'en-iso-8859-1', 'AllowAnywhereRecoding' => FALSE); // Loads the language file require_once('./libraries/select_lang.lib.php'); // Sends the Content-Type header header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset); // Displays the error message ?> phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin -


strlen($key))&&(substr($size, strlen($size) - strlen($key))==$key)) { $size = substr($size, 0, strlen($size) - strlen($key)) * $scan[$key]; break; } } return $size; } // end function if (!$filesize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) { $filesize = "5M"; } $max_upload_size = get_real_size($filesize); if ($postsize = ini_get('post_max_size')) { $postsize = get_real_size($postsize); if ($postsize < $max_upload_size) { $max_upload_size = $postsize; } } unset($filesize); unset($postsize); /** * other functions for maximum upload work */ /** * Displays the maximum size for an upload * * @param integer the size * * @return string the message * * @access public */ function PMA_displayMaximumUploadSize($max_upload_size) { list($max_size, $max_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($max_upload_size); return '(' . sprintf($GLOBALS['strMaximumSize'], $max_size, $max_unit) . ')'; } /** * Generates a hidden field which should indicate to the browser * the maximum size for upload * * @param integer the size * * @return string the INPUT field * * @access public */ function PMA_generateHiddenMaxFileSize($max_size){ return ''; } /** * Charset conversion. */ require_once('./libraries/charset_conversion.lib.php'); } if ($is_minimum_common == FALSE) { /** * String handling */ require_once('./libraries/string.lib.php'); } // If zlib output compression is set in the php configuration file, no // output buffering should be run if (@ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { $cfg['OBGzip'] = FALSE; } // disable output-buffering (if set to 'auto') for IE6, else enable it. if (strtolower($cfg['OBGzip']) == 'auto') { if (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER >= 6 && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 7) { $cfg['OBGzip'] = FALSE; } else { $cfg['OBGzip'] = TRUE; } } if ($is_minimum_common == FALSE) { /** * Include URL/hidden inputs generating. */ require_once('./libraries/url_generating.lib.php'); /** * Loads the mysql extensions if it is not loaded yet */ if (!@function_exists('mysql_connect')) { PMA_dl('mysql'); } // check whether mysql is available if (!@function_exists('mysql_connect')) { if (empty($is_header_sent)) { require_once('./libraries/header_http.inc.php'); } echo $strCantLoadMySQL . '
' . "\n" . '' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . '' . "\n"; exit(); } /** * Now that we know that MySQL is loaded, we can determine the MySQL * client API version */ if (!defined('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API')) { if (function_exists('mysql_get_client_info')) { $client_api = explode('.', mysql_get_client_info()); define('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API', (int)sprintf('%d%02d%02d', $client_api[0], $client_api[1], intval($client_api[2]))); unset($client_api); } else { define('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API', 32332); // always expect the worst... } } /** * Add slashes before "'" and "\" characters so a value containing them can * be used in a sql comparison. * * @param string the string to slash * @param boolean whether the string will be used in a 'LIKE' clause * (it then requires two more escaped sequences) or not * @param boolean whether to treat cr/lfs as escape-worthy entities * (converts \n to \\n, \r to \\r) * * @return string the slashed string * * @access public */ function PMA_sqlAddslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE, $crlf = FALSE) { if ($is_like) { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string); } else { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string); } if ($crlf) { $a_string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\r", '\r', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\t", '\t', $a_string); } $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string); return $a_string; } // end of the 'PMA_sqlAddslashes()' function /** * Add slashes before "_" and "%" characters for using them in MySQL * database, table and field names. * Note: This function does not escape backslashes! * * @param string the string to escape * * @return string the escaped string * * @access public */ function PMA_escape_mysql_wildcards($name) { $name = str_replace('_', '\\_', $name); $name = str_replace('%', '\\%', $name); return $name; } // end of the 'PMA_escape_mysql_wildcards()' function /** * format sql strings * * @param mixed pre-parsed SQL structure * * @return string the formatted sql * * @global array the configuration array * @global boolean whether the current statement is a multiple one or not * * @access public * * @author Robin Johnson */ function PMA_formatSql($parsed_sql, $unparsed_sql = '') { global $cfg; // Check that we actually have a valid set of parsed data // well, not quite // first check for the SQL parser having hit an error if (PMA_SQP_isError()) { return $parsed_sql; } // then check for an array if (!is_array($parsed_sql)) { // We don't so just return the input directly // This is intended to be used for when the SQL Parser is turned off $formatted_sql = '
' . "\n"
                            . (($cfg['SQP']['fmtType'] == 'none' && $unparsed_sql != '') ? $unparsed_sql : $parsed_sql) . "\n"
                            . '
'; return $formatted_sql; } $formatted_sql = ''; switch ($cfg['SQP']['fmtType']) { case 'none': if ($unparsed_sql != '') { $formatted_sql = "
\n" . PMA_SQP_formatNone(array('raw' => $unparsed_sql)) . "\n
"; } else { $formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatNone($parsed_sql); } break; case 'html': $formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql,'color'); break; case 'text': //$formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatText($parsed_sql); $formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql,'text'); break; default: break; } // end switch return $formatted_sql; } // end of the "PMA_formatSql()" function /** * Displays a link to the official MySQL documentation * * @param chapter of "HTML, one page per chapter" documentation * @param contains name of page/anchor that is being linked * * @return string the html link * * @access public */ function PMA_showMySQLDocu($chapter, $link) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['MySQLManualBase'])) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['MySQLManualType'])) { switch ($GLOBALS['cfg']['MySQLManualType']) { case 'old': return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; case 'chapters': return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; case 'big': return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; case 'none': return ''; case 'searchable': default: return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; } } else { // no Type defined, show the old one return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; } } else { // no URL defined if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['ManualBaseShort'])) { // the old configuration return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; } else { return ''; } } } // end of the 'PMA_showDocu()' function /** * Displays a MySQL error message in the right frame. * * @param string the error mesage * @param string the sql query that failed * @param boolean whether to show a "modify" link or not * @param string the "back" link url (full path is not required) * @param boolean EXIT the page? * * @global array the configuration array * * @access public */ function PMA_mysqlDie($error_message = '', $the_query = '', $is_modify_link = TRUE, $back_url = '', $exit = TRUE) { global $cfg, $table, $db, $sql_query; require_once('./header.inc.php'); if (!$error_message) { $error_message = PMA_mysql_error(); } if (!$the_query && !empty($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) { $the_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query']; } // --- Added to solve bug #641765 // Robbat2 - 12 January 2003, 9:46PM // Revised, Robbat2 - 13 Janurary 2003, 2:59PM if (!function_exists('PMA_SQP_isError') || PMA_SQP_isError()) { $formatted_sql = htmlspecialchars($the_query); } else { $formatted_sql = PMA_formatSql(PMA_SQP_parse($the_query), $the_query); } // --- echo '

'. $GLOBALS['strError'] . '

' . "\n"; // if the config password is wrong, or the MySQL server does not // respond, do not show the query that would reveal the // username/password if (!empty($the_query) && !strstr($the_query, 'connect')) { // --- Added to solve bug #641765 // Robbat2 - 12 January 2003, 9:46PM // Revised, Robbat2 - 13 Janurary 2003, 2:59PM if (function_exists('PMA_SQP_isError') && PMA_SQP_isError()) { echo PMA_SQP_getErrorString(); } // --- echo '

' . "\n"; echo ' ' . $GLOBALS['strSQLQuery'] . ' : ' . "\n"; if ($is_modify_link && isset($db)) { echo ' [' . '' . $GLOBALS['strEdit'] . '' . ']' . "\n"; } // end if echo '

' . "\n" . '

' . "\n" . ' ' . $formatted_sql . "\n" . '

' . "\n"; } // end if if (!empty($error_message)) { $error_message = htmlspecialchars($error_message); $error_message = preg_replace("@((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)){3,}@", "\n\n", $error_message); } echo '

' . "\n" . ' ' . $GLOBALS['strMySQLSaid'] . '
' . "\n" . '

' . "\n"; // The error message will be displayed within a CODE segment. // To preserve original formatting, but allow wordwrapping, we do a couple of replacements // Replace all non-single blanks with their HTML-counterpart $error_message = str_replace(' ', '  ', $error_message); // Replace TAB-characters with their HTML-counterpart $error_message = str_replace("\t", '    ', $error_message); // Replace linebreaks $error_message = nl2br($error_message); echo '' . "\n" . $error_message . "\n" . '

' . "\n"; echo PMA_showMySQLDocu('Error-returns', 'Error-returns'); if (!empty($back_url) && $exit) { echo ' ยท [' . $GLOBALS['strBack'] . ']'; } echo "\n"; if ($exit) { require_once('./footer.inc.php'); } } // end of the 'PMA_mysqlDie()' function /** * Defines whether a string exists inside an array or not * * @param string string to search for * @param mixed array to search into * * @return integer the rank of the $toFind string in the array or '-1' if * it hasn't been found * * @access public */ function PMA_isInto($toFind = '', &$in) { $max = count($in); for ($i = 0; $i < $max && ($toFind != $in[$i]); $i++) { // void(); } return ($i < $max) ? $i : -1; } // end of the 'PMA_isInto()' function } /** * Get the complete list of Databases a user can access * * @param boolean whether to include check on failed 'only_db' operations * @param ressource database handle (superuser) * @param integer amount of databases inside the 'only_db' container * @param ressource possible ressource from a failed previous query * @param ressource database handle (user) * @param array configuration * @param array previous list of databases * * @return array all databases a user has access to * * @access private */ function PMA_safe_db_list($only_db_check, $dbh, $dblist_cnt, $rs, $userlink, $cfg, $dblist) { if ($only_db_check == FALSE) { // ... first checks whether the "safe_show_database" is on or not // (if MYSQL supports this) $is_safe_show_dbs = FALSE; if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40002) { $is_safe_show_dbs = 'ON'; } else { $local_query = 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'safe\\_show\\_database\''; $rs = PMA_mysql_query($local_query, $dbh); // Debug: or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE); $is_safe_show_dbs = ($rs) ? @PMA_mysql_result($rs, 0, 'Value') : FALSE; mysql_free_result($rs); } // ... and if on, try to get the available dbs list if ($is_safe_show_dbs && strtoupper($is_safe_show_dbs) != 'OFF') { $uva_alldbs = mysql_list_dbs($userlink); while ($uva_row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($uva_alldbs)) { $dblist[] = $uva_row[0]; } // end while $dblist_cnt = count($dblist); unset($uva_alldbs); } // end if ($is_safe_show_dbs) // ... else checks for available databases in the "mysql" db if (!$dblist_cnt) { $auth_query = 'SELECT User, Select_priv ' . 'FROM mysql.user ' . 'WHERE User = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($cfg['Server']['user']) . '\''; $rs = PMA_mysql_query($auth_query, $dbh); // Debug: or PMA_mysqlDie('', $auth_query, FALSE); } // end } // Access to "mysql" db allowed and dblist still empty -> gets the // usable db list if (!$dblist_cnt && ($rs && @mysql_numrows($rs))) { $row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); // Correction uva 19991215 // Previous code assumed database "mysql" admin table "db" column // "db" contains literal name of user database, and works if so. // Mysql usage generally (and uva usage specifically) allows this // column to contain regular expressions (we have all databases // owned by a given student/faculty/staff beginning with user i.d. // and governed by default by a single set of privileges with // regular expression as key). This breaks previous code. // This maintenance is to fix code to work correctly for regular // expressions. if ($row['Select_priv'] != 'Y') { // 1. get allowed dbs from the "mysql.db" table // lem9: User can be blank (anonymous user) $local_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT Db FROM mysql.db WHERE Select_priv = \'Y\' AND (User = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($cfg['Server']['user']) . '\' OR User = \'\')'; $rs = PMA_mysql_query($local_query, $dbh); // Debug: or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE); if ($rs && @mysql_numrows($rs)) { // Will use as associative array of the following 2 code // lines: // the 1st is the only line intact from before // correction, // the 2nd replaces $dblist[] = $row['Db']; $uva_mydbs = array(); // Code following those 2 lines in correction continues // populating $dblist[], as previous code did. But it is // now populated with actual database names instead of // with regular expressions. while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { // loic1: all databases cases - part 1 if (empty($row['Db']) || $row['Db'] == '%') { $uva_mydbs['%'] = 1; break; } // loic1: avoid multiple entries for dbs if (!isset($uva_mydbs[$row['Db']])) { $uva_mydbs[$row['Db']] = 1; } } // end while mysql_free_result($rs); $uva_alldbs = mysql_list_dbs($dbh); // loic1: all databases cases - part 2 if (isset($uva_mydbs['%'])) { while ($uva_row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($uva_alldbs)) { $dblist[] = $uva_row[0]; } // end while } // end if else { while ($uva_row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($uva_alldbs)) { $uva_db = $uva_row[0]; if (isset($uva_mydbs[$uva_db]) && $uva_mydbs[$uva_db] == 1) { $dblist[] = $uva_db; $uva_mydbs[$uva_db] = 0; } else if (!isset($dblist[$uva_db])) { foreach($uva_mydbs AS $uva_matchpattern => $uva_value) { // loic1: fixed bad regexp // TODO: db names may contain characters // that are regexp instructions $re = '(^|(\\\\\\\\)+|[^\])'; $uva_regex = ereg_replace($re . '%', '\\1.*', ereg_replace($re . '_', '\\1.{1}', $uva_matchpattern)); // Fixed db name matching // 2000-08-28 -- Benjamin Gandon if (ereg('^' . $uva_regex . '$', $uva_db)) { $dblist[] = $uva_db; break; } } // end while } // end if ... else if.... } // end while } // end else mysql_free_result($uva_alldbs); unset($uva_mydbs); } // end if // 2. get allowed dbs from the "mysql.tables_priv" table $local_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT Db FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE Table_priv LIKE \'%Select%\' AND User = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($cfg['Server']['user']) . '\''; $rs = PMA_mysql_query($local_query, $dbh); // Debug: or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE); if ($rs && @mysql_numrows($rs)) { while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { if (PMA_isInto($row['Db'], $dblist) == -1) { $dblist[] = $row['Db']; } } // end while mysql_free_result($rs); } // end if } // end if } // end building available dbs from the "mysql" db return $dblist; } /** * Determines the font sizes to use depending on the os and browser of the * user. * * This function is based on an article from phpBuilder (see * http://www.phpbuilder.net/columns/tim20000821.php). * * @return boolean always true * * @global string the standard font size * @global string the font size for titles * @global string the small font size * @global string the smallest font size * * @access public * * @version 1.1 */ function PMA_setFontSizes() { global $font_size, $font_biggest, $font_bigger, $font_smaller, $font_smallest; // IE (<6)/Opera (<7) for win case: needs smaller fonts than anyone else if (PMA_USR_OS == 'Win' && ((PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 6) || (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'OPERA' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 7))) { $font_size = 'x-small'; $font_biggest = 'large'; $font_bigger = 'medium'; $font_smaller = '90%'; $font_smallest = '7pt'; } // IE6 and other browsers for win case else if (PMA_USR_OS == 'Win') { $font_size = 'small'; $font_biggest = 'large'; $font_bigger = 'medium'; $font_smaller = (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE') ? '90%' : 'x-small'; $font_smallest = 'x-small'; } // Some mac browsers need also smaller default fonts size (OmniWeb & // Opera)... // and a beta version of Safari did also, but not the final 1.0 version // so I remove || PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'SAFARI' // but we got a report that Safari 1.0 build 85.5 needs it! else if (PMA_USR_OS == 'Mac' && (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'OMNIWEB' || PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'OPERA' || PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'SAFARI')) { $font_size = 'x-small'; $font_biggest = 'large'; $font_bigger = 'medium'; $font_smaller = '90%'; $font_smallest = '7pt'; } // ... but most of them (except IE 5+ & NS 6+) need bigger fonts else if ((PMA_USR_OS == 'Mac' && ((PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT != 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT != 'MOZILLA') || PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 5)) || PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'KONQUEROR') { $font_size = 'medium'; $font_biggest = 'x-large'; $font_bigger = 'large'; $font_smaller = 'small'; $font_smallest = 'x-small'; } // OS/2 browser else if (PMA_USR_OS == 'OS/2' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'OPERA') { $font_size = 'small'; $font_biggest = 'medium'; $font_bigger = 'medium'; $font_smaller = 'x-small'; $font_smallest = 'x-small'; } else { $font_size = 'small'; $font_biggest = 'large'; $font_bigger = 'medium'; $font_smaller = 'x-small'; $font_smallest = 'x-small'; } return TRUE; } // end of the 'PMA_setFontSizes()' function if ($is_minimum_common == FALSE) { /** * $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] is a required directive else cookies won't be * set properly and, depending on browsers, inserting or updating a * record might fail */ $display_pmaAbsoluteUri_warning = 0; // Olivier: Setup a default value to let the people and lazy syadmins // work anyway, but display a big warning on the main.php // page. if (empty($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'])) { if (!empty($_SERVER)) { $SERVER_ARRAY = '_SERVER'; } else { $SERVER_ARRAY = 'GLOBALS'; } // end if if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTP_HOST'])) { $HTTP_HOST = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTP_HOST']; } if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTPS'])) { $HTTPS = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTPS']; } if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['SERVER_PORT'])) { $SERVER_PORT = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['SERVER_PORT']; } if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['REQUEST_URI'])) { $REQUEST_URI = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['REQUEST_URI']; } if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['PATH_INFO'])) { $PATH_INFO = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['PATH_INFO']; } if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTP_SCHEME'])) { $HTTP_SCHEME = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTP_SCHEME']; } if (!empty($HTTP_SCHEME)) { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = $HTTP_SCHEME . '://'; } else { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = ((!empty($HTTPS) && strtolower($HTTPS) != 'off') ? 'https' : 'http') . '://'; } $port_in_HTTP_HOST = (strpos($HTTP_HOST, ':') > 0); $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] .= $HTTP_HOST; // if $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] is empty and port == 80 or port == 443, do not add ":80" or ":443" // to the generated URL -> prevents a double password query in case of http authentication. if (!(!$port_in_HTTP_HOST && !empty($SERVER_PORT) && ($SERVER_PORT == 80 || $SERVER_PORT == 443))) { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] .= ((!empty($SERVER_PORT) && !$port_in_HTTP_HOST) ? ':' . $SERVER_PORT : ''); } // rabus: if php is in CGI mode, $PHP_SELF often contains the path to the CGI executable. // This is why we try to get the path from $REQUEST_URI or $PATH_INFO first. if (isset($REQUEST_URI)) { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] .= substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, '/') + 1); } else if (isset($PATH_INFO)) { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] .= substr($PATH_INFO, 0, strrpos($PATH_INFO, '/') + 1); } else { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] .= substr($PHP_SELF, 0, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '/') + 1); } // We display the warning by default, but not if it is disabled thru // via the $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] variable. // This is intended for sysadmins that actually want the default // behaviour of auto-detection due to their setup. // See the mailing list message: // http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=859093&forum_id=2141 if ($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] == FALSE) { $display_pmaAbsoluteUri_warning = 1; } } else { // The URI is specified, however users do often specify this // wrongly, so we try to fix this. // Adds a trailing slash et the end of the phpMyAdmin uri if it // does not exist. if (substr($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'], -1) != '/') { $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] .= '/'; } // If URI doesn't start with http:// or https://, we will add // this. if (substr($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'], 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'], 0, 8) != 'https://') { if (!empty($_SERVER)) { $SERVER_ARRAY = '_SERVER'; } else { $SERVER_ARRAY = 'GLOBALS'; } // end if if (isset(${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTPS'])) { $HTTPS = ${$SERVER_ARRAY}['HTTPS']; } $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = ((!empty($HTTPS) && strtolower($HTTPS) != 'off') ? 'https' : 'http') . ':' . (substr($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'], 0, 2) == '//' ? '' : '//') . $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri']; } } /** * Use mysql_connect() or mysql_pconnect()? */ $connect_func = ($cfg['PersistentConnections']) ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect'; $dblist = array(); /** * Gets the valid servers list and parameters */ foreach($cfg['Servers'] AS $key => $val) { // Don't use servers with no hostname if ( ($val['connect_type'] == 'tcp') && empty($val['host'])) { unset($cfg['Servers'][$key]); } // Final solution to bug #582890 // If we are using a socket connection // and there is nothing in the verbose server name // or the host field, then generate a name for the server // in the form of "Server 2", localized of course! if ( ($val['connect_type'] == 'socket') && empty($val['host']) && empty($val['verbose']) ) { $cfg['Servers'][$key]['verbose'] = sprintf($GLOBALS['strServer'], $key); $val['verbose'] = sprintf($GLOBALS['strServer'],$key); } } if (empty($server) || !isset($cfg['Servers'][$server]) || !is_array($cfg['Servers'][$server])) { $server = $cfg['ServerDefault']; } /** * If no server is selected, make sure that $cfg['Server'] is empty (so * that nothing will work), and skip server authentication. * We do NOT exit here, but continue on without logging into any server. * This way, the welcome page will still come up (with no server info) and * present a choice of servers in the case that there are multiple servers * and '$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 0' is set. */ if ($server == 0) { $cfg['Server'] = array(); } /** * Otherwise, set up $cfg['Server'] and do the usual login stuff. */ else if (isset($cfg['Servers'][$server])) { $cfg['Server'] = $cfg['Servers'][$server]; // Check how the config says to connect to the server $server_port = (empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) ? '' : ':' . $cfg['Server']['port']; if (strtolower($cfg['Server']['connect_type']) == 'tcp') { $cfg['Server']['socket'] = ''; } $server_socket = (empty($cfg['Server']['socket'])) ? '' : ':' . $cfg['Server']['socket']; if (PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API >= 32349) { $client_flags = $cfg['Server']['compress'] && defined('MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS') ? MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS : 0; } // Gets the authentication library that fits the $cfg['Server'] settings // and run authentication // (for a quick check of path disclosure in auth/cookies:) $coming_from_common = TRUE; require_once('./libraries/auth/' . $cfg['Server']['auth_type'] . '.auth.lib.php'); if (!PMA_auth_check()) { PMA_auth(); } else { PMA_auth_set_user(); } // Check IP-based Allow/Deny rules as soon as possible to reject the // user // Based on mod_access in Apache: // http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/httpd-2.0/modules/aaa/mod_access.c?rev=1.37&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup // Look at: "static int check_dir_access(request_rec *r)" // Robbat2 - May 10, 2002 if (isset($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']) && isset($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'])) { require_once('./libraries/ip_allow_deny.lib.php'); $allowDeny_forbidden = FALSE; // default if ($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'] == 'allow,deny') { $allowDeny_forbidden = TRUE; if (PMA_allowDeny('allow')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = FALSE; } if (PMA_allowDeny('deny')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = TRUE; } } else if ($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'] == 'deny,allow') { if (PMA_allowDeny('deny')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = TRUE; } if (PMA_allowDeny('allow')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = FALSE; } } else if ($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'] == 'explicit') { if (PMA_allowDeny('allow') && !PMA_allowDeny('deny')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = FALSE; } else { $allowDeny_forbidden = TRUE; } } // end if... else if... else if // Ejects the user if banished if ($allowDeny_forbidden) { PMA_auth_fails(); } unset($allowDeny_forbidden); //Clean up after you! } // end if // The user can work with only some databases if (isset($cfg['Server']['only_db']) && $cfg['Server']['only_db'] != '') { if (is_array($cfg['Server']['only_db'])) { $dblist = $cfg['Server']['only_db']; } else { $dblist[] = $cfg['Server']['only_db']; } } // end if $bkp_track_err = @ini_set('track_errors', 1); // Try to connect MySQL with the control user profile (will be used to // get the privileges list for the current user but the true user link // must be open after this one so it would be default one for all the // scripts) if ($cfg['Server']['controluser'] != '') { if (empty($client_flags)) { $dbh = @$connect_func( $cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $cfg['Server']['controluser'], $cfg['Server']['controlpass'] ); } else { $dbh = @$connect_func( $cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $cfg['Server']['controluser'], $cfg['Server']['controlpass'], FALSE, $client_flags ); } if ($dbh == FALSE) { if (PMA_mysql_error()) { $conn_error = PMA_mysql_error(); } else if (isset($php_errormsg)) { $conn_error = $php_errormsg; } else { $conn_error = 'Cannot connect: invalid settings.'; } $local_query = $connect_func . '(' . $cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket . ', ' . $cfg['Server']['controluser'] . ', ' . $cfg['Server']['controlpass'] . (empty($client_flags) ? '' : ', FALSE, ' . $client_flags) . ')'; require_once('./header.inc.php'); //PMA_mysqlDie($conn_error, $local_query, FALSE); PMA_mysqlDie($conn_error, '', FALSE); } // end if } // end if // Pass #1 of DB-Config to read in master level DB-Config will go here // Robbat2 - May 11, 2002 // Connects to the server (validates user's login) if (empty($client_flags)) { $userlink = @$connect_func( $cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $cfg['Server']['user'], $cfg['Server']['password'] ); } else { $userlink = @$connect_func( $cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $cfg['Server']['user'], $cfg['Server']['password'], FALSE, $client_flags ); } if ($userlink == FALSE) { PMA_auth_fails(); } // end if // Pass #2 of DB-Config to read in user level DB-Config will go here // Robbat2 - May 11, 2002 @ini_set('track_errors', $bkp_track_err); // If controluser isn't defined, use the current user settings to get // his rights if ($cfg['Server']['controluser'] == '') { $dbh = $userlink; } // Gets the mysql release number require_once('./libraries/defines_mysql.lib.php'); /** * SQL Parser code */ require_once('./libraries/sqlparser.lib.php'); /** * SQL Validator interface code */ require_once('./libraries/sqlvalidator.lib.php'); // if 'only_db' is set for the current user, there is no need to check for // available databases in the "mysql" db $dblist_cnt = count($dblist); if ($dblist_cnt) { $true_dblist = array(); $is_show_dbs = TRUE; $dblist_asterisk_bool = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $i < $dblist_cnt; $i++) { // The current position if ($dblist[$i] == '*' && $dblist_asterisk_bool == FALSE) { $dblist_asterisk_bool = TRUE; $dblist_full = PMA_safe_db_list(FALSE, $dbh, FALSE, $rs, $userlink, $cfg, $dblist); foreach($dblist_full AS $dbl_key => $dbl_val) { if (!in_array($dbl_val, $dblist)) { $true_dblist[] = $dbl_val; } } continue; } elseif ($dblist[$i] == '*') { // We don't want more than one asterisk inside our 'only_db'. continue; } if ($is_show_dbs && ereg('(^|[^\])(_|%)', $dblist[$i])) { $local_query = 'SHOW DATABASES LIKE \'' . $dblist[$i] . '\''; $rs = PMA_mysql_query($local_query, $dbh); // "SHOW DATABASES" statement is disabled if ($i == 0 && (PMA_mysql_error() && mysql_errno() == 1045)) { $true_dblist[] = str_replace('\\_', '_', str_replace('\\%', '%', $dblist[$i])); $is_show_dbs = FALSE; } // Debug // else if (PMA_mysql_error()) { // PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, FALSE); // } while ($row = @PMA_mysql_fetch_row($rs)) { $true_dblist[] = $row[0]; } // end while if ($rs) { mysql_free_result($rs); } } else { $true_dblist[] = str_replace('\\_', '_', str_replace('\\%', '%', $dblist[$i])); } // end if... else... } // end for $dblist = $true_dblist; unset($true_dblist); $only_db_check = TRUE; } // end if // 'only_db' is empty for the current user... else { $only_db_check = FALSE; } // end if (!$dblist_cnt) if (isset($dblist_full) && !count($dblist_full)) { $dblist = PMA_safe_db_list($only_db_check, $dbh, $dblist_cnt, $rs, $userlink, $cfg, $dblist); } } // end server connecting /** * Missing server hostname */ else { echo $strHostEmpty; } /** * Get the list and number of available databases. * * @param string the url to go back to in case of error * * @return boolean always true * * @global array the list of available databases * @global integer the number of available databases */ function PMA_availableDatabases($error_url = '') { global $dblist; global $num_dbs; $num_dbs = count($dblist); // 1. A list of allowed databases has already been defined by the // authentification process -> gets the available databases list if ($num_dbs) { $true_dblist = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_dbs; $i++) { $dblink = @PMA_mysql_select_db($dblist[$i]); if ($dblink) { $true_dblist[] = $dblist[$i]; } // end if } // end for $dblist = array(); $dblist = $true_dblist; unset($true_dblist); $num_dbs = count($dblist); } // end if // 2. Allowed database list is empty -> gets the list of all databases // on the server else { $dbs = mysql_list_dbs() or PMA_mysqlDie('', 'SHOW DATABASES;', FALSE, $error_url); $num_dbs = ($dbs) ? @mysql_num_rows($dbs) : 0; $real_num_dbs = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_dbs; $i++) { $db_name_tmp = PMA_mysql_dbname($dbs, $i); $dblink = @PMA_mysql_select_db($db_name_tmp); if ($dblink) { $dblist[] = $db_name_tmp; $real_num_dbs++; } } // end for mysql_free_result($dbs); $num_dbs = $real_num_dbs; } // end else return TRUE; } // end of the 'PMA_availableDatabases()' function /* ----------------------- Set of misc functions ----------------------- */ /** * Adds backquotes on both sides of a database, table or field name. * Since MySQL 3.23.6 this allows to use non-alphanumeric characters in * these names. * * @param mixed the database, table or field name to "backquote" or * array of it * @param boolean a flag to bypass this function (used by dump * functions) * * @return mixed the "backquoted" database, table or field name if the * current MySQL release is >= 3.23.6, the original one * else * * @access public */ function PMA_backquote($a_name, $do_it = TRUE) { if ($do_it && !empty($a_name) && $a_name != '*') { if (is_array($a_name)) { $result = array(); foreach($a_name AS $key => $val) { $result[$key] = '`' . $val . '`'; } return $result; } else { return '`' . $a_name . '`'; } } else { return $a_name; } } // end of the 'PMA_backquote()' function /** * Format a string so it can be passed to a javascript function. * This function is used to displays a javascript confirmation box for * "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" queries. * * @param string the string to format * @param boolean whether to add backquotes to the string or not * * @return string the formated string * * @access public */ function PMA_jsFormat($a_string = '', $add_backquotes = TRUE) { if (is_string($a_string)) { $a_string = htmlspecialchars($a_string); $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace('#', '\\#', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\012", '\\\\n', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\015", '\\\\r', $a_string); } return (($add_backquotes) ? PMA_backquote($a_string) : $a_string); } // end of the 'PMA_jsFormat()' function /** * Defines the value depending on the user OS. * * @return string the value to use * * @access public */ function PMA_whichCrlf() { $the_crlf = "\n"; // The 'PMA_USR_OS' constant is defined in "./libraries/defines.lib.php" // Win case if (PMA_USR_OS == 'Win') { $the_crlf = "\r\n"; } // Mac case else if (PMA_USR_OS == 'Mac') { $the_crlf = "\r"; } // Others else { $the_crlf = "\n"; } return $the_crlf; } // end of the 'PMA_whichCrlf()' function /** * Counts and displays the number of records in a table * * Last revision 13 July 2001: Patch for limiting dump size from * vinay@sanisoft.com & girish@sanisoft.com * * @param string the current database name * @param string the current table name * @param boolean whether to retain or to displays the result * * @return mixed the number of records if retain is required, true else * * @access public */ function PMA_countRecords($db, $table, $ret = FALSE) { global $err_url, $cfg; $local_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . ' LIKE \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($table, TRUE) . '\''; $result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url); $showtable = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result); $num = (isset($showtable['Rows']) ? $showtable['Rows'] : 0); if ($num < $cfg['MaxExactCount']) { unset($num); } mysql_free_result($result); if (!isset($num)) { $result = PMA_mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . '.' . PMA_backquote($table)) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url); $num = ($result) ? PMA_mysql_result($result, 0, 'num') : 0; mysql_free_result($result); } if ($ret) { return $num; } else { echo number_format($num, 0, $GLOBALS['number_decimal_separator'], $GLOBALS['number_thousands_separator']); return TRUE; } } // end of the 'PMA_countRecords()' function /** * Displays a message at the top of the "main" (right) frame * * @param string the message to display * * @global array the configuration array * * @access public */ function PMA_showMessage($message) { global $cfg; require_once('./header.inc.php'); // Reloads the navigation frame via JavaScript if required if (isset($GLOBALS['reload']) && $GLOBALS['reload']) { echo "\n"; $reload_url = './left.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url((isset($GLOBALS['db']) ? $GLOBALS['db'] : ''), '', '&') ?> 1024) { @PMA_mysql_query('REPAIR TABLE ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['table'])); } } unset($tbl_status); echo "\n"; ?>

" and not "
") // If we want to show some sql code it is easiest to create it here /* SQL-Parser-Analyzer */ $sqlnr = 1; if (!empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $new_line = '\'
' . "\n" . '        . \' '; } if (isset($new_line)) { /* SQL-Parser-Analyzer */ $query_base = PMA_sqlAddslashes(htmlspecialchars($local_query)); /* SQL-Parser-Analyzer */ $query_base = preg_replace("@((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012))+@", $new_line, $query_base); } else { $query_base = $local_query; } if (!empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $query_base = '$sql = \'' . $query_base; } else if (!empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $query_base = PMA_validateSQL($query_base); } else { $parsed_sql = PMA_SQP_parse($query_base); $query_base = PMA_formatSql($parsed_sql, $query_base); } // Prepares links that may be displayed to edit/explain the query // (don't go to default pages, we must go to the page // where the query box is available) // (also, I don't see why we should check the goto variable) //if (!isset($GLOBALS['goto'])) { //$edit_target = (isset($GLOBALS['table'])) ? $cfg['DefaultTabTable'] : $cfg['DefaultTabDatabase']; $edit_target = isset($GLOBALS['db']) ? (isset($GLOBALS['table']) ? 'tbl_properties.php' : 'db_details.php') : ''; //} else if ($GLOBALS['goto'] != 'main.php') { // $edit_target = $GLOBALS['goto']; //} else { // $edit_target = ''; //} if (isset($cfg['SQLQuery']['Edit']) && ($cfg['SQLQuery']['Edit'] == TRUE ) && (!empty($edit_target))) { $onclick = ''; if ($cfg['QueryFrameJS'] && $cfg['QueryFrame']) { $onclick = 'onclick="focus_querywindow(\'' . urlencode($local_query) . '\'); return false;"'; } $edit_link = ' [' . $GLOBALS['strEdit'] . ']'; } else { $edit_link = ''; } // Want to have the query explained (Mike Beck 2002-05-22) // but only explain a SELECT (that has not been explained) /* SQL-Parser-Analyzer */ if (isset($cfg['SQLQuery']['Explain']) && $cfg['SQLQuery']['Explain'] == TRUE) { // Detect if we are validating as well // To preserve the validate uRL data if (!empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $explain_link_validate = '&validatequery=1'; } else { $explain_link_validate = ''; } $explain_link = ' [' . $GLOBALS['strExplain']; } else if (preg_match('@^EXPLAIN[[:space:]]+SELECT[[:space:]]+@i', $local_query)) { $explain_link .= urlencode(substr($local_query, 8)) . '">' . $GLOBALS['strNoExplain']; } else { $explain_link = ''; } if(!empty($explain_link)) { $explain_link .= ']'; } } else { $explain_link = ''; } //show explain // Also we would like to get the SQL formed in some nice // php-code (Mike Beck 2002-05-22) if (isset($cfg['SQLQuery']['ShowAsPHP']) && $cfg['SQLQuery']['ShowAsPHP'] == TRUE) { $php_link = ' [' . $GLOBALS['strNoPhp']; } else { $php_link .= '1">' . $GLOBALS['strPhp']; } $php_link .= ']'; if (isset($GLOBALS['show_as_php']) && $GLOBALS['show_as_php'] == '1') { $php_link .= ' [' . $GLOBALS['strRunQuery'] . ']'; } } else { $php_link = ''; } //show as php if (isset($cfg['SQLValidator']['use']) && $cfg['SQLValidator']['use'] == TRUE && isset($cfg['SQLQuery']['Validate']) && $cfg['SQLQuery']['Validate'] == TRUE) { $validate_link = ' [' . $GLOBALS['strNoValidateSQL'] ; } else { $validate_link .= '1">'. $GLOBALS['strValidateSQL'] ; } $validate_link .= ']'; } else { $validate_link = ''; } //validator // Displays the message echo ' ' . $GLOBALS['strSQLQuery'] . ' :'; if (!empty($edit_target)) { echo $edit_link . $explain_link . $php_link . $validate_link; } echo '
' . "\n"; echo ' ' . $query_base; // If a 'LIMIT' clause has been programatically added to the query // displays it if (!empty($GLOBALS['sql_limit_to_append'])) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { echo $GLOBALS['sql_limit_to_append']; } else if (!empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { // skip the extra bit here } else { echo ' ' . PMA_formatSql(PMA_SQP_parse($GLOBALS['sql_limit_to_append'], $GLOBALS['sql_limit_to_append'])); } } unset($local_query); //Clean up the end of the PHP if (!empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { echo '\';'; } echo "\n"; ?>

= 1; $d--, $ex-=3 ) { if (isset($GLOBALS['byteUnits'][$d]) && $value >= $li * pow(10, $ex)) { $value = round($value / ( pow(1024, $d) / $dh) ) /$dh; $unit = $GLOBALS['byteUnits'][$d]; break 1; } // end if } // end for if ($unit != $GLOBALS['byteUnits'][0]) { $return_value = number_format($value, $comma, $GLOBALS['number_decimal_separator'], $GLOBALS['number_thousands_separator']); } else { $return_value = number_format($value, 0, $GLOBALS['number_decimal_separator'], $GLOBALS['number_thousands_separator']); } return array($return_value, $unit); } // end of the 'PMA_formatByteDown' function /** * Extracts ENUM / SET options from a type definition string * * @param string The column type definition * * @return array The options or * boolean FALSE in case of an error. * * @author rabus */ function PMA_getEnumSetOptions($type_def) { $open = strpos($type_def, '('); $close = strrpos($type_def, ')'); if (!$open || !$close) { return FALSE; } $options = substr($type_def, $open + 2, $close - $open - 3); $options = explode('\',\'', $options); return $options; } // end of the 'PMA_getEnumSetOptions' function /** * Writes localised date * * @param string the current timestamp * * @return string the formatted date * * @access public */ function PMA_localisedDate($timestamp = -1, $format = '') { global $datefmt, $month, $day_of_week; if ($format == '') { $format = $datefmt; } if ($timestamp == -1) { $timestamp = time(); } $date = preg_replace('@%[aA]@', $day_of_week[(int)strftime('%w', $timestamp)], $format); $date = preg_replace('@%[bB]@', $month[(int)strftime('%m', $timestamp)-1], $date); return strftime($date, $timestamp); } // end of the 'PMA_localisedDate()' function /** * Prints out a tab for tabbed navigation. * If the variables $link and $args ar left empty, an inactive tab is created * * @param string the text to be displayed as link * @param string main link file, e.g. "test.php" * @param string link arguments * @param string link attributes * @param string include '?' even though no attributes are set. Can be set empty, should be '?'. * @param boolean force display TAB as active * * @return string two table cells, the first beeing a separator, the second the tab itself * * @access public */ function PMA_printTab($text, $link, $args = '', $attr = '', $sep = '?', $active = false) { global $PHP_SELF, $cfg; global $db_details_links_count_tabs; if (((!isset($GLOBALS['active_page']) && basename($PHP_SELF) == $link) || $active || (isset($GLOBALS['active_page']) && $GLOBALS['active_page'] == $link) ) && ($text != $GLOBALS['strEmpty'] && $text != $GLOBALS['strDrop'])) { $bgcolor = 'silver'; } else { $bgcolor = '#DFDFDF'; } $db_details_links_count_tabs++; if (!empty($attr)) { if ($cfg['LightTabs']) { $attr = ' ' . $attr; } else { $attr = ' style="display:block" ' . $attr; } } else { if ($cfg['LightTabs']) { $attr = ' '; } else { $attr = ' style="display:block" '; } } if ($cfg['LightTabs']) { $out = ''; if (strlen($link) > 0) { $out .= '' . '' . $text . ''; } else { $out .= '' . $text . ''; } $out = '[ ' . $out . ' ]   '; } else { $out = "\n" . ' ' . '' . "\n" . ' '; if (strlen($link) > 0) { $out .= '' . '' . $text . ''; } else { $out .= '' . $text . ''; } $out .= "\n" . ' ' . '' . "\n" . ' ' . ' '; } return $out; } // end of the 'PMA_printTab()' function /** * Displays a link, or a button if the link's URL is too large, to * accommodate some browsers' limitations * * @param string the URL * @param string the link message * @param string js confirmation * * @return string the results to be echoed or saved in an array */ function PMA_linkOrButton($url, $message, $js_conf) { if (strlen($url) <= 2047) { $onclick_url = (empty($js_conf) ? '' : ' onclick="return confirmLink(this, \'' . $js_conf . '\')"'); $link_or_button = ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . $message . '' . "\n"; } else { $edit_url_parts = parse_url($url); $query_parts = explode('&', $edit_url_parts['query']); $link_or_button = '
' . "\n"; foreach($query_parts AS $query_pair) { list($eachvar, $eachval) = explode('=', $query_pair); $link_or_button .= ' ' . "\n"; } // end while if (stristr($message, '' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } else { $link_or_button .= ' ' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } } // end if... else... return $link_or_button; } // end of the 'PMA_linkOrButton()' function /** * Returns a given timespan value in a readable format. * * @param int the timespan * * @return string the formatted value */ function PMA_timespanFormat($seconds) { $return_string = ''; $days = floor($seconds / 86400); if ($days > 0) { $seconds -= $days * 86400; } $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); if ($days > 0 || $hours > 0) { $seconds -= $hours * 3600; } $minutes = floor($seconds / 60); if ($days > 0 || $hours > 0 || $minutes > 0) { $seconds -= $minutes * 60; } return sprintf($GLOBALS['timespanfmt'], (string)$days, (string)$hours, (string)$minutes, (string)$seconds); } /** * Takes a string and outputs each character on a line for itself. Used mainly for horizontalflipped display mode. * Takes care of special html-characters. * Fulfills todo-item http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=544361&group_id=23067&atid=377411 * * @param string The string * @param string The Separator (defaults to "
\n") * * @access public * @author Garvin Hicking * @return string The flipped string */ function PMA_flipstring($string, $Separator = "
\n") { $format_string = ''; $charbuff = false; for ($i = 0; $i <= strlen($string); $i++) { $char = $string{$i}; $append = false; if ($char == '&') { $format_string .= $charbuff; $charbuff = $char; $append = true; } elseif (!empty($charbuff)) { $charbuff .= $char; } elseif ($char == ';' && !empty($charbuff)) { $format_string .= $charbuff; $charbuff = false; $append = true; } else { $format_string .= $char; $append = true; } if ($append && ($i != strlen($string))) { $format_string .= $Separator; } } return $format_string; } /** * Function added to avoid path disclosures. * Called by each script that needs parameters, it displays * an error message and, by defaults, stops the execution. * * @param array The names of the parameters needed by the calling * script. * @param boolean Stop the execution? * (Set this manually to FALSE in the calling script * until you know all needed parameters to check). * * @access public * @author Marc Delisle (lem9@users.sourceforge.net) */ function PMA_checkParameters($params, $die = TRUE) { global $PHP_SELF; $reported_script_name = basename($PHP_SELF); $found_error = FALSE; $error_message = ''; foreach($params AS $param) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[$param])) { $error_message .= $reported_script_name . ': Missing ' . $param . '
'; $found_error = TRUE; } } if ($found_error) { require_once('./libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php'); echo '

' . $error_message . '

'; if ($die) { exit(); } } } // end function // Kanji encoding convert feature appended by Y.Kawada (2002/2/20) if (@function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && strpos(' ' . $lang, 'ja-') && file_exists('./libraries/kanji-encoding.lib.php')) { require_once('./libraries/kanji-encoding.lib.php'); define('PMA_MULTIBYTE_ENCODING', 1); } // end if /** * Function to check valid extension of file. It accepts entered * extensions and bz2 and gz if supported. * * @param string File name to be tested. * @param string Extension that is valid. * * @access public * @author Michal Cihar (nijel@users.sourceforge.net) */ function PMA_checkFileExtensions($file, $extension) { if (substr($file, -1 * strlen($extension)) == $extension) { return TRUE; } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['GZipDump'] && @function_exists('gzopen')) { if (substr($file, -3 - strlen($extension)) == $extension . '.gz') { return TRUE; } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BZipDump'] && @function_exists('bzdecompress')) { if (substr($file, -4 - strlen($extension)) == $extension . '.bz2') { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // end function } // end if: minimal common.lib needed? ?>