"; $r.="" . /* "" . "" . "" . "";*/ $requete="select section_libelle, sdoc_codage_import from docs_section where section_visible_opac=1 and sdoc_codage_import != '' group by sdoc_codage_import order by sdoc_codage_import"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $option_section_public_libelle=""; if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ while ($sec = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $selected=""; if ($section_public==$sec->sdoc_codage_import) {$selected="selected";} switch ($sec->sdoc_codage_import) { case "a" : $option_section_public_libelle="adultes"; break; case "j" : $option_section_public_libelle="jeunes"; break; case "e" : $option_section_public_libelle="enfants"; break; case "pl" : $option_section_public_libelle="premières lectures"; break; default : $option_section_public_libelle=$sec->section_libelle; } $r.= ""; } } $r.=""; $r.="Restreindre à  Articles de revues  Tout sauf revues"; return $r; } function search_other_function_clause(&$clause) { global $dbh; global $section_public; global $typ_notice; reset($typ_notice); $t_n_tab = array(); foreach ($typ_notice as $key => $val) { $t_n_tab[]=$key; } $t_n=implode("','",$t_n_tab); if ($section_public || $t_n) { if ($section_public) { $requete="select distinct idsection from docs_section where section_visible_opac=1 and sdoc_codage_import = '".$section_public."' order by sdoc_codage_import"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $public=""; if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)){ while ($sect = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($public) $public .= ", "; $public .= $sect->idsection; } } $r=",exemplaires ".$clause." and notices.notice_id=exemplaires.expl_notice and expl_section in ($public)"; } if ($t_n && !$section_public) { $t_n="'".$t_n."'"; $r=$clause." and niveau_biblio in (".$t_n.")"; } else if ($t_n && $section_public) { $t_n="'".$t_n."'"; $r.=" and niveau_biblio in (".$t_n.")"; } } else $r=$clause; if ($r=="") $r=$clause; if ($clause==$r) return false; else { $clause=$r; return true; } } function search_other_function_has_values() { global $section_public,$typ_notice; if ($section_public && count($typ_notice)) return true; else return false; } function search_other_function_rec_history($n) { global $section_public,$typ_notice; $_SESSION["section_public".$n]=$section_public; $_SESSION["typ_notice".$n]=$typ_notice; } function search_other_function_get_history($n) { global $section_public,$typ_notice; $section_public=$_SESSION["section_public".$n]; $typ_notice=$_SESSION["typ_notice".$n]; } function search_other_function_human_query($n) { global $dbh; global $section_public; $r=""; $section_public=$_SESSION["section_bibli".$n]; $section_public_human_value=""; if ($section_public) { switch ($section_public) { case "a" : $section_public_human_value="adultes"; break; case "j" : $section_public_human_value="jeunes"; break; case "e" : $section_public_human_value="enfants"; break; case "pl" : $section_public_human_value="premières lectures"; break; default : $section_public_human_value=$section_public; } $r="public : ".$section_public_human_value; } $notices_t=array("m"=>"Monographies","s"=>"Périodiques","a"=>"Articles"); $typ_notice=$_SESSION["typ_notice".$n]; if (count($typ_notice)) { $r.="pour les types de notices "; reset($typ_notice); $t_l=array(); foreach ($typ_notice as $key => $val) { $t_l[]=$notices_t[$key]; } $r.=implode(", ",$t_l); } return $r; } function search_other_function_post_values() { global $section_public, $charset; return "\n"; } ?>