@license W3C Software License and GPL class: ARC2 Legacy XML Serializer author: Benjamin Nowack version: 2010-11-16 */ ARC2::inc('Class'); class ARC2_LegacyHTMLSerializer extends ARC2_Class { function __construct($a, &$caller) { parent::__construct($a, $caller); } function __init() { parent::__init(); $this->content_header = 'text/html'; } /* */ function getSerializedArray($struct, $root = 1, $ind = ' ') { $n = "\n"; $r = ''; $is_flat = $this->isAssociativeArray($struct) ? 0 : 1; foreach ($struct as $k => $v) { if (!$is_flat) $r .= $n . $ind . $ind . '
' . $k . '
'; $r .= $n . $ind . $ind . '
' . (is_array($v) ? $this->getSerializedArray($v, 0, $ind . $ind . $ind) . $n . $ind . $ind : htmlspecialchars($v)) . '
'; } return $n . $ind . '
' . $r . $n . $ind . '
'; } /* */ function isAssociativeArray($v) { foreach (array_keys($v) as $k => $val) { if ($k !== $val) return 1; } return 0; } /* */ function getSerializedNode($index, $node, $level = 0, $raw = 0) { $r = ''; $tag = $this->v('tag', '', $node); if (preg_match('/^(comment|script)$/', $tag)) { } elseif ($tag == 'cdata') { $r .= $this->v('cdata', '', $node); $r .= $this->v('value', '', $node['a']); } else { /* open tag */ if (preg_match('/^(div|form|p|section)$/', $tag)) { $r .= str_pad("\n", $level + 1, " "); } $r .= '<' . $tag; $attrs = $this->v('a', array(), $node); foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) { /* use uri, if detected */ if ($k != 'id') { $v = $this->v($k . ' uri', $v, $attrs); } /* skip arrays and other derived attrs */ if (preg_match('/\s/s', $k)) continue; $r .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"'; } if ($node['empty']) { $r .= '/>'; } else { $r .= '>'; /* cdata */ $r .= $this->v('cdata', '', $node); /* sub-nodes */ $sub_nodes = $this->v($node['id'], array(), $index); foreach ($sub_nodes as $sub_node) { $r .= $this->getSerializedNode($index, $sub_node, $level + 1, 1); } /* close tag */ //$r .= str_pad("\n", $level + 1, " ") . ''; $r .= ''; if (preg_match('/^(div|form|p|section)$/', $tag)) { $r .= str_pad("\n", $level + 1, " "); } } } /* doc envelope, in case of sub-structure serializing */ if (!$raw && ($level == 0) && ($node['level'] > 1)) { $r = ' ' . $r . ' '; } return $r; } /* */ }