BzzWare AS, Norway This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /*************************************************************************** * parse_samba_conf - parses the smb.conf on the machin lwat is running from * check_samba_conf - Check if samba is configured somewhat correctly * check_or_create - Check if some objects exists, or try to create them ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * parse_samba_conf - parses the smb.conf on the machin lwat is running from ***************************************************************************/ function parse_samba_conf () { $sambaconffile= @file ('/etc/samba/smb.conf') ; $section = "empty"; $sambaconf = array () ; if (empty ($sambaconffile)) return $sambaconf ; foreach ($sambaconffile as $lines) { $newline = trim ($lines) ; switch ($newline[0]) { case "#": case ";": case ""; break ; case "["; $section = strtolower(substr($newline, 1, strlen($newline) - 2)) ; $sambaconf[$section] = array () ; break ; default: list ($key, $value) = explode (" = ", $newline, 2); $sambaconf[$section][strtolower(trim ($key))] = trim ($value) ; break ; } } return $sambaconf ; } /*************************************************************************** * check_samba_conf - Check if samba is configured somewhat correctly ***************** * Arguments * ldap - ldap connection * base - search base for ldap queries * authenticated - True if there is already an authenticated connection * foundbase - If base is found in the ldap db * smbAdmPW - Samba Adminstrator password ***************** * return imidiatly if this function has already run * Set variable to remember that function already has run * Parse local samba config (may it can help us ...) * set up search for ldap information from ldapDB ***************************************************************************/ function check_samba ($ldap, $base, $authenticated, $foundbase = true, $smbAdmPW) { global $samba_checked, $ldaphost, $groupprefix, $hostprefix; if ($samba_checked) return ; $samba_checked = true ; $sambaconf = parse_samba_conf () ; $want = array ('sambaDomainName', 'sambaSID') ; $filter = ('objectClass=sambaDomain') ; $result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ; $entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ; $workgroup = $sambaconf["global"]["workgroup"] ; switch ($entries[count]) { case 1: $workgroup = $entries[0]['sambadomainname'][0] ; $sambaSID = $entries[0]['sambasid'][0] ; break ; } $ldapSambaAdmin = $sambaconf["global"]["ldap admin dn"] ; $want = array ("cn", "description") ; $filter = "(&(objectClass=simpleSecurityObject)(description=samba administrator))" ; $result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ; if ($result) { $entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ; $ldapSambaAdmin = $entries[0]["dn"]; $found = true ; } if (!$ldapSambaAdmin) { $ldapSambaAdmin = "cn=smbadmin,$base" ; $found=false ; } if ($found) { $want = array ("cn", "description") ; list ( $filter, $rest) = explode (",", $ldapSambaAdmin, 2) ; $result = ldap_search ($ldap, $rest, $filter, $want) ; if ($result) { $entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ; $ldapSambaAdmin = $entries[0]["dn"]; } else { unset ($entries) ; } if (!$ldapSambaAdmin) { $found=false ; } else $found=true ; } printf ("\n") ; printf ("
\n") ; printf ("Samba LDAP admin:\n"); if ($found) { printf ("%s\n", $ldapSambaAdmin) ; printf ("OK\n") ; printf ("\n"); if (empty ($smbAdmPW)) { printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n", $ldapSambaAdmin) ; printf ("", _("Generate new password")) ; } else printf ("Passwd: \n", $smbAdmPW) ; printf ("\n"); } elseif ($authenticated) { printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n", $ldapSambaAdmin) ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("", _("Create")) ; printf ("\n") ; } else { printf ("%s\n", _("Not found, please log in")); $foundbase = false ; } printf ("
\n") ; printf ("\n") ; $want = array("sambaDomainName", "sambaSID") ; $filter = "sambaDomainname=$workgroup" ; $result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ; if ($result) { $entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ; } else { unset ($entries) ; } printf ("\n") ; printf ("
\n") ; printf ("Samba Domain/SID:\n"); if ($entries[count]) { printf ("%s/%s\n", $entries[0]["sambadomainname"][0], $entries[0]["sambasid"][0]) ; printf ("OK\n") ; } elseif ($authenticated) { printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n", $workgroup) ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("", _("Create")) ; printf ("\n") ; } else { printf ("%s\n", _("Not found, please log in")); $foundbase = false ; } printf ("
\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("ldap config for /etc/samba/smb.conf\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://%s
\n", $ldaphost) ; printf ("ldap suffix = %s
\n", $base) ; printf ("ldap group suffix = %s
\n", $groupprefix) ; printf ("ldap machine suffix = %s
\n", $hostprefix) ; printf ("ldap admin dn = %s
\n", $ldapSambaAdmin) ; printf ("ldap ssl = start_tls
\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n") ; } /*************************************************************************** * check_or_create - Check if some objects exists, or try to create them ***************************************************************************/ function check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $check, $prompt, $authenticated, $foundbase = true) { printf ("\n") ; if (empty($check)) { printf ("%s:%s\n", $prompt, $base) ; $filter = substr ($base, 0, strpos ($base, ",")) ; } else { printf ("%s:%s\n", $prompt, $check) ; $filter = $check ; } $want = array(substr ($filter, 0, strpos ($filter, "="))) ; $result = ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ; if ($result) { $entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $result) ; } else { unset ($entries) ; } if (empty ($check)) $check = $base ; else $check = sprintf ("%s,%s", $check, $base) ; if ($entries[0]["dn"] == $check) printf ("OK\n") ; elseif (!$foundbase) printf ("no base, unable to check") ; elseif ($authenticated) { printf ("
\n") ; printf ("\n", $prompt) ; printf ("\n", $filter) ; printf ("\n", $check) ; printf ("", _("Create")) ; printf ("
\n") ; } else { printf ("%s\n", _("Not found, please log in")); $foundbase = false ; } printf ("\n") ; return $foundbase ; } require_once ('functions.php') ; require('/usr/share/php/smarty/Smarty.class.php') ; ob_start () ; loadConfig () ; loadLocale () ; session_start() ; $key = lwat_key () ; $ldap = lwat_ldap (); $authenticated = lwat_login ($ldap, readkey("admindn"), readkey ("adminpw"), $key) ; switch (readkey("create")) { case "base": $info["objectClass"] = array ("top", "dcObject", "organization") ; $info["o"] = $base ; $cn = array_slice (ldap_explode_dn($base,0), 1,1); $cn = explode ("=", $cn[0]) ; $info[$cn[0]] = $cn[1] ; ldap_add ($ldap, $base, $info) ; break ; case "groupprefix": case "authprefix": case "hostprefix": case "netgroupprefix": case "automountprefix": case "variablesprefix": case "From template": $info["objectClass"] = array ("top", "organizationalUnit") ; $value = explode ("=", readkey("value")) ; $info[$value[0]] = $value[1] ; if (!ldap_add ($ldap, readkey ("dn"), $info)) debug (array ('dn' => readkey("dn"), 'info' => $info)) ; break ; case "smbAdmPW": $sambaAdmin = readkey ('sambaAdmin') ; $smbAdmPW = pwgen () ; $info["userPassword"] = cryptgen($smbAdmPW) ; if (!ldap_modify ($ldap, "$sambaAdmin", $info)) debug (array ('dn' => "cn=$sambaAdmin", 'info' => $info)) ; break ; case "ldapSambaAdmin": $smbAdmPW = pwgen () ; $info["objectClass"] = array ("top", "organizationalRole", "simpleSecurityObject") ; $sambaAdmin = readkey ("sambaAdmin") ; $info["description"] = "Samba Administrator" ; $info["userPassword"] = cryptgen($smbAdmPW) ; $info["cn"] = substr($sambaAdmin, 3, strpos ($sambaAdmin, "," ) - 3) ; if (!ldap_add ($ldap, "$sambaAdmin", $info)) debug (array ('dn' => "cn=$sambaAdmin", 'info' => $info)) ; break ; case "sambaDomainName": $info["objectClass"] = array ("sambaDomain") ; $info["sambaAlgorithmicRidbase"] = "1000" ; $domainName = readkey ("domainName") ; $info["sambaDomainName"] = $domainName ; $info["sambaSID"] = readkey ("sid"); if (!ldap_add ($ldap, "sambaDomainName=$domainName,$base", $info)) debug (array ('dn' => "sambaDomainName=$domainName,$base", 'info' => $info)) ; break ; case "": break ; default: debug ($_POST) ; } $want = array (dn) ; $basedn = (ldap_explode_dn ($base, 0)) ; printf ("\n") ; $foundbase = check_or_create ($ldap, $base, "", "base", $authenticated) ; if (isset ($groupprefix)) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $groupprefix, "groupprefix", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; if ($useLisGroup === false && isset ($authprefix)) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $authprefix, "authprefix", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; if (isset ($hostprefix)) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $hostprefix, "hostprefix", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; if (isset ($netgroupprefix)) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $netgroupprefix, "netgroupprefix", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; printf ("\n", ($useLisGroup ? "true" : "false") ) ; if (isset ($variablesprefix)) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $variablesprefix, "variablesprefix", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; if (isset ($automountprefix)) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, $automountprefix, "automountprefix", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; $templates = parse_ini_file ('/etc/lliurex-lwat/admin.ini', true) ; foreach ($templates as $name => $template) { $found=strpos ($template["objectClass"], "sambaSamAccount") ; if ($found !== false) check_samba ($ldap, $base, $authenticated, $foundbase, $smbAdmPW) ; } foreach ($templates as $name => $template) { $found=strpos ($template["ou"], ",%base%") ; if ($found !== false) check_or_create ($ldap, $base, substr ($template["ou"], 0,$found), "From template", $authenticated, $foundbase) ; } printf ("
useLisGroup: %s
\n") ; printf ("
\n") ; $foundadmin = $authenticated ; while (!$foundadmin && !empty($base)) { $filter = "objectClass=simpleSecurityObject" ; $want = array ("cn") ; $result = @ldap_search ($ldap, $base, $filter, $want) ; if ($result) $foundadmin=true ; else { $base = ldap_explode_dn ($base,0) ; array_splice ($base, 0,2) ; $base = implode (",", $base) ; } } if (!$authenticated && $foundadmin) { printf ("\n", $base) ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("\n"); printf ("\n"); printf ("\n", _("Login"), _("Reset")); printf ("
") ; printf ("
\n") ; } ldap_close ($ldap); ?>