#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Evert Pot # All rights reserved. # http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl/ # # This utility is distributed along with SabreDAV # license: http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License import os from optparse import OptionParser import time def getfreespace(path): stat = os.statvfs(path) return stat.f_frsize * stat.f_bavail def getbytesleft(path,threshold): return getfreespace(path)-threshold def run(cacheDir, threshold, sleep=5, simulate=False, min_erase = 0): bytes = getbytesleft(cacheDir,threshold) if (bytes>0): print "Bytes to go before we hit threshold:", bytes else: print "Threshold exceeded with:", -bytes, "bytes" dir = os.listdir(cacheDir) dir2 = [] for file in dir: path = cacheDir + '/' + file dir2.append({ "path" : path, "atime": os.stat(path).st_atime, "size" : os.stat(path).st_size }) dir2.sort(lambda x,y: int(x["atime"]-y["atime"])) filesunlinked = 0 gainedspace = 0 # Left is the amount of bytes that need to be freed up # The default is the 'min_erase setting' left = min_erase # If the min_erase setting is lower than the amount of bytes over # the threshold, we use that number instead. if left < -bytes : left = -bytes print "Need to delete at least:", left; for file in dir2: # Only deleting files if we're not simulating if not simulate: os.unlink(file["path"]) left = int(left - file["size"]) gainedspace = gainedspace + file["size"] filesunlinked = filesunlinked + 1 if(left<0): break print "%d files deleted (%d bytes)" % (filesunlinked, gainedspace) time.sleep(sleep) def main(): parser = OptionParser( version="naturalselection v0.3", description="Cache directory manager. Deletes cache entries based on accesstime and free space thresholds.\n" + "This utility is distributed alongside SabreDAV.", usage="usage: %prog [options] cacheDirectory", ) parser.add_option( '-s', dest="simulate", action="store_true", help="Don't actually make changes, but just simulate the behaviour", ) parser.add_option( '-r','--runs', help="How many times to check before exiting. -1 is infinite, which is the default", type="int", dest="runs", default=-1 ) parser.add_option( '-n','--interval', help="Sleep time in seconds (default = 5)", type="int", dest="sleep", default=5 ) parser.add_option( '-l','--threshold', help="Threshold in bytes (default = 10737418240, which is 10GB)", type="int", dest="threshold", default=10737418240 ) parser.add_option( '-m', '--min-erase', help="Minimum number of bytes to erase when the threshold is reached. " + "Setting this option higher will reduce the number of times the cache directory will need to be scanned. " + "(the default is 1073741824, which is 1GB.)", type="int", dest="min_erase", default=1073741824 ) options,args = parser.parse_args() if len(args)<1: parser.error("This utility requires at least 1 argument") cacheDir = args[0] print "Natural Selection" print "Cache directory:", cacheDir free = getfreespace(cacheDir); print "Current free disk space:", free runs = options.runs; while runs!=0 : run( cacheDir, sleep=options.sleep, simulate=options.simulate, threshold=options.threshold, min_erase=options.min_erase ) if runs>0: runs = runs - 1 if __name__ == '__main__' : main()