type_obj = $type_obj; $this->field_restrict[] = array( 'field' => 'type', 'values' => $this->type_obj, 'op' => "and", 'not' => false, ); parent::__construct($user_query); } protected function _get_search_type(){ return "editorial_all_fields"; } protected function _get_notices_ids(){ if(!$this->searched){ $query = $this->_get_search_query(); $this->notices_ids=""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ if($this->notices_ids!="") $this->notices_ids.=","; $this->notices_ids.=$row->num_obj; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); } $this->searched=true; } return $this->notices_ids; } protected function _get_search_query(){ $this->_calc_query_env(); if($this->user_query !== "*"){ $query = $this->aq->get_query_mot("num_obj","cms_editorial_words_global_index","word","cms_editorial_fields_global_index","value",$this->field_restrict); }else{ $query =" select id_".$this->type_obj." as num_obj from cms_".$this->type_obj."s";//ça peut pas être pire avec un s } return $query; } public function get_result(){ $this->_get_notices_ids(); return $this->notices_ids; } public function get_sorted_result($sort = "pert",$sort_order="desc",$limit=20){ $this->get_result(); $query = $this->_get_pert(false,true); if ($sort != 'pert') { $query = "select uni.*,$sort from (".$query.") as uni join cms_".$this->type_obj."s on id_".$this->type_obj." = num_obj "; } if(!$query) { $this->result = array(); return $this->result; } $query.= " order by ".$sort." ".$sort_order; if($limit>0){ $query.= " limit ".$limit; } $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); $this->result = array(); if($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $this->result[] = $row->num_obj; } } return $this->result; } public function _get_pert($with_explnum=false, $return_query=false){ global $opac_allow_term_troncat_search; global $opac_exclude_fields, $restrict, $all_fields; $empty_word = get_empty_words(); $with_explnum = false; $query_pert_explnum = ""; $troncat = ""; if ($opac_allow_term_troncat_search) { $troncat = "%"; } $terms = $this->aq->get_positive_terms_obj($this->aq->tree); $words = array(); $literals = array(); $queries = array(); $query = ''; if($this->notices_ids){ if (is_array($terms)) { foreach($terms as $term){ if(!$term->literal){ if(!in_array($term,$words)) $words[]=$term; }else $literals[] = $term; } } if($this->aq->input !== "*"){ $query_pert_explnum = ""; if(count($words)){ $pert_query_words = ""; $pert_query_words.= "select num_obj, sum(!!pert!!) as pert from cms_editorial_words_global_index join words on num_word = id_word where type='".$this->type_obj."' and "; $where = ""; foreach($words as $term){ if($where !="") $where.= " or "; $crit="word "; if (strpos($term->word,"*")!==false || $opac_allow_term_troncat_search){ if (strpos($term->word,"*") === false) { //Si c'est un mot vide, on ne troncature pas if (in_array($term->word,$empty_word)===false) { if($term->not) $crit.= "not "; $crit.= "like '".addslashes($term->word.$troncat)."'"; } else { if($term->not) $crit.= "! "; $crit.="= '".addslashes($term->word)."'"; } } else { if($term->not) $crit.= "not "; $crit.= "like '".addslashes(str_replace("*","%",$term->word))."'"; } }else{ if($term->not) $crit.= "!"; $crit.= "= '".addslashes($term->word)."'"; } $where.= " ".$crit; $pert_query_words = str_replace("!!pert!!","((".$crit.") * pond *".$term->pound.")+!!pert!!",$pert_query_words); } $where.= ((is_array($restrict) && (count($restrict) > 0))? " and ".$this->aq->get_field_restrict($restrict,$neg_restrict) : ""); $pert_query_words = str_replace("!!pert!!",0,$pert_query_words); if($all_fields && $opac_exclude_fields!= ""){ $where.=" and code_champ not in (".$opac_exclude_fields.")"; } $queries[]= $pert_query_words.$where." group by num_obj "; } if(count($literals)){ $pert_query_literals = "select distinct num_obj, sum(!!pert!!) as pert from cms_editorial_fields_global_index where type='".$this->type_obj."' and "; $where = ""; foreach($literals as $term){ //on n'ajoute pas une clause dans le where qui parcours toute la base... if($where !="") $where.= " or "; $crit = "value "; if($term->not) $crit.= "not "; $crit.= "like '".($term->start_with == 0 ? "%":"").addslashes(str_replace("*","%",$term->word))."%'"; $where.= " ".$crit; $crit = str_replace("%%","%",$crit); $pert_query_literals = str_replace("!!pert!!","((".$crit.") * pond *".$term->pound.")+!!pert!!",$pert_query_literals); } $where.= ((is_array($restrict) && (count($restrict) > 0))? " and ".$this->aq->get_field_restrict($restrict,$neg_restrict) : ""); $pert_query_literals = str_replace("!!pert!!",0,$pert_query_literals); if($all_fields && $opac_exclude_fields!= ""){ $where.=" and code_champ not in (".$opac_exclude_fields.")"; } $queries[]= $pert_query_literals.$where." group by num_obj "; } $query = "select distinct num_obj, sum(pert) as pert from ((".implode(") union all (",$queries).")) as uni where num_obj in (".$this->notices_ids.") group by num_obj"; } else { $query = "select id_".$this->type_obj." as num_obj, 100 as pert from cms_".$this->type_obj."s where id_".$this->type_obj." in (".$this->notices_ids.")"; } } if($return_query){ return $query; }else{ $table = $this->get_temporary_table_name(); $rqt = "create temporary table ".$table." $query"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt)or die (pmb_mysql_error()); pmb_mysql_query("alter table ".$table." add index i_id(num_obj)"); return $table; } } }