from __future__ import annotations import warnings from collections import abc from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast from qtpy import QT_VERSION from qtpy.QtCore import QObject, QPoint, QRect, QSize, Qt from qtpy.QtGui import ( QColor, QFont, QFontDatabase, QGuiApplication, QIcon, QIconEngine, QPainter, QPixmap, QPixmapCache, QTransform, ) from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QStyleOption, QWidget from typing_extensions import TypedDict from ..utils import QMessageHandler from ._animations import Animation class Unset: def __repr__(self) -> str: return "UNSET" _Unset = Unset() # A 16 pixel-high icon yields a font size of 14, which is pixel perfect # for font-awesome. 16 * 0.875 = 14 # The reason why the glyph size is smaller than the icon size is to # account for font bearing. DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR = 0.875 DEFAULT_OPACITY = 1 ValidColor = Union[ QColor, int, str, Qt.GlobalColor, Tuple[int, int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], None, ] StateOrMode = Union[QIcon.State, QIcon.Mode] StateModeKey = Union[StateOrMode, str, Sequence[StateOrMode]] _SM_MAP: Dict[str, StateOrMode] = { "on": QIcon.State.On, "off": QIcon.State.Off, "normal": QIcon.Mode.Normal, "active": QIcon.Mode.Active, "selected": QIcon.Mode.Selected, "disabled": QIcon.Mode.Disabled, } def _norm_state_mode(key: StateModeKey) -> Tuple[QIcon.State, QIcon.Mode]: """return state/mode tuple given a variety of valid inputs. Input can be either a string, or a sequence of state or mode enums. Strings can be any combination of on, off, normal, active, selected, disabled, sep by underscore. """ _sm: Sequence[StateOrMode] if isinstance(key, str): try: _sm = [_SM_MAP[k.lower()] for k in key.split("_")] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"{key!r} is not a valid state key, must be a combination of {{on, " "off, active, disabled, selected, normal} separated by underscore" ) else: _sm = key if isinstance(key, abc.Sequence) else [key] # type: ignore state = next((i for i in _sm if isinstance(i, QIcon.State)), QIcon.State.Off) mode = next((i for i in _sm if isinstance(i, QIcon.Mode)), QIcon.Mode.Normal) return state, mode class IconOptionDict(TypedDict, total=False): glyph_key: str scale_factor: float color: ValidColor opacity: float animation: Optional[Animation] transform: Optional[QTransform] # public facing, for a nicer IDE experience than a dict # The difference between IconOpts and _IconOptions is that all of IconOpts # all default to `_Unset` and are intended to extend some base/default option # IconOpts are *not* guaranteed to be fully capable of rendering an icon, whereas # IconOptions are. @dataclass class IconOpts: glyph_key: Union[str, Unset] = _Unset scale_factor: Union[float, Unset] = _Unset color: Union[ValidColor, Unset] = _Unset opacity: Union[float, Unset] = _Unset animation: Union[Animation, Unset, None] = _Unset transform: Union[QTransform, Unset, None] = _Unset def dict(self) -> IconOptionDict: # not using asdict due to pickle errors on animation d = {k: v for k, v in vars(self).items() if v is not _Unset} return cast(IconOptionDict, d) @dataclass class _IconOptions: """The set of options needed to render a font in a single State/Mode.""" glyph_key: str scale_factor: float = DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR color: ValidColor = None opacity: float = DEFAULT_OPACITY animation: Optional[Animation] = None transform: Optional[QTransform] = None def _update(self, icon_opts: IconOpts) -> _IconOptions: return _IconOptions(**{**vars(self), **icon_opts.dict()}) def dict(self) -> IconOptionDict: # not using asdict due to pickle errors on animation return cast(IconOptionDict, vars(self)) class _QFontIconEngine(QIconEngine): _opt_hash: str = "" def __init__(self, options: _IconOptions): super().__init__() self._opts: DefaultDict[ QIcon.State, Dict[QIcon.Mode, Optional[_IconOptions]] ] = DefaultDict(dict) self._opts[QIcon.State.Off][QIcon.Mode.Normal] = options self.update_hash() @property def _default_opts(self) -> _IconOptions: return cast(_IconOptions, self._opts[QIcon.State.Off][QIcon.Mode.Normal]) def _add_opts(self, state: QIcon.State, mode: QIcon.Mode, opts: IconOpts) -> None: self._opts[state][mode] = self._default_opts._update(opts) self.update_hash() def clone(self) -> QIconEngine: # pragma: no cover ico = _QFontIconEngine(self._default_opts) ico._opts = self._opts.copy() return ico def _get_opts(self, state: QIcon.State, mode: QIcon.Mode) -> _IconOptions: opts = self._opts[state].get(mode) if opts: return opts opp_state = QIcon.State.Off if state == QIcon.State.On else QIcon.State.On if mode in (QIcon.Mode.Disabled, QIcon.Mode.Selected): opp_mode = ( QIcon.Mode.Disabled if mode == QIcon.Mode.Selected else QIcon.Mode.Selected ) for m, s in [ (QIcon.Mode.Normal, state), (QIcon.Mode.Active, state), (mode, opp_state), (QIcon.Mode.Normal, opp_state), (QIcon.Mode.Active, opp_state), (opp_mode, state), (opp_mode, opp_state), ]: opts = self._opts[s].get(m) if opts: return opts else: opp_mode = ( QIcon.Mode.Active if mode == QIcon.Mode.Normal else QIcon.Mode.Normal ) for m, s in [ (opp_mode, state), (mode, opp_state), (opp_mode, opp_state), (QIcon.Mode.Disabled, state), (QIcon.Mode.Selected, state), (QIcon.Mode.Disabled, opp_state), (QIcon.Mode.Selected, opp_state), ]: opts = self._opts[s].get(m) if opts: return opts return self._default_opts def paint( self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRect, mode: QIcon.Mode, state: QIcon.State, ) -> None: opts = self._get_opts(state, mode) char, family, style = QFontIconStore.key2glyph(opts.glyph_key) # font font = QFont() font.setFamily(family) # set sepeartely for Qt6 font.setPixelSize(round(rect.height() * opts.scale_factor)) if style: font.setStyleName(style) # color if isinstance(opts.color, tuple): color_args = opts.color else: color_args = (opts.color,) if opts.color else () # type: ignore # animation if opts.animation is not None: opts.animation.animate(painter) # animation if opts.transform is not None: painter.setTransform(opts.transform, True) painter.setPen(QColor(*color_args)) painter.setOpacity(opts.opacity) painter.setFont(font) with QMessageHandler(): # avoid "Populating font family aliases" warning painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, char) painter.restore() def pixmap(self, size: QSize, mode: QIcon.Mode, state: QIcon.State) -> QPixmap: # first look in cache pmckey = self._pmcKey(size, mode, state) pm = QPixmapCache.find(pmckey) if pmckey else None if pm: return pm pixmap = QPixmap(size) if not size.isValid(): return pixmap pixmap.fill(Qt.GlobalColor.transparent) painter = QPainter(pixmap) self.paint(painter, QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size), mode, state) painter.end() # Apply palette-based styles for disabled/selected modes # unless the user has specifically set a color for this mode/state if mode != QIcon.Mode.Normal: ico_opts = self._opts[state].get(mode) if not ico_opts or not ico_opts.color: opt = QStyleOption() opt.palette = QGuiApplication.palette() generated =, pixmap, opt) if not generated.isNull(): pixmap = generated if pmckey and not pixmap.isNull(): QPixmapCache.insert(pmckey, pixmap) return pixmap def _pmcKey(self, size: QSize, mode: QIcon.Mode, state: QIcon.State) -> str: # Qt6-style enums if self._get_opts(state, mode).animation: return "" if hasattr(mode, "value"): mode = mode.value if hasattr(state, "value"): state = state.value k = ((((((size.width()) << 11) | size.height()) << 11) | mode) << 4) | state return f"$superqt_{self._opt_hash}_{hex(k)}" def update_hash(self) -> None: hsh = id(self) for state, d in self._opts.items(): for mode, opts in d.items(): if not opts: continue hsh += hash( hash(opts.glyph_key) + hash(opts.color) + hash(state) + hash(mode) ) self._opt_hash = hex(hsh) class QFontIcon(QIcon): def __init__(self, options: _IconOptions) -> None: self._engine = _QFontIconEngine(options) super().__init__(self._engine) def addState( self, state: QIcon.State = QIcon.State.Off, mode: QIcon.Mode = QIcon.Mode.Normal, glyph_key: Union[str, Unset] = _Unset, scale_factor: Union[float, Unset] = _Unset, color: Union[ValidColor, Unset] = _Unset, opacity: Union[float, Unset] = _Unset, animation: Union[Animation, Unset, None] = _Unset, transform: Union[QTransform, Unset, None] = _Unset, ) -> None: """Set icon options for a specific mode/state.""" if glyph_key is not _Unset: QFontIconStore.key2glyph(glyph_key) # type: ignore _opts = IconOpts( glyph_key=glyph_key, scale_factor=scale_factor, color=color, opacity=opacity, animation=animation, transform=transform, ) self._engine._add_opts(state, mode, _opts) class QFontIconStore(QObject): # map of key -> (font_family, font_style) _LOADED_KEYS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = dict() # map of (font_family, font_style) -> character (char may include key) _CHARMAPS: Dict[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], Dict[str, str]] = dict() # singleton instance, use `instance()` to retrieve __instance: Optional[QFontIconStore] = None def __init__(self, parent: Optional[QObject] = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent) # QT6 drops this dpi = getattr(Qt.ApplicationAttribute, "AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps", None) if dpi: QApplication.setAttribute(dpi) @classmethod def instance(cls) -> QFontIconStore: if cls.__instance is None: cls.__instance = cls() return cls.__instance @classmethod def clear(cls) -> None: cls._LOADED_KEYS.clear() cls._CHARMAPS.clear() QFontDatabase.removeAllApplicationFonts() @classmethod def _key2family(cls, key: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """Return (family, style) given a font `key`""" key = key.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0] if key not in cls._LOADED_KEYS: from . import _plugins try: font_cls = _plugins.get_font_class(key) result = cls.addFont( font_cls.__font_file__, key, charmap=font_cls.__dict__ ) if not result: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Invalid font file") cls._LOADED_KEYS[key] = result except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized font key: {key!r}.\n" f"Known plugin keys include: {_plugins.available()}.\n" f"Loaded keys include: {list(cls._LOADED_KEYS)}." ) from e return cls._LOADED_KEYS[key] @classmethod def _ensure_char(cls, char: str, family: str, style: str) -> str: """make sure that `char` is a glyph provided by `family` and `style`.""" if len(char) == 1 and ord(char) > 256: return char try: charmap = cls._CHARMAPS[(family, style)] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"No charmap registered for font '{family} ({style})'") if char in charmap: # split in case the charmap includes the key return charmap[char].split(".", maxsplit=1)[-1] ident = _ensure_identifier(char) if ident in charmap: return charmap[ident].split(".", maxsplit=1)[-1] ident = f"{char!r} or {ident!r}" if char != ident else repr(ident) raise ValueError(f"Font '{family} ({style})' has no glyph with the key {ident}") @classmethod def key2glyph(cls, glyph_key: str) -> tuple[str, str, Optional[str]]: """Return (char, family, style) given a `glyph_key`""" if "." not in glyph_key: raise ValueError("Glyph key must contain a period") font_key, char = glyph_key.split(".", maxsplit=1) family, style = cls._key2family(font_key) char = cls._ensure_char(char, family, style) return char, family, style @classmethod def addFont( cls, filepath: str, prefix: str, charmap: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: """Add font at `filepath` to the registry under `key`. If you'd like to later use a fontkey in the form of `key.some-name`, then `charmap` must be provided and provide a mapping for all of the glyph names to their unicode numbers. If a charmap is not provided, glyphs must be directly accessed with their unicode as something like `key.\uffff`. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to an OTF or TTF file containing the fonts key : str A key that will represent this font file when used for lookup. For example, 'fa5s' for 'Font-Awesome 5 Solid'. charmap : Dict[str, str], optional optional mapping for all of the glyph names to their unicode numbers. See note above. Returns ------- Tuple[str, str], optional font-family and font-style for the file just registered, or None if something goes wrong. """ if prefix in cls._LOADED_KEYS: warnings.warn(f"Prefix {prefix} already loaded") return if not Path(filepath).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Font file doesn't exist: {filepath}") if QApplication.instance() is None: raise RuntimeError("Please create QApplication before adding a Font") fontId = QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(str(Path(filepath).absolute())) if fontId < 0: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn(f"Cannot load font file: {filepath}") return None families = QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(fontId) if not families: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn(f"Font file is empty!: {filepath}") return None family: str = families[0] # in Qt6, everything becomes a static member QFd: Union[QFontDatabase, Type[QFontDatabase]] = ( QFontDatabase() # type: ignore if tuple(QT_VERSION.split(".")) < ("6", "0") else QFontDatabase ) styles = QFd.styles(family) # type: ignore style: str = styles[-1] if styles else "" if not QFd.isSmoothlyScalable(family, style): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( f"Registered font {family} ({style}) is not smoothly scalable. " "Icons may not look attractive." ) cls._LOADED_KEYS[prefix] = (family, style) if charmap: cls._CHARMAPS[(family, style)] = charmap return (family, style) def icon( self, glyph_key: str, *, scale_factor: float = DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR, color: ValidColor = None, opacity: float = 1, animation: Optional[Animation] = None, transform: Optional[QTransform] = None, states: Dict[str, Union[IconOptionDict, IconOpts]] = {}, ) -> QFontIcon: self.key2glyph(glyph_key) # make sure it's a valid glyph_key default_opts = _IconOptions( glyph_key=glyph_key, scale_factor=scale_factor, color=color, opacity=opacity, animation=animation, transform=transform, ) icon = QFontIcon(default_opts) for kw, options in states.items(): if isinstance(options, IconOpts): options = default_opts._update(options).dict() icon.addState(*_norm_state_mode(kw), **options) return icon def setTextIcon( self, widget: QWidget, glyph_key: str, size: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """Sets text on a widget to a specific font & glyph. This is an alternative to setting a QIcon with a pixmap. It may be easier to combine with dynamic stylesheets. """ setText = getattr(widget, "setText", None) if not setText: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError(f"Object does not a setText method: {widget}") glyph = self.key2glyph(glyph_key)[0] size = size or DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR size = size if size > 1 else widget.height() * size widget.setFont(self.font(glyph_key, int(size))) setText(glyph) def font(self, font_prefix: str, size: Optional[int] = None) -> QFont: """Create QFont for `font_prefix`""" font_key, _ = font_prefix.split(".", maxsplit=1) family, style = self._key2family(font_key) font = QFont() font.setFamily(family) if style: font.setStyleName(style) if size: font.setPixelSize(int(size)) return font def _ensure_identifier(name: str) -> str: """Normalize string to valid identifier""" import keyword if not name: return "" # add _ to beginning of names starting with numbers if name[0].isdigit(): name = f"_{name}" # add _ to end of reserved keywords if keyword.iskeyword(name): name += "_" # replace dashes and spaces with underscores name = name.replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_") assert str.isidentifier(name), f"Could not canonicalize name: {name}" return name