File format

When you select to upload a file from under Add Users in index.php, you will end up in the import script when the data is read from the file
The import script expects a file formated with all data for one user on one row, with each field separated with a semicolon. the minimum information needed is the full name of the user. If fullname is not given, the script expects to have both Firstname and lastname. The maximum information it expects is "User template; Fullname; Username; Password; Additional group membership".
When the file is first loaded, you will have to tell which column is what, and you may disselect some rows from being imported. Then you press the button "Check file" at the bottom of the web-page.
The script tries to parse what you added, and will generate Fullname if the column is missing, generate a username, if noen was given from the file, or there is a conflict, and if a password column is missing, a reasonable safe, pronouncebal password will be created.
When you finally press "Add", the users will be added, and you get a list of credentials. Save the file, or print it, and hand out to the students.