#!/bin/bash export TEXTDOMAIN="zero-lliurex-cmaptools" MSG_MENSAJE=$(gettext "This program doesn't work properly with compiz visual effects. To change it, Right button on Desktop, Change Desktop Background, Visual Effects, None") MSG_OK=$(gettext "Continue") MSG_CANCEL=$(gettext "Exit") advertisement=$(gettext "VERY IMPORTANT \nThe installation program prompts you for the folder where to install the software CmapTools.\n(By default, /root/IHMC_CmapTools)\nTo function properly you need to change the installation to the folder:\n") if [ `ps -C "compiz" | grep "compiz" | wc -l` -gt '0' ]; then zenity --question --text="$MSG_MENSAJE" --ok-label="$MSG_OK" --cancel-label="$MSG_CANCEL" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then exit 0 fi fi zenity --warning --text="$advertisement$HOME/IHMC_CmapTools" /usr/bin/LinuxCmapTools.bin zero-sqlmanager -s zero-lliurex-cmaptools 1 exit 0