table; } /** * Classe qui représente les données d'une notice * @author apetithomme * */ class record_datas { /** * Identifiant de la notice * @var int */ private $id; /** * * @var domain */ private $dom_2 = null; /** * * @var domain */ private $dom_3 = null; /** * Droits d'accès emprunteur/notice * @var int */ private $rights = 0; /** * Objet notice fetché en base * @var stdClass */ private $notice; /** * Tableau des informations du parent dans le cas d'un article * @var array */ private $parent; /** * Carte associée * @var map_objects_controler */ private $map = null; /** * Carte associée de localisation des exemplaires * @var map_objects_controler */ private $map_location; /** * Info de la carte associée * @var map_info */ private $map_info = null; /** * Paramètres persos * @var parametres_perso */ private $p_perso = null; /** * Libellé du statut de la notice * @var string */ private $statut_notice = ""; /** * classe html du statut de la notice * @var string */ private $statut_notice_class_html = ""; /** * Visibilité de la notice à tout le monde * @var int */ private $visu_notice = 1; /** * Visibilité de la notice aux abonnés uniquement * @var int */ private $visu_notice_abon = 0; /** * Visibilité des exemplaires de la notice à tout le monde * @var int */ private $visu_expl = 1; /** * Visibilité des exemplaires de la notice aux abonnés uniquement * @var int */ private $visu_expl_abon = 0; /** * Visibilité des exemplaires numériques de la notice à tout le monde * @var int */ private $visu_explnum = 1; /** * Visibilité des exemplaires numériques de la notice aux abonnés uniquement * @var int */ private $visu_explnum_abon = 0; /** * Visibilité du lien de demande de numérisation * @var int */ private $visu_scan_request = 1; /** * Visibilité du lien de demande de numérisation aux abonnés uniquement * @var int */ private $visu_scan_request_abon = 0; /** * Tableau des auteurs * @var array */ private $responsabilites = array(); /** * Auteurs principaux * @var string */ private $auteurs_principaux; /** * Auteurs auteurs_secondaires * @var string */ private $auteurs_secondaires; /** * Catégories * @var categorie */ private $categories; /** * Titre uniforme * @var tu_notice */ private $titre_uniforme = null; /** * Avis * @var avis */ private $avis = null; /** * Langues * @var array */ private $langues = array(); /** * Nombre de bulletins associés * @var int */ private $nb_bulletins; /** * Tableau des bulletins associés * @var array */ private $bulletins = array(); /** * Tableau de documents numériques associés aux bulletins * @var array */ private $bulletins_docnums; /** * Nombre de documents numériques associés aux bulletins * @var int */ private $nb_bulletins_docnums; /** * Indique si le pério est ouvert à la recherche * @var int */ private $open_to_search; /** * Editeurs * @var publisher */ private $publishers = array(); /** * Etat de collections * @var collstate */ private $collstate; /** * Tous les états de collections * @var collstate */ private $collstate_list; /** * Autorisation des avis * @var int */ private $avis_allowed; /** * Autorisation des tags * @var int */ private $tag_allowed; /** * Autorisation des suggestions * @var int */ private $sugg_allowed; /** * Autorisation des listes de lecture * @var int */ private $liste_lecture_allowed; /** * Tableau des sources d'enrichissement actives pour cette notice * @var array */ private $enrichment_sources; /** * Icone du type de document * @var string */ private $icon_doc; /** * Libellé du niveau biblio * @var string */ private $biblio_doc; /** * Libellé du type de document * @var string */ private $tdoc; /** * Liste de concepts qui indexent la notice * @var skos_concepts_list */ private $concepts_list = null; /** * Tableau des mots clés * @var array */ private $mots_cles; /** * Indexation décimale * @var indexint */ private $indexint = null; /** * Collection * @var collection */ private $collection = null; /** * Sous-collection * @var subcollection */ private $subcollection = null; /** * Permalink * @var string */ private $permalink; /** * Tableau des ids des notices du même auteur * @var array */ private $records_from_same_author; /** * Tableau des ids des notices du même éditeur * @var array */ private $records_from_same_publisher; /** * Tableau des ids des notices de la même collection * @var array */ private $records_from_same_collection; /** * Tableau des ids des notices dans la même série * @var array */ private $records_from_same_serie; /** * Tableau des ids des notices avec la même indexation décimale * @var array */ private $records_from_same_indexint; /** * Tableau des ids de notices avec des catégories communes * @var array */ private $records_from_same_categories; /** * URL vers l'image de la notice * @var string */ private $picture_url; /** * Message au survol de l'image de la notice * @var string */ private $picture_title; /** * Disponibilité * @var array */ private $availability; /** * Paramètres du PNB * @var array */ private $pnb_datas; /** * Paramètres de réservation * @var array */ private $resas_datas; /** * Données d'exemplaires * @var array */ private $expls_datas; /** * Données de série * @var array */ private $serie; /** * Tableau des relations parentes * @var array */ private $relations_up; /** * Tableau des relations enfants * @var array */ private $relations_down; /** * Tableau des relations horizontales * @var array */ private $relations_both; /** * Tableau des dépouillements * @var array */ private $articles; /** * Données de demandes * @var array */ private $demands_datas; /** * Panier autorisé selon paramètres PMB et utilisateur connecté * @var boolean */ private $cart_allow; /** * La notice est-elle déjà dans le panier ? * @var boolean */ private $in_cart; /** * Informations de documents numériques associés * @var array */ private $explnums_datas; /** * Tableau des autorités persos associées à la notice * @var authority $authpersos */ private $authpersos; /** * Tableau des autorités persos classées associées à la notice * @var authority $authpersos */ private $authpersos_ranked; /** * Tableau des informations externes de la notice * @var array $external_rec_id */ private $external_rec_id; /** * Tableau des informations des onglets perso de la notice * @var array $onglet_perso */ private $onglet_perso; /** * Informations du périodique * @var record_datas */ private $serial; /** * Tableau parametres externes utilisable dans les templates ( issu d'un formulaire par exemple ) * @var array $external_parameters */ private $external_parameters; /** * Lien vers ressource externe * @var string $lien */ private $lien; /** * Infos sur la source de la notice si elle est issue d'un connecteur (recid, connector, source_id et ref) * @var array */ private $source; /** * Lien de contribution pour un exemplaire de la notice * @var string */ private $expl_contribution_link; /** * Tableau d'oeuvres associees * @var array */ private $works_data; private static $record_datas_instance = []; public function __construct($id) { global $to_print; $this->id = intval($id); if (!$this->id) return; $this->fetch_data(); $this->fetch_visibilite(); if ($to_print) { $this->avis_allowed = 0; $this->tag_allowed = 0; $this->sugg_allowed = 0; $this->liste_lecture_allowed = 0; } else { $this->avis_allowed = $this->get_parameter_value('avis_allow'); $this->tag_allowed = $this->get_parameter_value('allow_add_tag'); $this->sugg_allowed = $this->get_parameter_value('show_suggest_notice'); $this->liste_lecture_allowed = $this->get_parameter_value('shared_lists'); } $this->to_print = $to_print; } public static function get_instance($id) { if (!isset(static::$record_datas_instance[$id])) { static::$record_datas_instance[$id] = new record_datas($id); } return static::$record_datas_instance[$id]; } /** * Charge les infos présentes en base de données */ private function fetch_data() { if(is_null($this->dom_2)) { $query = "SELECT notice_id, typdoc, tit1, tit2, tit3, tit4, tparent_id, tnvol, ed1_id, ed2_id, coll_id, subcoll_id, year, nocoll, mention_edition,code, npages, ill, size, accomp, lien, eformat, index_l, indexint, niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar, origine_catalogage, prix, n_gen, n_contenu, n_resume, statut, thumbnail_url, (opac_visible_bulletinage&0x1) as opac_visible_bulletinage, opac_serialcirc_demande, notice_is_new, notice_date_is_new, is_numeric, create_date, update_date "; $query.= "FROM notices WHERE notice_id='".$this->id."' "; } else { $query = "SELECT notice_id, typdoc, tit1, tit2, tit3, tit4, tparent_id, tnvol, ed1_id, ed2_id, coll_id, subcoll_id, year, nocoll, mention_edition,code, npages, ill, size, accomp, lien, eformat, index_l, indexint, niveau_biblio, niveau_hierar, origine_catalogage, prix, n_gen, n_contenu, n_resume, thumbnail_url, (opac_visible_bulletinage&0x1) as opac_visible_bulletinage, opac_serialcirc_demande, notice_is_new, notice_date_is_new, is_numeric, create_date, update_date "; $query.= "FROM notices "; $query.= "WHERE notice_id='".$this->id."'"; } $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $this->notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); } } /** * Retourne l'identifiant de la notice * @return int */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /** * Retourne les infos de bulletinage * * @return array Informations de bulletinage si applicable, un tableau vide sinon
* $this->parent = array('title', 'id', 'bulletin_id', 'numero', 'date', 'date_date', 'aff_date_date') */ public function get_bul_info() { if (!$this->parent) { global $msg; $this->parent = array(); $query = ""; if ($this->notice->niveau_hierar == 2) { if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a') { // récupération des données du bulletin et de la notice apparentée $query = "SELECT b.tit1,b.notice_id,a.*,c.*, date_format(date_date, '".$msg["format_date"]."') as aff_date_date "; $query .= "from analysis a, notices b, bulletins c"; $query .= " WHERE a.analysis_notice=".$this->id; $query .= " AND c.bulletin_id=a.analysis_bulletin"; $query .= " AND c.bulletin_notice=b.notice_id"; $query .= " LIMIT 1"; } elseif ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'b') { // récupération des données du bulletin et de la notice apparentée $query = "SELECT tit1,notice_id,b.*, date_format(date_date, '".$msg["format_date"]."') as aff_date_date "; $query .= "from bulletins b, notices"; $query .= " WHERE num_notice=$this->id "; $query .= " AND bulletin_notice=notice_id "; $query .= " LIMIT 1"; } if ($query) { $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $parent = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->parent['title'] = $parent->tit1; $this->parent['id'] = $parent->notice_id; $this->parent['bulletin_id'] = $parent->bulletin_id; $this->parent['bulletin_title'] = $parent->bulletin_titre; $this->parent['numero'] = $parent->bulletin_numero; $this->parent['date'] = $parent->mention_date; $this->parent['date_date'] = $parent->date_date; $this->parent['aff_date_date'] = $parent->aff_date_date; } } } } return $this->parent; } /** * Retourne le type de document * * @return string */ public function get_typdoc() { if (!$this->notice->typdoc) $this->notice->typdoc='a'; return $this->notice->typdoc; } /** * Retourne les données de la série si il y en a une * * @return array */ public function get_serie() { if (!isset($this->serie)) { $this->serie = array(); if ($this->notice->tparent_id) { $query = "SELECT serie_name FROM series WHERE serie_id='".$this->notice->tparent_id."' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $serie = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); //$authority = new authority(0, $this->notice->tparent_id, AUT_TABLE_SERIES); $authority = authorities_collection::get_authority('authority', 0, ['num_object' => $this->notice->tparent_id, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_SERIES]); $this->serie = array( 'id' => $this->notice->tparent_id, 'name' => $serie->serie_name, 'p_perso' => $authority->get_p_perso() ); } } } return $this->serie; } /** * Charge les données de carthographie */ private function fetch_map() { $ids = array(); $this->map=new stdClass(); $this->map_info=new stdClass(); if($this->get_parameter_value('map_activate')==1 || $this->get_parameter_value('map_activate')==2){ $ids[]=$this->id; $this->map=new map_objects_controler(TYPE_RECORD,$ids); $this->map_info=new map_info($this->id); } } /** * Retourne la carte associée * @return map_objects_controler */ public function get_map() { if (!$this->map) { $this->fetch_map(); } return $this->map; } /** * Retourne les infos de la carte associée * @return map_info */ public function get_map_info() { if (!$this->map_info) { $this->fetch_map(); } return $this->map_info; } /** * Charge les données de carthographie de localisation des exemplaires */ private function fetch_map_location() { $this->map_location=''; if($this->get_parameter_value('map_activate')==1 || $this->get_parameter_value('map_activate')==3){ $this->get_expls_datas(); $this->get_explnums_datas(); $memo_expl = array(); // mémorisation des exemplaires et de leur localisation if(count($this->expls_datas['expls'])) { foreach ($this->expls_datas['expls'] as $expl){ $memo_expl['expl'][]=array( 'expl_id' => $expl['expl_id'], 'expl_location' => array( $expl['expl_location']), 'id_notice' => $expl['id_notice'], 'id_bulletin' => $expl['id_bulletin'] ); } } if(count($this->explnums_datas['explnums'])) { foreach ($this->explnums_datas['explnums'] as $expl){ $memo_expl['explnum'][]=array( 'expl_id' => $expl['id'], 'expl_location' => $expl['expl_location'], 'id_notice' => $expl['id_notice'], 'id_bulletin' => $expl['id_bulletin'] ); } } $this->map_location=map_locations_controler::get_map_location($memo_expl,TYPE_LOCATION, 1); } } /** * Retourne la carte associée de localisation des exemplaires * @return map_objects_controler */ public function get_map_location() { if (!isset($this->map_location)) { $this->fetch_map_location(); } return $this->map_location; } /** * Retourne les paramètres persos * @return array */ public function get_p_perso() { if (!$this->p_perso) { global $memo_p_perso_notices; $this->p_perso = array(); if (!$memo_p_perso_notices) { $memo_p_perso_notices = new parametres_perso("notices"); } $ppersos = $memo_p_perso_notices->show_fields($this->id); // Filtre ceux qui ne sont pas visibles à l'OPAC ou qui n'ont pas de valeur if(isset($ppersos['FIELDS']) && is_array($ppersos['FIELDS']) && count($ppersos['FIELDS'])){ foreach ($ppersos['FIELDS'] as $pperso) { if ($pperso['OPAC_SHOW'] && $pperso['AFF']) { if ($pperso["TYPE"] !== 'html') { $pperso['AFF'] = nl2br($pperso["AFF"]); } $this->p_perso[$pperso['NAME']] = $pperso; } } } } return $this->p_perso; } /** * Gestion des droits d'accès emprunteur/notice */ private function fetch_visibilite() { global $hide_explnum; global $gestion_acces_active,$gestion_acces_empr_notice, $gestion_acces_empr_docnum; if (($gestion_acces_active == 1) && (($gestion_acces_empr_notice == 1) || ($gestion_acces_empr_docnum == 1))) { $ac = new acces(); } if (($gestion_acces_active == 1) && ($gestion_acces_empr_notice == 1)) { $this->dom_2= $ac->setDomain(2); if ($hide_explnum) { $this->rights = $this->dom_2->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],$this->id,4); } else { $this->rights = $this->dom_2->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],$this->id); } } else { if (isset($this->notice->statut)) { $query = "SELECT opac_libelle, class_html, notice_visible_opac, expl_visible_opac, notice_visible_opac_abon, expl_visible_opac_abon, explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon, notice_scan_request_opac, notice_scan_request_opac_abon FROM notice_statut WHERE id_notice_statut='".$this->notice->statut."' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->statut_notice = $statut_temp->opac_libelle; $this->statut_notice_class_html = $statut_temp->class_html; $this->visu_notice = $statut_temp->notice_visible_opac; $this->visu_notice_abon = $statut_temp->notice_visible_opac_abon; $this->visu_expl = $statut_temp->expl_visible_opac; $this->visu_expl_abon = $statut_temp->expl_visible_opac_abon; $this->visu_explnum = $statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac; $this->visu_explnum_abon = $statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon; $this->visu_scan_request = $statut_temp->notice_scan_request_opac; $this->visu_scan_request_abon = $statut_temp->notice_scan_request_opac_abon; if ($hide_explnum) { $this->visu_explnum=0; $this->visu_explnum_abon=0; } } } } if (($gestion_acces_active == 1) && ($gestion_acces_empr_docnum == 1)) { $this->dom_3 = $ac->setDomain(3); } } public function get_dom_2() { return $this->dom_2; } public function get_dom_3() { return $this->dom_3; } public function get_rights() { return $this->rights; } /** * Retourne un tableau des auteurs * @return array Tableaux des responsabilités = array( 'responsabilites' => array(), 'auteurs' => array() ); */ public function get_responsabilites() { global $fonction_auteur, $pmb_authors_qualification; if (!count($this->responsabilites)) { $this->responsabilites = array( 'responsabilites' => array(), 'auteurs' => array() ); $query = "SELECT id_responsability, author_id, responsability_fonction, responsability_type, author_type,author_name, author_rejete, author_type, author_date, author_see, author_web, author_isni "; $query.= "FROM responsability, authors "; $query.= "WHERE responsability_notice='".$this->id."' AND responsability_author=author_id "; $query.= "ORDER BY responsability_type, responsability_ordre " ; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while ($notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->responsabilites['responsabilites'][] = $notice->responsability_type ; $info_bulle=""; if($notice->author_type==72 || $notice->author_type==71) { $congres = authorities_collection::get_authority('author', $notice->author_id); $auteur_isbd=$congres->get_isbd(); $auteur_titre=$congres->display; $info_bulle=" title='".$congres->info_bulle."' "; } else { if ($notice->author_rejete) $auteur_isbd = $notice->author_rejete." ".$notice->author_name ; else $auteur_isbd = $notice->author_name ; // on s'arrête là pour auteur_titre = "Prénom NOM" uniquement $auteur_titre = $auteur_isbd ; // on complète auteur_isbd pour l'affichage complet if ($notice->author_date) $auteur_isbd .= " (".$notice->author_date.")" ; } //$authority = new authority(0, $notice->author_id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS); $authority = authorities_collection::get_authority('authority', 0, ['num_object' => $notice->author_id, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS]); $qualification = ''; if ($pmb_authors_qualification) { if ($notice->responsability_type == 0) { $vedette_type = TYPE_NOTICE_RESPONSABILITY_PRINCIPAL; } elseif ($notice->responsability_type == 1) { $vedette_type = TYPE_NOTICE_RESPONSABILITY_AUTRE; } else { $vedette_type = TYPE_NOTICE_RESPONSABILITY_SECONDAIRE; } $qualif_id = vedette_composee::get_vedette_id_from_object($notice->id_responsability, $vedette_type); if($qualif_id){ $qualif = new vedette_composee($qualif_id); $qualification = $qualif->get_label(); } } $this->responsabilites['auteurs'][] = array( 'id' => $notice->author_id, 'fonction' => $notice->responsability_fonction, 'responsability' => $notice->responsability_type, 'name' => $notice->author_name, 'rejete' => $notice->author_rejete, 'date' => $notice->author_date, 'type' => $notice->author_type, 'fonction_aff' => ($notice->responsability_fonction ? $fonction_auteur[$notice->responsability_fonction] : ''), 'qualification' => $qualification, 'auteur_isbd' => $auteur_isbd, 'auteur_titre' => $auteur_titre, 'info_bulle' => $info_bulle, 'web' => $notice->author_web, 'isni' => $notice->author_isni, 'p_perso' => $authority->get_p_perso() ); } } return $this->responsabilites; } /** * Retourne les auteurs principaux * @return string auteur1 ; auteur2 ... */ public function get_auteurs_principaux() { if (!$this->auteurs_principaux) { $this->get_responsabilites(); // on ne prend que le auteur_titre = "Prénom NOM" $as = array_search("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]); if (($as !== FALSE) && ($as !== NULL)) { $auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as]; $this->auteurs_principaux = "".$auteur_0["auteur_titre"].""; } else { $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1" ); $aut1_libelle = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; $auteur_1 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]; if($auteur_1["type"]==72 || $auteur_1["type"]==71) { $congres = authorities_collection::get_authority('author', $auteur_1["id"]); $aut1_libelle[]="".$congres->display.""; } else { $aut1_libelle[]= "".$auteur_1["auteur_titre"].""; } } $auteurs_liste = implode(" ; ",$aut1_libelle); if ($auteurs_liste) $this->auteurs_principaux = $auteurs_liste; } } return $this->auteurs_principaux; } /** * Retourne les auteurs secondaires * @return string auteur1 ; auteur2 ... */ public function get_auteurs_secondaires() { if (!$this->auteurs_secondaires) { $this->get_responsabilites(); $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "2" ); $aut2_libelle = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; $auteur_2 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]; if($auteur_2["type"]==72 || $auteur_2["type"]==71) { $congres = authorities_collection::get_authority('author', $auteur_2["id"]); $aut2_libelle[]="".$congres->display.""; } else { $aut2_libelle[]="".$auteur_2["auteur_titre"].""; } } $auteurs_liste = implode(" ; ",$aut2_libelle); if ($auteurs_liste) $this->auteurs_secondaires = $auteurs_liste; } return $this->auteurs_secondaires; } /** * Retourne le libellé du statut de la notice * * @return string */ public function get_statut_notice() { return $this->statut_notice; } /** * Retourne la classe html du statut de la notice * * @return string */ public function get_statut_notice_class_html() { return $this->statut_notice_class_html; } /** * Retourne la visibilité de la notice à tout le monde * * @return int */ public function is_visu_notice() { return $this->visu_notice; } /** * Retourne la visibilité de la notice aux abonnés uniquement * * @return int */ public function is_visu_notice_abon() { return $this->visu_notice_abon; } /** * Retourne la visibilité des exemplaires de la notice à tout le monde * * @return int */ public function is_visu_expl() { return $this->visu_expl; } /** * Retourne la visibilité des exemplaires de la notice aux abonnés uniquement * * @return int */ public function is_visu_expl_abon() { return $this->visu_expl_abon; } /** * Retourne la visibilité des exemplaires numériques de la notice à tout le monde * * @return int */ public function is_visu_explnum() { return $this->visu_explnum; } /** * Retourne la visibilité des exemplaires numériques de la notice aux abonnés uniquement * * @return int */ public function is_visu_explnum_abon() { return $this->visu_explnum_abon; } /** * Retourne la visibilité du lien de demande de numérisation */ public function is_visu_scan_request() { return $this->visu_scan_request; } /** * Retourne la visibilité du lien de demande de numérisation aux abonnés uniquement */ public function is_visu_scan_request_abon() { return $this->visu_scan_request_abon; } /** * Retourne les catégories de la notice * @return categorie Tableau des catégories */ public function get_categories() { if (!isset($this->categories)) { global $opac_categories_affichage_ordre, $opac_categories_show_only_last; global $opac_categories_categ_path_sep; $this->categories = array(); // Tableau qui va nous servir à trier alphabétiquement les catégories if (!$opac_categories_affichage_ordre) $sort_array = array(); $query = "select distinct num_noeud from notices_categories where notcateg_notice = ".$this->id." order by ordre_vedette, ordre_categorie"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { /* @var $object categorie */ $object = authorities_collection::get_authority('category', $row->num_noeud); $format_label = $object->libelle; // On ajoute les parents si nécessaire if (!$opac_categories_show_only_last) { $parent_id = $object->parent; while ($parent_id && ($parent_id != 1) && (!in_array($parent_id, array($object->thes->num_noeud_racine, $object->thes->num_noeud_nonclasses, $object->thes->num_noeud_orphelins)))) { $parent = authorities_collection::get_authority('category', $parent_id); $format_label = $parent->libelle.($opac_categories_categ_path_sep ? $opac_categories_categ_path_sep : ':').$format_label; $parent_id = $parent->parent; } } //$authority = new authority(0, $row->num_noeud, AUT_TABLE_CATEG); $authority = authorities_collection::get_authority('authority', 0, ['num_object' => $row->num_noeud, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_CATEG]); $categorie = array( 'object' => $object, 'format_label' => $format_label, 'p_perso' => $authority->get_p_perso() ); if (!$opac_categories_affichage_ordre) { $sort_array[$object->thes->id_thesaurus][] = strtoupper(convert_diacrit($format_label)); } $this->categories[$object->thes->id_thesaurus][] = $categorie; } // On tri par ordre alphabétique if (!$opac_categories_affichage_ordre) { foreach ($this->categories as $thes_id => &$categories) { array_multisort($sort_array[$thes_id], $categories); } } // On tri par index de thésaurus ksort($this->categories); } } return $this->categories; } /** * Retourne le titre uniforme * @return tu_notice */ public function get_titre_uniforme() { if (!$this->titre_uniforme) { $this->titre_uniforme = new tu_notice($this->id); } return $this->titre_uniforme; } /** * Retourne un tableau d'instances de titres uniformes * @return array */ public function get_works_data() { if (empty($this->works_data)) { $this->works_data = array(); $tu_notice = $this->get_titre_uniforme(); foreach ($tu_notice->ntu_data as $work) { $this->works_data[] = new titre_uniforme($work->num_tu); } } return $this->works_data; } /** * Retourne le tableau des langues de la notices * @return array $this->langues = array('langues' => array(), 'languesorg' => array()) */ public function get_langues() { if (!count($this->langues)) { global $marc_liste_langues; if (!$marc_liste_langues) $marc_liste_langues=new marc_list('lang'); $this->langues = array( 'langues' => array(), 'languesorg' => array() ); $query = "select code_langue, type_langue from notices_langues where num_notice=".$this->id." order by ordre_langue "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while (($notice=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result))) { if ($notice->code_langue) { $langue = array( 'lang_code' => $notice->code_langue, 'langue' => $marc_liste_langues->table[$notice->code_langue] ); if (!$notice->type_langue) { $this->langues['langues'][] = $langue; } else { $this->langues['languesorg'][] = $langue; } } } } return $this->langues; } /** * Retourne un tableau avec le nombre d'avis et la moyenne * @return array Tableau $this->avis = array('moyenne', 'qte', 'avis' => array('note', 'commentaire', 'sujet'), 'nb_by_note' => array('{note}' => {nb_avis}) */ public function get_avis() { if (!is_object($this->avis)) { $this->avis = new avis($this->id); } return $this->avis; } /** * Retourne le nombre de bulletins associés * @return int */ public function get_nb_bulletins(){ if (!isset($this->nb_bulletins)) { $this->nb_bulletins = 0; if($this->notice->opac_visible_bulletinage){ //Droits d'accès if (is_null($this->dom_2)) { $acces_j=''; $statut_j=',notice_statut'; $statut_r="and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } else { $acces_j = $this->dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],4,'notice_id'); $statut_j = ""; $statut_r = ""; } //Bulletins sans notice $req="SELECT bulletin_id FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_notice='".$this->id."' and num_notice=0"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res){ $this->nb_bulletins+=pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); } //Bulletins avec notice $req="SELECT bulletin_id FROM bulletins JOIN notices ON notice_id=num_notice AND num_notice!=0 ".$acces_j." ".$statut_j." WHERE bulletin_notice='".$this->id."' ".$statut_r.""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res){ $this->nb_bulletins+=pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); } } } return $this->nb_bulletins; } /** * Retourne le tableau des bulletins associés à la notice * @return array $this->bulletins[] = array('id', 'numero', 'mention_date', 'date_date', 'bulletin_titre', 'num_notice') */ public function get_bulletins(){ if (!count($this->bulletins) && $this->get_nb_bulletins()) { if($this->notice->opac_visible_bulletinage){ //Droits d'accès if (is_null($this->dom_2)) { $acces_j=''; $statut_j=',notice_statut'; $statut_r="and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } else { $acces_j = $this->dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],4,'notice_id'); $statut_j = ""; $statut_r = ""; } //Bulletins sans notice $req="SELECT * FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_notice='".$this->id."' and num_notice=0"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->bulletins[] = array( 'id' => $r->bulletin_id, 'numero' => $r->bulletin_numero, 'mention_date' => $r->mention_date, 'date_date' => $r->date_date, 'bulletin_titre' => $r->bulletin_titre, 'num_notice' => $r->num_notice ); } } //Bulletins avec notice $req="SELECT bulletins.* FROM bulletins JOIN notices ON notice_id=num_notice AND num_notice!=0 ".$acces_j." ".$statut_j." WHERE bulletin_notice='".$this->id."' ".$statut_r.""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)){ while($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $this->bulletins[] = array( 'id' => $r->bulletin_id, 'numero' => $r->bulletin_numero, 'mention_date' => $r->mention_date, 'date_date' => $r->date_date, 'bulletin_titre' => $r->bulletin_titre, 'num_notice' => $r->num_notice ); } } } } return $this->bulletins; } /** * Retourne le nombre de documents numériques associés aux bulletins * @return int */ public function get_nb_bulletins_docnums() { if (!isset($this->nb_bulletins_docnums)) { $this->get_bulletins_docnums(); $this->nb_bulletins_docnums = count($this->bulletins_docnums); } return $this->nb_bulletins_docnums; } /** * Retourne le nombre de documents numériques associés aux bulletins * @return int */ public function get_bulletins_docnums() { if (!isset($this->bulletins_docnums)) { $this->bulletins_docnums = array(); $join_acces_explnum = ""; if (!$this->get_parameter_value('show_links_invisible_docnums')) { if (!is_null($this->dom_3)) { $join_acces_explnum = $this->dom_3->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],16,'explnum_id'); } else { $join_acces_explnum = "join explnum_statut on explnum_docnum_statut=id_explnum_statut and ((explnum_statut.explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_statut.explnum_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (explnum_statut.explnum_visible_opac_abon=1 and explnum_statut.explnum_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } } $sql_explnum = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_nom, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_url, explnum_mimetype FROM explnum $join_acces_explnum JOIN bulletins ON explnum_bulletin=bulletin_id WHERE bulletin_notice = ".$this->id." order by explnum_id"; $explnums = pmb_mysql_query($sql_explnum); $explnumscount = pmb_mysql_num_rows($explnums); if ($this->get_parameter_value('show_links_invisible_docnums') || (is_null($this->dom_2) && $this->visu_explnum && (!$this->visu_explnum_abon || ($this->visu_explnum_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"]))) || ($this->rights & 16) ) { if ($explnumscount) { while($explnumrow = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($explnums)) { $visible = true; //vérification de la visibilité si non connecté if(!$_SESSION['id_empr_session'] && $this->get_parameter_value('show_links_invisible_docnums')){ $visible = false; if (!is_null($this->dom_3)) { $right = $this->dom_3->getRights(0,$explnumrow->explnum_id,16); if($right == 16){ $visible = true; } }else{ $sql = "select explnum_id from explnum join explnum_statut on id_explnum_statut = explnum_docnum_statut where explnum_visible_opac= 1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon = 0 and explnum_id = ".$explnumrow->explnum_id; if(pmb_mysql_num_rows(pmb_mysql_query($sql))){ $visible = true; } } } if ($visible) { $this->bulletins_docnums[] = $explnumrow; } } } } } return $this->bulletins_docnums; } /** * Un pério est ouvert à la recherche si il possède au moins un article ou une notice de bulletin * @return int */ public function is_open_to_search(){ if (!isset($this->open_to_search)) { $this->open_to_search = 0; //Droits d'accès if (is_null($this->dom_2)) { $acces_j=''; $statut_j=',notice_statut'; $statut_r="and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } else { $acces_j = $this->dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],4,'notice_id'); $statut_j = ""; $statut_r = ""; } //Articles $req="SELECT bulletin_id FROM bulletins JOIN analysis ON analysis_bulletin=bulletin_id JOIN notices ON analysis_notice=notice_id ".$acces_j." ".$statut_j." WHERE bulletin_notice='".$this->id."' ".$statut_r.""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res){ $this->open_to_search+=pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); } //Notices de bulletin $req="SELECT bulletin_id FROM bulletins JOIN notices ON notice_id=num_notice AND num_notice!=0 ".$acces_j." ".$statut_j." WHERE bulletin_notice='".$this->id."' ".$statut_r.""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if($res){ $this->open_to_search+=pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); } } return $this->open_to_search; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->niveau_biblio */ public function get_niveau_biblio() { return $this->notice->niveau_biblio; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->niveau_hierar */ public function get_niveau_hierar() { return $this->notice->niveau_hierar; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->tit1 */ public function get_tit1() { return $this->notice->tit1; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->tit2 */ public function get_tit2() { return $this->notice->tit2; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->tit3 */ public function get_tit3() { return $this->notice->tit3; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->tit4 */ public function get_tit4() { return $this->notice->tit4; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->code */ public function get_code() { return $this->notice->code; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->npages */ public function get_npages() { return $this->notice->npages; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->year */ public function get_year() { return $this->notice->year; } /** * Retourne un tableau des éditeurs * @return publisher Tableau des instances d'éditeurs */ public function get_publishers() { if((!isset($this->publishers) || !count($this->publishers)) && $this->notice->ed1_id){ $publisher = authorities_collection::get_authority('publisher', $this->notice->ed1_id); $this->publishers[]=$publisher; if ($this->notice->ed2_id) { $publisher = authorities_collection::get_authority('publisher', $this->notice->ed2_id); $this->publishers[]=$publisher; } } return $this->publishers; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->thumbnail_url */ public function get_thumbnail_url() { return $this->notice->thumbnail_url; } /** * Retourne l'état de collection * @return collstate */ public function get_collstate() { if (!$this->collstate) { if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 's') { $this->collstate = new collstate(0, $this->id); } else if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $this->get_bul_info(); $this->collstate = new collstate(0, 0, $this->parent['bulletin_id']); } } return $this->collstate; } /** * Retourne tous les états de collection * @return collstate */ public function get_collstate_list() { if (!$this->collstate_list) { $this->collstate_list = $this->get_collstate()->get_collstate_datas(); } return $this->collstate_list; } /** * Retourne l'autorisation des avis * @return boolean */ public function get_avis_allowed() { global $allow_avis; if(($this->avis_allowed && ($this->avis_allowed != 2)) || ($_SESSION["user_code"] && ($this->avis_allowed == 2) && $allow_avis)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Retourne l'autorisation des tags * @return boolean */ public function get_tag_allowed() { global $allow_tag; if (($this->tag_allowed == 1) || (($this->tag_allowed == 2) && $_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_tag)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Retourne l'autorisation des suggestions * @return boolean */ public function get_sugg_allowed() { global $allow_sugg; if (($this->sugg_allowed == 2) || ($_SESSION["user_code"] && ($this->sugg_allowed == 1) && $allow_sugg)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Retourne l'autorisation des listes de lecture * @return boolean */ public function get_liste_lecture_allowed() { global $allow_liste_lecture; if($this->liste_lecture_allowed == 1 && $_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_liste_lecture) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function get_enrichment_sources() { if (!isset($this->enrichment_sources)) { $this->enrichment_sources = array(); if($this->get_parameter_value('notice_enrichment')){ $enrichment = new enrichment(); if(!isset($enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio.$this->notice->typdoc])) { $enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio.$this->notice->typdoc] = ''; } if(!isset($enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio])) { $enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio] = ''; } if($enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio.$this->notice->typdoc]){ $this->enrichment_sources = $enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio.$this->notice->typdoc]; }else if ($enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio]){ $this->enrichment_sources = $enrichment->active[$this->notice->niveau_biblio]; } } } return $this->enrichment_sources; } /** * Retourne l'icone du type de document * @return string */ public function get_icon_doc() { if (!isset($this->icon_doc)) { $icon_doc = marc_list_collection::get_instance('icondoc'); $this->icon_doc = $icon_doc->table[$this->notice->niveau_biblio.$this->notice->typdoc]; } return $this->icon_doc; } /** * Retourne le libellé du niveau biblio * @return string */ public function get_biblio_doc() { if (!$this->biblio_doc) { $biblio_doc = marc_list_collection::get_instance('nivbiblio'); $this->biblio_doc = $biblio_doc->table[$this->notice->niveau_biblio]; } return $this->biblio_doc; } /** * Retourne le libellé du type de document * @return string */ public function get_tdoc() { if (!$this->tdoc) { global $tdoc; $this->tdoc = $tdoc->table[$this->get_typdoc()]; } return $this->tdoc; } /** * Retourne la liste des concepts qui indexent la notice * @return skos_concepts_list */ public function get_concepts_list() { if (!$this->concepts_list) { $this->concepts_list = new skos_concepts_list(); $this->concepts_list->set_concepts_from_object(TYPE_NOTICE, $this->id); } return $this->concepts_list; } /** * Retourne le tableau des mots clés * @return array */ public function get_mots_cles() { if (!isset($this->mots_cles)) { global $pmb_keyword_sep; if (!$pmb_keyword_sep) $pmb_keyword_sep=" "; if (!trim($this->notice->index_l)) return ""; $this->mots_cles = explode($pmb_keyword_sep,trim($this->notice->index_l)) ; } return $this->mots_cles; } /** * Retourne l'indexation décimale * @return indexint */ public function get_indexint() { if(!$this->indexint && $this->notice->indexint) { $this->indexint = authorities_collection::get_authority('indexint', $this->notice->indexint); } return $this->indexint; } /** * Retourne le résumé * @return string */ public function get_resume() { return $this->notice->n_resume; } /** * Retourne le contenu * @return string */ public function get_contenu() { return $this->notice->n_contenu; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->lien * @return string */ public function get_lien() { if (isset($this->lien)) { return $this->lien; } $this->lien = $this->notice->lien; $this->get_source(); switch (true) { //Divercities case ( (!empty($_SESSION['id_empr_session'])) && (!empty($this->source)) && ($this->source['connector'] == 'divercities') ) : $params = [ 'source_id' => $this->source['source_id'], 'empr_id' => $_SESSION['id_empr_session'], ]; $this->lien = divercities::get_resource_link($this->source['ref'], $params); break; //Cairn case ( ((!empty($this->source)) && ($this->source['connector'] == 'cairn')) || (strpos($this->lien, "") !== false) ) : $cairn_connector = new cairn(); $cairn_sso_params = $cairn_connector->get_sso_params(); if ($cairn_sso_params && (strpos($this->lien, "?") === false)) { $this->lien.= "?"; $cairn_sso_params = substr($cairn_sso_params, 1); } $this->lien.= $cairn_sso_params; break; //Odilotk case ( (!empty($this->source)) && ($this->source['connector'] == 'odilotk') ) : $odilotk_connector = new odilotk(); $this->lien = $odilotk_connector->get_odilotk_link($this->source['source_id'], $this->id); break; default : break; } return $this->lien; } public function is_cairn_source() { // On gère un flag pour les cas particuliers des notices cairn qui ne seraient pas issue du connecteur $from_cairn_connector = false; $this->get_source(); if (count($this->source)) { switch ($this->source['connector']) { case 'cairn' : $from_cairn_connector = true; break; } } if ($from_cairn_connector || (strpos($this->get_lien(), "") !== false)) { return true; } return false; } /** * * @return string */ public function get_source_label() { $this->get_source(); if(empty($this->source['label'])) { return ''; } return $this->source['label']; } /** * * @return array */ public function get_source() { if (isset($this->source)) { return $this->source; } $this->source = []; $q = "SELECT notices_externes.recid, "; $q.= "FROM notices_externes "; $q.= "JOIN external_count ON external_count.recid = notices_externes.recid "; $q.= "JOIN connectors_sources ON connectors_sources.source_id = external_count.source_id "; $q.= "WHERE notices_externes.num_notice = ". $this->id ." limit 1"; $r = pmb_mysql_query($q); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($r)) { $recid = pmb_mysql_result($r, 0, 0); $label = pmb_mysql_result($r, 0, 1); $data = explode(" ", $recid); $this->source = [ 'recid' => $recid, 'connector' => $data[0], 'source_id' => $data[1], 'ref' => $data[2], 'label' => $label, ]; } return $this->source; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->eformat * @return string */ public function get_eformat() { return $this->notice->eformat; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->tnvol * @return string */ public function get_tnvol() { return $this->notice->tnvol; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->mention_edition * @return string */ public function get_mention_edition() { return $this->notice->mention_edition; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->nocoll * @return string */ public function get_nocoll() { return $this->notice->nocoll; } /** * Retourne la collection * @return collection */ public function get_collection() { if (!$this->collection && $this->notice->coll_id) { $this->collection = authorities_collection::get_authority('collection', $this->notice->coll_id); } return $this->collection; } /** * Retourne la sous-collection * @return subcollection */ public function get_subcollection() { if (!$this->subcollection && $this->notice->subcoll_id) { $this->subcollection = authorities_collection::get_authority('subcollection', $this->notice->subcoll_id); } return $this->subcollection; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->ill * @return string */ public function get_ill() { return $this->notice->ill; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->size * @return string */ public function get_size() { return $this->notice->size; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->accomp * @return string */ public function get_accomp() { return $this->notice->accomp; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->prix * @return string */ public function get_prix() { return $this->notice->prix; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->n_gen * @return string */ public function get_n_gen() { return $this->notice->n_gen; } /** * Retourne le permalink * @return string */ public function get_permalink() { if (!$this->permalink) { if($this->notice->niveau_biblio != "b"){ $this->permalink = $this->get_parameter_value('url_base')."index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=".$this->id; }else{ $bull = $this->get_bul_info(); $this->permalink = $this->get_parameter_value('url_base')."index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=".$bull['bulletin_id']; } } return $this->permalink; } /** * Retourne les données d'exemplaires * @return array */ public function get_expls_datas() { if (!isset($this->expls_datas)) { $this->expls_datas = array(); if((is_null($this->dom_2) && $this->get_parameter_value('show_exemplaires') && $this->is_visu_expl() && (!$this->is_visu_expl_abon() || ($this->is_visu_expl_abon() && $_SESSION["user_code"]))) || ($this->get_rights() & 8)) { $bull = $this->get_bul_info(); if(isset($bull['bulletin_id'])) { $bull_id = $bull['bulletin_id']*1; } else { $bull_id = 0; } $exemplaires = new exemplaires($this->get_id(), $bull_id, $this->get_niveau_biblio()); $this->expls_datas = $exemplaires->get_data(); } } return $this->expls_datas; } /** * Retourne la disponibilité * @return array $this->availibility = array('availibility', 'next-return') */ public function get_availability() { if (!$this->availability) { $expls_datas = $this->get_expls_datas(); $next_return = ""; $availability = "unavailable"; if (isset($expls_datas['expls']) && count($expls_datas['expls'])) { foreach ($expls_datas['expls'] as $expl) { if ($expl['pret_flag']) { // Pretable if ($expl['flag_resa']) { // Réservé if(!$next_return) { $availability = "reserved"; } } else if ($expl['pret_retour']) { // Sorti if (!$next_return || ($next_return > $expl['pret_retour'])) { $next_return = $expl['pret_retour']; $availability = "out"; } } else { $availability = "available"; break; } } else { $availability = "no_lendable"; } } } else { // Pas d'exemplaires if($this->get_parameter_value('show_empty_items_block')) { $availability = "empty"; } else { $availability = "none"; } } $this->availability = array( 'availability' => $availability, 'next_return' => formatdate($next_return) ); } return $this->availability; } /** * Retourne la disponibilité d'un exemplaire numérique */ public function get_numeric_expl_availability() { return array( 'availability' => 'available', //'next_return' => formatdate() ); } /** * Retourne le tableau des ids des notices du même auteur * @return array */ public function get_records_from_same_author() { if (!isset($this->records_from_same_author)) { $this->records_from_same_author = array(); $this->get_responsabilites(); $as = array_search("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]); if (($as !== FALSE) && ($as !== NULL)) { $authors_ids = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as]['id']; } else { $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1"); $authors_ids = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; if ($authors_ids) $authors_ids .= ","; $authors_ids .= $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]['id']; } } if ($authors_ids) { $query = "select distinct responsability_notice from responsability where responsability_author in (".$authors_ids.") and responsability_notice != ".$this->id." order by responsability_type, responsability_ordre"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($record = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->records_from_same_author[] = $record->responsability_notice; } } } } $filter = new filter_results($this->records_from_same_author); $this->records_from_same_author = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); return $this->records_from_same_author; } /** * Retourne le tableau des ids des notices du même éditeur * @return array */ public function get_records_from_same_publisher() { if (!isset($this->records_from_same_publisher)) { $this->records_from_same_publisher = array(); if ($this->notice->ed1_id) { $query = "select distinct notice_id from notices where ed1_id = ".$this->notice->ed1_id." and notice_id != ".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($record = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->records_from_same_publisher[] = $record->notice_id; } } } } $filter = new filter_results($this->records_from_same_publisher); $this->records_from_same_publisher = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); return $this->records_from_same_publisher; } /** * Retourne le tableau des ids des notices de la même collection * @return array */ public function get_records_from_same_collection() { if (!isset($this->records_from_same_collection)) { $this->records_from_same_collection = array(); if ($this->notice->coll_id) { $query = "select distinct notice_id from notices where coll_id = ".$this->notice->coll_id." and notice_id != ".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($record = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->records_from_same_collection[] = $record->notice_id; } } } } $filter = new filter_results($this->records_from_same_collection); $this->records_from_same_collection = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); return $this->records_from_same_collection; } /** * Retourne le tableau des ids des notices de la même série * @return array */ public function get_records_from_same_serie() { if (!isset($this->records_from_same_serie)) { $this->records_from_same_serie = array(); if ($this->notice->tparent_id) { $query = "select distinct notice_id from notices where tparent_id = ".$this->notice->tparent_id." and notice_id != ".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($record = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->records_from_same_serie[] = $record->notice_id; } } } } $filter = new filter_results($this->records_from_same_serie); $this->records_from_same_serie = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); return $this->records_from_same_serie; } /** * Retourne le tableau des ids des notices avec la même indexation décimale * @return array */ public function get_records_from_same_indexint() { if (!isset($this->records_from_same_indexint)) { $this->records_from_same_indexint = array(); if ($this->notice->indexint) { $query = "select distinct notice_id from notices where indexint = ".$this->notice->indexint." and notice_id != ".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($record = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->records_from_same_indexint[] = $record->notice_id; } } } } $filter = new filter_results($this->records_from_same_indexint); $this->records_from_same_indexint = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); return $this->records_from_same_indexint; } /** * Retourne le tableau des ids de notices avec des catégories communes * @return array */ public function get_records_from_same_categories() { if (!$this->records_from_same_categories) { $this->records_from_same_categories = array(); $query = "select notcateg_notice, count(num_noeud) as pert from notices_categories where num_noeud in (select num_noeud from notices_categories where notcateg_notice = ".$this->id.") group by notcateg_notice order by pert desc"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($record = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->records_from_same_categories[] = $record->notcateg_notice; } } } $filter = new filter_results($this->records_from_same_categories); $this->records_from_same_categories = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); return $this->records_from_same_categories; } /** * Retourne l'URL calculée de l'image * @return string */ public function get_picture_url() { if (!$this->picture_url && ($this->get_code() || $this->get_thumbnail_url())) { if ($this->get_parameter_value('show_book_pics')=='1' && ($this->get_parameter_value('book_pics_url') || $this->get_thumbnail_url())) { $this->picture_url = getimage_url($this->get_code(), $this->get_thumbnail_url(), false, $this->get_id()); } } if (!$this->picture_url) { $this->picture_url = notice::get_picture_url_no_image($this->get_niveau_biblio(), $this->get_typdoc()); } return $this->picture_url; } /** * Retourne le texte au survol de l'image * @return string */ public function get_picture_title() { if (!$this->picture_title && ($this->get_code() || $this->get_thumbnail_url())) { global $charset; if ($this->get_parameter_value('show_book_pics')=='1' && ($this->get_parameter_value('book_pics_url') || $this->get_thumbnail_url())) { if ($this->get_thumbnail_url()) { $this->picture_title = htmlentities($this->get_tit1(), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } else { $this->picture_title = htmlentities($this->get_parameter_value('book_pics_msg'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } } } return $this->picture_title; } public function get_pnb_datas() { // $allow_pnb = Droit à l'emprunt de document numérique global $allow_pnb, $opac_pnb_loan_display_mode; $this->pnb_datas = array( 'flag_pnb_visible' => false, 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => "", ); $record_datas = record_display::get_record_datas($this->id); if ($record_datas->is_numeric()) { if ($record_datas->get_availability() && $_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_pnb && dilicom::is_pnb_active()) { $this->pnb_datas['flag_pnb_visible'] = true; $this->pnb_datas['onclick'] ="pnb_post_loan_info(" . $this->id . ",".$opac_pnb_loan_display_mode.");return false;"; } } return $this->pnb_datas; } /** * Retourne les informations de réservation * @return array $this->resas_datas = array('nb_resas', 'href', 'onclick', 'flag_max_resa', 'flag_resa_visible') */ public function get_resas_datas() { if (!isset($this->resas_datas)) { global $msg; global $opac_resa ; global $opac_max_resa ; global $opac_show_exemplaires ; global $popup_resa ; global $opac_resa_popup ; // la résa se fait-elle par popup ? global $opac_resa_planning; // la résa est elle planifiée global $allow_book; global $opac_show_exemplaires_analysis; $this->resas_datas = array( 'nb_resas' => 0, 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => "", 'flag_max_resa' => false, 'flag_resa_visible' => true, 'flag_resa_possible' => true ); $bul_info = $this->get_bul_info(); if(isset($bul_info['bulletin_id'])) { $bulletin_id = $bul_info['bulletin_id']; } else { $bulletin_id = 0; } if ($bulletin_id) $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idbulletin='$bulletin_id' "; else $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idnotice='$this->id' "; $this->resas_datas['nb_resas'] = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($requete_resa), 0, 0) ; if ((is_null($this->dom_2) && $opac_show_exemplaires && $this->is_visu_expl() && (!$this->is_visu_expl_abon() || ($this->is_visu_expl_abon() && $_SESSION["user_code"]))) || ($this->get_rights() & 8)) { if (!$opac_resa_planning) { if($bulletin_id) $resa_check=check_statut(0,$bulletin_id) ; else $resa_check=check_statut($this->id, 0) ; // vérification si exemplaire réservable if ($resa_check) { if (($this->get_niveau_biblio()=="m" || $this->get_niveau_biblio()=="b" || ($this->get_niveau_biblio()=="a" && $opac_show_exemplaires_analysis)) && ($_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_book) && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { if ($opac_max_resa==0 || $opac_max_resa>$this->resas_datas['nb_resas']) { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $this->resas_datas['onclick'] = "if(confirm('".$msg["confirm_resa"]."')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=".$this->id."&id_bulletin=".$bulletin_id."&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;"; } else { $this->resas_datas['href'] = "./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=".$this->id."&id_bulletin=".$bulletin_id."&oresa=popup"; $this->resas_datas['onclick'] = "return confirm('".$msg["confirm_resa"]."')"; } } else $this->resas_datas['flag_max_resa'] = true; } elseif (($this->get_niveau_biblio()=="m" || $this->get_niveau_biblio()=="b" || ($this->get_niveau_biblio()=="a" && $opac_show_exemplaires_analysis)) && !($_SESSION["user_code"]) && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { // utilisateur pas connecté // préparation lien réservation sans être connecté if ($opac_resa_popup) { $this->resas_datas['onclick'] = "if(confirm('".$msg["confirm_resa"]."')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=".$this->id."&id_bulletin=".$bulletin_id."&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;"; } else { $this->resas_datas['href'] = "./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=".$this->id."&id_bulletin=".$bulletin_id."&oresa=popup"; $this->resas_datas['onclick'] = "return confirm('".$msg["confirm_resa"]."')"; } } else { $this->resas_datas['flag_resa_visible'] = false; $this->resas_datas['flag_resa_possible'] = false; } } else { $this->resas_datas['flag_resa_possible'] = false; } // fin if resa_check } else { // planning de réservations $this->resas_datas['nb_resas'] = resa_planning::count_resa($this->id); if (($this->get_niveau_biblio()=="m") && ($_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_book) && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { if ($opac_max_resa==0 || $opac_max_resa>$this->resas_datas['nb_resas']) { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $this->resas_datas['onclick'] = "'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa_planning&id_notice=".$this->id."&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;"; } else { $this->resas_datas['href'] = "./do_resa.php?lvl=resa_planning&id_notice=".$this->id."&oresa=popup"; } } else $this->resas_datas['flag_max_resa'] = true; } elseif (($this->get_niveau_biblio()=="m") && !($_SESSION["user_code"]) && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { // utilisateur pas connecté // préparation lien réservation sans être connecté if ($opac_resa_popup) { $this->resas_datas['onclick'] = "'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa_planning&id_notice=".$this->id."&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;"; } else { $this->resas_datas['href'] = "./do_resa.php?lvl=resa_planning&id_notice=".$this->id."&oresa=popup"; } } } } else { $this->resas_datas['flag_resa_visible'] = false; } } return $this->resas_datas; } /** * Retourne vrai si nouveauté, false sinon * @return boolean */ public function is_new() { if ($this->notice->notice_is_new) { return true; } return false; } /** * Retourne le tableau des relations parentes * @return array */ public function get_relations_up() { if (!isset($this->relations_up)) { $this->relations_up = array(); $notice_relations = notice_relations_collection::get_object_instance($this->id); $parents = $notice_relations->get_parents(); foreach ($parents as $parents_relations) { foreach ($parents_relations as $parent) { if (!isset($this->relations_up[$parent->get_relation_type()]['label'])){ $this->relations_up[$parent->get_relation_type()]['label'] = notice_relations::$liste_type_relation['up']->table[$parent->get_relation_type()]; $this->relations_up[$parent->get_relation_type()]['relation_type'] = $parent->get_relation_type(); } $this->relations_up[$parent->get_relation_type()]['parents'][] = $parent->get_linked_notice(); } } foreach($this->relations_up as $key => $value){ $filter = new filter_results($value['parents']); $this->relations_up[$key]['parents'] = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->relations_up[$key]['parents']); $i++){ if($this->relations_up[$key]['parents'][$i] == ''){ unset($this->relations_up[$key]['parents'][$i]); }else{ $this->relations_up[$key]['parents'][$i] = record_display::get_record_datas($this->relations_up[$key]['parents'][$i]); } } if(count($this->relations_up[$key]['parents']) == 0){ unset($this->relations_up[$key]); } } } return $this->relations_up; } /** * Retourne le tableau des relations enfants * @return array */ public function get_relations_down() { if (!isset($this->relations_down)) { $this->relations_down = array(); $notice_relations = notice_relations_collection::get_object_instance($this->id); $childs = $notice_relations->get_childs(); foreach ($childs as $childs_relations) { foreach ($childs_relations as $child) { if (!isset($this->relations_down[$child->get_relation_type()]['label'])){ $this->relations_down[$child->get_relation_type()]['label'] = notice_relations::$liste_type_relation['down']->table[$child->get_relation_type()]; $this->relations_down[$child->get_relation_type()]['relation_type'] = $child->get_relation_type(); } $this->relations_down[$child->get_relation_type()]['children'][] = $child->get_linked_notice(); } } foreach($this->relations_down as $key => $value){ $filter = new filter_results($value['children']); $this->relations_down[$key]['children'] = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->relations_down[$key]['children']); $i++){ if($this->relations_down[$key]['children'][$i] == ''){ unset($this->relations_down[$key]['children'][$i]); }else{ $this->relations_down[$key]['children'][$i] = record_display::get_record_datas($this->relations_down[$key]['children'][$i]); } } if(count($this->relations_down[$key]['children']) == 0){ unset($this->relations_down[$key]); } } } return $this->relations_down; } /** * Retourne le tableau des relations horizontales * @return array */ public function get_relations_both() { if (!isset($this->relations_both)) { $this->relations_both = array(); $notice_relations = notice_relations_collection::get_object_instance($this->id); $pairs = $notice_relations->get_pairs(); foreach ($pairs as $pairs_relations) { foreach ($pairs_relations as $pair) { if (!isset($this->relations_both[$pair->get_relation_type()]['label'])){ $this->relations_both[$pair->get_relation_type()]['label'] = notice_relations::$liste_type_relation['both']->table[$pair->get_relation_type()]; $this->relations_both[$pair->get_relation_type()]['relation_type'] = $pair->get_relation_type(); } $this->relations_both[$pair->get_relation_type()]['pairs'][] = $pair->get_linked_notice(); } } foreach($this->relations_both as $key => $value){ $filter = new filter_results($value['pairs']); $this->relations_both[$key]['pairs'] = explode(",",$filter->get_results()); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->relations_both[$key]['pairs']); $i++){ if($this->relations_both[$key]['pairs'][$i] == ''){ unset($this->relations_both[$key]['pairs'][$i]); }else{ $this->relations_both[$key]['pairs'][$i] = record_display::get_record_datas($this->relations_both[$key]['pairs'][$i]); } } if(count($this->relations_both[$key]['pairs']) == 0){ unset($this->relations_both[$key]); } } } return $this->relations_both; } /** * Retourne les dépouillements * @return string Tableau des affichage des articles */ public function get_articles() { if (!isset($this->articles)) { $this->articles = array(); $bul_info = $this->get_bul_info(); $bulletin_id = $bul_info['bulletin_id']; $query = "SELECT analysis_notice FROM analysis, notices, notice_statut WHERE analysis_bulletin=".$bulletin_id." AND notice_id = analysis_notice AND statut = id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"").") order by analysis_notice"; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while(($article = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result))) { $this->articles[] = record_display::get_display_in_result($article->analysis_notice); } } } return $this->articles; } /** * Retourne le nombre d'article associés à un bulletin * @param number $bulletin_id * @return number $nb_articles */ public function get_nb_articles($bulletin_id = 0) { $acces_j = ""; $statut_j = ""; $statut_r = ""; $nb_articles = 0; if (!$bulletin_id) { $bul_info = $this->get_bul_info(); $bulletin_id = $bul_info['bulletin_id']; } //Droits d'accès if (is_null($this->dom_2)) { $statut_a = ""; if ($_SESSION["user_code"]) { $statut_a = " OR (notice_visible_opac_abon = 1 AND notice_visible_opac = 1)"; } $statut_j=', notice_statut'; $statut_r="AND statut=id_notice_statut AND ((notice_visible_opac = 1 AND notice_visible_opac_abon = 0)".$statut_a.")"; } else { $acces_j = $this->dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], 4, 'notice_id'); } $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM analysis, notices".$acces_j.$statut_j." WHERE analysis_bulletin=".$bulletin_id; $query .= " AND notice_id = analysis_notice ".$statut_r; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($result) { $nb_articles = intval(pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0)); } return $nb_articles; } /** * Retourne les données de demandes * @return string Tableau des données ['themes' => ['id', 'label'], 'types' => ['id', 'label']] */ public function get_demands_datas() { if (!isset($this->demands_datas)) { $this->demands_datas = array( 'themes' => array(), 'types' => array() ); // On va chercher les thèmes $query = "select id_theme, libelle_theme from demandes_theme"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($theme = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->demands_datas['themes'][] = array( 'id' => $theme->id_theme, 'label' => $theme->libelle_theme ); } } // On va chercher les types $query = "select id_type, libelle_type from demandes_type"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($theme = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $this->demands_datas['types'][] = array( 'id' => $theme->id_type, 'label' => $theme->libelle_type ); } } } return $this->demands_datas; } /** * Retourne l'autorisation d'afficher le panier en fonction des paramètres opac et de la connexion de l'utilisateur * @return boolean true si le panier est autoriser, false sinon */ public function is_cart_allow() { if (!isset($this->cart_allow)) { $this->cart_allow = ($this->get_parameter_value('cart_allow') && (!$this->get_parameter_value('cart_only_for_subscriber') || ($this->get_parameter_value('cart_only_for_subscriber') && $_SESSION["user_code"]))); } return $this->cart_allow; } /** * Retourne la présence ou non de la notice dans le panier * @return boolean true si la notice est déjà dans le panier, false sinon */ public function is_in_cart() { if (!isset($this->in_cart)) { if(isset($_SESSION['cart']) && in_array($this->id, $_SESSION["cart"])) { $this->in_cart = true; } else { $this->in_cart = false; } } return $this->in_cart; } public function check_accessibility_explnum($explnum_id=0) { global $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums; $explnum_id = intval($explnum_id); //vérification de la visibilité si non connecté if(!$_SESSION['id_empr_session'] && $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums){ $visible = false; if (!is_null($this->dom_3)) { $right = $this->dom_3->getRights(0,$explnum_id,16); if($right == 16){ $visible = true; } }else{ $sql = "select explnum_id from explnum join explnum_statut on id_explnum_statut = explnum_docnum_statut where explnum_visible_opac= 1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon = 0 and explnum_id = ".$explnum_id; if(pmb_mysql_num_rows(pmb_mysql_query($sql))){ $visible = true; } } } if(!$_SESSION['id_empr_session'] && $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums && !$visible){ return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Retourne les infos de documents numériques associés à la notice * @return array */ public function get_explnums_datas() { if (!isset($this->explnums_datas)) { global $msg; global $charset; global $opac_url_base; global $opac_visionneuse_allow; global $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype; global $opac_explnum_order; global $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums; global $gestion_acces_active,$gestion_acces_empr_notice,$gestion_acces_empr_docnum; $allowed_mimetype =array(); $this->explnums_datas = array( 'nb_explnums' => 0, 'explnums' => array(), 'visionneuse_script' => ' ' ); //Ne pas lancer la requête SQL suivante si l'identifiant de la notice n'est pas connu if(!$this->id) { return $this->explnums_datas; } global $_mimetypes_bymimetype_, $_mimetypes_byext_ ; if (!is_array($_mimetypes_bymimetype_) || !count($_mimetypes_bymimetype_)) { create_tableau_mimetype(); } $this->get_bul_info(); // récupération du nombre d'exemplaires $query = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype, explnum_url, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier, explnum_docnum_statut, explnum_create_date, DATE_FORMAT(explnum_create_date,'".$msg['format_date']."') as formated_create_date, explnum_update_date, DATE_FORMAT(explnum_update_date,'".$msg['format_date']."') as formated_update_date, explnum_file_size FROM explnum WHERE "; if ($this->get_niveau_biblio() != 'b') $query .= "explnum_notice='".$this->id."' "; else $query .= "explnum_bulletin='".$this->parent['bulletin_id']."' or explnum_notice='".$this->id."' "; $query.= "union SELECT explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype, explnum_url, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier, explnum_docnum_statut, explnum_create_date, DATE_FORMAT(explnum_create_date,'".$msg['format_date']."') as formated_create_date, explnum_update_date, DATE_FORMAT(explnum_update_date,'".$msg['format_date']."') as formated_update_date, explnum_file_size FROM explnum, bulletins WHERE bulletin_id = explnum_bulletin AND bulletins.num_notice='".$this->id."'"; if ($this->get_parameter_value('explnum_order')) $query .= " order by ".$this->get_parameter_value('explnum_order'); else $query .= " order by explnum_mimetype, explnum_nom, explnum_id "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($query); $nb_explnums = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); $docnum_visible = true; if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $docnum_visible = $this->dom_2->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],$this->id,16); } else { $query = "SELECT explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon FROM notices, notice_statut WHERE notice_id ='".$this->id."' and id_notice_statut=statut "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if(!$statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac) $docnum_visible=false; if($statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) $docnum_visible=false; } else $docnum_visible=false; } if ($nb_explnums && ($docnum_visible || $this->get_parameter_value('show_links_invisible_docnums'))) { // on récupère les données des exemplaires global $search_terms; while (($expl = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res))) { // couleur de l'img en fonction du statut if ($expl->explnum_docnum_statut) { $rqt_st = "SELECT * FROM explnum_statut WHERE id_explnum_statut='".$expl->explnum_docnum_statut."' "; $Query_statut = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_st)or die ($rqt_st. " ".pmb_mysql_error()) ; $r_statut = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($Query_statut); $explnum_class = 'docnum_'.$r_statut->class_html; if ($expl->explnum_docnum_statut>1) { $explnum_opac_label = $r_statut->opac_libelle; } else $explnum_opac_label = ''; } else { $explnum_class = 'docnum_statutnot1'; $explnum_opac_label = ''; } $explnum_docnum_visible = true; $explnum_docnum_consult = true; if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_docnum==1) { $explnum_docnum_visible = $this->dom_3->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],$expl->explnum_id,16); $explnum_docnum_consult = $this->dom_3->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],$expl->explnum_id,4); } else { $requete = "SELECT explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon, explnum_consult_opac, explnum_consult_opac_abon FROM explnum, explnum_statut WHERE explnum_id ='".$expl->explnum_id."' and id_explnum_statut=explnum_docnum_statut "; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); if(!$statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac) { $explnum_docnum_visible=false; } if(!$statut_temp->explnum_consult_opac) { $explnum_docnum_consult=false; } if($statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) $explnum_docnum_visible=false; if($statut_temp->explnum_consult_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) $explnum_docnum_consult=false; } else { $explnum_docnum_visible=false; } } // mémorisation des localisations $locations = array(); $ids_loc = array(); $requete_loc = "SELECT num_location, location_libelle FROM explnum_location JOIN docs_location ON num_location=idlocation WHERE location_visible_opac = 1 AND num_explnum=".$expl->explnum_id; $result_loc = pmb_mysql_query($requete_loc); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_loc)) { while($loc = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_loc)) { $locations[] = array( 'id' => $loc->num_location, 'label' => $loc->location_libelle ); $ids_loc[] = $loc->num_location; } } if ($explnum_docnum_visible || $this->get_parameter_value('show_links_invisible_docnums')) { $this->explnums_datas['nb_explnums']++; $explnum_datas = array( 'id' => $expl->explnum_id, 'expl_location' => $ids_loc, 'name' => $expl->explnum_nom, 'mimetype' => $expl->explnum_mimetype, 'url' => $expl->explnum_url, 'filename' => $expl->explnum_nomfichier, 'extension' => $expl->explnum_extfichier, 'locations' => $locations, 'statut' => $expl->explnum_docnum_statut, 'consultation' => $explnum_docnum_consult, 'create_date' => $expl->explnum_create_date, 'formated_create_date' => $expl->formated_create_date, 'update_date' => $expl->explnum_update_date, 'formated_update_date' => $expl->formated_update_date, 'file_size' => $expl->explnum_file_size, 'id_notice' => $this->id, 'id_bulletin' => (isset($this->parent['bulletin_id']) ? $this->parent['bulletin_id'] : '') ); if ($expl->explnum_vignette) { $explnum_datas['thumbnail_url'] = $this->get_parameter_value('url_base').'vig_num.php?explnum_id='.$expl->explnum_id; } else { // trouver l'icone correspondant au mime_type $explnum_datas['thumbnail_url'] = get_url_icon('mimetype/'.icone_mimetype($expl->explnum_mimetype, $expl->explnum_extfichier), 1); } $words_to_find=""; if (($expl->explnum_mimetype=='application/pdf') ||($expl->explnum_mimetype=='URL' && (strpos($expl->explnum_nom,'.pdf')!==false))){ if (is_array($search_terms)) { $words_to_find = "#search=\"".trim(str_replace('*','',implode(' ',$search_terms)))."\""; } } $explnum_datas['access_datas'] = array( 'script' => '', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => '' ); //si l'affichage du lien vers les documents numériques est forcé et qu'on est pas connecté, on propose l'invite de connexion! if(!$explnum_docnum_visible && $this->get_parameter_value('show_links_invisible_docnums') && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']){ if ($this->get_parameter_value('visionneuse_allow')) { $allowed_mimetype = explode(",",str_replace("'","",$opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } if ($explnum_docnum_consult && $allowed_mimetype && in_array($expl->explnum_mimetype,$allowed_mimetype)){ $explnum_datas['access_datas']['script'] = " "; $explnum_datas['access_datas']['onclick'] = "auth_popup('./ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=auth&callback_func=sendToVisionneuse_".$expl->explnum_id."');"; }else{ $explnum_datas['access_datas']['onclick'] = "auth_popup('./ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=auth&new_tab=1&callback_url=".rawurlencode($this->get_parameter_value('url_base')."doc_num.php?explnum_id=".$expl->explnum_id)."'); return false;"; } }else{ if ($this->get_parameter_value('visionneuse_allow')) $allowed_mimetype = explode(",",str_replace("'","",$opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); if ($explnum_docnum_consult && $allowed_mimetype && in_array($expl->explnum_mimetype,$allowed_mimetype)){ $explnum_datas['access_datas']['onclick'] = "open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse,".$expl->explnum_id.");return false;"; } else { $explnum_datas['access_datas']['href'] = $this->get_parameter_value('url_base').'doc_num.php?explnum_id='.$expl->explnum_id; } } $explnum_datas['p_perso'] = explnum::get_p_perso($explnum_datas['id']); if ($_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]) $explnum_datas['mimetype_label'] = $_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"] ; elseif ($_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]) $explnum_datas['mimetype_label'] = $_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"] ; else $explnum_datas['mimetype_label'] = $expl->explnum_mimetype ; $this->explnums_datas['explnums'][] = $explnum_datas; } } } } return $this->explnums_datas; } /** * Retourne le tableau des autorités persos associées à la notice * @return authority */ public function get_authpersos() { if (isset($this->authpersos)) { return $this->authpersos; } $query = 'select notice_authperso_authority_num, notice_authperso_order from notices_authperso JOIN authperso_authorities ON id_authperso_authority = notice_authperso_authority_num where notices_authperso.notice_authperso_notice_num = '.$this->id.' order by authperso_authority_authperso_num, notice_authperso_order'; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { //$this->authpersos[] = new authority(0, $row->notice_authperso_authority_num, AUT_TABLE_AUTHPERSO); $this->authpersos[] = authorities_collection::get_authority('authority', 0, ['num_object' => $row->notice_authperso_authority_num, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_AUTHPERSO]); } } return $this->authpersos; } /** * Retourne le tableau des autorités persos classées associées à la notice * @return authority */ public function get_authpersos_ranked() { if (isset($this->authpersos_ranked)) { return $this->authpersos_ranked; } $this->authpersos_ranked = array(); $query = 'select distinct authperso_authority_authperso_num, notice_authperso_authority_num, notice_authperso_order from notices_authperso JOIN authperso_authorities ON id_authperso_authority = notice_authperso_authority_num where notices_authperso.notice_authperso_notice_num = '.$this->id.' order by authperso_authority_authperso_num, notice_authperso_order'; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { //$this->authpersos_ranked[$row->authperso_authority_authperso_num][] = new authority(0, $row->notice_authperso_authority_num, AUT_TABLE_AUTHPERSO); $this->authpersos_ranked[$row->authperso_authority_authperso_num][] = authorities_collection::get_authority('authority', 0, ['num_object' => $row->notice_authperso_authority_num, 'type_object' => AUT_TABLE_AUTHPERSO]); } } return $this->authpersos_ranked; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->opac_serialcirc_demande */ public function get_opac_serialcirc_demande() { return $this->notice->opac_serialcirc_demande; } /** * Retourne $this->notice->opac_visible_bulletinage */ public function get_opac_visible_bulletinage() { return $this->notice->opac_visible_bulletinage; } /** * Retourne les informations de notice externe */ public function get_external_rec_id() { if(!isset($this->external_rec_id)) { $this->external_rec_id = array(); $query = "SELECT recid FROM notices_externes WHERE num_notice = " . $this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $recid = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0,0); $data = explode(" ", $recid); $this->external_rec_id = array( 'recid' => $recid, 'connector' => $data[0], 'source_id' => $data[1], 'ref' => $data[2] ); } } return $this->external_rec_id; } /** * Retourne l'affichage réduit d'une notice */ public function get_aff_notice_reduit() { return aff_notice($this->id, 1, 1, 0, AFF_ETA_NOTICES_REDUIT); } /** * Retourne les informations des onglets perso de la notice */ public function get_onglets_perso() { if (!isset($this->onglet_perso)) { $ids_tpl = array(); $onglets = explode(",", $this->get_parameter_value('notices_format_onglets')); foreach($onglets as $id_tpl) { if(is_numeric($id_tpl)) { $ids_tpl[] = $id_tpl; } } $this->onglet_perso = new notice_onglets(implode(',', $ids_tpl)); $this->onglet_perso->build_onglets($this->id, ''); } return $this->onglet_perso->get_data_onglets_perso(); } /** * Retourne les informations du périodique */ public function get_serial() { if (!isset($this->serial)) { $this->serial = new stdClass(); $query = ""; if ($this->notice->niveau_hierar == 2) { if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a') { $query = "SELECT bulletin_notice FROM bulletins JOIN analysis ON analysis_bulletin = bulletin_id WHERE analysis_notice = ".$this->id; } elseif ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $query = "SELECT bulletin_notice FROM bulletins WHERE num_notice = ".$this->id; } } if ($query) { $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->serial = record_display::get_record_datas($row->bulletin_notice); } } } return $this->serial; } /** * Affecte $external_parameters */ public function set_external_parameters($external_parameters) { $this->external_parameters = $external_parameters; } /** * Retourne $external_parameters */ public function get_external_parameters() { return $this->external_parameters; } public static function format_url($url) { global $base_path; global $use_opac_url_base, $opac_url_base; if($use_opac_url_base) return $opac_url_base.$url; else return $base_path.'/'.$url; } /** * Retourne vrai si la notice est numérique, false sinon * @return boolean */ public function is_numeric() { if ($this->notice->is_numeric) { return true; } return false; } /** * Retourne la date de création de la notice * @return string */ public function get_create_date() { return formatdate($this->notice->create_date); } /** * Retourne la date de mise à jour de la notice * @return string */ public function get_update_date() { return formatdate($this->notice->update_date); } public function get_contributor() { $contributor = new stdClass(); $query = "SELECT id_empr FROM empr JOIN audit ON user_id = id_empr JOIN notices ON object_id = notice_id AND type_obj=1 AND type_modif=1 AND type_user=1 WHERE notice_id = ".$this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $id_empr = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 'id_empr'); $contributor = new emprunteur($id_empr); } return $contributor; } public function get_coins() { $coins = array(); switch ($this->get_niveau_biblio()){ case 's':// periodique /* $coins['rft.genre'] = 'book'; $coins['rft.btitle'] = $this->get_tit1(); $coins['rft.title'] = $this->get_tit1(); if ($this->get_code()){ $coins['rft.issn'] = $this->get_code(); } if ($this->get_npages()) { $coins['rft.epage'] = $this->get_npages(); } if ($this->get_year()) { $coins[''] = $this->get_year(); } */ break; case 'a': // article $parent = $this->get_bul_info(); $coins['rft.genre'] = 'article'; $coins['rft.atitle'] = $this->get_tit1(); $coins['rft.jtitle'] = $parent['title']; if ($parent['numero']) { $coins['rft.issue'] = $parent['numero']; } if($parent['date']){ $coins[''] = $parent['date']; }elseif($parent['date_date']){ $coins[''] = $parent['date_date']; } if ($this->get_code()){ $coins['rft.issn'] = $this->get_code(); } if ($this->get_npages()) { $coins['rft.epage'] = $this->get_npages(); } break; case 'b': //Bulletin /* $coins['rft.genre'] = 'issue'; $coins_span.="&rft.btitle=".rawurlencode($f($this->notice->tit1." / ".$this->parent_title)); if ($this->get_code()){ $coins['rft.isbn'] = $this->get_code(); } if ($this->get_npages()) { $coins['rft.epage'] = $this->get_npages(); } if($this->bulletin_date) $coins_span.="&".rawurlencode($f($this->bulletin_date)); */ break; case 'm':// livre default: $coins['rft.genre'] = 'book'; $coins['rft.btitle'] = $this->get_tit1(); $title=""; $serie = $this->get_serie(); if(isset($serie['name'])) { $title .= $serie['name']; if($this->get_tnvol()) $title .= ', '.$this->get_tnvol(); $title .= '. '; } $title .= $this->get_tit1(); if ($this->get_tit4()) { $title .= ' : '.$this->get_tit4(); } $coins['rft.title'] = $title; if ($this->get_code()){ $coins['rft.isbn'] = $this->get_code(); } if ($this->get_npages()) { $coins['rft.tpages'] = $this->get_npages(); } if ($this->get_year()) { $coins[''] = $this->get_year(); } break; } if($this->get_niveau_biblio() != "b"){ $coins['rft_id'] = $this->get_lien(); } $collection = $this->get_collection(); $subcollection = $this->get_subcollection(); if($subcollection) { $coins['rft.series'] = $subcollection->name; } elseif ($collection) { $coins['rft.series'] = $collection->name; } $publishers = $this->get_publishers(); if (count($publishers)) { $coins[''] = $publishers[0]->name; if($publishers[0]->ville) { $coins[''] = $publishers[0]->ville; } } if($this->get_mention_edition()){ $coins['rft.edition'] = $this->get_mention_edition(); } $responsabilites = $this->get_responsabilites(); if (count($responsabilites["auteurs"])) { $coins[''] = array(); foreach($responsabilites["auteurs"] as $responsabilite){ $coins[''][] = ($responsabilite['rejete'] ? $responsabilite['rejete'].' ' : '').$responsabilite['name']; if(empty($coins['rft.aulast'])) { if($responsabilite['name']) { $coins['rft.aulast'] = $responsabilite['name']; if($responsabilite['rejete']) { $coins['rft.aufirst'] = $responsabilite['rejete']; } else { $coins['rft.aufirst'] = ''; } } } } } return $coins; } public function get_locations() { $locations = array(); //Localisations des exemplaires $query = "SELECT distinct location_libelle FROM exemplaires JOIN docs_location ON docs_location.idlocation = exemplaires.expl_location WHERE expl_notice = '".$this->id."'"; $query .= " AND docs_location.location_visible_opac=1"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $locations[] = array( 'label' => $row->location_libelle ); } //Localisations des documents numériques $query = "SELECT distinct location_libelle FROM explnum JOIN explnum_location ON explnum_location.num_explnum = explnum.explnum_id JOIN docs_location ON docs_location.idlocation = explnum_location.num_location WHERE explnum_notice = '".$this->id."'"; $query .= " AND docs_location.location_visible_opac=1"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $locations[] = array( 'label' => $row->location_libelle ); } return $locations; } public function get_lenders() { $lenders = array(); //Localisations des exemplaires $query = "SELECT distinct lender_libelle FROM exemplaires JOIN lenders ON lenders.idlender = exemplaires.expl_owner WHERE expl_notice = '".$this->id."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $lenders[] = array( 'label' => $row->lender_libelle ); } //Localisations des documents numériques $query = "SELECT distinct lender_libelle FROM explnum JOIN explnum_lenders ON explnum_lenders.explnum_lender_num_explnum = explnum.explnum_id JOIN lenders ON lenders.idlender = explnum_lenders.explnum_lender_num_lender WHERE explnum_notice = '".$this->id."'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $lenders[] = array( 'label' => $row->location_libelle ); } return $lenders; } protected function get_parameter_value($name) { $parameter_name = 'opac_'.$name; global ${$parameter_name}; return ${$parameter_name}; } /** * Renvoie le lien pour contribuer sur un exemplaire de la notice * @return string */ public function get_expl_contribution_link() { if (isset($this->expl_contribution_link)) { return $this->expl_contribution_link; } $this->expl_contribution_link = ''; global $opac_contribution_area_activate, $allow_contribution; if (!$opac_contribution_area_activate || !$allow_contribution) { return $this->expl_contribution_link; } $shorturl_type_contribution = new shorturl_type_contribution(); $this->expl_contribution_link = $shorturl_type_contribution->get_shorturl('contribute', array( 'sub' => 'expl', 'default_fields' => array( '' => array( array( 'display_label' => $this->get_tit1(), 'value' => $this->id, 'type' => '' ) ) ) )); return $this->expl_contribution_link; } public function get_edit_link () { if (contribution_area_forms_controller::can_edit("record", $this->id)) { return "./index.php?lvl=contribution_area&sub=convert&action=edit_entity&entity_type=record&entity_id=$this->id"; } return ""; } /** * Génère la liste des exemplaires * @param int $notice_id Identifiant de la notice * @return string */ public function get_display_expl_responsive_list() { global $dbh; global $msg, $charset; global $expl_list_header, $expl_list_footer; global $opac_expl_data, $opac_expl_order, $opac_url_base; global $pmb_transferts_actif,$transferts_statut_transferts; global $memo_p_perso_expl; global $opac_show_empty_items_block ; global $opac_show_exemplaires_analysis; global $expl_list_header_loc_tpl,$opac_aff_expl_localises; $nb_expl_visible = 0; $nb_expl_autre_loc=0; $nb_perso_aff=0; if(!$this->is_numeric()){ $type = $this->get_niveau_biblio(); $id = $this->get_id(); $bull = $this->get_bul_info(); $bull_id = (isset($bull['bulletin_id']) ? $bull['bulletin_id'] : ''); // les dépouillements ou périodiques n'ont pas d'exemplaire if (($type=="a" && !$opac_show_exemplaires_analysis) || $type=="s") return "" ; if(!$memo_p_perso_expl) $memo_p_perso_expl=new parametres_perso("expl"); $header_found_p_perso=0; $expls_datas = $this->get_expls_datas(); $expl_list_header_deb=""; foreach ($expls_datas['colonnesarray'] as $colonne) { if (strstr($colonne, "#")) { if (!$memo_p_perso_expl->no_special_fields) { $id=substr($colonne,1); $expl_list_header_deb .= "".htmlentities($memo_p_perso_expl->t_fields[$id]['TITRE'],ENT_QUOTES, $charset).""; } } else { $expl_list_header_deb .= "".htmlentities($msg['expl_header_'.$colonne],ENT_QUOTES, $charset).""; } } $expl_list_header_deb.="".$msg['statut'].""; $expl_liste=""; $expl_liste_all=""; $header_perso_aff=""; if(count($expls_datas['expls'])) { $customization_expl_columns = array(); $special = record_display::get_special($this->id); if(!empty($special) && method_exists($special, "get_customization_expl_columns")) { $customization_expl_columns = $special->get_customization_expl_columns(); } foreach ($expls_datas['expls'] as $expl) { $expl_liste .= ""; foreach ($expls_datas['colonnesarray'] as $colonne) { if(isset($customization_expl_columns[$colonne])) { $expl_liste .=""; if(isset($customization_expl_columns[$colonne]['htmlentities']) && $customization_expl_columns[$colonne]['htmlentities'] == false) { $expl_liste .=strip_tags($expl[$colonne], $customization_expl_columns[$colonne]['keep_tags']); } else { $expl_liste .=htmlentities($expl[$colonne],ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $expl_liste .=""; } elseif (strstr($colonne, "#")) { if (!$memo_p_perso_expl->no_special_fields) { $id=substr($colonne,1); $expl_liste .="".htmlentities($expl[$colonne], ENT_QUOTES, $charset).""; } } elseif (($colonne == "location_libelle") && $expl['num_infopage']) { if ($expl['surloc_id'] != "0") { $param_surloc="&surloc=".$expl['surloc_id']; } else { $param_surloc=""; } $expl_liste .="".htmlentities($expl[$colonne], ENT_QUOTES, $charset).""; } elseif($colonne == "expl_cb") { $expl_liste .="".htmlentities($expl[$colonne],ENT_QUOTES, $charset).""; } else { $expl_liste .="".htmlentities($expl[$colonne],ENT_QUOTES, $charset).""; } } if ($expl['flag_resa']) { $class_statut = "expl_reserve"; } else { if ($expl['pret_flag']) { if($expl['pret_retour']) { // exemplaire sorti $class_statut = "expl_out"; } else { // pas sorti $class_statut = "expl_available"; } } else { // pas prêtable // exemplaire pas prêtable, on affiche juste "exclu du pret" if (($pmb_transferts_actif=="1") && ("".$expl['expl_statut'].""==$transferts_statut_transferts)) { $class_statut = "expl_transfert"; } else { $class_statut = "expl_unavailable"; } } } // fin if else $flag_resa $expl_liste .= "".record_display::get_display_situation($expl)." "; $expl_liste = str_replace("!!class_statut!!", $class_statut, $expl_liste); //Champs personalisés $perso_aff = "" ; if (!$memo_p_perso_expl->no_special_fields) { $perso_=$memo_p_perso_expl->show_fields($expl['expl_id']); for ($i=0; $i"; $nb_perso_aff++; } if( $p["AFF"] !== '') { $perso_aff.="".$p["AFF"].""; } else $perso_aff.=""; } } } $header_found_p_perso=1; $expl_liste.=$perso_aff; $expl_liste .=""; $expl_liste_all.= $expl_liste; if($opac_aff_expl_localises && $_SESSION["empr_location"]) { if($expl['expl_location']==$_SESSION["empr_location"]) { $expl_liste_loc.=$expl_liste; } else { $nb_expl_autre_loc++; } } $expl_liste=""; $nb_expl_visible++; } // fin foreach } //S'il y a des titres de champs perso dans les exemplaires if($header_perso_aff) { $expl_list_header_deb.=$header_perso_aff; } $expl_list_header_deb.=""; if($opac_aff_expl_localises && $_SESSION["empr_location"] && $nb_expl_autre_loc) { // affichage avec onglet selon la localisation if(!$expl_liste_loc) { $expl_liste_loc="".$msg["no_expl"].""; } $expl_liste_all=str_replace("!!EXPL!!",$expl_list_header_deb.$expl_liste_all,$expl_list_header_loc_tpl); $expl_liste_all=str_replace("!!EXPL_LOC!!",$expl_list_header_deb.$expl_liste_loc,$expl_liste_all); $expl_liste_all=str_replace("!!mylocation!!",$_SESSION["empr_location_libelle"],$expl_liste_all); $expl_liste_all=str_replace("!!id!!",$id+$bull_id,$expl_liste_all); } else { // affichage de la liste d'exemplaires calculée ci-dessus if (!$expl_liste_all && $opac_show_empty_items_block==1) { $expl_liste_all = $expl_list_header.$expl_list_header_deb."".$msg["no_expl"]."".$expl_list_footer; } elseif (!$expl_liste_all && $opac_show_empty_items_block==0) { $expl_liste_all = ""; } else { $expl_liste_all = $expl_list_header.$expl_list_header_deb.$expl_liste_all.$expl_list_footer; } } $expl_liste_all=str_replace("",($nb_expl_visible ? " (".$nb_expl_visible.")" : ""),$expl_liste_all); return $expl_liste_all; } return ''; } // fin function get_display_expl_responsive_list }