"; if ($opac_notices_depliable) print $begin_result_liste; if ($add_cart_link_spe) print pmb_bidi(str_replace("!!spe!!","&location=$location&dcote=$dcote&lcote=$lcote&ssub=$ssub&nc=$nc&plettreaut=$plettreaut",$add_cart_link_spe)); /*//affinage //enregistrement de l'endroit actuel dans la session $_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_mod"]="section_see"; $_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]=$id; */ //affinage if(($dcote == "") && ($plettreaut == "") && ($nc == "") && ($opac_search_allow_refinement)){ print "  ".$msg["affiner_recherche"].""; } //fin affinage print "
"; print aff_notice(-1); while ($obj=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { print pmb_bidi(aff_notice($obj->notice_id)); } print aff_notice(-2); print "
"; pmb_mysql_free_result($res); print ''; //FACETTES $facettes_tpl = ''; //comparateur de facettes : on ré-initialise $_SESSION['facette']=array(); if($nbr_lignes){ require_once($base_path.'/classes/facette_search.class.php'); $facettes_tpl .= facettes::get_display_list_from_query($requete_initiale); } } /** * Liste des localisatons * @return string */ public static function get_display_list() { global $opac_nb_sections_per_line, $opac_nb_localisations_per_line; global $opac_view_filter_class; global $back_section_see; if (!$opac_nb_sections_per_line) $opac_nb_sections_per_line=6; $display = ''; if($opac_view_filter_class){ $requete="select idlocation, location_libelle, location_pic, css_style from docs_location where location_visible_opac=1 and idlocation in(". implode(",",$opac_view_filter_class->params["nav_sections"]).") order by location_libelle "; } else { $requete="select idlocation, location_libelle, location_pic from docs_location where location_visible_opac=1 order by location_libelle "; } $resultat=pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)>1) { $display .= ""; $npl=0; while ($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { if ($npl==0) $display .= ""; if ($r->location_pic) $image_src = $r->location_pic ; else $image_src = "images/bibli-small.png" ; if ($back_section_see) $param_section_see="&back_section_see=".$back_section_see; else $param_section_see=""; $display .= ""; $npl++; if ($npl==$opac_nb_localisations_per_line) { $display .= ""; $npl=0; } } if ($npl!=0) { while ($npl<$opac_nb_localisations_per_line) { $display .= ""; $npl++; } $display .= ""; } $display .= "
"; } else { // zéro ou une seule localisation if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { $location=pmb_mysql_result($resultat,0,0); $requete="select idsection, section_libelle, section_pic from docs_section, exemplaires where expl_location=$location and section_visible_opac=1 and expl_section=idsection group by idsection order by section_libelle "; $resultat=pmb_mysql_query($requete); $display .= ""; $npl=0; while ($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { if ($npl==0) $display .= ""; if ($r->section_pic) $image_src = $r->section_pic ; else $image_src = get_url_icon("rayonnage-small.png") ; $display .= ""; $npl++; if ($npl==$opac_nb_localisations_per_line) { $display .= ""; $npl=0; } } if ($npl!=0) { while ($npl<$opac_nb_localisations_per_line) { $display .= ""; $npl++; } $display .= ""; } $display .= "
"; } } return $display; } /** * Liste des sections */ public static function get_display_sections_list() { global $msg, $charset; global $opac_nb_sections_per_line; global $back_section_see, $back_surloc, $url_loc; if (!$opac_nb_sections_per_line) $opac_nb_sections_per_line=6; $display = ''; $requete="select idsection, section_libelle, section_pic from docs_section, exemplaires where expl_location=".static::$num_location." and section_visible_opac=1 and expl_section=idsection group by idsection order by section_libelle "; $resultat=pmb_mysql_query($requete); $display .= "".sprintf($msg["l_title_search"],"","")."

"; $display .= ""; $n=0; while ($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { if ($n==0) $display .= ""; if ($r->section_pic) $image_src = $r->section_pic ; else $image_src = get_url_icon("rayonnage-small.png") ; if (isset($back_section_see) && $back_section_see) $param_section_see = "&back_section_see=index.php"; else $param_section_see = ""; if (isset($back_surloc) && $back_surloc) { $url = "./index.php?lvl=section_see&location=".static::$num_location."&id=".$r->idsection."&back_surloc=".rawurlencode($back_surloc)."&back_loc=".rawurlencode($url_loc).$param_section_see; } else { $url = "./index.php?lvl=section_see&location=".static::$num_location."&id=".$r->idsection; } $display .= ""; $n++; if ($n==$opac_nb_sections_per_line) { $display .= ""; $n=0; } } if ($n!=0) { while ($n<$opac_nb_sections_per_line) { $display .= ""; $n++; } $display .= ""; } $display .= "

"; return $display; } public static function init_query_restricts() { global $gestion_acces_active, $gestion_acces_empr_notice; static::$acces_j = ''; if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_2= $ac->setDomain(2); static::$acces_j = $dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],4,'notice_id'); } if(static::$acces_j) { static::$statut_j = ''; static::$statut_r = ''; } else { static::$statut_j = ',notice_statut'; static::$statut_r = "and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } if(isset($_SESSION["opac_view"]) && $_SESSION["opac_view"] && $_SESSION["opac_view_query"] ){ $opac_view_restrict=" notice_id in (select opac_view_num_notice from opac_view_notices_".$_SESSION["opac_view"].") "; static::$statut_r .= " and ".$opac_view_restrict; } } public static function get_query_records_items($select='', $clause='', $group_by='') { $query = " SELECT ".$select." FROM notices ".static::$acces_j." JOIN exemplaires ON expl_notice=notice_id AND expl_section='".static::$num_section."' AND expl_location='".static::$num_location."' JOIN docs_location ON docs_location.idlocation = exemplaires.expl_location and location_visible_opac = 1 JOIN docs_section ON docs_section.idsection = exemplaires.expl_section and section_visible_opac = 1 JOIN docs_statut ON docs_statut.idstatut = exemplaires.expl_statut and statut_visible_opac = 1 ".static::$statut_j." WHERE 1"; if($clause) { $query .= " AND ".$clause; } $query .= " ".static::$statut_r; if($group_by) { $query .= " GROUP BY ".$group_by; } return $query; } public static function get_query_serials_items($select='', $clause='', $group_by='') { $query = " SELECT ".$select." FROM exemplaires JOIN docs_location ON docs_location.idlocation = exemplaires.expl_location and location_visible_opac = 1 JOIN docs_section ON docs_section.idsection = exemplaires.expl_section and section_visible_opac = 1 JOIN docs_statut ON docs_statut.idstatut = exemplaires.expl_statut and statut_visible_opac = 1 JOIN bulletins ON expl_bulletin=bulletin_id AND expl_section='".static::$num_section."' AND expl_location='".static::$num_location."' JOIN notices ON notice_id=bulletin_notice ".static::$acces_j." ".static::$statut_j." WHERE 1"; if($clause) { $query .= " AND ".$clause; } $query .= " ".static::$statut_r; if($group_by) { $query .= " GROUP BY ".$group_by; } return $query; } public static function set_num_location($num_location) { static::$num_location = $num_location; } public static function set_num_section($num_section) { static::$num_section = $num_section; } }