, BzzWare AS, Norway
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Functions:
userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
autoMount ($viewbase) {
automountdetail ($dn) {
showHost ($ldap, $cn) {
showHostGroups ($ldap, $cn) {
userDelGroup ($ldap, $uid, $gid) {
hostAddGroup ($ldap, $cn, $group) {
hostDelGroup ($ldap, $cn, $group) {
changeGroup ($ldap, $gid, $cn, $description, $auth) {
changeHost ($ldap, $cn, $domain, $ipaddress, $macaddress, $sambaHost = false) {
addHost ($ldap, $cn, $domain, $ipaddress, $macaddress) {
addGroup ($ldap, $cn, $description) {
addUser ($ldap, $cn, $template, $username,$profile,$sn)
createUsers ($ldap, $gid, $gname, $template, $prefix, $number, $passrandom,$formatpwd,$pwdgen,$profile,$sn) {
changeUser ($ldap, $uid, $cn,$profile) {
showGroup ($ldap, $gid) {
showUser ($ldap, $uid) {
showUserGroups ($ldap, $uid) {
showResult ($ldap, $type, $text, $searchDisabled) {
userAddForm () {
importLwat () {
importGescen(){ //LLX Added in another happy day
error_reporting(0) ;
require_once ("functions.php");
loadConfig () ;
session_start () ;
require('/usr/share/php/smarty/Smarty.class.php') ;
loadLocale () ;
ob_start () ;
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->template_dir = $smarty_templ ;
$smarty->compile_dir = $smarty_compile ;
// user defined error handling function
function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
global $ldap, $error_log_file, $error_mail_to, $error_show, $ldap_err, $ldap_msg ;
// timestamp for the error entry
$dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)");
// define an assoc array of error string
// in reality the only entries we should
// consider are E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR,
$errortype = array (
E_ERROR => 'Error',
E_WARNING => 'Warning',
E_PARSE => 'Parsing Error',
E_NOTICE => 'Notice',
E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error',
E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning',
E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error',
E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning',
E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error',
E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning',
E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice',
E_STRICT => 'Runtime Notice',
E_RECOVERABLE_ERRROR => 'Catchable Fatal Error'
// set of errors for which a var trace will be saved
$user_errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE);
$err = "\n";
$err .= "\t" . $dt . " \n";
$err .= "\t" . $errno . " \n";
$err .= "\t" . $errortype[$errno] . " \n";
$err .= "\t" . $errmsg . " \n";
$err .= "\t" . $filename . " \n";
$err .= "\t" . $linenum . " \n";
if (in_array($errno, $user_errors)) {
$err .= "\t" . wddx_serialize_value($vars, "Variables") . " \n";
$err .= " \n\n";
if (strpos($errmsg, "ldap_") === 0) {
$ldap_err = ldap_errno ($ldap) ;
switch ($ldap_err) {
case 50:
$ldap_msg = "I'm sorry, but you dont have the propper access to do this" ;
break ;
echo "
\n" ;
echo "ldap_err: " . $ldap_err . "\n" ;
echo "err_msg: " . ldap_err2str ($ldap_err) . "\n" ;
echo " \n" ;
break ;
if ($error_show)
echo "\n" . $err . " \n" ;
// save to the error log, and e-mail me if there is a critical user error
if (!empty($error_log_file))
error_log($err, 3, "/tmp/lliurex-lwat.err");
if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR && !empty($error_mail_to)) {
mail($error_mail_to, "Critical User Error", $err);
//Para habilitar control de errores
//$old_error_handler = set_error_handler("userErrorHandler");
function autoMount ($viewbase) {
global $smarty, $ldap, $automountbase ;
$filter = "(ou=auto.master)" ;
$want = array ("dn") ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $automountbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$display=array() ;
$viewdn= $viewbase ;
if (empty ($viewbase))
$viewbase = $entries[0]["dn"] ;
foreach ($entries as $key => $value)
if (is_array ($value))
$display[] = array ('level' => 0, 'base' => htmlspecialchars($value["dn"])) ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($display) ; $i++) {
$level = $display[$i]["level"] ;
$searchbase = $display[$i]["base"] ;
if (isset ($searchbase)) {
$filter = "objectClass=automount" ;
$want = array ("cn", "automountInformation") ;
$result = @ldap_search ($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want) ;
if ($result) {
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$add = $i ;
foreach ($entries as $key => $value)
if (is_array ($value)) {
$dn = ldap_explode_dn ($value["dn"],0) ;
array_splice($dn, 0,2) ;
unset ($new) ;
$dn = implode (",", $dn) ;
if ($dn == $searchbase) {
$automountinformation = explode (" ", $value["automountinformation"][0]) ;
if (substr ($automountinformation[0],0,5) == "ldap:")
$new = array ('level' => $level + 1,
'base' => substr($automountinformation[0],5),
'dn' => $value["dn"],
'cn' => $value["cn"][0]) ;
elseif ($automountinformation[0] == "-fstype=autofs")
$new = array ('level' => $level + 1,
'base' => substr($automountinformation[1],5),
'dn' => $value["dn"],
'cn' => $value["cn"][0]) ;
$new = array ('level' => $level + 1,
'dn' => $value["dn"],
'cn' => $value["cn"][0]) ;
if ($level == 0 || (is_array ($new) && (strpos($viewbase, $dn) !== false))) {
$add++ ;
array_splice($display, $add, 0, array ($new)) ;
if (!empty($viewdn)) {
$viewarray = ldap_explode_dn (substr($viewdn,0,strpos($viewdn, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
$title = _("Automount point ") ;
for ($i = $viewarray[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$title = sprintf ("%s/%s", $title, $viewarray[$i]) ;
} else unset ($title) ;
$smarty->assign ('display', $display) ;
$smarty->assign ('viewbase', $viewbase) ;
$smarty->assign ('dn', $viewdn) ;
$smarty->assign ('title', $title) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_automount_browse.tpl') ;
function automountdetail ($dn) {
global $smarty, $ldap, $automountbase ;
$want = array ("cn", "description", "automountinformation") ;
$filter = "objectClass=*" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $dn, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
$display = ldap_explode_dn (substr($dn,0,strpos($dn, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
$displaystr = "" ;
for ($i = $display[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $display[$i]) ;
$automountinformation = explode (" ", substr($entries[0]["automountinformation"][0], 1)) ;
$smarty->assign ('title', sprintf (_("Automount share %s"), $displaystr));
$smarty->assign ('suggest', $entries[0]["cn"][0]);
$smarty->assign ('options', $automountinformation[0]);
$smarty->assign ('export', $automountinformation[1]);
$smarty->assign ('dn', $dn);
$smarty->display ('admin_automount_edit.tpl') ;
function showHost ($ldap, $cn) {
global $smarty, $hostbase, $base ;
$filter="cn=" . $cn ;
$want = array ("cn", "associatedDomain", "ipHostNumber", "macAddress", "sambaAcctFlags") ;
$searchbase=$hostbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$count=$entries["count"] ;
if ($count) {
if (strpos($entries[0]["sambaacctflags"][0], 'W') === false )
$sambaHost = "" ;
$sambaHost = "checked" ;
$smarty->assign ('cn', $cn) ;
$smarty->assign ('domain', $domain) ;
$smarty->assign ('ipAddress', $ipAddress) ;
$smarty->assign ('macAddress', $macAddress) ;
$smarty->assign ('sambaHost', $sambaHost) ;
$smarty->assign ('memberOf', $memberOf) ;
$smarty->assign ('notMemberOf', $notMemberOf) ;
showHostGroups ($ldap, $cn) ;
$smarty->display('admin_host_show.tpl') ;
printf (_("No matching objects") ." ") ;
function showHostGroups ($ldap, $cn) {
global $smarty, $netgroupbase ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=nisNetGroup))" ;
$want = array ("cn", "nisNetGroupTriple") ;
$searchbase=$netgroupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
if ($result) {
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries["count"] ; $i++) {
if (@in_array ('(' . $cn . ',-,-)', $entries[$i]["nisnetgrouptriple"]))
$memberOf[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['cn'][0]) ;
$notMemberOf[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['cn'][0]) ;
$groupTarget='\'sub\'' ;
$delAction ='\'hostDelGroup&cn=' . $cn ;
$delAction .= '&group=\' + member.value' ;
$addAction ='\'hostAddGroup&cn=' . $cn ;
$addAction .= '&group=\' + nonmember.value';
$smarty->assign('memberOf', $memberOf) ;
$smarty->assign('notMemberOf', $notMemberOf) ;
$smarty->assign('groupTarget', $groupTarget) ;
$smarty->assign('addAction', $addAction) ;
$smarty->assign('delAction', $delAction) ;
function userDelGroup ($ldap, $uid, $gid) {
global $groupbase, $base ;
$want= array ('dn');
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=" . $uid ."))";
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
$llxUserDN = $entries[0]['dn'] ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" . $gid . "))";
$want = array ('cn');
$searchbase=$groupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$groupdn=htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["dn"]) ;
$cn=htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["cn"][0]) ;
$change = array ();
$change["memberUid"][] = $uid ;
@ldap_mod_del($ldap, $groupdn, $change) ;
llxUserSync("delgroup", $llxUserDN ,$groupdn);
$want = array ('member');
$filter="(&(member=*)(cn=" . $cn . "))";
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$groupdn=htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["dn"]) ;
$change = array ();
if ($entries[0]["member"][count])
$want = array ();
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=" . $uid ."))";
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
$change["member"][] = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["dn"]) ;
ldap_mod_del($ldap, $groupdn, $change) ;
llxUserSync("delgroup", $llxUserDN ,$groupdn);
function hostAddGroup ($ldap, $cn, $group)
global $netgroupbase ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=nisNetGroup)(cn=" . $group . "))";
$want = array ('nisNetgroupTriple');
$searchbase=$netgroupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
if (@in_array ('(' . $cn . ',-,-)', $entries[$i]["nisnetgrouptriple"]) === false )
$groupdn=htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["dn"]) ;
$change = array () ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries[0]["nisnetgrouptriple"][count] ; $i++)
$change[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["nisnetgrouptriple"][$i]) ;
$change[] = "(" . $cn . ",-,-)" ;
@ldap_modify($ldap, $groupdn, array ("nisNetGroupTriple" => $change)) ;
function hostDelGroup ($ldap, $cn, $group)
global $netgroupbase ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=nisNetGroup)(cn=" . $group . "))";
$want = array ('nisNetgroupTriple');
$searchbase=$netgroupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$groupdn=htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["dn"]) ;
$change = array () ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries[0]["nisnetgrouptriple"][count] ; $i++)
if ($entries[0]["nisnetgrouptriple"][$i] <> '(' . $cn . ',-,-)')
$change[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["nisnetgrouptriple"][$i]) ;
@ldap_modify($ldap, $groupdn, array ("nisNetGroupTriple" => $change)) ;
function changeGroup ($ldap, $gid, $cn, $description, $auth)
global $base, $useLisGroup, $groupbase, $authbase ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" . $gid . "))";
$want = array ('objectClass', 'description', 'memberUid', 'cn');
$searchbase=$groupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$groupdn = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["dn"]) ;
$cn=htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["cn"][0]) ;
$change = array ();
if ($description <> $entries[0]["description"][0])
$change["description"][] = $description ;
if (count ($change))
@ldap_modify($ldap, $groupdn, $change) ;
$change = array ();
if (!$useLisGroup)
$filter="(&(member=*)(cn=" . $cn . "))";
$want = array ('objectClass', 'member');
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$count = ldap_count_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
if ($auth)
if ($count == 0)
$change["objectClass"] = array('top', 'groupOfNames') ;
$change["cn"] = $cn ;
$want = array ('dn') ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries[0]["memberuid"][count] ; $i++)
$filter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=' .$entries[0]["memberuid"][$i] . '))' ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
if (ldap_count_entries ($ldap, $result) == 1)
$member = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
$change["member"][] = $member[0]["dn"] ;
if (count($change["member"]) > 0)
@ldap_add ($ldap, "cn=" . $cn . "," . $authbase, $change) ;
if ($count > 0)
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
ldap_delete ($ldap, $entries[0]["dn"]) ;
showGroup ($ldap, $gid);
function changeHost ($ldap, $cn, $domain, $ipaddress, $macaddress, $sambaHost = false) {
global $hostbase ;
$filter="cn=" . $cn ;
$want = array ("cn", "objectClass", "associatedDomain","ipHostNumber", "macAddress", "sambaAcctFlags", "uid","uidNumber", "gidNumber", "homeDirectory", "sambaSID") ;
$searchbase=$hostbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
if ($entries["count"] <= 0)
printf (_("Sorry, cant find a host with the name %s") . " ", $cn );
$change = array ();
if ($domain <> $entries[0]["associateddomain"][0])
if (in_array ('domainRelatedObject', $entries[0]["objectclass"]) === false)
$change["objectClass"][] = "domainRelatedObject" ;
$change["associatedDomain"] = $domain ;
if ($ipaddress <> $entries[0]["iphostnumber"][0])
if (in_array ('ipHost', $entries[0]["objectclass"]) === false)
$change["objectClass"][] = "ipHost" ;
$change["ipHostNumber"] = $ipaddress ;
if ($macaddress <> $entries[0]["macaddress"][0])
if (in_array ('ieee802Device', $entries[0]["objectclass"]) === false)
$change["objectClass"][] = "ieee802Device" ;
$change["macAddress"] = $macaddress ;
if ($sambaHost)
if (in_array ('posixAccount', $entries[0]["objectclass"]) === false)
$change["objectClass"][] = "posixAccount" ;
if (in_array ('sambaSamAccount', $entries[0]["objectclass"]) === false)
$change["objectClass"][] = "sambaSamAccount" ;
if (!array_key_exists ('uid', $entries[0]))
$change["uid"] = sprintf ("%s$", $cn) ;
if (!array_key_exists ('uidnumber', $entries[0]))
$change["uidNumber"] = getNextID ($ldap) ;
if (!array_key_exists ('gidnumber', $entries[0]))
$change["gidNumber"] = "107" ;
if (!array_key_exists ('homedirectory', $entries[0]))
$change["homeDirectory"] = "/dev/null" ;
if (!array_key_exists ('sambasid', $entries[0]))
$change["sambaSID"] = get_sambasid ($ldap, $change["uidNumber"]) ;
$change["sambaAcctFlags"] = "[W ]" ;
if (!empty ($change))
if (!empty ($change["objectClass"]))
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries[0]["objectclass"][count]; $i++)
$change["objectClass"][] = $entries[0]["objectclass"][$i] ;
if (!@ldap_modify($ldap, "cn=" . $cn . "," . $hostbase, $change))
debug (array('entries' => $entries, 'change' => $change)) ;
showHost ($ldap, true, $cn);
function addHost ($ldap, $cn, $domain, $ipaddress, $macaddress) {
global $hostbase ;
$filter="cn=" . $cn ;
$want = array ("cn");
$searchbase=$hostbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
if ($entries["count"] > 0) {
printf (_("Sorry, there is already a host with the name %s") . " ", $cn );
} else {
$add = array ();
$add["objectClass"] = array ("top", "organizationalRole") ;
$add["cn"] = $cn ;
if (!empty($domain)) {
$add["objectClass"][] = "domainRelatedObject" ;
$add["associatedDomain"] = $domain ;
if (!empty ($ipaddress)) {
$add["objectClass"][] = "ipHost" ;
$add["ipHostNumber"] = $ipaddress ;
if (!empty ($macaddress)) {
$add["objectClass"][] = "ieee802Device" ;
$add["macAddress"] = $macaddress ;
@ldap_add($ldap, "cn=" . $cn . "," . $hostbase, $add) ;
showHost ($ldap, true, $cn);
function addGroup ($ldap, $cn, $description)
global $useLisGroup, $groupbase, $base, $llxCreateGroup;
$filter="(|(uid=" . $cn . ")(cn=" . $cn . "))";
$want = array ("cn","uid");
$searchbase=$base ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
if ($entries["count"] > 0)
printf (_("Sorry, there is already a group/user with the name %s") . " ", $cn );
$gidNumber = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["gidNumber"][0]) ;
$gidNumber = getnextid ($ldap,"") ;
$add = array ();
if ($useLisGroup)
$add["objectClass"] = array ("top", "posixGroup", "lisGroup") ;
$add["groupType"] = "school_class" ;
} else
$add["objectClass"] = array ("top", "posixGroup") ;
$add["cn"] = $cn ;
$add["gidNumber"] = $gidNumber ;
$add["description"] = $description ;
if (isset($llxCreateGroup))
@ldap_add($ldap, "cn=" . $cn . "," . $llxCreateGroup, $add) ;
@ldap_add($ldap, "cn=" . $cn . "," . $groupbase, $add) ;
showGroup ($ldap, $gidNumber);
function addUser ($ldap, $cn, $template, $username,$profile,$sn) {
$userpw = pwgen () ;
if (ldapAddUser ($ldap, $cn." ".$sn, $template, $username, $userpw, $groups,$profile,$cn,$sn))
printf(_("Added user: %s") . ' ', $cn) ;
printf(_("username: ") .
'%s ',
$username, $username) ;
printf (_("password: %s"), $userpw);
printf (" \n") ;
userAddForm (true) ;
function createUsers ($ldap, $gid, $gname, $template, $prefix, $number, $passrandom,$formatpwd,$pwdgen,$profile,$agroups) {
global $base;
//Searching the number of generic users
$want = array ('cn','sn') ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(cn=" . $gname . "*))";
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $basedn, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$count=$entries["count"] ;
for($i = $count+1; $i <= $count+$number; $i += 1){
if ($i<10)
$groups = array();
//Generate password
switch ($formatpwd) {
case 0:
//Pasword generada automaticamente
$userpw = pwgen () ;
case 1:
//Password como el usuario
$userpw = $username ;
case 2:
//Password dada para todos los usuarios
$userpw = $pwdgen ;
//Pasword generada automaticamente (por defecto)
$userpw = pwgen () ;
ldapAddUser ($ldap, $cn." ".$cn, $template, $username, $userpw, $groups,$profile,$cn, $cn);
function changeUser ($ldap, $uid, $cn,$profile, $sn) {
global $base ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=" . $uid . "))";
$want = array ();
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$change = array ();
$change["cn"][] = $cn ;
$change["sn"][] = $sn ;
$change["sabayonProfileName"][] = $profile ;
@ldap_modify($ldap, $entries[0]["dn"], $change) ;
showUser ($ldap,$uid);
function showGroup ($ldap, $gid) {
global $useLisGroup, $smarty, $base, $authbase, $groupbase ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" . $gid . "))";
$want = array ("memberUid", "member", "description", "cn", "objectClass") ;
$searchbase=$groupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$authentication= ( $entries[0]["member"]["count"] > 0 );
$smarty->assign('description', $entries[0]["description"][0]);
$smarty->assign('cn', $entries[0]["cn"][0]);
$smarty->assign('gid', $gid) ;
if ($useLisGroup) {
if (in_array ('lisAclGroup', $entries[0]["objectclass"]))
$smarty->assign ('authentication', 'checked disabled');
$smarty->assign ('authentication', 'disabled');
} else {
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $authbase,
'cn=' . $entries[0]["cn"][0]);
if (ldap_count_entries ($ldap, $result))
$smarty->assign ('authentication', 'checked');
$filter="" ;
for ($i=0 ; $i < $memberUid["count"] ; $i++) {
$filter .= "(uid=" . htmlspecialchars($memberUid[$i]) . ")" ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|" . $filter . "))" ;
$want = array ("uid", "cn") ;
$searchbase=$base ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$username = array () ;
$display = array () ;
for ($i=0 ; $i < $entries["count"] ; $i++) {
$username[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]["uid"][0]) ;
$display[] = sprintf ("%s (%s)",
htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['cn'][0]) ,
htmlspecialchars($profile)) ;
//$display[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]["cn"][0]." KK") ;
$smarty->assign('username', $username) ;
$smarty->assign('display', $display) ;
$smarty->display('admin_group_show.tpl') ;
function showUser ($ldap, $uid)
global $smarty, $base, $groupbase ;
$filter ="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=" . $uid . "))";
$want = array ("uidNumber", "uid", "cn", "sn", "gidNumber", "sabayonProfileName") ;
$searchbase = $base ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$count=$entries["count"] ;
if ($count)
$cn = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["cn"][0]);
$sn = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["sn"][0]);
$uidNumber = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["uidnumber"][0]);
$gidNumber = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["gidnumber"][0]);
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" . $gidNumber . ")(!(cn=nextID))(!(cn=lastID)))";
$want = array ("cn", "gidNumber","sn") ;
$searchbase=$base ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$userGroup = htmlspecialchars($entries[0]["cn"][0]);
$smarty->assign('uid', $uid) ;
$smarty->assign('uidNumber', $uidNumber) ;
$smarty->assign('cn', $cn) ;
$smarty->assign('sn', $sn) ;
$smarty->assign('userGroup', $userGroup) ;
$smarty->assign('sabayonProfileName',$sabayonProfileName) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
showUserGroups($ldap, $uid) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_show.tpl') ;
printf (_("No matching objects") ." ") ;
function showUserGroups ($ldap, $uid) {
global $smarty, $useLisGroup, $groupbase, $base, $llxCreateGroup ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=" . $uid . "))";
$want = array ("cn", "gidNumber") ;
//$searchbase=$groupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
for ($i=0 ; $i < $entries["count"] ; $i++)
$memberValues[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]["gidnumber"][0]) ;
$memberDisplays[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]["cn"][0]) ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(!(memberUid=" . $uid . ")))";
$want = array ("cn", "gidNumber") ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
for ($i=0 ; $i < $entries["count"] ; $i++) {
if (!$useLisGroup && empty($entries[$i]['memberUid']))
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=" . $entries[$i]["gidnumber"][0] . "))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, array ('dn')) ;
if (ldap_count_entries ($ldap, $result) > 0)
continue ;
$nonMemberValues[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]["gidnumber"][0]) ;
$nonMemberDisplays[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]["cn"][0]) ;
$groupTarget='\'sub\'' ;
$delAction ='\'userDelGroup&uid=' . $uid ;
$delAction .= '&gid=\' + member.value' ;
$addAction ='\'userAddGroup&uid=' . $uid ;
$addAction .= '&gid=\' + nonmember.value';
$smarty->assign('memberValues', $memberValues) ;
$smarty->assign('memberDisplays', $memberDisplays) ;
$smarty->assign('nonMemberValues', $nonMemberValues) ;
$smarty->assign('nonMemberDisplays', $nonMemberDisplays) ;
$smarty->assign('groupTarget', $groupTarget) ;
$smarty->assign('addAction', $addAction) ;
$smarty->assign('delAction', $delAction) ;
function showResult ($ldap, $type, $text, $searchDisabled) {
global $smarty, $useLisGroup, $base, $groupbase, $hostbase, $llxCreateGroup ;
if ($text == "*") $text="" ;
$replace = array ("(", ")", "\\", "\0") ;
$with = array ("0x28", "0x29", "0x5c", "0x00") ;
$text = str_replace ($replace, $with, $text) ;
switch ($type) {
case "User":
if ($searchDisabled == 'true')
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(shadowFlag=1)" .
"(|(cn=" . $text . "*)(uid=" . $text . "*)(sn=" . $text . "*)))";
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)" .
"(|(cn=" . $text . "*)(uid=" . $text . "*)(sn=" . $text . "*)))";
$want = array ("uidNumber", "uid", "cn", "sn") ;
$searchbase=$base ;
$action="showUser" ;
$show="uid" ;
break ;
case "Group":
if ($useLisGroup)
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(!(groupType=private))(cn=" . $text . "*))" ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=" . $text . "*))" ;
$want = array ("gidNumber", "cn", "memberUid") ;
//$searchbase=$groupbase ;
$action="showGroup" ;
$show="gidnumber" ;
break ;
case "Hosts":
$filter="cn=" . $text . "*" ;
$want = array ("cn") ;
$searchbase=$hostbase ;
$action="showHost" ;
$show="cn" ;
break ;
return ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$count=$entries["count"] ;
if ($count > 50)
printf (_("Too many entries, please narrow your search") . " \n") ;
elseif ($count) {
for ($i=0 ; $i <= $count && $type == "Group" ; $i++) {
if (empty($entries[$i]['memberuid'])) {
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=" .
$entries[$i]['gidnumber'][0] . "))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, array ('dn')) ;
if (ldap_count_entries ($ldap, $result) > 0) {
array_splice($entries, $i + 1, 1) ;
$i-- ;
$count-- ;
for ($i=0 ; $i < $count ; $i++) {
$value[]=htmlspecialchars($entries[$i][$show][0]) ;
if ($type == "User")
$display[] = sprintf ("%s %s (%s)",
htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['cn'][0]) ,
htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['sn'][0]) ,
htmlspecialchars($profile)) ;
$display[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['cn'][0]) ;
$dn[] = htmlspecialchars($entries[$i]['dn']) ;
$smarty->assign('searchDisabled', $searchDisabled) ;
$smarty->assign('action', $action) ;
$smarty->assign('value', $value) ;
$smarty->assign('dn', $dn) ;
$smarty->assign('display', $display) ;
$smarty->display('admin_result.tpl') ;
} else {
printf (_("No matching objects") . " ") ;
function userAddForm () {
global $smarty ;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
if ($type=='Admin'){
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$action = '\'addUser&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&username=\' + username.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&template=\' + template.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&profile=\' + profile.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&sn=\' + sn.value' ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_add.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
function importLwat () {
global $smarty ;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
if ($type=='Admin'){
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$action = '\'addUser&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&username=\' + username.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&template=\' + template.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&profile=\' + profile.value' ;
$action = '\'&sn=\' + sn.value';
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->display ('import_lwat.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
function importGescen(){ //LLX Added in another happy day
global $smarty ;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
if ($type=='Admin')
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$action = '\'addUser&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&username=\' + username.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&template=\' + template.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&profile=\' + profile.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&sn=\' + sn.value' ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->display ('import_gescen.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
function delallusers()
global $smarty ;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
if ($type=='Admin')
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$action = '\'addUser&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&username=\' + username.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&template=\' + template.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&profile=\' + profile.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&sn=\' + sn.value' ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_delete_users.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
function llx_host_add(){
global $smarty ;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
if ($type=='Admin'){
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$action = '\'addUser&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&username=\' + username.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&template=\' + template.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&profile=\' + profile.value' ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_host_add.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
function llx_host_del(){
global $smarty ;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
if ($type=='Admin'){
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$action = '\'addUser&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&username=\' + username.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&template=\' + template.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&profile=\' + profile.value' ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_host_del.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
function masiveChgPass($idgroup, $passwd, $ldap)
global $groupbase ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" . $idgroup . "))";
$want = array ("memberUid", "member", "objectClass") ;
$searchbase=$groupbase ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$authentication= ( $entries[0]["member"]["count"] > 0 );
$filter="" ;
for ($i=0 ; $i < $memberUid["count"] ; $i++)
$filter .= "(uid=" . htmlspecialchars($memberUid[$i]) . ")" ;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|" . $filter . "))" ;
$want = array ("uid") ;
$searchbase=$base ;
$result = ldap_search($ldap, $searchbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$username = array () ;
$display = array () ;
for ($i=0 ; $i < $entries["count"] ; $i++)
## $group is student, teacher, other, ...
function changePass($uid,$pass,$ldap,$group)
global $base;
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=" . $uid . "))";
$want = array ('objectClass', 'uid', 'cn') ;
$result= ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$newpw = $pass ;
$userGroup = $group;
$cryptpw = cryptgen ($newpw);
$sambahash = new smbHash () ;
$info = array ();
$info["userPassword"][] = $cryptpw ;
if (in_array("sambaSamAccount", $entries[0]["objectclass"]) !== false)
$info["sambaLMPassword"][] = $sambahash->lmhash($newpw) ;
$info["sambaNTPassword"][] = $sambahash->nthash($newpw);
$result = @ldap_modify ($ldap,$entries[0]["dn"],$info) ;
if ($result)
printf(''._("Changed password for %s ( %s ) to %s .").'
',$entries[0]['uid'][0],$entries[0]['cn'][0], $newpw );
llxUserSync("passwd", $entries[0]['dn'],$newpw,$userGroup);
$ldaperr = ldap_errno ($ldap) ;
switch ($ldaperr)
case 50:
printf (''._("Sorry, you are not allowed to change password for %s (%s)".'
'),$entries[0]['uid'][0], $entries[0]['cn'][0]) ;
break ;
reportLdapError ($ldaperr, "Changing password") ;
$key = lwat_key () ;
$ldap=lwat_ldap ();
if (lwat_login ($ldap, '', '', $key))
$action = readkey ('action') ;
$action = 'logout';
switch ($action) {
case "userGenericGroup":
global $llxCreateGroup;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
$type=get_profile ($ldap,$admindn);
$want = array ('cn','gidnumber') ;
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(!(groupType=private)))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
ldap_sort($ldap,$result,"cn"); //ordenamos los resultados
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$users = array () ;
$groupsid = array () ;
for($i=0;$iassign ('type',$type) ;
$smarty->assign ('groups',$groups) ;
$smarty->assign ('groupsid',$groupsid) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_generic_groups.tpl') ;
break ;
case "changePasswdGrp":
$group= readKey('gid');
$passwd= readKey('pass');
case "userChangePasswd":
$smarty->assign ('userdn',$_COOKIE['admindn']) ;
$smarty->assign ('username',$_SESSION['usuario']) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_chguserpw.tpl') ;
break ;
case "setpw":
$newpw = readKey('userpw') ;
$oldpw = readKey('oldpw') ;
$chkpw = readKey('chkpw') ;
if (strlen ($newpw) < $minPwLength )
printf (_("Sorry. The password is too short") . " " );
elseif ($newpw <> $chkpw)
printf (_("Sorry. The passwords must be the same") . " " );
$userdn = readKey('userdn') ;
$cryptpw = cryptgen ($newpw);
$sambahash = new smbHash ;
$info = array ();
$info["userPassword"][] = $cryptpw ;
if (readkey("sambaAccount") == 1)
$info["sambaLMPassword"][] = $sambahash->lmhash($newpw) ;
$info["sambaNTPassword"][] = $sambahash->nthash($newpw);
if ($bind = ldap_bind ($ldap))
$result= ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
if ($entries[count] == 1)
$entry = $entries[0];
$admindn = $entry["dn"];
$bind = ldap_bind ($ldap,$userdn,$oldpw) ;
if (! $bind)
printf (_("Sorry. I'm not able to connect as %s.") . " " , $userdn );
$result = ldap_modify ($ldap,$userdn,$info) ;
if ($result)
printf (_("Changed password for %s") . " " , getUser($userdn));
llxUserSync("passwd", $userdn,$newpw);
printf (_("Failed to change password for %s.") . " " , getUser($userdn));
break ;
case "userReportsGroup":
global $llxCreateGroup;
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
$type=get_profile ($ldap,$admindn);
$want = array ('cn') ;
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(!(groupType=private)))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
ldap_sort($ldap,$result,"cn"); //ordenamos los resultados
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$users = array () ;
for($i=0;$iassign ('type',$type) ;
$smarty->assign ('groups',$groups) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_reports_groups.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userDoPromote":
$userToPromote = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 )
$userToPromote[] = $value ;
if (empty ($userToPromote))
printf (_("No users to promote")) ;
break ;
foreach ($userToPromote as $value )
$dn = ldap_explode_dn ($value, 0) ;
$want = array ('uid') ;
$filter = $dn[0] ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$want = array ('uidNumber','uid') ;
$filter = $dn[0] ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$want = array ('gidnumber') ;
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=admins))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" .$gidnumber . "))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$administradores = array () ;
foreach ($administradores as $key => $value)
if (strcmp($value,$uid)==0 )
$existe = true ;
if (!$existe && userAddGroup($ldap, $uid, $gidnumber))
printf(_("The user ".$uid." has been promoted")." ");
printf(_("The user ".$uid." hasn't been promoted")." ");
printf (_("Only teachers can be promoted")." ");
break ;
case "userDoRemovePrivileges":
$privilegesToDelete = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 )
$privilegesToDelete[] = $value ;
if (empty ($privilegesToDelete))
printf (_("No users selected")) ;
break ;
foreach ($privilegesToDelete as $value )
$dn = ldap_explode_dn ($value, 0) ;
$want = array ('uid') ;
$filter = $dn[0] ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$want = array ('uidNumber','uid') ;
$filter = $dn[0] ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
//searching for the admins gidnumber
$want = array ('gidnumber') ;
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=admins))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
//getting the members of admins group
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=" .$gidnumber . "))" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$administradores = array () ;
//testing that the selected user is an Admin
foreach ($administradores as $key => $value)
if (strcmp($value,$uid)==0 )
$existe = true ;
if ($existe && ldap_mod_del($ldap, $adminsgroup, $attrib))
printf(_("The user privileges have been removed (".$uid.")")." ");
printf(_("The user privileges haven't been removed (".$uid.")")." ");
printf(_("The user selected is not a member of Admin group (".$uid.")")." ");
break ;
case "userPromote":
$userToPromote = array () ;
$memberUid = '' ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 )
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter= '(&(objectClass=posixGroup))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $value, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
if ($entries[count])
for ($group = 0 ; $group < $entries[count] ; $group++)
$members = $entries[$group]['memberuid'] ;
for ($member = 0 ; $member < $members[count] ; $member++)
$memberUid .= '(uid=' . htmlspecialchars($members[$member]) . ')' ;
$userToPromote[] = $value ;
if (! empty ($memberUid))
$want = array () ;
$filter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|' . $memberUid . '))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
for ($dn = 0 ; $dn < $entries[count] ; $dn++)
$userToPromote[] =htmlspecialchars($entries[$dn]['dn']) ;
if (empty ($userToPromote))
printf (_("No users to promote")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('userToPromote', $userToPromote) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_promote.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userRemovePrivileges":
$privilegesToRemove = array () ;
$memberUid = '' ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 )
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter= '(&(objectClass=posixGroup))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $value, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
if ($entries["count"])
for ($group = 0 ; $group < $entries[count] ; $group++)
$members = $entries[$group]['memberuid'] ;
for ($member = 0 ; $member < $members[count] ; $member++)
$memberUid .= '(uid=' . htmlspecialchars($members[$member]) . ')' ;
$privilegesToRemove[] = $value ;
if (! empty ($memberUid))
$want = array () ;
$filter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|' . $memberUid . '))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
for ($dn = 0 ; $dn < $entries[count] ; $dn++)
$privilegesToRemove[] =htmlspecialchars($entries[$dn]['dn']) ;
if (empty ($privilegesToRemove))
printf (_("No users selected")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('privilegesToRemove', $privilegesToRemove) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_remove_privileges.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userReports":
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
$type=get_profile ($ldap,$admindn);
$smarty->assign ('type',$type) ;
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign('urls', array("llx_users.php?rep=s","llx_users.php?rep=t","llx_users.php?rep=o"));
$smarty->display ('llx_reports.tpl') ;
break ;
case "addGenericUsers":
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
$type=get_profile ($ldap,$admindn);
if ($type=='Admin')
$templates = parse_ini_file ("/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini", true);
foreach ($templates as $name => $fields)
$templname[] = $name ;
$smarty->assign ('templates',$templname) ;
$smarty->assign ('profiles',get_sabayon_list($ldap)) ;
$smarty->assign ('gid', readkey ('gid')) ;
$smarty->assign ('cn', readkey ('cn')) ;
$smarty->assign ('sn', readkey ('sn')) ;
$smarty->display ('llx_admin_group_add_users.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
break ;
case "createGenericUsers":
$gid = readKey('gid') ;
$gname = readKey('cn') ;
$gsurname = readKey('sn');
$template = readKey('template') ;
$profile = readKey('profile') ;
$prefix = readKey('prefix') ;
$number = readKey('number') ;
$formatpwd = readKey('formatpwd') ;
$pwdgen = readKey('pwdgen') ;
$groups = readKey('groups') ;
createUsers ($ldap, $gid, $gname, $template, $prefix, $number,$passrandom,$formatpwd,$pwdgen,$profile,$groups,$gsurname);
showGroup ($ldap, $gid);
break ;
case "logout":
$smarty->display ('admin_relogin.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userAddForm":
userAddForm () ;
break ;
* LLiureX Added
case "importLwat":
case "importGescen":
case "delallusers":
case "llx_host_add";
case "llx_host_del";
* LLiureX Added End
case "groupAddForm":
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
$type=get_profile ($ldap,$admindn);
if ($type=='Admin'){
$action ='\'addGroup&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&description=\' + description.value' ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_group_add.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
break ;
case "machineAddForm":
$action ='\'addHost&cn=\' + cn.value ';
$action .= ' + \'&domain=\' + domain.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&ipaddress=\' + ipaddress.value' ;
$action .= ' + \'&macaddress=\' + macaddress.value' ;
$target = '\'main\'' ;
$smarty->assign ('action', $action) ;
$smarty->assign ('target', $target) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_host_add.tpl') ;
break ;
case "groupSearch":
$searchFor=readKey('Name') ;
if ($searchFor <> "") showResult ($ldap, 'Group', $searchFor, '');
break ;
case "groupSearchForm":
$admindn =$_SESSION['usuario'];
$type=get_profile ($ldap,$admindn);
if ($type=='Profesor' || $type=='Admin'){
$smarty->display('admin_group_search.tpl') ;
printf (_("Sorry, you are not authorized") . " ") ;
break ;
case "userSearch":
$searchFor=readKey('Name') ;
if ($searchFor <> "") showResult ($ldap, 'User', $searchFor, readKey('searchDisabled')) ;
break ;
case "userSearchForm":
$result=ldap_search ($ldap, $base,
"(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(shadowFlag=1))",array () ) ;
$smarty->assign ('searchDisabled', ldap_count_entries ($ldap, $result)) ;
$smarty->display('admin_user_search.tpl') ;
break ;
case "showUser":
showUser ($ldap, readKey('text'));
break ;
case "userDelGroup":
$uid = readKey('uid') ;
userDelGroup ($ldap, $uid, readKey('gid'));
showUserGroups ($ldap, $uid);
$smarty->display('admin_user_show_group.tpl') ;
break ;
case "hostDelGroup":
$cn = readKey('cn') ;
hostDelGroup ($ldap, $cn, readKey('group'));
showHostGroups ($ldap, $cn);
$smarty->display('admin_host_show_group.tpl') ;
break ;
case "hostAddGroup":
$cn = readKey('cn') ;
hostAddGroup ($ldap, $cn, readKey('group'));
showHostGroups ($ldap, $cn);
$smarty->display('admin_host_show_group.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userAddGroup":
$uid = readKey('uid') ;
userAddGroup ($ldap, $uid, readKey('gid'));
showUserGroups ($ldap, $uid);
$smarty->display('admin_user_show_group.tpl') ;
break ;
case "changeUser":
changeUser ($ldap, readKey('uid'), readKey('cn'),readKey('profile'), readKey('sn'));
break ;
case "changeGroup":
changeGroup ($ldap, readKey('gid'), readKey('cn'), readKey('description'), (readKey('auth') == 'true'));
break ;
case "showGroup":
showGroup ($ldap,readKey('text'));
break ;
case "addUser":
$cn = readKey('cn') ;
$template = readKey('template') ;
$username = readKey ('username');
$profile = readKey ('profile');
$sn = readKey('sn') ;
addUser ($ldap, $cn, $template, $username,$profile,$sn);
break ;
case "groupDelete":
$groupToDelete = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$entry = ldap_explode_dn ($value, 1);
$groupToDelete[] = $entry[0] ;
if (empty ($groupToDelete)) {
printf (_("No groups to delete")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('groupToDelete', $groupToDelete) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_group_delete.tpl') ;
break ;
case "groupDoDelete":
$groupToDelete = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 )
$groupToDelete[] = $value ;
if (empty ($groupToDelete)) {
printf (_("No groups to delete")) ;
break ;
foreach ($groupToDelete as $cn ) {
$want = array ('cn') ;
$filter = '(&(|(objectClass=posixGroup)(member=*))(cn=' . $cn . '))' ; ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries[count] ; $i++) {
if (ldap_delete ($ldap, $entries[$i]["dn"]))
printf(_("Group %s deleted") . " ", $entries[$i]["dn"]) ;
break ;
case "userEnable":
$userToEnable = array () ;
$memberUid = '' ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter= '(&(objectClass=posixGroup))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $value, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
if ($entries[count])
for ($group = 0 ; $group < $entries[count] ; $group++) {
$members = htmlspecialchars($entries[$group]['memberuid']) ;
for ($member = 0 ; $member < $members[count] ; $member++) {
$memberUid .= '(uid=' . $members[$member] . ')' ;
else {
$userToEnable[] = $value ;
if (!empty ($memberUid)) {
$want = array () ;
$filter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|' . $memberUid . '))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
for ($dn = 0 ; $dn < $entries[count] ; $dn++)
$userToEnable[] =htmlspecialchars($entries[$dn]['dn']) ;
if (empty ($userToEnable)) {
printf (_("No users to enable")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('userToEnable', $userToEnable) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_enable.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userDoEnable":
$userToEnable = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$userToEnable[] = $value ;
if (empty ($userToEnable)) {
printf (_("No users to enable")) ;
break ;
$want = array ('cn') ;
foreach ($userToEnable as $value ) {
$enable['shadowFlag'] = '0' ;
$enable['loginShell'] = '/bin/bash' ;
$enable['sambaAcctFlags'] = '[U ]' ;
@ldap_modify ($ldap, $value, $enable);
break ;
case "userDisable":
$userToDisable = array () ;
$memberUid = '' ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter= '(&(objectClass=posixGroup))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $value, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
if ($entries[count])
for ($group = 0 ; $group < $entries[count] ; $group++) {
$members = htmlspecialchars($entries[$group]['memberuid']) ;
for ($member = 0 ; $member < $members[count] ; $member++) {
$memberUid .= '(uid=' . $members[$member] . ')' ;
else {
$userToDisable[] = $value ;
if (! empty ($memberUid)) {
$want = array () ;
$filter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|' . $memberUid . '))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
for ($dn = 0 ; $dn < $entries[count] ; $dn++)
$userToDisable[] =htmlspecialchars($entries[$dn]['dn']) ;
if (empty ($userToDisable)) {
printf (_("No users to disable")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('userToDisable', $userToDisable) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_disable.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userDoDisable":
$userToDisable = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$userToDisable[] = $value ;
if (empty ($userToDisable)) {
printf (_("No users to disable")) ;
break ;
$want = array ('cn') ;
foreach ($userToDisable as $value ) {
$disable['shadowFlag'] = '1' ;
$disable['loginShell'] = 'DISABLED!/bin/bash' ;
$disable['sambaAcctFlags'] = '[DU ]' ;
@ldap_modify ($ldap, $value, $disable);
break ;
case "userDelete":
$userToDelete = array () ;
$memberUid = '' ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 )
$want = array ('memberUid') ;
$filter= '(&(objectClass=posixGroup))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $value, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
if ($entries[count])
for ($group = 0 ; $group < $entries[count] ; $group++)
$members = $entries[$group]['memberuid'] ;
for ($member = 0 ; $member < $members[count] ; $member++)
$memberUid .= '(uid=' . htmlspecialchars($members[$member]) . ')' ;
$userToDelete[] = $value ;
if (! empty ($memberUid))
$want = array () ;
$filter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|' . $memberUid . '))' ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ;
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ;
for ($dn = 0 ; $dn < $entries[count] ; $dn++)
$userToDelete[] =htmlspecialchars($entries[$dn]['dn']) ;
if (empty ($userToDelete))
printf (_("No users to delete")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('userToDelete', $userToDelete) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_user_delete.tpl') ;
break ;
case "userDoDelete":
$userToDelete = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') == 0 )$userToDelete[] = $value ;
if (empty ($userToDelete))
printf (_("No users to delete")) ;
break ;
$userToDelete = array_splice($userToDelete,1);
foreach($userToDelete as $deluser)
// Clean uid for print
$deluser = split('=',$deluser);
$deluser = split(',',$deluser[1]);
printf (_("User ".$deluser[0]." has been deleted "));
break ;
case "addGroup":
addGroup ($ldap, readKey('cn'), readKey('description'));
break ;
case "changeHost":
changeHost ($ldap, readKey('cn'), readKey('domain'), readKey('ipaddress'), readKey('macaddress'), readKey ('sambaHost') == 'true');
break ;
case "addHost":
addHost ($ldap, readKey('cn'), readKey('domain'), readKey('ipaddress'), readKey('macaddress'));
break ;
case "getexport":
if ($name == "")
$export= "" ;
else {
$display = ldap_explode_dn (substr($root,0,strpos($root, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s:", $display[$display[count] - 2 ]) ;
for ($i = $display[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $display[$i]) ;
$export = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $name) ;
printf (' ', $export) ;
break ;
case "getUsername":
if ($cn == "") {
$username= "" ;
} else
$username = get_username ($ldap, $cn." ".$sn) ;
printf (' ', $username) ;
break ;
case "getdomainandip":
if ($cn == "")
$hostIP= "" ;
if ($domain == "")
$hostIP = gethostbyname ($cn) ;
$hostIP = gethostbyname ($cn . "." . $domain . ".") ;
if ($domain == "")
$fullname = @strtolower(gethostbyaddr ($hostIP)) ;
$pos = strpos ($fullname, $cn) ;
if ($pos === false)
$domain = "" ;
$domain = substr ($fullname, strlen($cn) + 1) ;
if ($hostIP == $cn)
$hostIP = "" ;
printf ('');
break ;
case "newPassSet":
$filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=" . readKey('uid') . "))";
$want = array ('objectClass', 'uid', 'cn') ;
$result= ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
$newpw = readkey('newpw') ;
$userGroup = readKey('userGroup');
$cryptpw = cryptgen ($newpw);
$sambahash = new smbHash () ;
$info = array ();
$info["userPassword"][] = $cryptpw ;
if (in_array("sambaSamAccount", $entries[0]["objectclass"]) !== false)
$info["sambaLMPassword"][] = $sambahash->lmhash($newpw) ;
$info["sambaNTPassword"][] = $sambahash->nthash($newpw);
$result = @ldap_modify ($ldap,$entries[0]["dn"],$info) ;
if ($result)
printf(''._("Changed password for %s ( %s ) to %s .").'
',$entries[0]['uid'][0],$entries[0]['cn'][0], $newpw );
llxUserSync("passwd", $entries[0]['dn'],$newpw,$userGroup);
$ldaperr = ldap_errno ($ldap) ;
switch ($ldaperr)
case 50:
printf (''._("Sorry, you are not allowed to change password for %s (%s)".'
'),$entries[0]['uid'][0], $entries[0]['cn'][0]) ;
break ;
reportLdapError ($ldaperr, "Changing password") ;
showUser ($ldap, $entries[0]['uid'][0]);
break ;
case "newPassAsk":
$uid=readKey('uid') ;
// printf (' ') ;
printf ('') ;
break ;
case "machineSearchForm":
$smarty->display('admin_machine_search.tpl') ;
break ;
case "machineSearch":
$searchFor=readKey('Name') ;
if ($searchFor <> "") showResult ($ldap, 'Hosts', $searchFor, '');
break ;
case "showHost":
showHost ($ldap, readKey('text'));
break ;
case "hostsDelete":
$hostToDelete = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$hostToDelete[] = $value ;
if (empty ($hostToDelete)) {
printf (_("No hosts to delete")) ;
break ;
$smarty->assign ('hostToDelete', $hostToDelete) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_host_delete.tpl') ;
break ;
case "automountdetail":
autoMountDetail (readKey ("dn")) ;
break ;
case "automount":
autoMount (readKey ("ou")) ;
break ;
case "hostsDoDelete":
$hostToDelete = array () ;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, 'checked_') === 0 ) {
$hostToDelete[] = $value ;
if (empty ($hostToDelete)) {
printf (_("No hosts to delete")) ;
break ;
$want = array ('nisNetGroupTriple', 'cn') ;
foreach ($hostToDelete as $value ) {
$dn = ldap_explode_dn ($value, 1) ;
$filter = "nisNetGroupTriple=*" ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $netgroupbase, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $entries[count] ; $i++) {
if (in_array ('(' . $dn[0] . ',-,-)', $entries[$i]["nisnetgrouptriple"]))
hostDelGroup ($ldap, $dn[0], $entries[$i]["cn"][0]) ;
ldap_delete ($ldap, $value) ;
break ;
case "amountdel":
$dn=readkey("dn") ;
$dnarray = ldap_explode_dn (substr($dn,0,strpos($dn, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
$dnstr = "" ;
for ($i = $dnarray[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$dnstr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $dnstr, $dnarray[$i]) ;
$filter = "objectCLass=*" ;
$want = array ("dn", "objectClass") ;
$result = ldap_search ($ldap, $dn, $filter, $want);
$entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result);
if ($entries[count] > 1)
printf (_("Sorry, you need to delete all child mountpoints and shares before deleting the mountpoint %s"), $dnstr);
elseif (readkey('Confirm') == "yes") {
ldap_delete ($ldap, $dn) ;
$cn = "cn=" . substr ($dn, 3) ;
@ldap_delete ($ldap, $cn) ;
$viewdn=substr ($dn, strpos($cn, ',ou=') +1) ;
if ($viewdn == $automountbase) {
$cn=sprintf ("cn=/%s,ou=auto.master,%s",
substr ($dn, 3, strpos($cn, ',ou=') - 3), $viewdn) ;
@ldap_delete ($ldap, $cn) ;
$viewdn = "" ;
automount ($viewdn) ;
} else {
$smarty->assign ('deldn', $dn) ;
$smarty->assign ('delstr', $dnstr) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_automount_delete.tpl') ;
break ;
case "amountpoint":
$root=readkey("root") ;
$displaystr = "" ;
$display = ldap_explode_dn (substr($root,0,strpos($root, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
for ($i = $display[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $display[$i]) ;
$smarty->assign ('title', sprintf (_("Sharename under %s/"), $displaystr )) ;
$smarty->assign ('parent' , $root) ;
$smarty->assign ('options', 'rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr') ;
$smarty->display ('admin_automount_edit.tpl');
break ;
case "amountadd":
$root=readkey("root") ;
$add=readkey("name") ;
$export=readkey("export") ;
$options = readkey ('options') ;
if (!empty($add)) {
if (empty($root)) {
$add = sprintf ("/%s", $add) ;
$info["objectClass"] = Array("top","Automount");
$info["cn"] = $add ;
$info["Description"] = sprintf ("%s mount point", $add) ;
$addou=explode("/", $add) ;
$newbase = $automountbase ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count ($addou); $i++)
if (!empty($addou[$i])) {
$newbase = sprintf ("ou=%s,%s", $addou[$i],$newbase) ;
$lastou = $addou[$i] ;
$info["automountInformation"] = sprintf ("ldap:%s", $newbase) ;
$dn = sprintf("cn=%s,ou=auto.master,%s", $add, $automountbase) ;
@ldap_add ($ldap, $dn, $info) ;
unset ($info) ;
$info["objectClass"] = array ("top", "organizationalUnit") ;
$info["ou"] = $lastou ;
$info["description"] = sprintf ("holder for %s mount point", $add) ;
@ldap_add ($ldap, $newbase, $info) ;
$dn = sprintf ("ou=%s,%s", substr($add,1), $automountbase) ;
} elseif (empty($export) && empty ($options)) {
$info["objectClass"] = Array("top","Automount");
$info["cn"] = $add ;
$info["automountInformation"] = sprintf ("-fstype=autofs ldap:ou=%s,%s", $add,$root) ;
$display = "" ;
$dn = sprintf("cn=%s,%s", $add, $root) ;
$display = ldap_explode_dn (substr($dn,0,strpos($dn, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
for ($i = $display[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $display[$i]) ;
$info["Description"] = sprintf ("%s submount point", $displaystr) ;
@ldap_add ($ldap, $dn, $info) ;
unset ($info) ;
$info["objectClass"] = Array("top","organizationalUnit");
$info["ou"] = $add ;
$info["Description"] = sprintf ("holder for %s submount point", $displaystr) ;
$dn = sprintf("ou=%s,%s", $add, $root) ;
@ldap_add ($ldap, $dn, $info) ;
} elseif (empty($export) || empty($options))
printf (_("Sorry, you need to enter both an exportpath and options to define a automount share")) ;
else {
$dn = sprintf("cn=%s,%s", $add, $root) ;
$info["objectClass"] = Array("top","Automount");
$info["cn"] = $add ;
$info["automountInformation"] = sprintf ("-%s %s", $options, $export) ;
$display = ldap_explode_dn (substr($dn,0,strpos($dn, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
for ($i = $display[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $display[$i]) ;
$info["Description"] = sprintf ("%s mount point", $displaystr) ;
@ldap_add ($ldap, $dn, $info) ;
autoMount ($dn) ;
} else {
if (empty($root)) {
$suggest = explode (".", $domain) ;
$count = count($suggest) ;
if ($count > 1)
$smarty->assign ('suggest', sprintf ("%s", $suggest[$count - 2])) ;
$smarty->assign ('suggest', $suggest=sprintf ("%s", $suggest[0])) ;
$smarty->assign ('title', _("New automount root")) ;
} else {
$displaystr = "" ;
$display = ldap_explode_dn (substr($root,0,strpos($root, $automountbase) - 1), 1) ;
for ($i = $display[count] ; $i-- > 0 ; )
$displaystr = sprintf ("%s/%s", $displaystr, $display[$i]) ;
$smarty->assign ('title', sprintf (_("New automount submount point under %s/"), $displaystr)) ;
$smarty->assign ('parent' , $root) ;
$smarty->display ('admin_automount_edit.tpl');
break ;
echo "Function not implemented (yet). This is som debug info:" ;
debug ($_POST);
break ;
ldap_close ($ldap);