// requête de recherche sur les titres
print pmb_bidi("
$count ".$msg['docnum_found']." '".htmlentities(stripslashes($user_query),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."'");
//calcul restriction
if ($opac_search_other_function) {
print pmb_bidi(" ".search_other_function_human_query($_SESSION["last_query"]));
print "";
print activation_surlignage();
print "
if($_SESSION["opac_view"] && $_SESSION["opac_view_query"] ){
$restrict_opac_view=" notice_id in (select opac_view_num_notice from opac_view_notices_".$_SESSION["opac_view"].") ";
$restrict_typdoc = '';
if ($typdoc) {
$restrict_typdoc = "typdoc='".addslashes($typdoc)."'";
$aq=new analyse_query(stripslashes($user_query),0,0,1,0,$opac_stemming_active);
if($user_query=='*') {
$new_clause = '1';
$pert = "100 as pert";
} else {
$new_clause = $members["where"];
if (!isset($pert)) {
$pert=$members["select"]." as pert";
//droits d'acces emprunteur/notice
if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) {
$ac= new acces();
$dom_2= $ac->setDomain(2);
$acces_j= $dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],16,'notice_id');
if ($acces_j) {
$q_restrict = "select notice_id from notices ".$acces_j." where ".(($restrict_typdoc)?$restrict_typdoc:'1 ');
$q_restrict.= (($restrict_opac_view)?'and '.$restrict_opac_view:'');
//Pour rester compatible avec l'ancienne version
} else {
$q_restrict = "select notice_id from notices where ".(($restrict_typdoc)?$restrict_typdoc:'1 ');
$q_restrict.= (($restrict_opac_view)?'and '.$restrict_opac_view:'');
$q_restrict.= "and statut in (select id_notice_statut from notice_statut where (((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0) and (explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=0))".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or ((notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1) and (explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=1)) or ((notice_visible_opac_abon=0 and notice_visible_opac=1) and (explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=1))":"")."))";
//Pour rester compatible avec l'ancienne version
if ($opac_search_other_function) {
$add_notice = search_other_function_clause();
if ($add_notice) {
$q_restrict.= ' and notice_id in ('.$add_notice.')';
//Pour rester compatible avec l'ancienne version
$old_clause.= ' and notice_id in ('.$add_notice.')';
$old_clause_bull.= ' and notice_id in ('.$add_notice.')';
$old_clause_bull_num_notice.= ' and notice_id in ('.$add_notice.')';
//creation table tempo search_result_notices_ contenant les ids des notices visibles pour le lecteur courant.
$tx = substr(preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/i","", session_id()),0, 32);
$table_tempo_notices = "search_result_notices_".$tx;
pmb_mysql_query("drop table if exists $table_tempo_notices");
$q_table_tempo_notices = "create temporary table ".$table_tempo_notices." engine=memory ".$q_restrict;
$res_table_tempo_notices = pmb_mysql_query($q_table_tempo_notices);
//ajout index
$q_index_tempo_notices = "alter table ".$table_tempo_notices." add index i_id(notice_id)";
//creation table tempo search_result_explnum_ contenant les ids des documents numériques et les ids de notices pour monographies/articles.
$table_tempo_explnum = "search_result_explnum_".$tx;
pmb_mysql_query("drop table if exists $table_tempo_explnum");
//droits d'acces emprunteur/document numérique
$q_restrict = '';
if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_docnum==1) {
$ac= new acces();
$dom_3= $ac->setDomain(3);
$acces_j= $dom_3->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],16,'explnum_id');
} else {
$q_restrict= "and explnum_docnum_statut in (select id_explnum_statut from explnum_statut where (explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (explnum_visible_opac_abon=1 and explnum_visible_opac=1)":"").")";
$q_table_tempo_explnum = "create temporary table $table_tempo_explnum engine=memory select explnum_id, explnum_notice as notice_id, explnum_mimetype, 1.00 as pert from explnum join $table_tempo_notices on explnum_notice=notice_id $acces_j where explnum_notice!=0 $q_restrict ";
$res_table_tempo_explnum = pmb_mysql_query($q_table_tempo_explnum);
//ajout index
$q_index_tempo_explnum = "alter table ".$table_tempo_explnum." add primary key i_id(explnum_id)";
//ajout dans la table tempo search_result_explnum_ des ids des documents numériques et des ids de notices pour les notices de periodique des bulletins.
$q_in_tempo_explnum = "insert ignore into $table_tempo_explnum select explnum_id, bulletin_notice as notice_id, explnum_mimetype, 1.00 as pert from explnum join bulletins on explnum_bulletin=bulletin_id $acces_j where num_notice=0 and bulletin_notice in (select notice_id from $table_tempo_notices) $q_restrict";
$res_in_tempo_explnum = pmb_mysql_query($q_in_tempo_explnum);
//ajout dans la table tempo search_result_explnum_ des ids des documents numériques et des ids de notices pour les notices de bulletins.
$q_in_tempo_explnum = "insert ignore into $table_tempo_explnum select explnum_id, num_notice as notice_id, explnum_mimetype, 1.00 as pert from explnum join bulletins on explnum_bulletin=bulletin_id $acces_j where num_notice in (select notice_id from $table_tempo_notices) $q_restrict";
$res_in_tempo_explnum = pmb_mysql_query($q_in_tempo_explnum);
$search_terms = $aq->get_positive_terms($aq->tree);
//On enlève le dernier terme car il s'agit de la recherche booléenne complète
if(!isset($tri)) {
$tri="order by pert desc, index_serie, tnvol, index_sew";
$nb_result_docnum = 0;
if($new_clause) {
$s_explnum = 0;
$nb_explnum = 0;
//suppression des recherches obsoletes en cache
$q_cache_del= "delete from search_cache where delete_on_date < NOW()";
//recuperation signature recherche
$str_to_hash = "type_search=explnum";
$str_to_hash.= $new_clause;
$sign = md5($str_to_hash);
//la recherche brute est elle en cache ?
$q_cache_read = "select value from search_cache where object_id='".addslashes($sign)."'";
$r_cache_read = pmb_mysql_query($q_cache_read);
//si oui, recuperation
if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_cache_read)) {
$o = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r_cache_read);
$t_explnum = unserialize($o->value);
if(count($t_explnum)) {
$s_explnum = implode(',',array_keys($t_explnum));
//si non, re-calcul et mise en cache
} else {
// Recherche des documents numeriques correspondants a la recherche.
$q_explnum = "select distinct(explnum_id), $pert from explnum where $new_clause";
$r_explnum = pmb_mysql_query($q_explnum);
$nb_explnum = pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_explnum);
$t_explnum = array();
$s_explnum = '';
if ($nb_explnum) {
while ($o=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r_explnum)) {
if(count($t_explnum)) {
$s_explnum = implode(',',array_keys($t_explnum));
//mise en cache des resultats de la recherche
$str_to_cache = serialize($t_explnum);
$q_cache_insert = "insert into search_cache set object_id ='".addslashes($sign)."', value ='".addslashes($str_to_cache)."', delete_on_date = now() + interval ".$opac_search_cache_duration." second";
if (count($t_explnum)) {
//restriction des resultats
$q_result_docnum = "delete from $table_tempo_explnum where explnum_id not in (".$s_explnum.") " ;
$r_result_docnum = pmb_mysql_query($q_result_docnum);
//Ajout pertinence dans $table_tempo_explnum
$t_pert = array();
foreach($t_explnum as $t_id=>$t_pert) {
$q_pert = "update $table_tempo_explnum set pert=$t_pert where explnum_id=$t_id";
$r_pert = pmb_mysql_query($q_pert);
$requete = "select explnum_id, uni.notice_id,explnum_mimetype, pert from $table_tempo_explnum as uni join notices n on uni.notice_id=n.notice_id" ;
$nbexplnum = 0;
$requete_nbexplnum = "select count(*) from $table_tempo_explnum as uni where explnum_mimetype in ($opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)";
$res_nbexplnum = pmb_mysql_query($requete_nbexplnum);
if(pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_nbexplnum)) {
$nbexplnum = pmb_mysql_result($res_nbexplnum,0,0);
//gestion du tri
if (isset($_GET["sort"])) {
if ($count>$opac_nb_max_tri) {
if ($_SESSION["last_sortnotices"]!="") {
$sort=new sort('notices','session');
} else {
$requete .= " ".$tri;
$requete .= " ".$limiter;
//fin gestion du tri
$found = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
print " \n
if ($opac_notices_depliable) print $begin_result_liste;
print "
//gestion du tri
print sort::show_tris_in_result_list($count);
print $add_cart_link;
if($opac_visionneuse_allow && $nbexplnum){
print "
print $sendToVisionneuseByPost;
//enregistrement de l'endroit actuel dans la session
if ($_SESSION["last_query"]) { $n=$_SESSION["last_query"]; } else { $n=$_SESSION["nb_queries"]; }
print "
//fin affinage
if ($opac_allow_external_search) print "
//fin etendre
print suggest::get_add_link();
// Ancienne version
$list_explnum = array();
$list_notices_associated = array();
while(($mesNotices = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($found))){
$list_explnum[] = $mesNotices["explnum_id"];
if (!in_array($mesNotices["notice_id"], $list_notices_associated)) {
$list_notices_associated[] = $mesNotices["notice_id"];
if (count($list_notices_associated)) {
$_SESSION['tab_result_current_page'] = implode(",", $list_notices_associated);
} else {
$_SESSION['tab_result_current_page'] = "";
//$terms = unserialize(stripslashes($search_terms));
$terms = stripslashes_array($search_terms);
$explnum = new explnum_affichage($list_explnum,DOCNUM_NOTI,$terms);
print "