object_index_key = "id_authority"; $this->object_words_table = "authorities_words_global_index"; $this->object_fields_table = "authorities_fields_global_index"; $this->object_key = 'id_authority'; if ($this->authority_type) { $this->field_restrict[]= array( 'field' => "type", 'values' => array($this->authority_type), 'op' => "and", 'not' => false ); } } public function _get_search_type(){ return "authorites"; } protected function get_full_results_query(){ if ($this->object_table) { return 'select id_authority from authorities join '.$this->object_table.' on authorities.num_object = '.$this->object_table_key; } return 'select id_authority from authorities'; } protected function _get_authorities_filters(){ global $authority_statut, $no_display; $filters = array(); if ($this->authority_type) { $filters[] = 'authorities.type_object = '.$this->authority_type; } if ($authority_statut) { $filters[] = 'authorities.num_statut = "'.$authority_statut.'"'; } if ($no_display) { $filters[] = 'authorities.num_object != "'.$no_display.'"'; } return $filters; } protected function _get_search_query(){ $query = parent::_get_search_query(); if($this->authority_type && $this->object_table) { $filters = $this->_get_authorities_filters(); $filters[] = $this->object_key.' in ('.$query.')'; if ($this->user_query !== "*") { $query = 'select id_authority from authorities join '.$this->object_table.' on authorities.num_object = '.$this->object_table_key; } if (count($filters)) { $query .= ' where '.implode(' and ', $filters); } }else if(get_class($this) == get_class()) { if($this->user_query !== "*"){ // Si cette classe est appelée directement, on cherche dans toutes les autorités donc on va chercher les concepts $searcher_authorities_concepts = new searcher_authorities_concepts($this->user_query); $query = 'select id_authority from (('.$query.') union ('.$searcher_authorities_concepts->get_raw_query().')) as search_query_concepts'; } $filters = $this->_get_authorities_filters(); if ($query){ $filters[] = 'id_authority in ('.$query.')'; } if (count($filters)) { $query = 'select id_authority from authorities where '.implode(' and ', $filters); } } return $query; } protected function _get_sign_elements($sorted=false) { global $authority_statut; $str_to_hash = parent::_get_sign_elements($sorted); $str_to_hash .= "&authority_statut=".$authority_statut; return $str_to_hash; } // à réécrire au besoin... protected function _sort($start,$number) { global $last_param, $tri_param, $limit_param; global $pmb_nb_max_tri; $sort_index = ""; $entity_type = $this->get_sort_entity_type(); if (!empty($entity_type)) { $sort_index = "tri_".$entity_type; } $apply_sort = false; if (!empty($sort_index) && !empty($_SESSION[$sort_index])) { // On vérifie si on peut appliquer le tri selon le paramètre $pmb_nb_max_tri $apply_sort = false; $query = "SELECT COUNT(id_authority) as nb_results FROM authorities WHERE id_authority in (".$this->_get_search_query().")"; if ($this->table_tempo != "") { $query = "SELECT count(id_authority) as nb_results FROM " . $this->table_tempo; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res); } if ($row->nb_results <= $pmb_nb_max_tri) { $apply_sort = true; if (!empty($entity_type)) { $sort = new sort($entity_type, 'base'); } } } if($this->table_tempo != ""){ if ($apply_sort) { $query = $sort->appliquer_tri($_SESSION[$sort_index], "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_tempo, 'id_authority', $start, $number); } else { $authority_tri = $this->get_authority_tri(); $join = ''; if($this->authority_type && $this->object_table && $authority_tri) { $join = ' join authorities on '.$this->table_tempo.'.'.$this->object_key.' = authorities.id_authority join '.$this->object_table.' on authorities.num_object = '.$this->object_table_key.' and authorities.type_object = '.$this->authority_type; } $query = 'select * from '.$this->table_tempo.$join.' order by pert desc'.($authority_tri ? ', '.$authority_tri : '').', '.$this->table_tempo.'.'.$this->object_key.' asc limit '.$start.','.$number; } } else { if ($apply_sort) { $query = $sort->appliquer_tri($_SESSION[$sort_index], $this->_get_search_query(), 'id_authority', $start, $number); } else { if ($last_param) { $query = $this->_get_search_query().' '.$tri_param.' '.$limit_param; } else { $authority_tri = $this->get_authority_tri(); $query = $this->_get_search_query().($authority_tri ? ' order by '.$authority_tri : '').' limit '.$start.', '.$number; } } } if (!empty($query)) { $res = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ $this->result=array(); while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->result[] = $row->id_authority; } } } } public function get_authority_tri() { // à surcharger si besoin return ''; } protected function _sort_result($start,$number){ if ($this->user_query != '*') { $this->_get_pert(); } $this->_sort($start,$number); } public function get_raw_query() { $this->_analyse(); return $this->_get_search_query(); } public function get_pert_result($query = false) { $pert = ''; if ($this->get_result()) { $pert = $this->_get_pert($query); }else{ $this->table_tempo = $this->get_temporary_table_name(); $pert = $this->get_full_query(); pmb_mysql_query("create temporary table {$this->table_tempo} {$pert}"); } if ($query) { return $pert; } return $this->table_tempo; } protected function _get_pert($return_query = false) { $query = parent::_get_pert(true); if (get_class($this) == get_class()) { // Si cette classe est appelée directement, on cherche dans toutes les autorités donc on va chercher les concepts $searcher_authorities_concepts = new searcher_authorities_concepts($this->user_query); $concepts_pert_result = $searcher_authorities_concepts->get_pert_result(true); if ($concepts_pert_result) { $query = 'select '.$this->object_key.', sum(pert) as pert from (('.$query.') union all ('.$concepts_pert_result.')) as search_query_concepts group by '.$this->object_key; } } if ($return_query) { return $query; } if(!$query) return; // Pas de résultat en recherche $this->table_tempo = 'search_result'.md5(microtime(true)); $rqt = 'create temporary table '.$this->table_tempo.' '.$query; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); pmb_mysql_query('alter table '.$this->table_tempo.' add index i_id('.$this->object_key.')'); } public function get_results_list_from_search($label, $user_input, $list, $navbar) { return "

".$this->get_nb_results()." ".$label." ".$user_input."

". entities_authorities_controller::get_caddie_link(). entities_authorities_controller::get_sort_link($this->get_nb_results(), $this->get_sort_entity_type()) ."
"; } public static function has_authorities_sources($authority_type) { $authorities_sources = false; $query = "SELECT id_authority_source FROM authorities_sources WHERE authority_type='".$authority_type."' AND TRIM(authority_number) !='' LIMIT 1"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ $authorities_sources = true; } return $authorities_sources; } public static function get_display_authorities_sources($num_authority, $authority_type) { global $charset; $display = ''; $query = "SELECT authority_number,origin_authorities_name, origin_authorities_country FROM authorities_sources JOIN origin_authorities ON num_origin_authority=id_origin_authorities WHERE authority_type='".$authority_type."' AND num_authority='".$num_authority."' AND TRIM(authority_number) !='' GROUP BY authority_number,origin_authorities_name,origin_authorities_country ORDER BY authority_favorite DESC, origin_authorities_name"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ $first=true; while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if(!$first)$display .=", "; $display .=htmlentities($row->authority_number,ENT_QUOTES,$charset); if($tmp=trim($row->origin_authorities_name)){ $display .=htmlentities(" (".$row->origin_authorities_name.")",ENT_QUOTES,$charset); } $first=false; } } return $display; } /** * Ajoute des restriction au tableau $field_restrict * @param array $fields_restrict Tableau des restrictions à ajouter */ public function add_fields_restrict($fields_restrict = array()) { if(count($fields_restrict)){ $tab[] = array( 'op' => "and", 'sub' => $fields_restrict ); $this->field_restrict = array_merge($this->field_restrict, $tab); } } protected function _get_no_display() { global $no_display; if($no_display) { $authority = new authority(0, $no_display, $this->authority_type); return $authority->get_id(); } return 0; } public function get_object_key() { return $this->object_key; } public function get_object_table() { return $this->object_table; } public function get_object_table_key() { return $this->object_table_key; } public function get_authority_type() { return $this->authority_type; } public function get_human_query() { global $msg, $charset; $human_query = ''; $human_queries = $this->_get_human_queries(); if (count($human_queries)) { foreach ($human_queries as $element) { if ($human_query) { $human_query.= ', '; } $human_query.= ''.$element['name'].' '.htmlentities($element['value'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } } $nb_results = $this->get_nb_results(); if($nb_results) { $human_query.= " => ".sprintf($msg["searcher_results"], $nb_results); } else { $human_query.= " => ".sprintf($msg['1915'], $nb_results); } return "
"; } protected function _get_human_queries() { global $authority_statut, $msg; $human_queries = array(); if ($this->user_query) { $human_queries[] = array( 'name' => $msg['global_search'], 'value' => $this->user_query ); } if ($authority_statut) { $authority_statut_label = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query('select authorities_statut_label from authorities_statuts where id_authorities_statut = '.$authority_statut), 0, 0); $human_queries[] = array( 'name' => $msg['authorities_statut_label'], 'value' => $authority_statut_label ); } return $human_queries; } public function get_authority_ids_from_result($search_result=[]) { $result = []; if(empty($search_result) || !is_array($search_result)) { return $result; } $rqt = "select id_authority from authorities join ".$this->object_fields_table." on num_object=".$this->object_index_key; $rqt.= " where code_champ=1 and type_object=".AUT_TABLE_CONCEPT." and ".$this->object_index_key." in (".implode(',', $search_result).") "; echo $rqt."
"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); echo $rqt; if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $result[] = $row[0]; } } return $result; } protected function get_sort_entity_type($authority_type = 0) { if ($authority_type === 0) { $authority_type = $this->get_authority_type(); } switch ($authority_type) { case AUT_TABLE_CATEG: return "categories"; case AUT_TABLE_AUTHPERSO: return "authperso"; case AUT_TABLE_CONCEPT: return "concepts"; case AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS: return "collections"; case AUT_TABLE_TITRES_UNIFORMES: return "titres_uniformes"; case AUT_TABLE_SUB_COLLECTIONS: return "subcollections"; case AUT_TABLE_SERIES: return "series"; case AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS: return "publishers"; case AUT_TABLE_INDEXINT: return "indexint"; case AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS: return "authors"; default: // Si on n'a rien on regarde dans searcher_authorities_instances if (!empty($this->searcher_authorities_instances) && count($this->searcher_authorities_instances) == 1) { if (!empty($this->searcher_authorities_instances[0])) { $authority_type = $this->searcher_authorities_instances[0]->get_authority_type(); if ($authority_type != 0) { return $this->get_sort_entity_type($authority_type); } } } return "mixed"; } } }