#!/bin/bash export TEXTDOMAIN="zero-center" MSG_REVIEW1=$(gettext "Some packages aren't in your repositories, and they aren't installed, you can see it in") MSG_REVIEW2=$(gettext "Please review your repositories and reinstall it again .") MSG_CONTACT=$(gettext "If you can't resolve the problem please contact with Lliurex Team at http://mestreacasa.gva.es/web/lliurex/forums") MSG_REMOVED=$(gettext "Removed") MSG_FINISH_INSTALLED=$(gettext "has been INSTALLED in your system, and you can view the log in") MSG_FINISH_SYSTEM1=$(gettext "has been") MSG_FINISH_SYSTEM=$(gettext "in your system, and you can view the log in") MSG_BUTTON_OK=$(gettext "OK") #Variables : #Arg1: Ruta de la lista de paquetes #Arg2: Nombre del paquete para la info en zenity PACKAGE_LIST="$1" PACKAGE_NAME="$2" ZERO_LOG="/tmp/zero-installer.log" NAME_FILE=$(echo $PACKAGE_LIST | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev) INSTALL_LOG="/tmp/zero-${NAME_FILE}.log" ZEN_BUTTON_OK="--ok-label=$MSG_BUTTON_OK" ERROR=1 ####FUNCIONES #Aqui listaremos las opciones del helper function helper { if [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo echo "----ZERO-REINSTALL-LIST-HELPER----" echo echo "zero-reinstall-list " echo echo "arg1: Is the name of the FILE with the names of the package, separates with EOF" echo echo "arg2: Is the name of the zenity info with resume, is optional" echo echo "example: zero-reinstall-list LIST example" echo echo "LIST is a file with:" echo echo "hotpotatoes" echo "openssh-server" echo "sl" echo exit 0 fi } #FUNCION QUE TESTEA SI UN PAQUETE ESTA INSTALADO, BORRANDOLO EN CASO AFIRMATIVO function test_install { #Testeamos si el paquete esta instalado, no haciendo nada en el caso afirmativo o instalandolo en el caso negativo. TEST=$( dpkg-query -s $1 2> /dev/null| grep Status | cut -d " " -f 4 ) if [ "$TEST" = 'installed' ]; then echo " " >> $INSTALL_LOG echo " ----------Zero-Test-Uninstall------------" >> $INSTALL_LOG echo " " >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "Package $1 already installed, we have to uninstall it" >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "Package $1 already installed, we have to uninstall it" zero-installer remove $1 cat $ZERO_LOG >> $INSTALL_LOG else echo " " >> $INSTALL_LOG echo " ----------Zero-Test-Uninstall------------" >> $INSTALL_LOG echo " " >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "Package $1 is not installed, do nothing" >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "Package $1 is not installed, do nothing" fi } ################MAIN###################### #Log para el zero-center if [ -f "$INSTALL_LOG" ]; then rm "$INSTALL_LOG" fi touch "$INSTALL_LOG" #COMPROBAMOS QUE NO ES LA AYUDA helper $1 #CREAMOS UNA LISTA CON LOS PROGRAMAS NECESARIOS Y LOS TESTEAMOS SI ESTAN INSTALADOS LISTA=( $( cat $PACKAGE_LIST | awk '{print $1}' ) ) echo "The package list is....." echo ${LISTA[@]} for i in "${LISTA[@]}"; do echo "Now test_install $i" #Testeamos si el paquete esta instalado y si es asi lo borramos test_install $i #Me guardo el fichero de los logs por si algo fallase o para revisarlo cat $ZERO_LOG >> $INSTALL_LOG done ##YA SABEMOS QUE EL PROGRAMA ESTA DESINSTALADO, VAMOS A INSTALARLO ##LO HACEMOS ASI Y NO TODO DEL TIRON PORQUE SINO PUEDE SER QUE ALGUNA DEPENDENCIA QUE SE ARRASTRE FALLE for i in "${LISTA[@]}"; do echo " " >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "Zero-installer install the package $i" >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "Zero-installer install the package $i" zero-installer install $i #Get zero-installer exit status ERROR=$? #Me guardo el fichero de los logs por si algo fallase o para revisarlo cat $ZERO_LOG >> $INSTALL_LOG done #Ponemos el nombre si no fue especificado en la llamada al comando #if [ "$PACKAGE_NAME" == " " ]; then if [ -z "$PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then PACKAGE_NAME=$(echo "$PACKAGE_LIST" | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev) fi #COMPROBAMOS QUE LA LISTA SE INSTALO BIEN echo "--------PACKAGE NOT IN REPOSITORIES--------- " >> $INSTALL_LOG for i in "${LISTA[@]}"; do TEST=$( dpkg-query -s $i 2> /dev/null| grep Status | cut -d " " -f 4 ) if [ "$TEST" != 'installed' ]; then echo "$i is not in repository" >> $INSTALL_LOG fi done fgrep "is not in repository" "$INSTALL_LOG" if [ "$?" == "0" -o "$ERROR" -gt 0 ]; then zenity --info --title="Zero-reinstaller" --text="$MSG_REVIEW1 $INSTALL_LOG. $MSG_REVIEW2 .$MSG_CONTACT" ZEN_BUTTON_OK > /dev/null 2>&1 & exit 1 else zenity --info --title="Zero-reinstaller" --text="$PACKAGE_NAME $MSG_FINISH_INSTALLED $INSTALL_LOG" ZEN_BUTTON_OK > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi exit 0