id_key = 'id_authority'; $this->object_key = 'id_authority'; $this->index_name = 'authors,categories,indexint,series,publishers,collections,subcollections,titres_uniformes,concepts'; } protected function get_search_indexes(){ global $lang; global $sphinx_indexes_prefix; $indexes = explode(',',$this->index_name); $index = ""; foreach($indexes as $index_name){ if($index) $index.= ','; $index.= $sphinx_indexes_prefix.trim($index_name).'_'.$lang.','.$sphinx_indexes_prefix.trim($index_name); } if(!$this->authority_type){ $result = pmb_mysql_query('select id_authperso from authperso'); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if($index) $index.= ','; $index.= $sphinx_indexes_prefix.'authperso_'.$row->id_authperso.'_'.$lang.','.$sphinx_indexes_prefix.'authperso_'.$row->id_authperso; } } } return $index; } protected function get_full_raw_query(){ global $sub; if (!empty($this->authority_type)) { $query = "SELECT id_authority AS id, 100 AS weight FROM authorities WHERE type_object = $this->authority_type "; if (!empty($this->fields_restrict)) { $parts = explode('_', $this->fields_restrict[0]); $code_champ = $parts[1]; $code_ss_champ = $parts[2]; $query = "SELECT id_authority AS id, 100 AS weight FROM authorities_fields_global_index WHERE type = $this->authority_type AND code_champ = $code_champ AND code_ss_champ = $code_ss_champ "; } if (!empty($sub) && substr($sub, -4) == 'last') { $query .= "ORDER BY id_authority DESC"; } return $query; } return 'SELECT id_authority AS id, 100 AS weight FROM authorities'; } protected function _filter_results(){ if($this->objects_ids!='') { $this->filter_authorities_forms(); // $fr = new filter_results($this->objects_ids); // $this->objects_ids = $fr->get_results(); $query = 'delete from '.$this->get_tempo_tablename(); if($this->objects_ids != ''){ $query.=' where id_authority not in ('.$this->objects_ids.')' ; } pmb_mysql_query($query) or die(pmb_mysql_error()); } } protected function filter_authorities_forms(){ //A DERIVER } public function get_full_query(){ $this->get_result(); $query = 'select id_authority, pert from '.$this->get_tempo_tablename(); return $query; } public function get_sorted_result($tri = "default",$start=0,$number=20){ $this->tri = $tri; $this->get_result(); $this->result = array_slice(explode(',',$this->objects_ids), $start,$number); return $this->result; } public function explain($display,$mode,$mini=false){ print '
'; print '

Recherche SPHINX

'; print '

QUERY : '.$this->sphinx_query.'

'; $start = microtime(true); print '

Nombre de resultats trouves: '.$this->get_nb_results().'

'; $result = $this->get_sorted_result(); if($this->get_nb_results()>0 && $result){ $inter = microtime(true); print '

Temps de calcul (en seconde) : '.($inter - $start).'

'; $elements_authorities_list_ui = new elements_authorities_list_ui($result, 20, $this->authority_type); $elements = $elements_authorities_list_ui->get_elements_list(); print $begin_result_liste; print $elements; print $end_result_liste; print '

Temps de gen page (en seconde) : '.(microtime(true) - $inter).'

'; } print '

Temps Total (en seconde) : '.(microtime(true) - $start).'

'; } protected function get_filters(){ $filters = parent::get_filters(); global $authority_statut; if($authority_statut){ //on ne s'assure pas de savoir si c'est une chaine ou un tableau, c'est géré dans la classe racine à la volée! $filters[] = array( 'name'=> 'status', 'values' => $authority_statut*1 ); } return $filters; } public function get_authority_tri() { // à surcharger si besoin return ''; } public function get_object_key() { return $this->object_key; } public function get_object_table() { return $this->object_table; } public function get_object_table_key() { return $this->object_table_key; } public function get_authority_type() { return $this->authority_type; } public function get_human_query() { global $msg, $charset; $human_query = ''; $human_queries = $this->_get_human_queries(); if (count($human_queries)) { foreach ($human_queries as $element) { if ($human_query) { $human_query.= ', '; } $human_query.= ''.$element['name'].' '.htmlentities($element['value'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } } $nb_results = $this->get_nb_results(); if($nb_results) { $human_query.= " => ".sprintf($msg["searcher_results"], $nb_results); } else { $human_query.= " => ".sprintf($msg['1915'], $nb_results); } return "
"; } protected function _get_human_queries() { global $authority_statut, $msg; $human_queries = array(); if ($this->user_query) { $human_queries[] = array( 'name' => $msg['global_search'], 'value' => $this->user_query ); } if ($authority_statut) { $authority_statut_label = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query('select authorities_statut_label from authorities_statuts where id_authorities_statut = '.$authority_statut), 0, 0); $human_queries[] = array( 'name' => $msg['authorities_statut_label'], 'value' => $authority_statut_label ); } return $human_queries; } protected function _get_no_display() { global $no_display; if($no_display) { $authority = new authority(0, $no_display, $this->authority_type); return $authority->get_id(); } return 0; } }