planification && planification activée
if ((pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_query) == 0) && ($active == '1')) {
$cmpt=0;//Pour éviter une boucle infini... au cas où
while ((!$insertok) && ($cmpt < 10000)){//MB: Comme des tâches peuvent être executées en parallèle et que id_tache est unique on peut tenter d'insérer avec le même id
//valeur maximale d'identifiant de tâche
$reqMaxId = pmb_mysql_query("select max(id_tache) as maxId from taches");
$rowMaxId = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($reqMaxId);
$id_tache = $rowMaxId[0] + 1;
//insertion de la tâche planifiée
$requete="insert into taches (id_tache, num_planificateur, status, commande, indicat_progress,id_process)
$insertok = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
// modification planification && planification désactivée
} else if ((pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_query) == 1) && ($active == '0')) {
//il faut vérifier que la tâche ne soit pas déjà planifiée, si oui on la supprime
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_query) >= 1) {
$requete="delete from taches where start_at='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and num_planificateur='".$this->id."'";
public function set_id_type($id_type=0) {
$this->id_type = $id_type+0;