
  Howto Remote filesystem in TCOS


1.- Using LTSPFS
2.- Using SHFS
3.- Using SAMBA
4.- Using NFS

1.- Using LTSPFS
  LTSPFS is a remote protocol to mount devices (or dirs)
  into local filesystem.

  LTSPFS use X-Windows autentication protocol.

  (as root) # adduser USER fuse
  (as $USER) $ mkdir $HOME/Desktop/Devices
  (as $USER) $ ltspfs terminal:/media/autofs/ $HOME/Desktop/Devices

2.- Using SHFS
  SHFS is a method to mount remote filesystem throught
  ssh protocol.

  In server, exec this:
  # apt-get install module-assistant linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  # m-a prepare
  # m-a a-i fuse
  # m-a a-i shfs

  The shfs-module-2.x.x will install shfs-utils package,
  set suid to YES when ask.

  In user startup session add tcos-shfsmount

   Click in System --> Preferences --> Sessions
   In startup add "tcos-shfsmount"

   Add a symlink in .kde/Autostart/
   ln -s /usr/bin/tcos-shfsmount /home/USERNAME/.kde/Autostart/

   can use Desktop/Autostart/ folder same as kde or in xfce4.4
   use the startups preferences dialog

  To umount, and clean you can use something like this:

   You can add a line in /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default
   after PATH declaration.

   FIXME, not know

3.- Using SAMBA

  FIXME, samba deprecated in TCOS

4.- Using NFS

  FIXME, nfs write some info