from typing import Generic, List, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union from qtpy import QtGui from qtpy.QtCore import Property, QEvent, QPoint, QPointF, QRect, QRectF, Qt, Signal from qtpy.QtWidgets import QSlider, QStyle, QStyleOptionSlider, QStylePainter from ._generic_slider import CC_SLIDER, SC_GROOVE, SC_HANDLE, SC_NONE, _GenericSlider from ._range_style import RangeSliderStyle, update_styles_from_stylesheet _T = TypeVar("_T") SC_BAR = QStyle.SubControl.SC_ScrollBarSubPage class _GenericRangeSlider(_GenericSlider[Tuple], Generic[_T]): """MultiHandle Range Slider widget. Same API as QSlider, but `value`, `setValue`, `sliderPosition`, and `setSliderPosition` are all sequences of integers. The `valueChanged` and `sliderMoved` signals also both emit a tuple of integers. """ # Emitted when the slider value has changed, with the new slider values _valuesChanged = Signal(tuple) # Emitted when sliderDown is true and the slider moves # This usually happens when the user is dragging the slider # The value is the positions of *all* handles. _slidersMoved = Signal(tuple) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.valueChanged = self._valuesChanged self.sliderMoved = self._slidersMoved # list of values self._value: List[_T] = [20, 80] # list of current positions of each handle. same length as _value # If tracking is enabled (the default) this will be identical to _value self._position: List[_T] = [20, 80] # which handle is being pressed/hovered self._pressedIndex = 0 self._hoverIndex = 0 # whether bar length is constant when dragging the bar # if False, the bar can shorten when dragged beyond min/max self._bar_is_rigid = True # whether clicking on the bar moves all handles, or just the nearest handle self._bar_moves_all = True self._should_draw_bar = True # color self._style = RangeSliderStyle() self.setStyleSheet("") update_styles_from_stylesheet(self) # ############### New Public API ####################### def barIsRigid(self) -> bool: """Whether bar length is constant when dragging the bar. If False, the bar can shorten when dragged beyond min/max. Default is True. """ return self._bar_is_rigid def setBarIsRigid(self, val: bool = True) -> None: """Whether bar length is constant when dragging the bar. If False, the bar can shorten when dragged beyond min/max. Default is True. """ self._bar_is_rigid = bool(val) def barMovesAllHandles(self) -> bool: """Whether clicking on the bar moves all handles (default), or just the nearest.""" return self._bar_moves_all def setBarMovesAllHandles(self, val: bool = True) -> None: """Whether clicking on the bar moves all handles (default), or just the nearest.""" self._bar_moves_all = bool(val) def barIsVisible(self) -> bool: """Whether to show the bar between the first and last handle.""" return self._should_draw_bar def setBarVisible(self, val: bool = True) -> None: """Whether to show the bar between the first and last handle.""" self._should_draw_bar = bool(val) def hideBar(self) -> None: self.setBarVisible(False) def showBar(self) -> None: self.setBarVisible(True) # ############### QtOverrides ####################### def value(self) -> Tuple[_T, ...]: """Get current value of the widget as a tuple of integers.""" return tuple(self._value) def sliderPosition(self): """Get current value of the widget as a tuple of integers. If tracking is enabled (the default) this will be identical to value(). """ return tuple(float(i) for i in self._position) def setSliderPosition(self, pos: Union[float, Sequence[float]], index=None) -> None: """Set current position of the handles with a sequence of integers. If `pos` is a sequence, it must have the same length as `value()`. If it is a scalar, index will be """ if isinstance(pos, (list, tuple)): val_len = len(self.value()) if len(pos) != val_len: msg = f"'sliderPosition' must have same length as 'value()' ({val_len})" raise ValueError(msg) pairs = list(enumerate(pos)) else: pairs = [(self._pressedIndex if index is None else index, pos)] for idx, position in pairs: self._position[idx] = self._bound(position, idx) self._doSliderMove() def setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str) -> None: # sub-page styles render on top of the lower sliders and don't work here. override = f""" \n{type(self).__name__}::sub-page:horizontal {{background: none}} \n{type(self).__name__}::sub-page:vertical {{background: none}} """ return super().setStyleSheet(styleSheet + override) def event(self, ev: QEvent) -> bool: if ev.type() == QEvent.Type.StyleChange: update_styles_from_stylesheet(self) return super().event(ev) def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev: QtGui.QMouseEvent) -> None: if self._pressedControl == SC_BAR: ev.accept() delta = self._clickOffset - self._pixelPosToRangeValue(self._pick(ev.pos())) self._offsetAllPositions(-delta, self._sldPosAtPress) else: super().mouseMoveEvent(ev) # ############### Implementation Details ####################### def _setPosition(self, val): self._position = list(val) def _bound(self, value, index=None): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return type(value)(self._bound(v) for v in value) pos = super()._bound(value) if index is not None: pos = self._neighbor_bound(pos, index) return self._type_cast(pos) def _neighbor_bound(self, val, index): # make sure we don't go lower than any preceding index: min_dist = self.singleStep() _lst = self._position if index > 0: val = max(_lst[index - 1] + min_dist, val) # make sure we don't go higher than any following index: if index < (len(_lst) - 1): val = min(_lst[index + 1] - min_dist, val) return val def _getBarColor(self): return self._style.brush(self._styleOption) def _setBarColor(self, color): self._style.brush_active = color barColor = Property(QtGui.QBrush, _getBarColor, _setBarColor) def _offsetAllPositions(self, offset: float, ref=None) -> None: if ref is None: ref = self._position if self._bar_is_rigid: # NOTE: This assumes monotonically increasing slider positions if offset > 0 and ref[-1] + offset > self.maximum(): offset = self.maximum() - ref[-1] elif ref[0] + offset < self.minimum(): offset = self.minimum() - ref[0] self.setSliderPosition([i + offset for i in ref]) def _fixStyleOption(self, option): pass @property def _optSliderPositions(self): return [self._to_qinteger_space(p - self._minimum) for p in self._position] # SubControl Positions def _handleRect(self, handle_index: int, opt: QStyleOptionSlider = None) -> QRect: """Return the QRect for all handles.""" opt = opt or self._styleOption opt.sliderPosition = self._optSliderPositions[handle_index] return, opt, SC_HANDLE, self) def _barRect(self, opt: QStyleOptionSlider) -> QRect: """Return the QRect for the bar between the outer handles.""" r_groove =, opt, SC_GROOVE, self) r_bar = QRectF(r_groove) hdl_low, hdl_high = self._handleRect(0, opt), self._handleRect(-1, opt) thickness = self._style.thickness(opt) offset = self._style.offset(opt) if opt.orientation == Qt.Orientation.Horizontal: r_bar.setTop( - thickness / 2 + offset) r_bar.setHeight(thickness) r_bar.setLeft( r_bar.setRight( else: r_bar.setLeft( - thickness / 2 + offset) r_bar.setWidth(thickness) r_bar.setBottom( r_bar.setTop( return r_bar # Painting def _drawBar(self, painter: QStylePainter, opt: QStyleOptionSlider): brush = self._style.brush(opt) r_bar = self._barRect(opt) if isinstance(brush, QtGui.QGradient): brush.setStart(r_bar.topLeft()) brush.setFinalStop(r_bar.bottomRight()) painter.setPen(self._style.pen(opt)) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.drawRect(r_bar) def _draw_handle(self, painter: QStylePainter, opt: QStyleOptionSlider): if self._should_draw_bar: self._drawBar(painter, opt) opt.subControls = SC_HANDLE pidx = self._pressedIndex if self._pressedControl == SC_HANDLE else -1 hidx = self._hoverIndex if self._hoverControl == SC_HANDLE else -1 for idx, pos in enumerate(self._optSliderPositions): opt.sliderPosition = pos # make pressed handles appear sunken if idx == pidx: opt.state |= QStyle.StateFlag.State_Sunken else: opt.state = opt.state & ~QStyle.StateFlag.State_Sunken opt.activeSubControls = SC_HANDLE if idx == hidx else SC_NONE painter.drawComplexControl(CC_SLIDER, opt) def _updateHoverControl(self, pos): old_hover = self._hoverControl, self._hoverIndex self._hoverControl, self._hoverIndex = self._getControlAtPos(pos) if (self._hoverControl, self._hoverIndex) != old_hover: self.update() def _updatePressedControl(self, pos): opt = self._styleOption self._pressedControl, self._pressedIndex = self._getControlAtPos(pos, opt) def _setClickOffset(self, pos): if self._pressedControl == SC_BAR: self._clickOffset = self._pixelPosToRangeValue(self._pick(pos)) self._sldPosAtPress = tuple(self._position) elif self._pressedControl == SC_HANDLE: hr = self._handleRect(self._pressedIndex) self._clickOffset = self._pick(pos - hr.topLeft()) # NOTE: this is very much tied to mousepress... not a generic "get control" def _getControlAtPos( self, pos: QPoint, opt: QStyleOptionSlider = None ) -> Tuple[QStyle.SubControl, int]: """Update self._pressedControl based on ev.pos().""" opt = opt or self._styleOption if isinstance(pos, QPointF): pos = pos.toPoint() for i in range(len(self._position)): if self._handleRect(i, opt).contains(pos): return (SC_HANDLE, i) click_pos = self._pixelPosToRangeValue(self._pick(pos)) for i, p in enumerate(self._position): if p > click_pos: if i > 0: # the click was in an internal segment if self._bar_moves_all: return (SC_BAR, i) avg = (self._position[i - 1] + self._position[i]) / 2 return (SC_HANDLE, i - 1 if click_pos < avg else i) # the click was below the minimum slider return (SC_HANDLE, 0) # the click was above the maximum slider return (SC_HANDLE, len(self._position) - 1) def _execute_scroll(self, steps_to_scroll, modifiers): if modifiers & Qt.KeyboardModifier.AltModifier: self._spreadAllPositions(shrink=steps_to_scroll < 0) else: self._offsetAllPositions(steps_to_scroll) self.triggerAction(QSlider.SliderAction.SliderMove) def _has_scroll_space_left(self, offset): return (offset > 0 and max(self._value) < self._maximum) or ( offset < 0 and min(self._value) < self._minimum ) def _spreadAllPositions(self, shrink=False, gain=1.1, ref=None) -> None: if ref is None: ref = self._position # if self._bar_is_rigid: # TODO if shrink: gain = 1 / gain center = abs(ref[-1] + ref[0]) / 2 self.setSliderPosition([((i - center) * gain) + center for i in ref])