# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ########################################################################## # tcos_config writen by MarioDebian # # TcosConfig version __VERSION__ # # Copyright (c) 2005 Mario Izquierdo # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. ########################################################################### import os import shared from gettext import gettext as _ import time import shutil import grp import glob from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT def print_debug(txt): if shared.debug: print ( "%s::%s " %(__name__, txt) ) class ConfigReader: def __init__(self): import shared self.filename=shared.tcos_config_file self.kernels=[] self.base=shared.tcos_config_base self.template=None self.templates={} self.olddata={} self.base_template=None self.force_settings={} self.ignored_widgets=shared.ignored_widgets self.use_secrets=False self.vars_secrets=[] # new vars self.confdata={} self.oldconfdata={} self.getkernels() self.getsplash() self.open_file(self.filename) self.menus={} self.oldconfdata=self.readtemplate(shared.tcosconfig_template, include_all=True) print_debug("oldconfdata=%s"%self.oldconfdata) def loadbase(self): print_debug("loadbase() ") self.add("base.conf") #print_debug ("%s"%self.confdata) def readtemplate(self, tpl, include_all=False): if os.path.basename(tpl) == os.path.basename(shared.tcosconfig_template): tpl=shared.tcosconfig_template if include_all: values=[] else: values={} if not os.path.exists(tpl): print_debug("readtemplate() template %s not found, returning empty dictionary"%tpl) return {} f=open(tpl, 'r') data=f.readlines() f.close() for line in data: sline=line.strip() if include_all: values.append(sline) continue if sline == "": continue if sline.startswith('#'): continue if "=" in sline: values[sline.split('=')[0]]=sline.split('=')[1].replace('"','') return values def add(self, tpl): self.olddata=self.confdata print_debug("add() tpl=%s"%tpl) newdata=self.readtemplate(shared.templates_dir + tpl) for key in newdata: self.confdata[key]=newdata[key] def loadtemplates(self): print_debug("loadtemplates()") for tpl in os.listdir(shared.templates_dir): print_debug("found tpl %s"%tpl) if tpl.startswith("tcos.conf"): self.templates[tpl]=self.readtemplate(shared.templates_dir + tpl) for tpl in os.listdir( os.path.dirname(shared.tcosconfig_template) ): if tpl.endswith(".conf"): self.templates[tpl]=self.readtemplate(os.path.dirname(shared.tcosconfig_template) + "/" + tpl ) print_debug("found templates %s"%self.templates) #print_debug("self.vars = %s"%self.vars) #print_debug("self.conf = %s"%self.conf) def reloadtemplate(self, tpl): self.open_file(shared.templates_dir + "base.conf") if tpl == os.path.basename(shared.tcosconfig_template): self.force_settings=self.readtemplate(shared.tcosconfig_template) if self.force_settings.has_key('TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE'): self.add( self.force_settings['TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE'] ) else: self.force_settings={} self.add(tpl) def open_file(self, filename): try: fd=file(filename, 'r') print_debug("open_file() filename %s opened "%filename) self.data=fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in self.data: if line != '\n': line=line.replace('\n', '') #self.conf.append(line) if "=" in line and not line.startswith('#'): self.confdata[line.strip().split('=')[0]]=line.strip().split('=')[1].replace('"','') if filename == self.filename: self.ignored_widgets.append(line.strip().split('=')[0]) except Exception, err: print ( "Unable to read %s file, error: %s" %(filename, err) ) import sys sys.exit(1) def getkernels(self): # valid kernel >= 2.6.12 # perpahps we can try to build initrd image instead of initramfs # in kernel < 2.6.12, this require a lot of work in gentcos and init scripts for _file in glob.glob(shared.chroot + '/boot/vmlinuz*'): try: os.stat(_file) except: print_debug("getkernels() link %s broken" %_file) continue kernel=os.path.basename(_file).replace('vmlinuz-','') print_debug("getkernels() found %s"%kernel) # split only 3 times try: (kmay, kmed, kmin) = kernel.split('.',2) except Exception, err: print_debug("getkernels() exception spliting kernel '%s' version, %s"%(kernel,err)) continue import re pattern = re.compile ('[-_.+]') (kmin, kextra) = pattern.split(kmin,1) # need kernel >= 2.6.12 if int(kmay)==2 and int(kmed)==6 and int(kmin)>=12: #print_debug( "getkernels() VALID kernel %s" %(kernel) ) self.kernels.append(kernel) else: print_debug( "getkernels() INVALID OLD kernel %s" %(kernel) ) return def getsplash(self): #Now work with plymouth if os.path.isdir('/lib/plymouth/themes'): self.getplymouth() elif os.path.isdir('/usr/lib/usplash'): self.getusplash() else: return def getplymouth(self): self.plymouth_themes=[] plymouth_dir="/lib/plymouth/themes/" for _dir in os.listdir(shared.chroot + plymouth_dir): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(plymouth_dir, _dir)) and not _dir == "details": print( "getplymouth() VALID theme %s" %(_dir) ) self.plymouth_themes.append( [_dir, _dir] ) # No more plymouth-set-default-theme?? #p = Popen("plymouth-set-default-theme --list", shell=True, bufsize=0, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) #stdout=p.stdout #isfinished=False #self.theme="unknow" #while not isfinished: # self.theme=stdout.readline().strip() # if p.poll() != None: # isfinished=True # print_debug("get() theme='%s'"%self.theme) # self.plymouth_themes.append( [self.theme, self.theme] ) shared.TCOS_PLYMOUTH_VALUES = self.plymouth_themes def getusplash(self): self.usplash_themes=[] for _file in os.listdir(shared.chroot + "/usr/lib/usplash/"): if _file.find("usplash-artwork.so") == -1 and _file.endswith(".so"): #print_debug( "getusplash() VALID usplash %s" %(_file) ) self.usplash_themes.append( [_file, _file.split(".so")[0]] ) shared.TCOS_USPLASH_VALUES = self.usplash_themes def getvalue(self, varname): if self.confdata.has_key(varname): return self.confdata[varname] print_debug("get_value() no varname found %s"%varname) return '' def getvars(self): print_debug("FIXME OBSOLETE") return self.confdata.keys() def reset(self): print_debug("FIXME FIXME reset()") def changevalue(self, varname, newvalue): if varname == 'TCOS_TEMPLATE': print_debug("changevalue() TCOS_TEMPLATE=%s"%newvalue) self.base_template=newvalue return if varname in ['TCOS_NETBOOT_MENU','TCOS_NETBOOT_MENU_VESA']: print_debug("changevalue() menus varname=%s value='%s'"%(varname,newvalue)) self.menus[varname]=newvalue return self.confdata[varname]=newvalue def savedata(self, changeddata): # remove from changeddata menus if not changed for key in self.menus: if key in changeddata and self.menus[key] == self.confdata[key]: print_debug("WARNING savedata() key=%s is in changeddata and no has changed from default '%s'!='%s'"%(key, self.menus[key], self.confdata[key])) changeddata.pop(changeddata.index(key)) f=open(shared.tcosconfig_template, 'w') f.write("# file generated by tcosconfig on %s\n"%time.ctime()) f.write("TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION=\"%s\"\n\n" %_("Template generated by tcosconfig") ) if len(self.force_settings) > 0: if self.force_settings.has_key('TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE'): f.write("\n# conf based on template\n") f.write( "TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE=%s\n" %(self.force_settings['TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE'] ) ) print_debug("savedata() have data from old template") f.write("\n# data from old template\n") for key in self.force_settings: if not key in ['TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION', 'TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE']: if key in changeddata: print_debug("saveconfig() oldkey=%s value=%s is in changeddata=%s"%(key, self.force_settings[key], self.confdata[key])) continue print_debug("savedata() old settings var=%s value =%s"%(key, self.force_settings[key])) f.write( "%s=%s\n" %(key, self.force_settings[key] ) ) f.write("#end of old template data\n\n") if self.base_template and self.base_template != os.path.basename(shared.tcosconfig_template): print_debug("savedata() have base_template %s"%self.base_template) f.write("TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE=%s\n"%self.base_template) #else: # print_debug("savedata() %s"%self.base_template) # f.write("TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE=%s\n"%self.confdata['TCOS_BASED_TEMPLATE']) for key in changeddata: if key == "TCOS_TEMPLATE": print_debug("savedata() TCOS_TEMPLATE=%s"%self.confdata[key]) continue if key in ['TCOS_NETBOOT_MENU','TCOS_NETBOOT_MENU_VESA']: if len(self.menus) <1: print_debug("saveconfig() no writing menus because self.menus is empty %s"%self.menus) continue else: f.write( "%s=%s\n" %(key, self.menus[key] ) ) continue f.write( "%s=%s\n" %(key, self.confdata[key] ) ) print_debug("savedata() %s=%s " %(key, self.confdata[key] ) ) f.write("\n#end of template\n") f.close() gidtcos=-1 for group in grp.getgrall(): if group[0] == "tcos": gidtcos=group[2] if gidtcos != -1: os.chmod(shared.tcosconfig_template, 0640) os.chown(shared.tcosconfig_template, 0, gidtcos) else: os.chmod(shared.tcosconfig_template, 0600) print_debug("file %s saved" %(shared.tcosconfig_template)) self.setup_chroot() def create_tree(self, fname): dirs=fname.split('/')[0:-1] fullpath="/" for d in dirs: fullpath+="/" + d if not os.path.isdir(fullpath): print_debug("create_tree() mkdir %s"%fullpath) os.mkdir(fullpath) def setup_chroot(self): if shared.chroot != "/": chroot_template=shared.chroot + shared.tcosconfig_template print_debug ("setup_chroot() copying %s => %s"%(shared.tcosconfig_template, chroot_template)) self.create_tree(chroot_template) shutil.copy(shared.tcosconfig_template, chroot_template ) os.chmod(chroot_template, 0600) else: print_debug("setup_chroot() no chroot defined '%s'"%shared.chroot) def revert(self): if self.oldconfdata == self.readtemplate(shared.tcosconfig_template, include_all=True): print_debug("revert() no changes, doing nothing") return if len (self.oldconfdata) > 1: print_debug("revert() reverting changes...") f=open(shared.tcosconfig_template, 'w') for line in self.oldconfdata: f.write(line + '\n') f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': shared.debug=True conf = ConfigReader () print conf.confdata conf.add("base.conf") print "\n\n" print conf.confdata #print conf.kernels #print conf.vars