commentaire) { $zoom_comment = "
" ; $java_comment = " onmouseover=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_comment".$tcateg->id."');''; \" onmouseout=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_comment".$tcateg->id."');'none'; \"" ; } else { $zoom_comment = "" ; $java_comment = "" ; } if ($thesaurus_mode_pmb && $caller=='notice') $nom_tesaurus='['.$tcateg->thes->getLibelle().'] ' ; else $nom_tesaurus='' ; if($tcateg->not_use_in_indexation && ($caller == "notice")){ $link= ""; }elseif(((!$tcateg->is_under_tilde) || $keep_tilde)){ if($caller == "search_form"){ $lib_final=$tcateg->libelle; }else{ $lib_final=$nom_tesaurus.$tcateg->catalog_form; } $link="id', '".htmlentities(addslashes($lib_final),ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."','$callback','".$tcateg->thes->id_thesaurus."'); return false;\" $java_comment>+$zoom_comment"; } $visible=true; $r=array("VISIBLE"=>$visible,"LINK"=>$link); return $r; } class selector_category extends selector_authorities { protected $thesaurus_id; public function __construct($user_input = '') { parent::__construct($user_input); $this->objects_type = 'categories'; } public function proceed() { global $action; $entity_form = ''; switch ($action) { case 'hierarchical_search': case 'terms_search': case 'autoindex_search': $entity_form = $this->get_search_form(); break; case 'hierarchical_results_search': case 'terms_results_search': case 'autoindex_results_search': case 'terms_show_notice': $entity_form = $this->{$action}(); break; default: parent::proceed(); break; } if ($entity_form) { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); print encoding_normalize::utf8_normalize($entity_form); } } protected function get_thesaurus_id() { global $caller, $dyn; global $id_thes_unique; global $perso_id, $id_thes; if(!isset($this->thesaurus_id)) { if($id_thes_unique>0) { $this->thesaurus_id=$id_thes_unique; } else{ //recuperation du thesaurus session en fonction du caller switch ($caller) { case 'notice' : if($id_thes) $this->thesaurus_id = $id_thes; else $this->thesaurus_id = thesaurus::getNoticeSessionThesaurusId(); if (!$perso_id) thesaurus::setNoticeSessionThesaurusId($this->thesaurus_id); break; case 'categ_form' : if($id_thes) $this->thesaurus_id = $id_thes; else $this->thesaurus_id = thesaurus::getSessionThesaurusId(); if( $dyn!=2) thesaurus::setSessionThesaurusId($this->thesaurus_id); break; default : if($id_thes) $this->thesaurus_id = $id_thes; else $this->thesaurus_id = thesaurus::getSessionThesaurusId(); thesaurus::setSessionThesaurusId($this->thesaurus_id); break; } } } return $this->thesaurus_id; } protected function get_thesaurus_selector() { global $msg, $charset; global $caller, $dyn; global $thesaurus_mode_pmb, $id_thes_unique; global $search_type; $id_thes = $this->get_thesaurus_id(); $liste_thesaurus = thesaurus::getThesaurusList(); $sel_thesaurus = ''; if ($thesaurus_mode_pmb != 0 && !$id_thes_unique) { //la liste des thesaurus n'est pas affichée en mode monothesaurus $sel_thesaurus = " "; } return $sel_thesaurus; } protected function get_autoindex_form(){ global $autoindex_class; if(!$autoindex_class) return; $autoindex=new $autoindex_class(); return $autoindex->get_form(); } protected function autoindex_results_search() { global $autoindex_class; if (empty($autoindex_class)) return ''; $autoindex = new $autoindex_class(); return $autoindex->index_list(); } protected function get_search_form() { global $msg, $charset; global $action; global $search_type; $sel_search_form = parent::get_search_form(); $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!sel_thesaurus!!", $this->get_thesaurus_selector(), $sel_search_form); if ($action == 'autoindex_search') { $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!sel_index_auto!!", $this->get_autoindex_form(), $sel_search_form); } else { $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!sel_index_auto!!", "", $sel_search_form); } if ($action == 'terms_search') { $sel_search_form .= $msg['term_search_info']; } return $sel_search_form; } protected function get_searcher_instance() { return searcher_factory::get_searcher('categories', '', $this->user_input); } protected function get_sel_search_form_name() { global $action; if($this->objects_type) { return "selector_".$this->objects_type."_".$action."_form"; } else { return "selector_search_form"; } } public function get_sel_search_form_template() { global $msg, $charset; global $action; if($action == 'autoindex_search') { $sel_search_form =" "; } else { $sel_search_form =" "; } return $sel_search_form; } protected function get_sub_tabs(){ global $autoindex_class; global $caller; global $thesaurus_auto_index_notice_fields; global $bt_ajouter; $current_url = static::get_base_url(); $current_url = str_replace('select.php?', 'ajax.php?module=selectors&', $current_url); $searcher_tab = $this->get_searcher_tabs_instance(); $auto_index_notice_fields = str_replace(array("\\n","\\r","\n","\r"), "", $thesaurus_auto_index_notice_fields); return ' '; } protected function hierarchical_results_search() { global $msg, $charset; global $id2, $parent; global $lang; global $page; global $nb_per_page; global $keep_tilde; global $thesaurus_mode_pmb; global $caller, $callback; global $bouton_ajouter; $display = ''; if(!$page) { $page = 1; } if(!$nb_per_page) $nb_per_page = 10; $debut = ($page-1)*$nb_per_page; $libelle_partiel=0; if($caller == 'search_form') { $libelle_partiel=1; } $id_thes = $this->get_thesaurus_id(); $thes = new thesaurus($id_thes); if(!$this->nbr_lignes){ $query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS noeuds.id_noeud AS categ_id "; }else{ $query = "SELECT noeuds.id_noeud AS categ_id "; } $query.= ",noeuds.num_thesaurus "; if($this->user_input){ $aq=new analyse_query($this->user_input); }else{ $aq=new analyse_query("*"); if($id_thes != -1){ if ($id2 == 0) { //creation, on affiche le thesaurus a partir de la racine $id_noeud = $thes->num_noeud_racine; } else {//modification, on affiche a partir du pere de id2 if ($id2 == $parent) { $id_noeud = $id2; } else { if(noeuds::hasChild($id2)){ $id_noeud = $id2; } else { $noeud = new noeuds($id2); $id_noeud = $noeud->num_parent; } } } } } if ($aq->error) { error_message($msg["searcher_syntax_error"],sprintf($msg["searcher_syntax_error_desc"],$aq->current_car,$aq->input_html,$aq->error_message)); return; } if(($id_thes != -1) && ($thes->langue_defaut == $lang)){ $members = $aq->get_query_members("categories", "libelle_categorie", "index_categorie", "num_noeud"); if(!$this->user_input){ $query.= ", categories.libelle_categorie AS index_categorie "; }else{ $query.= ", categories.index_categorie AS index_categorie "; $query.= ", ".$members["select"]." AS pert "; } $query.= "FROM noeuds JOIN categories ON noeuds.id_noeud = categories.num_noeud AND categories.langue='".$lang."'"; $query.= "WHERE noeuds.num_thesaurus = '".$id_thes."' "; if(!$this->user_input){ $query.= "AND noeuds.num_parent = '".$id_noeud."' "; }else{ $query.= "AND (".$members["where"].") "; } }else{ $members_catdef = $aq->get_query_members("catdef", "catdef.libelle_categorie", "catdef.index_categorie", "catdef.num_noeud"); $members_catlg = $aq->get_query_members("catlg", "catlg.libelle_categorie", "catlg.index_categorie", "catlg.num_noeud"); if(!$this->user_input){ $query.= ", IF (catlg.num_noeud IS NULL, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie) as index_categorie "; }else{ $query.= ", IF (catlg.num_noeud IS NULL, catdef.index_categorie, catlg.index_categorie) as index_categorie "; $query.= ", IF (catlg.num_noeud IS NULL, (".$members_catdef["select"]."), (".$members_catlg["select"].") ) AS pert "; } if(($id_thes != -1)){//Je n'ai qu'un thésaurus mais langue du thésaurus != de langue de l'inteface $query.= "FROM noeuds JOIN categories AS catdef ON noeuds.id_noeud = catdef.num_noeud AND catdef.langue = '".$thes->langue_defaut."' "; $query.= "LEFT JOIN categories AS catlg ON catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud AND catlg.langue = '".$lang."' "; $query.= "WHERE noeuds.num_thesaurus = '".$id_thes."' "; if(!$this->user_input){ $query.= "AND noeuds.num_parent = '".$id_noeud."' "; }else{ $query.= "AND ( IF (catlg.num_noeud IS NULL, ".$members_catdef["where"].", ".$members_catlg["where"].") ) "; } }else{ //Plusieurs thésaurus $query.= "FROM noeuds JOIN thesaurus ON thesaurus.id_thesaurus = noeuds.num_thesaurus "; $query.= "JOIN categories AS catdef ON noeuds.id_noeud = catdef.num_noeud AND catdef.langue = thesaurus.langue_defaut "; $query.= "LEFT JOIN categories AS catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud AND catlg.langue = '".$lang."' "; $query.= "WHERE 1 "; $query.= "AND ( IF (catlg.num_noeud IS NULL, ".$members_catdef["where"].", ".$members_catlg["where"].") ) "; } } $query.= "ORDER BY "; if($this->user_input){ $query.= "pert DESC,"; } $query.= " num_thesaurus, index_categorie "; $query.= "LIMIT ".$debut.",".$nb_per_page." "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if(!$this->nbr_lignes){ $qry = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS NbRows"; if($resnum = pmb_mysql_query($qry)){ $this->nbr_lignes=pmb_mysql_result($resnum,0,0); } } if($this->nbr_lignes){ $browser_top = ""; $premier=true; $browser_header=""; $browser_content=""; while($cat = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $tcateg = new category($cat[0]); if(!$this->user_input && $premier){ if (!empty($tcateg->path_table) && $id_thes !=-1) { $nb_path_table = count($tcateg->path_table); for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_path_table - 1; $i++) { if ($browser_header) { $browser_header .= '>'; } else { $browser_header = ''; } $browser_header .= "path_table[$i]['id']; $browser_header .= '&id_thes='.$id_thes; $browser_header .= "'>"; $browser_header .= $tcateg->path_table[$i]['libelle']; $browser_header .= ""; } if ($browser_header) { $browser_header .= '>'; } else { $browser_header = ''; } $browser_header .= $tcateg->path_table[count($tcateg->path_table) - 1]['libelle']; $browser_header .= ''; $bouton_ajouter = str_replace("!!id_aj!!", $tcateg->path_table[count($tcateg->path_table) - 1]['id'], $bouton_ajouter); } else { $browser_header = ""; $t = thesaurus::getByEltId($cat[0]); $bouton_ajouter=str_replace("!!id_aj!!",$t->num_noeud_racine,$bouton_ajouter); } $premier=false; } if (!$tcateg->is_under_tilde ||($tcateg->voir_id)||($keep_tilde)) { $not_use_in_indexation=$tcateg->not_use_in_indexation; $browser_content .= "