object_id = $object_id; $this->object_type = $object_type; $this->set_object_string_type($object_type); $this->fetch_data(); } public function get_object_string_type() { return $this->object_string_type; } public function set_object_string_type($type) { $this->object_string_type = ''; switch ($type) { case AVIS_RECORDS : $this->object_string_type = 'notice'; break; case AVIS_ARTICLES : $this->object_string_type = 'article'; break; case AVIS_SECTIONS : $this->object_string_type = 'section'; break; } } protected function fetch_data() { global $msg; $this->avis = array(); $query = "select avg(note) as average, count(id_avis) as number from avis where valide = 1"; if(isset($_SESSION['id_empr_session']) && $_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $query .= " and ( avis_private = 0 or (avis_private = 1 and num_empr='".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."') or (avis_private = 1 and avis_num_liste_lecture <> 0 and ( avis_num_liste_lecture in ( select num_liste from abo_liste_lecture where abo_liste_lecture.num_empr='".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."' and abo_liste_lecture.etat=2 ) or avis_num_liste_lecture in (select id_liste from opac_liste_lecture where opac_liste_lecture.num_empr = '".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."') ) ) )"; } else { $query .= " and avis_private = 0"; } $query .= " and num_notice = ".$this->object_id." and type_object = ".$this->get_object_type()." group by num_notice, type_object"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->average = number_format($row->average, 1, ',', ''); $this->number = $row->number; if ($this->number) { $this->avis = array(); $query = "select id_avis, note, commentaire, sujet, DATE_FORMAT(dateajout,'".$msg['format_date']."') as create_date, avis_private, avis_num_liste_lecture, num_empr, empr_login, empr_nom, empr_prenom from avis left join empr on id_empr=num_empr where num_notice='$this->object_id' and type_object = ".$this->get_object_type()." and valide=1"; if($_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $query .= " and ( avis_private = 0 or (avis_private = 1 and num_empr='".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."') or (avis_private = 1 and avis_num_liste_lecture <> 0 and ( avis_num_liste_lecture in ( select num_liste from abo_liste_lecture where abo_liste_lecture.num_empr='".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."' and abo_liste_lecture.etat=2 ) or avis_num_liste_lecture in (select id_liste from opac_liste_lecture where opac_liste_lecture.num_empr = '".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."') ) ) )"; } else { $query .= " and avis_private = 0"; } $query .= " order by avis_private desc, avis_num_liste_lecture, dateajout desc"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $notes_sum = 0; $this->avis['public'] = array(); $this->avis['private'] = array(); while ($avis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if($avis->avis_private) { $this->avis['private'][$avis->avis_num_liste_lecture][] = $avis; } else { $this->avis['public'][] = $avis; $notes_sum = $notes_sum + $avis->note; } if (!isset($this->nb_by_note[$avis->note])) { $this->nb_by_note[$avis->note] = 0; } $this->nb_by_note[$avis->note]++; } if(count($this->avis['public'])){ $this->public_average = number_format($notes_sum / count($this->avis['public']), 1, ',', ''); } } } } } /** * Sélecteur des listes de lecture privées */ public function gen_selector_private_reading_lists($id_avis = 0, $selected = 0) { global $msg; $display = ''; $query = "select id_liste from opac_liste_lecture join empr on empr.id_empr = opac_liste_lecture.num_empr where opac_liste_lecture.num_empr = '".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."' or id_liste in (select num_liste from abo_liste_lecture where num_empr = '".$_SESSION['id_empr_session']."' and etat=2) "; $listes = array(); $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $liste = new liste_lecture($row->id_liste); $notices = $liste->notices; // Pour ne sélectionner que les listes de lecture qui intégrent cette notice if (in_array($this->object_id, $notices)) { $listes[] = $row->id_liste; } } } if (count($listes)) { $filter = implode(',', $listes); } else { $filter = 0; } $query = "select id_liste, nom_liste from opac_liste_lecture where id_liste in ( ".$filter." ) order by nom_liste "; $display = gen_liste($query,'id_liste','nom_liste', 'avis_'.$id_avis.'_listes_lecture_notice_'.$this->object_id, '', $selected, 0, $msg['avis_liste_lecture_default_value'], 0, $msg['avis_liste_lecture_default_value']); return $display; } /** * Retourne l'affichage des étoiles */ protected function get_stars() { $stars=""; if (!$this->public_average) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $stars .= ""; } } else { $cpt_star = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->public_average; $i++) { $stars.=""; $cpt_star++; } if (substr($this->public_average,2,2) > 75) { $stars.=""; $cpt_star++; } elseif (substr($this->public_average,2,2) > 25) { $stars .= ""; $cpt_star++; } for ($cpt_star;$cpt_star < 5 ; $cpt_star++) { $stars .= ""; } } return $stars; } /** * Affichage des avis */ public function get_display() { global $msg; $display = ''; //Affichage des Etoiles et nombre d'avis if ($this->number > 0) { $display = "get_object_string_type().'_title_avis']."\" onclick=\"w=window.open('avis.php?todo=liste&".$this->get_object_string_type()."id=".$this->object_id."','avis','width=600,height=290,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;\">".$this->number." ".$msg[$this->get_object_string_type().'_bt_avis'].""; $stars = $this->get_stars(); $display .= "get_object_string_type().'_title_avis']."\" onclick=\"w=window.open('avis.php?todo=liste&".$this->get_object_string_type()."id=".$this->object_id."','avis','width=600,height=290,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;\">".$stars.""; } else { $display = "get_object_string_type().'_title_avis']."\" onclick=\"w=window.open('avis.php?todo=liste&".$this->get_object_string_type()."id=".$this->object_id."','avis','width=600,height=290,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;\">".$msg['avis_aucun'].""; } return $display; } protected function get_note_display_stars($note) { global $msg; $stars = ""; $cpt_star = 4; for ($i = 1; $i <= $note; $i++) { $stars .= "\"".$msg['avis_detail_note_'.$i]."\""; } for ($i = round($note); $i <= $cpt_star; $i++) { $stars .= "\"".$msg['avis_detail_note_'.$i]."\""; } return $stars; } /** * Template des notes * @param number $id_avis */ protected function get_note_form($id_avis = 0, $note_avis = 3) { global $msg; global $opac_avis_note_display_mode; $note_form = ""; if($opac_avis_note_display_mode) { $note_form .= "
"; switch($opac_avis_note_display_mode) { case 2 : $note_form .= ""; break; case 4 : $note_form .= " ".$msg["avis_note_1"]." "; for($note = 1; $note <= 5; $note++) { $note_form .= ""; } $note_form .= " ".$msg["avis_note_5"]." "; break; case 5 : $note_form .= " "; for($note = 1; $note <= 5; $note++) { $note_form .= "object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."');\" />"; } $note_form .= "   ".$msg["avis_detail_note_3"]." "; break; case 1 : case 3 : $note_form .= " ".$msg['avis_note_1']; for($note = 1; $note <= 5; $note++) { $note_form .= ""; } $note_form .= $msg['avis_note_5']." "; break; } $note_form .= "
"; } else { $note_form .= ""; } return $note_form; } /** * Formulaire d'édition d'un avis */ public function get_form($id_avis = 0) { global $msg; global $avis_tpl_form; global $id_liste; global $opac_avis_default_private; $form = $avis_tpl_form; $id_avis += 0; if($id_avis) { $query = "select num_empr, note, sujet, commentaire, avis_private, avis_num_liste_lecture from avis where id_avis = ".$id_avis; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $form = str_replace("!!note!!", $this->get_note_form($id_avis, $row->note), $form); $form = str_replace("!!sujet!!", $row->sujet, $form); $form = str_replace("!!commentaire!!", $row->commentaire, $form); $form = str_replace("!!private!!", ($row->avis_private ? "checked='checked'" : ''), $form); $form = str_replace("!!listes_lecture!!", $this->gen_selector_private_reading_lists($id_avis, $row->avis_num_liste_lecture), $form); $form = str_replace("!!button_send!!", "", $form); if(static::is_editable($row->avis_private, $row->num_empr)) { $form = str_replace("!!button_save!!", "object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."'); return false; \" value='".$msg["avis_bt_save"]."'>", $form); $form = str_replace("!!button_delete!!", "object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."');} return false; \" value='".$msg["avis_bt_delete"]."'>", $form); } else { $form = str_replace("!!button_save!!", "", $form); $form = str_replace("!!button_delete!!", "", $form); } } else { $form = str_replace("!!note!!", $this->get_note_form(), $form); $form = str_replace("!!sujet!!", "", $form); $form = str_replace("!!commentaire!!", "", $form); $form = str_replace("!!private!!", ($opac_avis_default_private ? "checked='checked'" : ''), $form); $selected_reading_list = ($id_liste ? $id_liste : 0); $form = str_replace("!!listes_lecture!!", $this->gen_selector_private_reading_lists(0, $selected_reading_list), $form); $form = str_replace("!!button_send!!", "get_object_string_type()."'); return false; \" value='".$msg["avis_bt_envoyer"]."'>", $form); $form = str_replace("!!button_save!!", "", $form); $form = str_replace("!!button_delete!!", "", $form); } $form = str_replace("!!id!!", $id_avis, $form); $form = str_replace("!!object_id!!", $this->object_id, $form); $form = str_replace("!!object_type!!", $this->get_object_string_type(), $form); return $form; } /** * Affichage de l'entête de liste */ protected function get_display_header_detail($node_id, $label) { global $msg; $display = "


"; return $display; } /** * Affichage du détail d'un avis */ protected function get_display_line_detail($data, $node_id, $order) { global $msg, $charset; global $opac_avis_note_display_mode; global $opac_avis_show_writer; if ($order % 2 == 1) $pair_impair="even"; else $pair_impair="odd"; $display = "
"; if($opac_avis_note_display_mode){ $display .= ""; switch ($opac_avis_note_display_mode) { case 1 : $display .= "note]."\" >".$this->get_note_display_stars($data->note).""; break; case 2 : $display .= $msg['avis_detail_note_'.$data->note]; break; case 3 : $display .= "note]."\" >".$this->get_note_display_stars($data->note)." ".$msg['avis_detail_note_'.$data->note]."
"; break; case 4 : $display .= "note]."\" >".$this->get_note_display_stars($data->note).""; break; case 5 : $display .= "note]."\" >".$this->get_note_display_stars($data->note)." ".$msg['avis_detail_note_'.$data->note]."
"; break; } $display .= "
"; } $display .= " ".htmlentities($data->sujet,ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."
"; switch ($opac_avis_show_writer) { case 1 : if($data->empr_nom) { $display .= " ".$msg['avis_de']." ".$data->empr_prenom." ".$data->empr_nom." ".$msg['avis_le']." ".$data->create_date; } break; case 2 : if($data->empr_login) { $display .= " ".$msg['avis_de']." ".$data->empr_login." ".$msg['avis_le']." ".$data->create_date; } break; case 3 : if($data->empr_prenom) { $display .= " ".$msg['avis_de']." ".$data->empr_prenom." ".$msg['avis_le']." ".$data->create_date; } break; default : $display .= " ".ucfirst($msg['avis_le'])." ".$data->create_date; break; } if(static::is_editable($data->avis_private, $data->num_empr)) { $display .= " id_avis.", ".$this->object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."'); return false;\" style='cursor : pointer'> ".htmlentities($msg[ id_avis.", ".$this->object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."');} return false;\" style='cursor : pointer'> ".htmlentities($msg[ "; } $display .= "
"; if(static::is_editable($data->avis_private, $data->num_empr)) { $display .= $this->get_form($data->id_avis); } return $display; } /** * Affichage du détail des avis */ public function get_display_detail() { global $msg, $charset; global $action; // pour gérer l'affichage des avis en impression de panier global $allow_avis_ajout; global $opac_avis_allow; global $opac_avis_note_display_mode; $display = ''; if($this->number) { if ($action=="print" || ($opac_avis_allow==1 && !$_SESSION["user_code"] )) { $display .= "

".$msg['avis_detail']." : ".str_replace("!!nb_avis!!",$this->number,$msg['avis_detail_nb_auth_ajt'])."

"; } else { $display .= "

".$msg['avis_detail']; if($opac_avis_note_display_mode && $opac_avis_note_display_mode!=2) { $display .= " ".$this->get_stars(); } $display .= " : object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."'); return false;\">".str_replace("!!nb_avis!!",$this->number,$msg['avis_detail_nb_ajt'])."

"; $display .= $this->get_form(); } } else { if ($action=="print" || ($opac_avis_allow==1 && !$_SESSION["user_code"] )) { $display .= "


"; } else { $display .= "

".$msg['avis_detail']." object_id.", '".$this->get_object_string_type()."'); return false;\">".$msg['avis_detail_aucun_ajt']."

"; $display .= $this->get_form(); } } if(isset($this->avis['private']) && is_array($this->avis['private']) && count($this->avis['private'])) { foreach ($this->avis['private'] as $id_liste_lecture=>$group) { if($id_liste_lecture) { $liste_lecture = new liste_lecture($id_liste_lecture); $label_liste = $liste_lecture->nom_liste; } else { $label_liste = $msg['avis_private_list']; } $node_id = 'avis_private_'.$id_liste_lecture.'_'.$this->get_object_string_type().'_'.$this->object_id; $display .= $this->get_display_header_detail($node_id, $label_liste); $display .= "
"; foreach ($group as $order => $data) { $display .= $this->get_display_line_detail($data, $node_id, $order); } $display .= "
"; } } if(isset($this->avis['public']) && is_array($this->avis['public']) && count($this->avis['public'])) { $node_id = 'avis_public_'.$this->get_object_string_type().'_'.$this->object_id; $display .= $this->get_display_header_detail($node_id, $msg['avis_public']); $display .= "
"; foreach ($this->avis['public'] as $order => $data) { $display .= $this->get_display_line_detail($data, $node_id, $order); } $display .= "
"; } $display = "
"; return $display; } /** * Affichage des étoiles uniquement * @return string */ public function get_display_only_stars() { global $msg; return "get_object_string_type().'_title_avis']."\" onclick=\"w=window.open('avis.php?todo=liste&".$this->get_object_string_type()."id=".$this->object_id."','avis','width=600,height=290,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;\">".$this->get_stars().""; } public static function save_avis($id_avis, $object_id, $object_type) { global $charset; global $allow_avis, $opac_avis_allow; global $id_empr, $note, $sujet, $commentaire, $private, $num_liste_lecture; if(($opac_avis_allow==3) || ($_SESSION["user_code"] && ($opac_avis_allow ==1 || $opac_avis_allow ==2) && $allow_avis)) { if (!$note) $note="NULL"; $masque="@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si"; $commentaire = preg_replace($masque,'',$commentaire); if($charset != "utf-8") $commentaire=cp1252Toiso88591($commentaire); if($private) { $valide = 1; } else { $valide = 0; $num_liste_lecture = 0; // un avis public ne sera pas associé à une liste de lecture } $id_avis += 0; if($id_avis) { $query = "select avis_private, num_empr from avis where id_avis = '".$id_avis."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($result) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if(static::is_editable($row->avis_private, $row->num_empr)) { $query = "update avis set note = '".$note."', sujet = '".$sujet."', commentaire = '".$commentaire."', valide = '".$valide."', avis_private = '".$private."', avis_num_liste_lecture = '".$num_liste_lecture."' where id_avis = '".$id_avis."'"; pmb_mysql_query($query); return true; } } return false; } else { $query = "insert into avis (num_empr,num_notice,type_object,note,sujet,commentaire,valide,avis_private,avis_num_liste_lecture) values ('".$id_empr."','".$object_id."','".$object_type."','".$note."','".$sujet."','".$commentaire."','".$valide."','".$private."','".$num_liste_lecture."')"; pmb_mysql_query($query); return true; } } else { return false; } } public static function delete_avis($id_avis) { $id_avis += 0; if($id_avis) { $query = "select avis_private, num_empr from avis where id_avis = '".$id_avis."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($result) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if(static::is_editable($row->avis_private, $row->num_empr)) { $query = "delete from avis where id_avis = '".$id_avis."'"; pmb_mysql_query($query); return true; } } } return false; } public static function is_editable($avis_private = 0, $num_empr = 0) { if($avis_private && ($num_empr == $_SESSION['id_empr_session'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function get_object_type() { return $this->object_type; } public function get_average() { return $this->average; } public function get_public_average() { return $this->public_average; } public function get_number() { return $this->number; } public function get_avis() { return $this->avis; } public function get_nb_by_note() { return $this->nb_by_note; } public function set_average($average) { $this->average = $average; } public function set_public_average($public_average) { $this->public_average = $public_average; } public function set_number($number) { $this->number = $number; } public function set_avis($avis) { $this->avis = $avis; } public function set_nb_by_note($nb_by_note) { $this->nb_by_note = $nb_by_note; } public function get_data() { global $msg, $charset; $memo_avis = array(); $query = "SELECT id_avis,note,sujet,commentaire,DATE_FORMAT(dateajout,'".$msg['format_date']."') as ladate,empr_login,empr_nom, empr_prenom, valide from avis left join empr on id_empr=num_empr where num_notice='".$this->object_id."' and type_object='".$this->object_type."' and valide=1 order by avis_rank, dateajout desc"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result) { while ($avis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $avis->note_textuelle = $msg['avis_detail_note_'.$avis->note]; if($charset != "utf-8") $avis->commentaire=cp1252Toiso88591($avis->commentaire); $avis->commentaire = do_bbcode($avis->commentaire); $memo_avis[]=$avis; } } return $memo_avis; } public function get_notes_avg() { $query = "SELECT avg(note) as moyenne, count(*) as combien FROM avis WHERE avis_private = 0 and num_notice = '".$this->object_id."' and type_object = '".$this->object_type."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); $row=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); return $row->combien."|".$row->moyenne; } }