"; $footer=" "; $body=" "; $msg_okconnect_usermysql="Connection to the database $dbnamedbhost succeeded with $usermysql"; $msg_okconnect_user ="

Connection to the database $dbname succeeded with $user
"; $msg_nodb="Impossible to connect to the database $dbname"; $msg_okdb="
Creation of the database completed

The creation of the database $dbname in Mysql was completed.

"; $msg_crea_01 = "

Creation of the tables succeeded"; $msg_crea_02 = "

Creation of the tables failed"; $msg_crea_03 = "

Minimum data filling required to function successful"; $msg_crea_04 = "

Failure of the minimum data filling required to function"; $msg_crea_05 = "

Essential data filling for quick-start successful"; $msg_crea_06 = "

Failure of the essential data filling for quick-start"; $msg_crea_07 = "

Data filling with the example data successful"; $msg_crea_08 = "

Failure of the data filling with the example data"; $msg_crea_09 = "

data filling with the thesaurus AGNEAUX"; $msg_crea_10 = "

Failure of the data filling with the thesaurus AGNEAUX"; $msg_crea_11 = "

Data filling with the 100 cases of knowlege successful"; $msg_crea_12 = "

Failure of the data filling with the 100 cases of knowlege"; $msg_crea_13 = "

Essential data filling for quick-start successful"; $msg_crea_14 = "

Failure of the essential data filling for quick-start successful"; $msg_crea_15 = "

Data filling with the thesaurus UNESCO"; $msg_crea_16 = "

Failure of the data filling with the thesaurus UNESCO"; $msg_crea_17 = "

Data filling with the thesaurus AGNEAUX successful"; $msg_crea_18 = "

Failure of the data filling with the thesaurus AGNEAUX"; $msg_crea_19 = "

Data filling with the thesaurus ENVIRONNEMENT successful"; $msg_crea_20 = "

Failure of the data filling with the thesaurus ENVIRONNEMENT"; $msg_crea_23 = "

Data filling with the Chambéry library data"; $msg_crea_24 = "

Failure of the data filling with the Chambéry library data"; $msg_crea_25 = "

Data filling with Dewey style data"; $msg_crea_26 = "

Failure of the data filling with the Dewey style data"; $msg_crea_27 = "

Data filling with the Dewey index 100 cases of knowlege"; $msg_crea_28 = "

Failure of the data filling with the Dewey index 100 cases of knowlege"; $msg_crea_29 = "

No data filling of an index."; $msg_crea_30 = "

The installation scripts are renamed so that they cannot be executed.

"; $msg_crea_31 = "

Go to the welcome page

"; $msg_crea_32 = "Problem with the creation data set..."; $msg_crea_33 = "

Remplissage de la demo du portail Pagéo réussi"; $msg_crea_34 = "

Echec du remplissage de la demo du portail Pagéo"; $msg_crea_35 = "

Remplissage de la demo du portail Zen réussi"; $msg_crea_36 = "

Echec du remplissage de la demo du portail Zen"; $msg_crea_control_version = "

The database version is !!pmb_version!!, it should be $pmb_version_database_as_it_should_be

Connect to PMB as usual,
Go to Administration > Tools > database update before you work with PMB.
Don't forget to do backups, check that all the tables are saved."; ?>