code and desc which stores the error code and description respectivly */ public $error; /* * Stores the connection status * @access public * @var boolean */ public $connected; /* * Stores the host name * @access private * @var string */ private $host; /* * Stores the port number * @access private * @var string */ private $port; /* * Stores the raw api call response * @access private * @var string */ private $response; /* * Stores the socket class * @access private * @var class */ private $socket; /* * Stores the cache class * @access private * @var class */ private $cache; /* * Stores the config * @access private * @var class */ public $config; /* * Setup the socket to get the raw api call return * @access private * @return boolean */ private function setup() { $this->host = ''; $this->port = 80; $this->connected = 0; $this->socket = new lastfmApiSocket($this->host, $this->port); if ( !$this->socket->error_number && !$this->socket->error_string ) { $this->connected = 1; return true; } else { $this->handleError(99, $this->socket->error_string); return false; } } /* * Turns the raw response into an xml object * @access private * @return object */ private function process_response() { $xmlstr = ''; $record = 0; foreach ( $this->response as $line ) { if ( $record == 1 ) { $xmlstr .= $line; } elseif( substr($line, 0, 1) == '<' ) { $record = 1; } elseif ( preg_match('/^HTTP\/1.[0-9]{1} ([4-9]{1}[0-9]{2}.*)/', $line, $matches) ) { $this->handleError(99, $this->host.': Service not available (' . trim($matches[1]) . ')'); return; } } try { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); } catch (Exception $e) { // Crap! We got errors!!! $errors = libxml_get_errors(); $error = $errors[0]; $this->handleError(95, 'SimpleXMLElement error: '.$e->getMessage().': '.$error->message); } if ( !isset($e) ) { // All is well :) return $xml; /* return filter_var_array( (array) $xml, array( 'filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH ) ); */ } } /* * Used in api calls that do not require write access. Returns an xml object * @access protected * @return object */ protected function apiGetCall($vars) { $this->setup(); if ( $this->connected == 1 ) { $this->cache = new lastfmApiCache($this->config); if ( !empty($this->cache->error) ) { $this->handleError(96, $this->cache->error); return false; } else { if ( $cache = $this->cache->get($vars) ) { // Cache exists $this->response = $cache; } else { // Cache doesnt exist $url = '/2.0/?'; foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { $url .= trim(urlencode($name)).'='.trim(urlencode($value)).'&'; } $url = substr($url, 0, -1); $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); $out = "GET ".$url." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $out .= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; $this->response = $this->socket->send($out, 'array'); $this->cache->set($vars, $this->response); } return $this->process_response(); } } else { return false; } } /* * Used in api calls that require write access. Returns an xml object * @access protected * @return object */ protected function apiPostCall($vars, $return = 'bool') { $this->setup(); if ( $this->connected == 1 ) { $url = '/2.0/'; $data = ''; foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { $data .= trim($name).'='.trim($value).'&'; } $data = substr($data, 0, -1); $data = str_replace(' ', '%20', $data); $out = "POST ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; $out .= $data."\r\n"; $this->response = $this->socket->send($out, 'array'); return $this->process_response(); } else { return false; } } /* * Processes and error and writes to the public variable $error * @access protected * @return void */ protected function handleError($error = array(), $customDesc = '') { if ( !empty($error) && is_object($error) ) { // Fail with error code $this->error['code'] = $error['code']; $this->error['desc'] = $error; } elseif( !empty($error) && is_numeric($error) ) { // Fail with custom error code $this->error['code'] = $error; $this->error['desc'] = $customDesc; } else { //Hard failure $this->error['code'] = 0; $this->error['desc'] = 'Unknown error'; } } /* * Generates the api signature for use in api calls that require write access * @access protected * @return string */ protected function apiSig($secret, $vars) { ksort($vars); $sig = ''; foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { $sig .= $name.$value; } $sig .= $secret; $sig = md5($sig); return $sig; } /* * Used to return the correct package to allow access to the api calls for that package * @access public * @return class */ public function getPackage($auth, $package, $config = '') { if ( $config == '' ) { $config = array( 'enabled' => false ); } if ( is_object($auth) ) { if ( !empty($auth->apiKey) && !empty($auth->secret) && !empty($auth->username) && !empty($auth->sessionKey) && ($auth->subscriber == 0 || $auth->subscriber == 1) ) { $fullAuth = 1; } elseif ( !empty($auth->apiKey) ) { $fullAuth = 0; } else { $this->handleError(91, 'Invalid auth class was passed to lastfmApi. You need to have at least an apiKey set'); return FALSE; } } else { $this->handleError(91, 'You need to pass a lastfmApiAuth class as the first variable to this class'); return FALSE; } if ( $package == 'album' || $package == 'artist' || $package == 'event' || $package == 'geo' || $package == 'group' || $package == 'library' || $package == 'playlist' || $package == 'radio' || $package == 'tag' || $package == 'tasteometer' || $package == 'track' || $package == 'user' || $package == 'venue' ) { $className = 'lastfmApi'.ucfirst($package); return new $className($auth, $fullAuth, $config); } else { $this->handleError(91, 'The package name you past was invalid'); return FALSE; } } } ?>