PDF - '. $GLOBALS['strError'] . '
' . "\n"; if (!empty($error_message)) { $error_message = htmlspecialchars($error_message); } echo '' . "\n"; echo ' ' . $error_message . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '' . $GLOBALS['strBack'] . ''; echo "\n"; require_once('./footer.inc.php'); } // end of the "PMA_PDF_die()" function /** * Aliases the "Error()" function from the FPDF class to the * "PMA_PDF_die()" one * * @param string the error mesage * * @access public * * @see PMA_PDF_die() */ function Error($error_message = '') { $this->PMA_PDF_die($error_message); } // end of the "Error()" method function Header(){ //$datefmt // We only show this if we find something in the new pdf_pages table // // This function must be named "Header" to work with the FPDF library global $cfgRelation,$db,$pdf_page_number,$with_doc; if ($with_doc){ $test_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages']) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\'' . ' AND page_nr = \'' . $pdf_page_number . '\''; $test_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($test_query); $pages = @PMA_mysql_fetch_array($test_rs); $this->SetFont('', 'B', 14); $this->Cell(0,6, ucfirst($pages['page_descr']),'B',1,'C'); $this->SetFont('', ''); $this->Ln(); } } function Footer(){ // This function must be named "Footer" to work with the FPDF library global $with_doc; if ($with_doc){ $this->SetY(-15); $this->SetFont('', '',14); $this->Cell(0,6, $GLOBALS['strPageNumber'] .' '.$this->PageNo() .'/{nb}','T',0,'C'); $this->Cell(0,6, PMA_localisedDate(),0,1,'R'); $this->SetY(20); } } function Bookmark($txt,$level=0,$y=0) { //Add a bookmark $this->Outlines[0][]=$level; $this->Outlines[1][]=$txt; $this->Outlines[2][]=$this->page; if($y==-1) $y=$this->GetY(); $this->Outlines[3][]=round($this->hPt-$y*$this->k,2); } function _putbookmarks() { if(count($this->Outlines)>0) { //Save object number $memo_n = $this->n; //Take the number of sub elements for an outline $nb_outlines=sizeof($this->Outlines[0]); $first_level=array(); $parent=array(); $parent[0]=1; for( $i=0; $i<$nb_outlines; $i++) { $level=$this->Outlines[0][$i]; $kids=0; $last=-1; $prev=-1; $next=-1; if( $i>0 ) { $cursor=$i-1; //Take the previous outline in the same level while( $this->Outlines[0][$cursor] > $level && $cursor > 0) $cursor--; if( $this->Outlines[0][$cursor] == $level) $prev=$cursor; } if( $i<$nb_outlines-1) { $cursor=$i+1; while( isset($this->Outlines[0][$cursor]) && $this->Outlines[0][$cursor] > $level) { //Take the immediate kid in level + 1 if( $this->Outlines[0][$cursor] == $level+1) { $kids++; $last=$cursor; } $cursor++; } $cursor=$i+1; //Take the next outline in the same level while( $this->Outlines[0][$cursor] > $level && ($cursor+1 < sizeof($this->Outlines[0]))) $cursor++; if( $this->Outlines[0][$cursor] == $level) $next=$cursor; } $this->_newobj(); $parent[$level+1]=$this->n; if( $level == 0) $first_level[]=$this->n; $this->_out('<<'); $this->_out('/Title ('.$this->Outlines[1][$i].')'); $this->_out('/Parent '.$parent[$level].' 0 R'); if( $prev != -1) $this->_out('/Prev '.($memo_n+$prev+1).' 0 R'); if( $next != -1) $this->_out('/Next '.($this->n+$next-$i).' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Dest ['.(1+(2*$this->Outlines[2][$i])).' 0 R /XYZ null '.$this->Outlines[3][$i].' null]'); if( $kids > 0) { $this->_out('/First '.($this->n+1).' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Last '.($this->n+$last-$i).' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Count -'.$kids); } $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } //First page of outlines $this->_newobj(); $this->def_outlines = $this->n; $this->_out('<<'); $this->_out('/Type'); $this->_out('/Outlines'); $this->_out('/First '.$first_level[0].' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Last '.$first_level[sizeof($first_level)-1].' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Count '.sizeof($first_level)); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } } function _putresources() { parent::_putresources(); $this->_putbookmarks(); } function _putcatalog() { parent::_putcatalog(); if(count($this->Outlines)>0) { $this->_out('/Outlines '.$this->def_outlines.' 0 R'); $this->_out('/PageMode /UseOutlines'); } } function SetWidths($w) { // column widths $this->widths=$w; } function Row($data,$links) { // line height $nb=0; $data_cnt = count($data); for($i=0;$i<$data_cnt;$i++) $nb=max($nb,$this->NbLines($this->widths[$i],$data[$i])); $il = $this->FontSize; $h=($il+1)*$nb; // page break if necessary $this->CheckPageBreak($h); // draw the cells $data_cnt = count($data); for($i=0;$i<$data_cnt;$i++) { $w=$this->widths[$i]; // save current position $x=$this->GetX(); $y=$this->GetY(); // draw the border $this->Rect($x,$y,$w,$h); if (isset($links[$i])) $this->Link($x,$y,$w,$h,$links[$i]); // print text $this->MultiCell($w,$il+1,$data[$i],0,'L'); // go to right side $this->SetXY($x+$w,$y); } // go to line $this->Ln($h); } function CheckPageBreak($h) { // if height h overflows, manual page break if($this->GetY()+$h>$this->PageBreakTrigger) $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation); } function NbLines($w,$txt) { // compute number of lines used by a multicell of width w $cw=&$this->CurrentFont['cw']; if($w==0) $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; $s=str_replace("\r",'',$txt); $nb=strlen($s); if($nb>0 and $s[$nb-1]=="\n") $nb--; $sep=-1; $i=0; $j=0; $l=0; $nl=1; while($i<$nb) { $c=$s[$i]; if($c=="\n") { $i++; $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; $nl++; continue; } if($c==' ') $sep=$i; $l+=$cw[$c]; if($l>$wmax) { if($sep==-1) { if($i==$j) $i++; } else $i=$sep+1; $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; $nl++; } else $i++; } return $nl; } } // end of the "PMA_PDF" class /** * Draws tables schema * * @access private * * @see PMA_RT */ class PMA_RT_Table { /** * Defines private properties */ var $nb_fiels; var $table_name; var $width = 0; var $height; var $fields = array(); var $height_cell = 6; var $x, $y; var $primary = array(); /** * Sets the width of the table * * @param integer The font size * * @global object The current PDF document * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF */ function PMA_RT_Table_setWidth($ff) { // this looks buggy to me... does it really work if // there are fields that require wider cells than the name of the table? global $pdf; foreach($this->fields AS $field) { $this->width = max($this->width, $pdf->GetStringWidth($field)); } $this->width += $pdf->GetStringWidth(' '); $pdf->SetFont($ff, 'B'); $this->width = max($this->width, $pdf->GetStringWidth(' ' . $this->table_name)); $pdf->SetFont($ff, ''); } // end of the "PMA_RT_Table_setWidth()" method /** * Sets the height of the table * * @access private */ function PMA_RT_Table_setHeight() { $this->height = (count($this->fields) + 1) * $this->height_cell; } // end of the "PMA_RT_Table_setHeight()" method /** * Do draw the table * * @param boolean Whether to display table position or not * @param integer The font size * @param boolean Whether to display color * @param integer The max. with among tables * * @global object The current PDF document * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF */ function PMA_RT_Table_draw($show_info, $ff, $setcolor=0) { global $pdf, $with_doc; $pdf->PMA_PDF_setXyScale($this->x, $this->y); $pdf->SetFont($ff, 'B'); if ($setcolor) { $pdf->SetTextColor(200); $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 128); } if ($with_doc) $pdf->SetLink($pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$this->table_name]['-'],-1); else $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$this->table_name]['-'] = ''; if ($show_info){ $pdf->PMA_PDF_cellScale($this->width, $this->height_cell, sprintf('%.0f', $this->width) . 'x' . sprintf('%.0f', $this->height) . ' ' . $this->table_name, 1, 1, 'C', $setcolor, $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$this->table_name]['-']); } else { $pdf->PMA_PDF_cellScale($this->width, $this->height_cell, $this->table_name, 1, 1, 'C', $setcolor, $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$this->table_name]['-']); } $pdf->PMA_PDF_setXScale($this->x); $pdf->SetFont($ff, ''); $pdf->SetTextColor(0); $pdf->SetFillColor(255); foreach($this->fields AS $field) { // loic1 : PHP3 fix // if (in_array($field, $this->primary)) { if ($setcolor) { if (PMA_isInto($field, $this->primary) != -1) { $pdf->SetFillColor(215, 121, 123); } if ($field == $this->displayfield) { $pdf->SetFillColor(142, 159, 224); } } if ($with_doc) $pdf->SetLink($pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$this->table_name][$field],-1); else $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$this->table_name][$field] = ''; $pdf->PMA_PDF_cellScale($this->width, $this->height_cell, ' ' . $field, 1, 1, 'L', $setcolor,$pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$this->table_name][$field]); $pdf->PMA_PDF_setXScale($this->x); $pdf->SetFillColor(255); } // end while /*if ($pdf->PageNo() > 1) { $pdf->PMA_PDF_die($GLOBALS['strScaleFactorSmall']); } */ } // end of the "PMA_RT_Table_draw()" method /** * The "PMA_RT_Table" constructor * * @param string The table name * @param integer The font size * @param integer The max. with among tables * * @global object The current PDF document * @global integer The current page number (from the * $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] table) * @global array The relations settings * @global string The current db name * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF, PMA_RT_Table::PMA_RT_Table_setWidth, * PMA_RT_Table::PMA_RT_Table_setHeight */ function PMA_RT_Table($table_name, $ff, &$same_wide_width) { global $pdf, $pdf_page_number, $cfgRelation, $db; $this->table_name = $table_name; $sql = 'DESCRIBE ' . PMA_backquote($table_name); $result = PMA_mysql_query($sql); if (!$result || !mysql_num_rows($result)) { $pdf->PMA_PDF_die(sprintf($GLOBALS['strPdfInvalidTblName'], $table_name)); } // load fields while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->fields[] = $row[0]; } //height and width $this->PMA_RT_Table_setWidth($ff); $this->PMA_RT_Table_setHeight(); if ($same_wide_width < $this->width) { $same_wide_width = $this->width; } //x and y $sql = 'SELECT x, y FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords']) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\'' . ' AND table_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($table_name) . '\'' . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $pdf_page_number; $result = PMA_query_as_cu($sql); if (!$result || !mysql_num_rows($result)) { $pdf->PMA_PDF_die(sprintf($GLOBALS['strConfigureTableCoord'], $table_name)); } list($this->x, $this->y) = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result); $this->x = (double) $this->x; $this->y = (double) $this->y; // displayfield $this->displayfield = PMA_getDisplayField($db, $table_name); // index $sql = 'SHOW index FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table_name); $result = PMA_mysql_query($sql); if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $this->primary[] = $row['Column_name']; } } } // end if } // end of the "PMA_RT_Table()" method } // end class "PMA_RT_Table" /** * Draws relation links * * @access private * * @see PMA_RT */ class PMA_RT_Relation { /** * Defines private properties */ var $x_src, $y_src; var $src_dir ; var $dest_dir; var $x_dest, $y_dest; var $w_tick = 5; /** * Gets arrows coordinates * * @param string The current table name * @param string The relation column name * * @return array Arrows coordinates * * @access private */ function PMA_RT_Relation_getXy($table, $column) { $pos = array_search($column, $table->fields); // x_left, x_right, y return array($table->x, $table->x + + $table->width, $table->y + ($pos + 1.5) * $table->height_cell); } // end of the "PMA_RT_Relation_getXy()" method /** * Do draws relation links * * @param boolean Whether to use one color per relation or not * @param integer The id of the link to draw * * @global object The current PDF document * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF */ function PMA_RT_Relation_draw($change_color, $i) { global $pdf; if ($change_color){ $d = $i % 6; $j = ($i - $d) / 6; $j = $j % 4; $j++; $case = array( array(1, 0, 0), array(0, 1, 0), array(0, 0, 1), array(1, 1, 0), array(1, 0, 1), array(0, 1, 1) ); list ($a, $b, $c) = $case[$d]; $e = (1 - ($j - 1) / 6); $pdf->SetDrawColor($a * 255 * $e, $b * 255 * $e, $c * 255 * $e); } else { $pdf->SetDrawColor(0); } // end if... else... $pdf->PMA_PDF_setLineWidthScale(0.2); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_src, $this->y_src, $this->x_src + $this->src_dir * $this->w_tick, $this->y_src); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_dest + $this->dest_dir * $this->w_tick, $this->y_dest, $this->x_dest, $this->y_dest); $pdf->PMA_PDF_setLineWidthScale(0.1); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_src + $this->src_dir * $this->w_tick, $this->y_src, $this->x_dest + $this->dest_dir * $this->w_tick, $this->y_dest); //arrow $root2 = 2 * sqrt(2); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_src + $this->src_dir * $this->w_tick * 0.75, $this->y_src, $this->x_src + $this->src_dir * (0.75 - 1 / $root2) * $this->w_tick, $this->y_src + $this->w_tick / $root2); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_src + $this->src_dir * $this->w_tick * 0.75, $this->y_src, $this->x_src + $this->src_dir * (0.75 - 1 / $root2) * $this->w_tick, $this->y_src - $this->w_tick / $root2); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_dest + $this->dest_dir * $this->w_tick / 2, $this->y_dest, $this->x_dest + $this->dest_dir * (0.5 + 1 / $root2) * $this->w_tick, $this->y_dest + $this->w_tick / $root2); $pdf->PMA_PDF_lineScale($this->x_dest + $this->dest_dir * $this->w_tick / 2, $this->y_dest, $this->x_dest + $this->dest_dir * (0.5 + 1 / $root2) * $this->w_tick, $this->y_dest - $this->w_tick / $root2); $pdf->SetDrawColor(0); } // end of the "PMA_RT_Relation_draw()" method /** * The "PMA_RT_Relation" constructor * * @param string The master table name * @param string The relation field in the master table * @param string The foreign table name * @param string The relation field in the foreign table * * * @access private * * @see PMA_RT_Relation::PMA_RT_Relation_getXy */ function PMA_RT_Relation($master_table, $master_field, $foreign_table, $foreign_field) { $src_pos = $this->PMA_RT_Relation_getXy($master_table , $master_field); $dest_pos = $this->PMA_RT_Relation_getXy($foreign_table, $foreign_field); $src_left = $src_pos[0] - $this->w_tick; $src_right = $src_pos[1] + $this->w_tick; $dest_left = $dest_pos[0] - $this->w_tick; $dest_right = $dest_pos[1] + $this->w_tick; $d1 = abs($src_left - $dest_left); $d2 = abs($src_right - $dest_left); $d3 = abs($src_left - $dest_right); $d4 = abs($src_right - $dest_right); $d = min($d1, $d2, $d3, $d4); if ($d == $d1) { $this->x_src = $src_pos[0]; $this->src_dir = -1; $this->x_dest = $dest_pos[0]; $this->dest_dir = -1; } else if ($d == $d2) { $this->x_src = $src_pos[1]; $this->src_dir = 1; $this->x_dest = $dest_pos[0]; $this->dest_dir = -1; } else if ($d == $d3) { $this->x_src = $src_pos[0]; $this->src_dir = -1; $this->x_dest = $dest_pos[1]; $this->dest_dir = 1; } else { $this->x_src = $src_pos[1]; $this->src_dir = 1; $this->x_dest = $dest_pos[1]; $this->dest_dir = 1; } $this->y_src = $src_pos[2]; $this->y_dest = $dest_pos[2]; } // end of the "PMA_RT_Relation()" method } // end of the "PMA_RT_Relation" class /** * Draws and send the database schema * * @access public * * @see PMA_PDF */ class PMA_RT { /** * Defines private properties */ var $tables = array(); var $relations = array(); var $ff = 'Arial'; var $x_max = 0; var $y_max = 0; var $scale; var $x_min = 100000; var $y_min = 100000; var $t_marg = 10; var $b_marg = 10; var $l_marg = 10; var $r_marg = 10; var $tablewidth; var $same_wide = 0; /** * Sets X and Y minimum and maximum for a table cell * * @param string The table name * * @access private */ function PMA_RT_setMinMax($table) { $this->x_max = max($this->x_max, $table->x + $table->width); $this->y_max = max($this->y_max, $table->y + $table->height); $this->x_min = min($this->x_min, $table->x); $this->y_min = min($this->y_min, $table->y); } // end of the "PMA_RT_setMinMax()" method /** * Defines relation objects * * @param string The master table name * @param string The relation field in the master table * @param string The foreign table name * @param string The relation field in the foreign table * * @access private * * @see PMA_RT_setMinMax() */ function PMA_RT_addRelation($master_table , $master_field, $foreign_table, $foreign_field) { if (!isset($this->tables[$master_table])) { $this->tables[$master_table] = new PMA_RT_Table($master_table, $this->ff, $this->tablewidth); $this->PMA_RT_setMinMax($this->tables[$master_table]); } if (!isset($this->tables[$foreign_table])) { $this->tables[$foreign_table] = new PMA_RT_Table($foreign_table, $this->ff, $this->tablewidth); $this->PMA_RT_setMinMax($this->tables[$foreign_table]); } $this->relations[] = new PMA_RT_Relation($this->tables[$master_table], $master_field, $this->tables[$foreign_table], $foreign_field); } // end of the "PMA_RT_addRelation()" method /** * Draws the grid * * @global object the current PMA_PDF instance * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF */ function PMA_RT_strokeGrid() { global $pdf; $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0); $pdf->SetDrawColor(200, 200, 200); // Draws horizontal lines for ($l = 0; $l < 21; $l++) { $pdf->line(0, $l * 10, $pdf->fh, $l * 10); // Avoid duplicates if ($l > 0) { $pdf->SetXY(0, $l * 10); $label = (string) sprintf('%.0f', ($l * 10 - $this->t_marg) * $this->scale + $this->y_min); $pdf->Cell(5, 5, ' ' . $label); } // end if } // end for // Draws vertical lines for ($j = 0; $j < 30 ;$j++) { $pdf->line($j * 10, 0, $j * 10, $pdf->fw); $pdf->SetXY($j * 10, 0); $label = (string) sprintf('%.0f', ($j * 10 - $this->l_marg) * $this->scale + $this->x_min); $pdf->Cell(5, 7, $label); } // end for } // end of the "PMA_RT_strokeGrid()" method /** * Draws relation arrows * * @param boolean Whether to use one color per relation or not * * @access private * * @see PMA_RT_Relation::PMA_RT_Relation_draw() */ function PMA_RT_drawRelations($change_color) { $i = 0; foreach($this->relations AS $relation) { $relation->PMA_RT_Relation_draw($change_color, $i); $i++; } // end while } // end of the "PMA_RT_drawRelations()" method /** * Draws tables * * @param boolean Whether to display table position or not * * @access private * * @see PMA_RT_Table::PMA_RT_Table_draw() */ function PMA_RT_drawTables($show_info,$draw_color=0) { foreach($this->tables AS $table) { $table->PMA_RT_Table_draw($show_info, $this->ff,$draw_color); } } // end of the "PMA_RT_drawTables()" method /** * Ouputs the PDF document to a file * * @global object The current PDF document * @global string The current database name * @global integer The current page number (from the * $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] table) * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF */ function PMA_RT_showRt() { global $pdf, $db, $pdf_page_number, $cfgRelation; $pdf->SetFontSize(14); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.2); $pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); // Get the name of this pdfpage to use as filename (Mike Beck) $_name_sql = 'SELECT page_descr FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages']) . ' WHERE page_nr = ' . $pdf_page_number; $_name_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($_name_sql); if ($_name_rs) { $_name_row = PMA_mysql_fetch_row($_name_rs); $filename = $_name_row[0] . '.pdf'; } // i don't know if there is a chance for this to happen, but rather be on the safe side: if (empty($filename)) { $filename = $pdf_page_number . '.pdf'; } $pdf->Output($db . '_' . $filename, TRUE); //$pdf->Output('', TRUE); } // end of the "PMA_RT_showRt()" method /** * The "PMA_RT" constructor * * @param mixed The scaling factor * @param integer The page number to draw (from the * $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] table) * @param boolean Whether to display table position or not * @param boolean Was originally whether to use one color per * relation or not, now enables/disables color * everywhere, due to some problems printing with color * @param boolean Whether to draw grids or not * @param boolean Whether all tables should have the same width or not * * @global object The current PDF document * @global string The current db name * @global array The relations settings * * @access private * * @see PMA_PDF */ function PMA_RT( $which_rel, $show_info = 0, $change_color = 0 , $show_grid = 0, $all_tab_same_wide = 0, $orientation = 'L', $paper = 'A4') { global $pdf, $db, $cfgRelation, $with_doc; // Font face depends on the current language $this->ff = str_replace('"', '', substr($GLOBALS['right_font_family'], 0, strpos($GLOBALS['right_font_family'], ','))); $this->same_wide = $all_tab_same_wide; // Initializes a new document $pdf = new PMA_PDF('L', 'mm', $paper); $pdf->title = sprintf($GLOBALS['strPdfDbSchema'], $GLOBALS['db'], $which_rel); $pdf->cMargin = 0; $pdf->Open(); $pdf->SetTitle($pdf->title); $pdf->SetAuthor('phpMyAdmin ' . PMA_VERSION); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); // fonts added to phpMyAdmin and considered non-standard by fpdf // (Note: those tahoma fonts are iso-8859-2 based) if ($this->ff == 'tahoma') { $pdf->AddFont('tahoma','','tahoma.php'); $pdf->AddFont('tahoma','B','tahomab.php'); } $pdf->SetFont($this->ff, '', 14); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak('auto'); // Gets tables on this page $tab_sql = 'SELECT table_name FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords']) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\'' . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $which_rel; $tab_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($tab_sql); if (!$tab_rs || !mysql_num_rows($tab_rs) > 0) { $pdf->PMA_PDF_die($GLOBALS['strPdfNoTables']); // die('No tables'); } while ($curr_table = @PMA_mysql_fetch_array($tab_rs)) { $alltables[] = PMA_sqlAddslashes($curr_table['table_name']); //$intable = '\'' . implode('\', \'', $alltables) . '\''; } // make doc // if ($with_doc) { $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak('auto',15); $pdf->cMargin = 1; PMA_RT_DOC($alltables); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak('auto'); $pdf->cMargin = 0; } $pdf->Addpage(); if ($with_doc) { $pdf->SetLink($pdf->PMA_links['RT']['-'],-1); $pdf->Bookmark($GLOBALS['strRelationalSchema']); $pdf->SetAlias('{00}', $pdf->PageNo()) ; $this->t_marg = 18; $this->b_marg = 18; } /* snip */ foreach($alltables AS $table) { if (!isset($this->tables[$table])) { $this->tables[$table] = new PMA_RT_Table($table, $this->ff, $this->tablewidth); } if($this->same_wide){ $this->tables[$table]->width = $this->tablewidth; } $this->PMA_RT_setMinMax($this->tables[$table]); } // Defines the scale factor $this->scale = ceil(max(($this->x_max - $this->x_min) / ($pdf->fh - $this->r_marg - $this->l_marg), ($this->y_max - $this->y_min) / ($pdf->fw - $this->t_marg - $this->b_marg)) * 100) / 100; $pdf->PMA_PDF_setScale($this->scale, $this->x_min, $this->y_min, $this->l_marg, $this->t_marg); // Builds and save the PDF document $pdf->PMA_PDF_setLineWidthScale(0.1); if ($show_grid) { $pdf->SetFontSize(10); $this->PMA_RT_strokeGrid(); } $pdf->PMA_PDF_setFontSizeScale(14); // $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['relation']) // . ' WHERE master_db = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\' ' // . ' AND foreign_db = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\' ' // . ' AND master_table IN (' . $intable . ')' // . ' AND foreign_table IN (' . $intable . ')'; // $result = PMA_query_as_cu($sql); // // lem9: // previous logic was checking master tables and foreign tables // but I think that looping on every table of the pdf page as a master // and finding its foreigns is OK (then we can support innodb) $seen_a_relation = FALSE; foreach($alltables AS $one_table) { $exist_rel = PMA_getForeigners($db, $one_table, '', 'both'); if ($exist_rel) { $seen_a_relation = TRUE; foreach($exist_rel AS $master_field => $rel) { // put the foreign table on the schema only if selected // by the user // (do not use array_search() because we would have to // to do a === FALSE and this is not PHP3 compatible) if (PMA_isInto($rel['foreign_table'], $alltables)> -1) { $this->PMA_RT_addRelation($one_table , $master_field, $rel['foreign_table'], $rel['foreign_field']); } } // end while } // end if } // end while // loic1: also show tables without relations // $norelations = TRUE; // if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // $norelations = FALSE; // while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // $this->PMA_RT_addRelation($row['master_table'] , $row['master_field'], $row['foreign_table'], $row['foreign_field']); // } // } // if ($norelations == FALSE) { if ($seen_a_relation) { $this->PMA_RT_drawRelations($change_color); } $this->PMA_RT_drawTables($show_info,$change_color); $this->PMA_RT_showRt(); } // end of the "PMA_RT()" method } // end of the "PMA_RT" class function PMA_RT_DOC($alltables ){ global $db, $pdf, $orientation; //TOC $pdf->addpage("P"); $pdf->Cell(0,9, $GLOBALS['strTableOfContents'],1,0,'C'); $pdf->Ln(15); $i = 1; foreach($alltables AS $table) { $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table]['-'] = $pdf->AddLink(); $pdf->SetX(10); //$pdf->Ln(1); $pdf->Cell(0,6,$GLOBALS['strPageNumber'] . ' {'.sprintf("%02d", $i).'}',0,0,'R',0,$pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table]['-']); $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->Cell(0,6,$i.' '. $table,0,1,'L',0,$pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table]['-']); //$pdf->Ln(1); $local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table); $result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url); while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pdf->SetX(20); $field_name = $row['Field']; $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table][$field_name] =$pdf->AddLink(); //$pdf->Cell(0,6,$field_name,0,1,'L',0,$pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table][$field_name]); } $lasttable = $table; $i++; } $pdf->PMA_links['RT']['-'] =$pdf->AddLink(); $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->Cell(0,6,$GLOBALS['strPageNumber'] . ' {00}',0,0,'R',0,$pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$lasttable]['-']); $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->Cell(0,6,$i.' '. $GLOBALS['strRelationalSchema'],0,1,'L',0,$pdf->PMA_links['RT']['-']); $z = 0; foreach($alltables AS $table) { $z++; $pdf->addpage($GLOBALS['orientation']); $pdf->Bookmark($table); $pdf->SetAlias('{'.sprintf("%02d", $z).'}', $pdf->PageNo()) ; $pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$table]['-'] =$pdf->AddLink(); $pdf->SetLink($pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table]['-'],-1); $pdf->SetFont('', 'B',18); $pdf->Cell(0,8, $z .' '.$table,1,1,'C',0,$pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$table]['-']); $pdf->SetFont('', '',8); $pdf->ln(); $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(); if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) { $comments = PMA_getComments($db, $table); } if ($cfgRelation['mimework']) { $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table, true); } /** * Gets table informations */ $local_query = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . PMA_sqlAddslashes($table, TRUE) . "'"; $result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url); $showtable = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result); $num_rows = (isset($showtable['Rows']) ? $showtable['Rows'] : 0); $show_comment = (isset($showtable['Comment']) ? $showtable['Comment'] : ''); $create_time = (isset($showtable['Create_time']) ? PMA_localisedDate(strtotime($showtable['Create_time'])) : ''); $update_time = (isset($showtable['Update_time']) ? PMA_localisedDate(strtotime($showtable['Update_time'])) : ''); $check_time = (isset($showtable['Check_time']) ? PMA_localisedDate(strtotime($showtable['Check_time'])) : ''); if ($result) { mysql_free_result($result); } /** * Gets table keys and retains them */ $local_query = 'SHOW KEYS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table); $result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url); $primary = ''; $indexes = array(); $lastIndex = ''; $indexes_info = array(); $indexes_data = array(); $pk_array = array(); // will be use to emphasis prim. keys in the table // view while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Backups the list of primary keys if ($row['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $primary .= $row['Column_name'] . ', '; $pk_array[$row['Column_name']] = 1; } // Retains keys informations if ($row['Key_name'] != $lastIndex ){ $indexes[] = $row['Key_name']; $lastIndex = $row['Key_name']; } $indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Sequences'][] = $row['Seq_in_index']; $indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Non_unique'] = $row['Non_unique']; if (isset($row['Cardinality'])) { $indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Cardinality'] = $row['Cardinality']; } // I don't know what does following column mean.... // $indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Packed'] = $row['Packed']; $indexes_info[$row['Key_name']]['Comment'] = $row['Comment']; $indexes_data[$row['Key_name']][$row['Seq_in_index']]['Column_name'] = $row['Column_name']; if (isset($row['Sub_part'])) { $indexes_data[$row['Key_name']][$row['Seq_in_index']]['Sub_part'] = $row['Sub_part']; } } // end while if ($result) { mysql_free_result($result); } /** * Gets fields properties */ $local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table); $result = PMA_mysql_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie('', $local_query, '', $err_url); $fields_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result); // Check if we can use Relations (Mike Beck) if (!empty($cfgRelation['relation'])) { // Find which tables are related with the current one and write it in // an array $res_rel = PMA_getForeigners($db, $table); if (count($res_rel) > 0) { $have_rel = TRUE; } else { $have_rel = FALSE; } } else { $have_rel = FALSE; } // end if /** * Displays the comments of the table if MySQL >= 3.23 */ $break = false; if (!empty($show_comment)) { $pdf->Cell(0,3,$GLOBALS['strTableComments'] . ' : ' . $show_comment,0,1); $break = true; } if (!empty($create_time)) { $pdf->Cell(0,3,$GLOBALS['strStatCreateTime'] . ': ' . $create_time,0,1); $break = true; } if (!empty($update_time)) { $pdf->Cell(0,3,$GLOBALS['strStatUpdateTime'] . ': ' . $update_time,0,1); $break = true; } if (!empty($check_time)) { $pdf->Cell(0,3,$GLOBALS['strStatCheckTime'] . ': ' . $check_time,0,1); $break = true; } if ($break == true) { $pdf->Cell(0,3,'',0,1); $pdf->Ln(); } $i = 0; $pdf->SetFont('', 'B'); if (isset($orientation) && $orientation == 'L') { $pdf->Cell(25,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strField']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(20,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strType']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(20,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strAttr']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(10,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strNull']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(20,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strDefault']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(25,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strExtra']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(45,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strLinksTo']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(67,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strComments']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(45,8,'MIME',1,1,'C'); $pdf->SetWidths(array(25,20,20,10,20,25,45,67,45)); } else { $pdf->Cell(20,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strField']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(20,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strType']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(20,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strAttr']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(10,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strNull']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(15,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strDefault']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(15,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strExtra']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(30,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strLinksTo']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(30,8,ucfirst($GLOBALS['strComments']),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(30,8,'MIME',1,1,'C'); $pdf->SetWidths(array(20,20,20,10,15,15,30,30,30)); } $pdf->SetFont('', ''); while ($row = PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ?$GLOBALS['cfg']['BgcolorOne'] : $GLOBALS['cfg']['BgcolorTwo']; $i++; $type = $row['Type']; // reformat mysql query output - staybyte - 9. June 2001 // loic1: set or enum types: slashes single quotes inside options if (preg_match('@^(set|enum)\((.+)\)$@i', $type, $tmp)) { $tmp[2] = substr(preg_replace("@([^,])''@", "\\1\\'", ',' . $tmp[2]), 1); $type = $tmp[1] . '(' . str_replace(',', ', ', $tmp[2]) . ')'; $type_nowrap = ''; $binary = 0; $unsigned = 0; $zerofill = 0; } else { $type_nowrap = ' nowrap="nowrap"'; $type = preg_replace('@BINARY@i', '', $type); $type = preg_replace('@ZEROFILL@i', '', $type); $type = preg_replace('@UNSIGNED@i', '', $type); if (empty($type)) { $type = ' '; } $binary = stristr($row['Type'], 'BINARY'); $unsigned = stristr($row['Type'], 'UNSIGNED'); $zerofill = stristr($row['Type'], 'ZEROFILL'); } $strAttribute = ' '; if ($binary) { $strAttribute = 'BINARY'; } if ($unsigned) { $strAttribute = 'UNSIGNED'; } if ($zerofill) { $strAttribute = 'UNSIGNED ZEROFILL'; } if (!isset($row['Default'])) { if ($row['Null'] != '') { $row['Default'] = 'NULL'; } } $field_name = $row['Field']; //$pdf->Ln(); $pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$table][$field_name] =$pdf->AddLink(); $pdf->Bookmark($field_name,1,-1); $pdf->SetLink($pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$table][$field_name],-1); $pdf_row = array($field_name , $type , $strAttribute , ($row['Null'] == '') ? $GLOBALS['strNo'] : $GLOBALS['strYes'], ((isset($row['Default'])) ? $row['Default'] : ''), $row['Extra'] , ((isset($res_rel[$field_name])) ? $res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table'] . ' -> ' . $res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field'] : ''), ((isset($comments[$field_name])) ? $comments[$field_name] : '' ), ((isset($mime_map) && isset($mime_map[$field_name])) ? str_replace('_', '/', $mime_map[$field_name]['mimetype']) : '' ) ); $links[0] = $pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$table][$field_name]; if (isset($res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table']) AND isset($res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field']) AND isset($pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table']][$res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field']]) ) $links[6] = $pdf->PMA_links['doc'][$res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table']][$res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field']]; else unset($links[6]); $pdf->Row($pdf_row, $links); /*$pdf->Cell(20,8,$field_name,1,0,'L',0,$pdf->PMA_links['RT'][$table][$field_name]); //echo ' ' . $field_name . ' ' . "\n"; } $pdf->Cell(20,8,$type,1,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(20,8,$strAttribute,1,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(15,8,,1,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(15,8,((isset($row['Default'])) ? $row['Default'] : ''),1,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(15,8,$row['Extra'],1,0,'L'); if ($have_rel) { if (isset($res_rel[$field_name])) { $pdf->Cell(30,8,$res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table'] . ' -> ' . $res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field'],1,0,'L'); } } if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) { if (isset($comments[$field_name])) { $pdf->Cell(0,8,$comments[$field_name],1,0,'L'); } } */ } // end while $pdf->SetFont('', '',14); mysql_free_result($result); }//end each } // end function PMA_RT_DOC /** * Main logic */ if (!isset($pdf_page_number)) { $pdf_page_number = 1; } $show_grid = (isset($show_grid) && $show_grid == 'on') ? 1 : 0; $show_color = (isset($show_color) && $show_color == 'on') ? 1 : 0; $show_table_dimension = (isset($show_table_dimension) && $show_table_dimension == 'on') ? 1 : 0; $all_tab_same_wide = (isset($all_tab_same_wide) && $all_tab_same_wide == 'on') ? 1 : 0; $with_doc = (isset($with_doc) && $with_doc == 'on') ? 1 : 0; $orientation = (isset($orientation) && $orientation == 'P') ? 'P' : 'L'; $paper = isset($paper) ? $paper : 'A4'; PMA_mysql_select_db($db); $rt = new PMA_RT($pdf_page_number, $show_table_dimension, $show_color, $show_grid, $all_tab_same_wide, $orientation, $paper); ?>