# Sliders ![slider](images/slider.png) - `QRangeSlider` inherits from [`QSlider`](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qslider.html) and attempts to match the Qt API as closely as possible - Uses platform-specific styles (for handle, groove, & ticks) but also supports QSS style sheets. - Supports mouse wheel and keypress (soon) events - Supports more than 2 handles (e.g. `slider.setValue([0, 10, 60, 80])`) ------ ## Range Slider ```python from superqt import QRangeSlider # as usual: # you must create a QApplication before create a widget. range_slider = QRangeSlider() ``` As `QRangeSlider` inherits from `QtWidgets.QSlider`, you can use all of the same methods available in the [QSlider API](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qslider.html). The major difference is that `value` and `sliderPosition` are reimplemented as `tuples` of `int` (where the length of the tuple is equal to the number of handles in the slider.) ### `value: Tuple[int, ...]` This property holds the current value of all handles in the slider. The slider forces all values to be within the legal range: `minimum <= value <= maximum`. Changing the value also changes the sliderPosition. ##### Access Functions: ```python range_slider.value() -> Tuple[int, ...] ``` ```python range_slider.setValue(val: Sequence[int]) -> None ``` ##### Notifier Signal: ```python valueChanged(Tuple[int, ...]) ``` ### `sliderPosition: Tuple[int, ...]` This property holds the current slider positions. It is a `tuple` with length equal to the number of handles. If [tracking](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractslider.html#tracking-prop) is enabled (the default), this is identical to [`value`](#value--tupleint-). ##### Access Functions: ```python range_slider.sliderPosition() -> Tuple[int, ...] ``` ```python range_slider.setSliderPosition(val: Sequence[int]) -> None ``` ##### Notifier Signal: ```python sliderMoved(Tuple[int, ...]) ``` ### Additional properties These options are in addition to the Qt QSlider API, and control the behavior of the bar between handles. | getter | setter | type | default | description | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `barIsVisible` | `setBarIsVisible`
`hideBar` / `showBar` | `bool` | `True` | Whether the bar between handles is visible. | | `barMovesAllHandles` | `setBarMovesAllHandles` | `bool` | `True` | Whether clicking on the bar moves all handles or just the nearest | | `barIsRigid` | `setBarIsRigid` | `bool` | `True` | Whether bar length is constant or "elastic" when dragging the bar beyond min/max. | ------ ### Examples These screenshots show `QRangeSlider` (multiple handles) next to the native `QSlider` (single handle). With no styles applied, `QRangeSlider` will match the native OS style of `QSlider` – with or without tick marks. When styles have been applied using [Qt Style Sheets](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/stylesheet-reference.html), then `QRangeSlider` will inherit any styles applied to `QSlider` (since it inherits from QSlider). If you'd like to style `QRangeSlider` differently than `QSlider`, then you can also target it directly in your style sheet. The one "special" property for QRangeSlider is `qproperty-barColor`, which sets the color of the bar between the handles. > The code for these example widgets is [here](../examples/demo_widget.py)
See style sheet used for this example ```css /* Because QRangeSlider inherits from QSlider, it will also inherit styles */ QSlider { min-height: 20px; } QSlider::groove:horizontal { border: 0px; background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 #777, stop:1 #aaa); height: 20px; border-radius: 10px; } QSlider::handle { background: qradialgradient(cx:0, cy:0, radius: 1.2, fx:0.5, fy:0.5, stop:0 #eef, stop:1 #000); height: 20px; width: 20px; border-radius: 10px; } /* "QSlider::sub-page" is the one exception ... (it styles the area to the left of the QSlider handle) */ QSlider::sub-page:horizontal { background: #447; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; } /* for QRangeSlider: use "qproperty-barColor". "sub-page" will not work. */ QRangeSlider { qproperty-barColor: #447; } ```
#### macOS ##### Catalina ![mac10](images/demo_darwin10.png) ##### Big Sur ![mac11](images/demo_darwin11.png) #### Windows ![window](images/demo_windows.png) #### Linux ![linux](images/demo_linux.png) ## Labeled Sliders This package also includes two "labeled" slider variants. One for `QRangeSlider`, and one for the native `QSlider`: ### `QLabeledRangeSlider` ![labeled_range](images/labeled_range.png) ```python from superqt import QLabeledRangeSlider ``` This has the same API as `QRangeSlider` with the following additional options: #### `handleLabelPosition`/`setHandleLabelPosition` Where/whether labels are shown adjacent to slider handles. **type:** `QLabeledRangeSlider.LabelPosition` **default:** `LabelPosition.LabelsAbove` *options:* - `LabelPosition.NoLabel` (no labels shown adjacent to handles) - `LabelPosition.LabelsAbove` - `LabelPosition.LabelsBelow` - `LabelPosition.LabelsRight` (alias for `LabelPosition.LabelsAbove`) - `LabelPosition.LabelsLeft` (alias for `LabelPosition.LabelsBelow`) #### `edgeLabelMode`/`setEdgeLabelMode` **type:** `QLabeledRangeSlider.EdgeLabelMode` **default:** `EdgeLabelMode.LabelIsRange` *options:* - `EdgeLabelMode.NoLabel`: no labels shown at slider extremes - `EdgeLabelMode.LabelIsRange`: edge labels shown the min/max values - `EdgeLabelMode.LabelIsValue`: edge labels shown the slider range #### fine tuning position of labels: If you find that you need to fine tune the position of the handle labels: - `QLabeledRangeSlider.label_shift_x`: adjust horizontal label position - `QLabeledRangeSlider.label_shift_y`: adjust vertical label position ### `QLabeledSlider` ![labeled_range](images/labeled_qslider.png) ```python from superqt import QLabeledSlider ``` (no additional options at this point) ## Issues If you encounter any problems, please [file an issue] along with a detailed description. [file an issue]: https://github.com/napari/superqt/issues ## Float Slider just like QSlider, but supports float values ```python from superqt import QDoubleSlider ```