ids=$ids; $this->type=$type; $this->fetch_datas(); } // end of member function __construct /** * * * @param Array() ids Tableau des identifiants des objets * @return void * @access public */ public function set_ids( $ids) { $this->ids=$ids; } // end of member function set_ids /** * * * @param string type Type d'autorité * @return void * @access public */ public function set_type( $type) { $this->type=$type; } // end of member function set_type /** * @return int * @access public */ public function get_type() { return $this->type; } /** * Cherche et instancie les emprises pour autorités correspondantes * * @return void * @access public */ public function fetch_datas() { global $dbh; global $opac_map_holds_authority_color; $this->holds=array(); $emprises = array(); $coordonnees =array(); $infos =array(); if (count($this->ids) > 0) { $req="select map_emprises.map_emprise_id, map_emprises.map_emprise_obj_num, AsText(map_emprises.map_emprise_data) as map, map_hold_areas.bbox_area as bbox_area, as center from map_emprises join map_hold_areas on map_emprises.map_emprise_id = map_hold_areas.id_obj where map_emprises.map_emprise_type='".$this->type."' and map_emprises.map_emprise_obj_num in (".implode(",", $this->ids).")"; $res=pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $geometric = strtolower(substr($r->map,0,strpos($r->map,"("))); $hold_class = "map_hold_".$geometric; if(class_exists($hold_class)){ if ($this->type == 2) { $emprise = new $hold_class("authority",$r->map_emprise_obj_num,$r->map); } else { $emprise = new $hold_class("authority_concept", $r->map_emprise_obj_num, $r->map); } $emprise->set_normalized_bbox_area($r->bbox_area); $emprise->set_center($r->center); $this->holds[$r->map_emprise_id] = $emprise; } } } } $this->color = $opac_map_holds_authority_color; } // end of member function fetch_datas protected function get_layer_model_type() { if ($this->type == 2) { return "authority"; } else { return "authority_concept"; } } protected function get_layer_model_name() { if ($this->type == 2) { return "authority"; } else { return "authority_concept"; } } } // end of map_layer_model_authority