WYSIWYG Editor Help

Note: For a simple linebreak please use <Shift + Enter> instead of just <Enter>.
For a paragraph use <Enter>.

If you are using either Mozilla, Firefox or Netscape, there might be problems when switching to HTML mode and back to WYSIWYG or when switching between the tabs "Content", "Images", "Publishing" and "Metadata". If after that you can't edit the content of the editor, try switching from WYSIWYG to HTML and back. This is a known bug in all Mozilla based browsers.

Short description:

Icon Description
Create link Create or edit hyperlinks.
{mospagebreak} Insert {mospagebreak} tag. This will paginate your article.
{mosimage} Insert {mosimage} tag. Make sure, you've selected images over the tab "Images" before.
HTML Mode Switches between WYSIWYG and HTML mode
Choose a formatting (e. g. Heading 1 or Paragraph)
Choose font type
Choose font size
Textfarbe Choose font color
Hintergrundfarbe Choose the background color of your text
Remove format Removes the formatting of the selected text (works in Mozilla/Netscape only if you have deactivated the option "Use CSS" in the "Composer" preferences of your browser)
Bold Bold text
Italic Italic text
Underline Underline text
Striketrough Striketrough text
Superscript Superscript text
Subscript Subscript text
Linksbündig Align left
Zentriert Align center
Align right Align right
Justify text Justify text
Unordered list Unordered list
Ordered list Ordered list
Decrease indent Decrease indent
Increase indent Increase indent
Insert horizontal rule Insert horizontal rule
Insert special character Insert special character
Insert image Opens up the image browser.
Cut Cut selected
Copy Copy selected
Paste Paste content of clipboard
Insert table Insert Table
Show/hide table borders Show/hide table borders when 0

This function is helpful when editing tables with a border of 0 pixels width
Clean up Word tags Cleans up Microsoft Word tags when pasted into the editor.
Popup Editor Opens the editor in a new popup window
Popup Editor Closes the popup editor and passes the content to the main editor
Table properties Table properties
Insert row Insert row
Delete row Delete row
Insert column Insert column
Delete column Delete column
Insert cell Insert cell
Delete cell Delete cell
Merge cells Merge cells
Split cells Split cells
Help Opens this help window

© 2004 Bernhard Pfeifer