#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ########################################################################## # TcosMonitor writen by MarioDebian # # tcos-devices-ng version __VERSION__ # # Copyright (c) 2006 Mario Izquierdo # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. ########################################################################### import os, sys import gobject import getopt from gettext import gettext as _ import time import socket CONF_FILE="~/.tcos-devices-ng.conf" ALL_CONF_FILE="/etc/tcos/tcos-devices-ng.conf" import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk from tcosmonitor import shared # check for local DISPLAY remotehost=display="" if "DISPLAY" in os.environ and os.environ['DISPLAY'] != '': remotehost=str(shared.parseIPAddress(os.environ["DISPLAY"])) action = "" if remotehost == "": print ("tcos-devices-ng: Not allowed to run in local DISPLAY") sys.exit(0) # load conf file and exit if not active if not shared.test_start("tcos-devices-ng") : print ("tcos-devices-ng disabled at %s" % (shared.module_conf_file)) sys.exit(1) from tcosmonitor.TcosTrayIcon2 import TcosTrayIcon import threading import pynotify import pwd # tell gtk we use threads gtk.gdk.threads_init() def usage(): print ("tcos-devices-ng help:") print ("") print (" tcos-devices-ng -d [--debug] (write debug data to stdout)") print (" tcos-devices-ng -h [--help] (this help)") try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ":hd", ["help", "debug" ]) except getopt.error, msg: print (msg) print ("for command line options use tcos-devices-ng --help") sys.exit(2) # process options for o, a in opts: if o in ("-d", "--debug"): shared.debug = True if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() def log( message ): print ( "%d %s" % (os.getpid(), message) ) def print_debug(txt): if shared.debug: print >>sys.stderr, "%d %s::%s" % (os.getpid(), "tcos-devices-ng", txt) #print("%d %s::%s" % (os.getpid(), "tcos-devices-ng", txt), file=sys.stderr) class TcosDevicesNG: def __init__(self): self.host=None self.hostname=None self.name="TcosDevicesNG" self.mounted={} self.mntconf={} self.username=None self.loadconf(CONF_FILE) self.loadconf(ALL_CONF_FILE) ######## Create icon ############# disable_quit=self.mntconf.has_key("disable_quit") and self.mntconf['disable_quit'] == "1" enable_reboot_and_poweroff=self.mntconf.has_key("enable_reboot_poweroff") and self.mntconf['enable_reboot_poweroff'] == "1" self.systray=TcosTrayIcon(disable_quit=disable_quit, allow_reboot_poweroff=enable_reboot_and_poweroff) self.systray.status=True self.initremote() self.desktop=self.get_desktop() ######## read floppys ############# if self.mntconf.has_key("disable_floppy") and self.mntconf['disable_floppy'] == "1" : print_debug("__init__() floppy disabled from CONF_FILE") else: self.getremote_floppy() ######## read cdroms ############# if self.mntconf.has_key("disable_cdroms") and self.mntconf['disable_cdroms'] == "1" : print_debug("__init__() cdroms disabled from CONF_FILE") else: self.getremote_cdroms() ######## read hard disk ############# if self.mntconf.has_key("disable_hdd") and self.mntconf['disable_hdd'] == "1" : print_debug("__init__() hdd disabled from CONF_FILE") else: self.getremote_hdd() self.quitting=False # register quit event if not disable_quit: self.systray.register_action("quit", lambda w: self.exit() ) # register reboot and poweroff if enable_reboot_and_poweroff: self.systray.register_action("reboot", self.menu_remote_reboot_poweroff, 'reboot' ) self.systray.register_action("poweroff", self.menu_remote_reboot_poweroff, 'poweroff' ) self.udev_events={ "insert": {"ID_BUS": "usb", "ACTION":"add"}, "remove": {"ID_BUS": "usb", "ACTION":"remove"}, "insert-firewire":{"ID_BUS": "ieee1394", "ACTION":"add"}, "remove-firewire":{"ID_BUS": "ieee1394", "ACTION":"remove"}, "mount-floppy": {"DEVPATH": "/block/fd0", "ACTION":"mount"}, "umount-floppy": {"DEVPATH": "/block/fd0", "ACTION":"umount"}, "mount-cdrom": {"DEVPATH": "/block/hd*", "ACTION":"mount"}, "umount-cdrom": {"DEVPATH": "/block/hd*", "ACTION":"umount"}, "mount-flash": {"DEVPATH": "/block/sd*", "ACTION":"mount"}, "umount-flash": {"DEVPATH": "/block/sd*", "ACTION":"umount"} } def menu_remote_reboot_poweroff(self, *args): try: action=args[0][0] except Exception, err: print_debug("menu_remote_reboot_poweroff() Exception, error=%s"%err) return remote_hostname=self.xauth.get_hostname() xauth_cookie=self.xauth.get_cookie() if self.mntconf.has_key("reboot_poweroff_timeout"): timeout=self.mntconf['reboot_poweroff_timeout'] else: timeout="5" if action == "reboot": self.show_notification( _("Rebooting in %s seconds") %(timeout) ) elif action == "poweroff": self.show_notification( _("Shutting down in %s seconds") %(timeout) ) else: # unknow signal return print_debug("remote_reboot_poweroff() action=%s, remote_hostname=%s, xauth_cookie=%s"%(action, remote_hostname, xauth_cookie)) cmd=threading.Thread(target=self.remote_reboot_poweroff, args=[action, timeout, xauth_cookie, remote_hostname] ) cmd.start() return def remote_reboot_poweroff(self, action, timeout, xauth_cookie, remote_hostname): print_debug("remote_reboot_poweroff() waiting %s seconds"%timeout) #time.sleep(int(timeout)) try: result=self.xmlrpc.tc.tcos.rebootpoweroff( action, timeout, xauth_cookie, remote_hostname) print_debug("remote_reboot_poweroff() result=%s"%result.strip()) if result.startswith("error"): self.show_notification( _("ERROR during action %(action)s:\n%(errortxt)s") %{"action":action, "errortxt":result.replace('error: ','')} ) except Exception, err: print_debug("remote_reboot_poweroff() Exception: %s"%err) self.show_notification( _("ERROR during action %(action)s:\n%(errortxt)s") %{"action":action, "errortxt":err} ) return def loadconf(self, conffile): print_debug ( "loadconf() __init__ conffile=%s" %conffile ) conf=os.path.expanduser(conffile) if os.path.isfile(conf): print_debug ("loadconf() found conf file %s" %conf) f=open(conf, "r") data=f.readlines() f.close() for line in data: if line == '\n': continue if line.find('#') == 0: continue line=line.replace('\n', '') if "=" in line: try: self.mntconf["%s"%line.split('=')[0]] = line.split('=')[1] except Exception, err: print_debug("loadconf() Exception, error=%s"%err) pass print_debug( "loadconf mntconf=%s" %self.mntconf ) return def show_notification(self, msg, urgency=pynotify.URGENCY_CRITICAL, timeout=20000): pynotify.init("tcos-devices-ng") if os.path.isfile("/usr/share/pixmaps/tcos-icon-32x32-custom.png"): image_uri="file://usr/share/pixmaps/tcos-icon-32x32-custom.png" else: image_uri="file://" + os.path.abspath(shared.IMG_DIR) + "/tcos-devices-32x32.png" n = pynotify.Notification( _("Tcos device daemon") , msg, image_uri ) n.set_urgency(urgency) # don't attach to status icon with multiple notifications #if hasattr(pynotify.Notification, 'attach_to_status_icon'): # n.attach_to_status_icon(self.systray.statusIcon) n.set_category("device") n.set_timeout(timeout) # 15 sec if not n.show(): print_debug ("show_notification() Failed to send notification") def initremote(self): # get all devices import tcosmonitor.TcosXmlRpc import tcosmonitor.TcosConf import tcosmonitor.TcosCommon import tcosmonitor.TcosXauth self.xauth=tcosmonitor.TcosXauth.TcosXauth(self) self.xauth.init_standalone() self.common=tcosmonitor.TcosCommon.TcosCommon(self) print_debug ( "loading config class..." ) self.config=tcosmonitor.TcosConf.TcosConf(self, openfile=False) self.xmlrpc=tcosmonitor.TcosXmlRpc.TcosXmlRpc(self) self.username=self.common.get_username() self.host=self.common.get_display(ip_mode=True) self.hostname=self.common.get_display(ip_mode=False) print_debug("initremote() username=%s host=%s hostname=%s"%(self.username, self.host, self.hostname)) if not self.common.user_in_group("fuse"): print ("tcos-devices-ng: ERROR: User not in group fuse") shared.error_msg(_("TCOS_DEVICES: Your user is not in group fuse and you can not use USB devices. Please contact with your administrator.")) sys.exit(1) nossl=True # make a test and exit if no cookie match if not self.xauth.test_auth(nossl): print ("tcos-devices-ng: ERROR: Xauth cookie don't match") sys.exit(1) self.xmlrpc.newhost(self.host, nossl) if not self.xmlrpc.connected: print ( _("Error connecting with TcosXmlRpc in %s.") %(self.host) ) sys.exit(1) # check for enabled devices disable_usb=self.xmlrpc.IsEnabled("TCOS_DISABLE_USB") disable_ide=self.xmlrpc.IsEnabled("TCOS_DISABLE_IDE") if disable_usb or disable_ide: print ("tcos-devices-ng: TCOS_DISABLE_USB or TCOS_DISABLE_IDE enabled, exiting...") sys.exit(0) def get_desktop_path(self): desktop=self.common.exe_cmd("/usr/lib/tcos/get-xdg-desktop", verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0) if not os.path.isdir(desktop): desktop=os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") return desktop def getremote_cdroms(self): self.cdrom_devices=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="", mode="--getcdrom").split('|') self.cdrom_devices=self.cdrom_devices[0:-1] print_debug ( "get_data() cdroms=%s" %(self.cdrom_devices) ) for cdrom in self.cdrom_devices: # get device status cdrom_status= self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/%s" %cdrom, mode="--getstatus") if cdrom_status == "0": mount=True umount=False else: mount=False umount=True cdrom_desc = self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/%s" %cdrom, mode="--getid") self.systray.register_device("cdrom_%s"%cdrom, _("Cdrom device %s" ) %cdrom, "cdrom.png", True, { "cdrom_%s_mount" %cdrom: [ _("Mount Cdrom"), "cdrom_mount.png", mount, None, "/dev/%s"%cdrom], "cdrom_%s_umount"%cdrom: [ _("Umount Cdrom"), "cdrom_umount.png", umount, None, "/dev/%s"%cdrom] }, "/dev/%s"%(cdrom), cdrom_desc) self.systray.register_action("cdrom_%s_mount" %cdrom, self.cdrom, "mount", cdrom ) self.systray.register_action("cdrom_%s_umount" %cdrom, self.cdrom, "umount", cdrom ) def getremote_hdd(self): self.hdd_devices=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="", mode="--gethdd").split('|') self.hdd_devices=self.hdd_devices[0:-1] print_debug ( "getremote_hdd() hdd=%s" %(self.hdd_devices) ) for hdd in self.hdd_devices: # get device status hdd_status= self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/%s" %hdd, mode="--getstatus") if hdd_status == "0": mount=True umount=False else: mount=False umount=True hdd_desc = self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/%s" %hdd[0:3], mode="--getid") self.systray.register_device("hdd_%s"%hdd, _("Disk partition %s") %hdd, "hdd_mount.png", True, { "hdd_%s_mount" %hdd: [ _("Mount disk partition"), "hdd_mount.png", mount, None, "/dev/%s"%hdd], "hdd_%s_umount"%hdd: [ _("Umount disk partition"), "hdd_umount.png", umount, None, "/dev/%s"%hdd] }, "/dev/%s"%(hdd), hdd_desc) self.systray.register_action("hdd_%s_mount" %hdd, self.hdd, "mount", hdd ) self.systray.register_action("hdd_%s_umount" %hdd, self.hdd, "umount", hdd ) def getremote_floppy(self): have_floppy=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/fd0", mode="--exists") if have_floppy == "0": print_debug ( _("No floppy detected") ) return floppy_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/fd0", mode="--getstatus") if floppy_status == "0": mount=True n=1 self.systray.status=False else: mount=False n=2 self.systray.status=True self.systray.register_device("floppy", _("Floppy"), "floppy%s.png"%n, True, { "floppy_mount": [ _("Mount Floppy"), "floppy_mount.png", mount, None, "/dev/fd0"], "floppy_umount": [ _("Umount Floppy"), "floppy_umount.png", not mount, None, "/dev/fd0"] }, "/dev/fd0") self.systray.register_action("floppy_mount" , self.floppy, "mount" ) self.systray.register_action("floppy_umount" , self.floppy, "umount" ) return def update_floppy(self, *args): if len(args) > 0: if args[0] == "mount": self.show_notification ( _("Floppy mounted. Ready for use.") ) elif args[0] == "umount": self.show_notification ( _("Floppy umounted. You can extract it.") ) floppy_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/fd0", mode="--getstatus") if floppy_status == "0": ismounted=False n=1 else: ismounted=True n=2 print_debug ("update_floppy() floppy ismounted=%s" %ismounted) self.systray.items["floppy"][1]="floppy%s.png"%n self.systray.update_status("floppy", "floppy_mount", not ismounted) self.systray.update_status("floppy", "floppy_umount", ismounted) def update_hdd(self, *args): if len(args) > 0: if args[0] == "mount": self.show_notification ( _("Hard disk partition mounted. Ready for use.") ) return elif args[0] == "umount": self.show_notification ( _("Hard disk partition umounted.") ) return else: dev=args[0] hdd_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/%s"%dev, mode="--getstatus") if hdd_status == "0": ismounted=False n=1 else: ismounted=True n=2 print_debug ("update_hdd() hdd ismounted=%s" %ismounted) self.systray.update_status("hdd_%s"%dev, "hdd_%s_mount"%dev, not ismounted) self.systray.update_status("hdd_%s"%dev, "hdd_%s_umount"%dev, ismounted) def update_cdrom(self, dev, action=None): if action == "mount" or action == "umount": devtype=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=dev, mode="--cdaudio") if action == "mount": if devtype == "1": self.show_notification ( _("Audio cdrom mounted., you can listen music opening wav files.") ) else: self.show_notification ( _("Cdrom mounted. Ready for use.") ) return elif action == "umount": self.show_notification ( _("Cdrom umounted. You can extract it.") ) return cdrom_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="/dev/%s"%dev, mode="--getstatus") if cdrom_status == "0": ismounted=False n=1 else: ismounted=True n=2 print_debug ("update_cdrom() cdrom ismounted=%s" %ismounted) self.systray.update_status("cdrom_%s"%dev, "cdrom_%s_mount"%dev, not ismounted) self.systray.update_status("cdrom_%s"%dev, "cdrom_%s_umount"%dev, ismounted) def udev_daemon(self): start1=time.time() print_debug ("udev_daemon() starting...") udev=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="", mode="--getudev").split('|') print_debug("udev_daemon GetDevicesInfo time=%f" %(time.time() - start1) ) if "error" in " ".join(udev): return udev=udev[:-1] if len(udev) < 1 or udev[0] == "unknow": return udev=self.remove_dupes(udev) for line in udev: data={} tmp=line.split('#') for i in tmp: if '=' in i: data[i.split("=")[0]]=i.split("=")[1] for event in self.udev_events: action_found=False #print_debug ( " UDEV=> checking for event %s" %event ) # check for all events for udev_var in self.udev_events[event]: #print_debug ( " UDEV=> checking for udev_var %s value=%s" %(udev_var, self.udev_events[event]["%s"%udev_var]) ) if not data.has_key(udev_var): action_found=False break if "*" in self.udev_events["%s"%event]["%s"%udev_var]: even=self.udev_events["%s"%event]["%s"%udev_var].replace('*','') if even in data["%s"%udev_var]: action_found=True else: action_found=False break else: if self.udev_events["%s"%event]["%s"%udev_var] == data["%s"%udev_var]: action_found=True else: action_found=False break if action_found: self.worker_running=False worker=shared.Workers(self, target=self.do_udev_event, args=[data], dog=False) worker.start() print_debug("end of udev_daemon time=%f" %(time.time() - start1) ) return def do_udev_event(self, *args): data=args[0] #print_debug ("do_udev_event() data=%s" %data) if data.has_key("ID_BUS") and data["ID_BUS"] == "usb": if data.has_key("DEVPATH") and "/block/sr" in data["DEVPATH"]: self.cdrom_usb(data) else: self.usb(data) if data.has_key("ID_BUS") and data["ID_BUS"] == "ieee1394": self.firewire(data) if data.has_key("DEVPATH") and "/block/hd" in data["DEVPATH"]: if len(data["DEVPATH"].split('/')) > 3: # we have a hdd self.update_hdd(data["ACTION"]) else: # we have a cdrom self.update_cdrom("/dev/" + data["DEVPATH"].split("/")[2], action=data["ACTION"]) if data.has_key("DEVPATH") and "/block/fd" in data["DEVPATH"]: self.update_floppy(data["ACTION"]) if data.has_key("DEVPATH") and data["ID_BUS"] == "ieee1394" and "/block/sd" in data["DEVPATH"]: # FIXME SATA devices not detected as HDD self.update_firewire(data) elif data.has_key("DEVPATH") and "/block/sd" in data["DEVPATH"]: self.update_usb(data) def mounter_remote(self, device, fstype, mode="--mount"): print_debug ( "mounter_remote() device=%s fstype=%s" %(device, fstype) ) if device == None: return False mnt_point="/mnt/%s" %(device[5:]) if mode == "--mount": # send notification self.show_notification( _("Mounting device %s\nPlease wait..." ) %(device), urgency=pynotify.URGENCY_NORMAL ) print_debug ( "mount_remote() mounting device=%s fstype=%s mnt_point=%s" %(device, fstype, mnt_point) ) elif mode == "--umount": print_debug ( "mount_remote() umounting device=%s fstype=%s mnt_point=%s" %(device, fstype, mnt_point) ) # set socket timeout bigger (floppy can take some time) socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) if fstype != "vfat": # if we know that device is vfat dont try to get type again dtype=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--gettype") if dtype == "ntfs-3g" and mode == "--mount": print_debug ( "mounter_remote() Ummm mounting a NTFS-3G, creating a thread" ) # create a thread try: ntfs_3g=threading.Thread(target=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo, args=(device,mode) ) ntfs_3g.start() return True except Exception, err: print_debug("ntfs-3g thread Exception, error=%s"%err) return True # set socket timeout bigger (floppy can take some time) socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) mount=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode=mode) if mount != mnt_point: print_debug ( "mounter_remote() mount failed, retry with filesystem") print_debug ( "mounter_remote() FIRST ERROR mount='%s' mnt_point='%s'" %(mount, mnt_point)) return False """ # try to mount with filesystem mount=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device="%s %s" %(device, fstype), mode=mode) if mount != mnt_point: print_debug ("mounter_remote() SECOND ERROR mount='%s' mnt_point='%s'" %(mount, mnt_point)) return False """ print_debug("mounter_remote(device=%s fstype=%s) mount OK"%(device, fstype)) return True def mounter_local(self, local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device="", label="", mode="mount"): if mode == "mount": if not os.path.isdir(local_mount_point): os.mkdir (local_mount_point) # wait until appear in desktop icon folder time.sleep(2) output=self.common.exe_cmd("ltspfs %s:%s %s 2>&1" %(self.host, remote_mnt, local_mount_point), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0) if "ERROR" in output: self.show_notification( _("Error mounting LTSPFS, check versions of LTSPFS packages"), urgency=pynotify.URGENCY_CRITICAL) return False """ # DISABLED: too late to show notification better in mounter_remote # send notification self.show_notification( _("Mounting device %(device)s in \n%(mnt_point)s\nPlease wait..." )\ %{"device":device, "mnt_point":local_mount_point}, urgency=pynotify.URGENCY_NORMAL ) """ if mode == "umount": if os.path.isdir(local_mount_point): print_debug ( "mounter_local() umounting %s" %(local_mount_point) ) self.common.exe_cmd("fusermount -u %s" %(local_mount_point), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) self.common.exe_cmd("fusermount -uz %s 2>/dev/null" %(local_mount_point), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) print_debug ( "mounter_local() removing dir %s" %(local_mount_point) ) try: os.rmdir(local_mount_point) except Exception, err: print_debug("mounter_local(umount %s) Exception, error %s"%(local_mount_point, err)) mydevice="" for dev in self.mounted: if local_mount_point == self.mounted[dev]: mydevice=device self.show_notification( _("Umounting device %s.\nPlease wait..." ) %(mydevice)\ , urgency=pynotify.URGENCY_NORMAL ) return True def get_local_mountpoint(self, data): desktop=self.get_desktop_path() #fslabel=self.get_value(data, "ID_FS_LABEL") #fsvendor=self.get_value(data, "ID_VENDOR") if data.has_key("ID_FS_LABEL"): fslabel=data['ID_FS_LABEL'] else: fslabel="" if data.has_key("ID_VENDOR"): fsvendor=data['ID_VENDOR'] else: fsvendor="" counter=1 if fslabel != "": print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() have label...." ) if not os.path.isdir(desktop + "/" + fslabel): print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir not exists, returning..." %(desktop + "/" + fslabel) ) return desktop + "/" + fslabel else: print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir exists, searching for numbered dirs..." %(desktop + "/" + fslabel) ) while True: if not os.path.isdir(desktop + "/" + fslabel + "-" + str(counter) ): print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir not exists, returning..." %(desktop + "/" + fslabel + "-" + str(counter)) ) return desktop + "/" + fslabel + "-" + str(counter) counter+=1 if fsvendor != "": print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() have vendor not label...." ) if not os.path.isdir(desktop + "/" + fsvendor): print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir not exists, returning..." %(desktop + "/" + fsvendor) ) return desktop + "/" + fsvendor else: print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir exists, searching for numbered dirs..." %(desktop + "/" + fsvendor) ) while True: if not os.path.isdir(desktop + "/" + fsvendor + "-" + str(counter) ): print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir not exists, returning..." %(desktop + "/" + fsvendor + "-" + str(counter)) ) return desktop + "/" + fsvendor + "-" + str(counter) counter+=1 else: if data.has_key("ID_BUS") and data["ID_BUS"] == "usb": mnt=_("usbdisk") else: mnt=_("firewiredisk") print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() don't have label or vendor" ) if not os.path.isdir(desktop + "/" + mnt): print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir not exists, returning..." %(desktop + "/" + mnt) ) return desktop + "/" + mnt else: print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir exists, searching for numbered dirs..." %(desktop + "/" + mnt) ) while True: if not os.path.isdir(desktop + "/" + mnt + "-" + str(counter) ): print_debug ( "get_local_mountpoint() %s dir not exists, returning..." %(desktop + "/" + mnt + "-" + str(counter)) ) return desktop + "/" + mnt + "-" + str(counter) counter+=1 def floppy(self, action): action=action[0] print_debug("floppy call %s" %action) desktop=self.get_desktop_path() if self.mntconf.has_key("fd0"): local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, self.mntconf['fd0'] ) else: local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, _("Floppy") ) if action == "mount": if not self.mounter_remote("/dev/fd0", "", mode="--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't mount floppy") ) return if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, "/mnt/fd0", device="/dev/fd0", label=_("Floppy"), mode="mount"): return self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) self.update_floppy() return if action == "umount": self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, "/mnt/fd0", device="/dev/fd0", label=_("Floppy"), mode="umount") if not self.mounter_remote("/dev/fd0", "", mode="--umount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't umount floppy") ) return self.update_floppy() def cdrom(self, *args): action=args[0][0] cdrom_device=args[0][1] desktop=self.get_desktop_path() if self.mntconf.has_key(cdrom_device): local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, self.mntconf[cdrom_device] ) else: local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, _("Cdrom_%s") %cdrom_device ) absdev="/dev/%s"%cdrom_device if action == "mount": print_debug ( "cdrom() remote_mnt=%s device=%s" %("/mnt/%s"%cdrom_device, cdrom_device) ) if not self.mounter_remote(absdev, "", mode="--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't mount cdrom") ) return if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, "/mnt/%s"%cdrom_device, device=absdev, label=_("Cdrom_%s") %cdrom_device, mode="mount"): return # change status self.update_cdrom(cdrom_device) self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) return if action == "umount": print_debug ( "cdrom() remote_mnt=%s device=%s" %("/mnt/%s"%cdrom_device, cdrom_device) ) self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, "/mnt/%s"%cdrom_device, device=absdev, label=_("Cdrom_%s") %cdrom_device, mode="umount") if not self.mounter_remote(absdev, "", mode="--umount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't umount cdrom") ) return # change status self.update_cdrom(cdrom_device) return def hdd(self, *args): action=args[0][0] hdd_device=args[0][1] desktop=self.get_desktop_path() if self.mntconf.has_key(hdd_device): local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, self.mntconf[hdd_device] ) else: local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, _("Disk_%s") %hdd_device ) absdev="/dev/%s"%hdd_device if action == "mount": print_debug ( "hdd() remote_mnt=%s device=%s" %("/mnt/%s"%hdd_device, hdd_device) ) if not self.mounter_remote(absdev, "", mode="--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't mount hard disk partition") ) return if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, "/mnt/%s"%hdd_device, device=absdev, label=_("Disk_%s") %hdd_device, mode="mount"): return # change status self.update_hdd(hdd_device) self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) return if action == "umount": print_debug ( "hdd() remote_mnt=%s device=%s" %("/mnt/%s"%hdd_device, hdd_device) ) self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, "/mnt/%s"%hdd_device, device=absdev, label=_("Disk_%s") %hdd_device, mode="umount") if not self.mounter_remote(absdev, "", mode="--umount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't umount hard disk partition") ) return # change status self.update_hdd(hdd_device) return def cdrom_usb(self, *args): data=args[0] if isinstance(data, tuple): data=args[0][0] print_debug("cdrom_usb() data=%s" %data) if data.has_key('DEVPATH'): device="/dev/"+data["DEVPATH"].split('/')[2] else: device=data['DEVNAME'] action=data['ACTION'] devid=device.split('/')[2] remote_mnt="/mnt/%s" %(devid) usb_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--getstatus") if usb_status == "0": mount=True n=1 else: mount=False n=2 if action == "add": if not data.has_key('ID_VENDOR'): vendor="" else: vendor=data['ID_VENDOR'] if not data.has_key('ID_MODEL'): model="" else: model=data['ID_MODEL'] if not data.has_key('ID_FS_TYPE'): fstype="" else: fstype=data['ID_FS_TYPE'] self.show_notification( _("From terminal %(host)s.\nConnected CDROM USB device %(device)s\n%(vendor)s %(model)s" ) \ %{"host":self.hostname, "device":device, "vendor":vendor, "model":model } ) ########### add USB CDROM device ############ self.systray.register_device("usb_%s"%devid, _("CDROM USB device %s") %devid, "usb%s.png"%n, True, { "usb_%s_mount" %devid: [ _("Mount CDROM USB device %s") %(devid), "usb_mount.png", mount, None, device], "usb_%s_umount" %devid: [ _("Umount CDROM USB device %s") %(devid), "usb_umount.png", not mount, None, device] }, device, "%s %s"%(vendor, model)) self.systray.register_action("usb_%s_mount" %devid , self.cdrom_usb, { "DEVNAME": device, "ACTION": "mount", "ID_FS_TYPE": fstype, "FORCE_MOUNT":True } ) self.systray.register_action("usb_%s_umount" %devid , self.cdrom_usb, { "DEVNAME": device, "ACTION": "umount", "ID_FS_TYPE": fstype, "FORCE_MOUNT":True } ) ############################################### # We can have only a cdrom connected without cd inserted if fstype != "": desktop=self.get_desktop_path() if self.mntconf.has_key(devid): local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, self.mntconf[devid] ) else: local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, _("Cdrom_%s") %devid ) print_debug ( "cdrom_usb() remote_mnt=%s device=%s" %(remote_mnt, devid) ) if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, mode="--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return if device in self.mounted: data['ID_FS_LABEL']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) data['ID_VENDOR']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) # remote device is mounted, mount_local and launch filemanager if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=_("Cdrom_%s") %devid, mode="mount"): return self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) self.mounted[device]=local_mount_point # change status self.update_cdrom_usb(devid, action) return elif action == "mount": if not data.has_key('ID_FS_TYPE'): fstype="" else: fstype=data['ID_FS_TYPE'] desktop=self.get_desktop_path() if self.mntconf.has_key(devid): local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, self.mntconf[devid] ) else: local_mount_point=os.path.join(desktop, _("Cdrom_%s") %devid ) print_debug ( "cdrom_usb() remote_mnt=%s device=%s" %(remote_mnt, devid) ) if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, mode="--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return if device in self.mounted: data['ID_FS_LABEL']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) data['ID_VENDOR']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) # remote device is mounted, mount_local and launch filemanager if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=_("Cdrom_%s") %devid, mode="mount"): return # change status self.update_cdrom_usb(devid, action) self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) self.mounted[device]=local_mount_point return elif action == "remove" or action == "umount": if action == "remove": if not data.has_key('ID_VENDOR'): vendor="" else: vendor=data['ID_VENDOR'] if not data.has_key('ID_MODEL'): model="" else: model=data['ID_MODEL'] self.show_notification( _("From terminal %(host)s.\nDisconnected CDROM USB device %(device)s\n%(vendor)s %(model)s" ) \ %{"host":self.hostname, "device":device, "vendor":vendor, "model":model } ) print_debug ("cdrom_usb() UNREGISTER SERVICE") self.systray.unregister_device("usb_%s"%devid) if device in self.mounted: local_mount_point=self.mounted[device] else: print_debug ( "remove_cdrom_usb() device %s not found in self.mounted" %(device) ) return # umount local fuse # check if fuse is mounted status=self.common.exe_cmd("mount |grep -c %s" %(local_mount_point), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) if int(status) != 0: self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=_("Cdrom_%s") %devid, mode="umount") # umount remote device # check if remote is mounted (user can umount before from desktop icon) print_debug("cdrom_usb() GETSTATUS device=%s"%device) status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--getstatus") try: status=int(status) if status == 0: print_debug ( "remove_cdrom_usb() device=%s seems not mounted" %(device) ) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_mount"%devid, True) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_umount"%devid, False) else: if not self.mounter_remote(device, "", mode="--umount"): self.show_notification ( _("Can't umount cdrom usb %s") %(device) ) return self.update_cdrom_usb(devid, action) except Exception, err: print_debug ( "cdrom_usb() Exception error %s"%err ) def usb(self, *args): data=args[0] if isinstance(data, tuple): data=args[0][0] print_debug("usb() data=%s" %data) device=data['DEVNAME'] action=data['ACTION'] if not data.has_key('ID_FS_TYPE'): # we don't have a filesystem only a full device (ex: /dev/sda) if not data.has_key('ID_VENDOR'): vendor="" else: vendor=data['ID_VENDOR'] if not data.has_key('ID_MODEL'): model="" else: model=data['ID_MODEL'] if action == "add": self.show_notification( _("From terminal %(host)s.\nConnected USB device %(device)s\n%(vendor)s %(model)s" ) \ %{"host":self.hostname, "device":device, "vendor":vendor, "model":model } ) if action == "remove": self.show_notification( _("From terminal %(host)s.\nDisconnected USB device %(device)s\n%(vendor)s %(model)s" ) \ %{"host":self.hostname, "device":device, "vendor":vendor, "model":model } ) return else: # we have a filesystem ex: /dev/sda1 if not data.has_key('ID_FS_TYPE'): fstype="" else: fstype=data['ID_FS_TYPE'] if fstype == "swap" or fstype == "extended": return usb_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--getstatus") if usb_status == "0": mount=True n=1 else: mount=False n=2 # add to menu devid=device.split('/')[2] remote_mnt="/mnt/%s" %(devid) if action == "add" or action == "mount": if action == "add": ########### add USB device ############ self.systray.register_device("usb_%s"%devid, _("USB device %s") %devid, "usb%s.png"%n, True, { "usb_%s_mount" %devid: [ _("Mount USB device %s") %(devid), "usb_mount.png", mount, None, device], "usb_%s_umount" %devid: [ _("Umount USB device %s") %(devid), "usb_umount.png", not mount, None, device] }, device) self.systray.register_action("usb_%s_mount" %devid , self.usb, { "DEVNAME": device, "ACTION": "mount", "ID_FS_TYPE": fstype, "FORCE_MOUNT":True } ) self.systray.register_action("usb_%s_umount" %devid , self.usb, { "DEVNAME": device, "ACTION": "umount", "ID_FS_TYPE": fstype, "FORCE_MOUNT":True } ) ############################################### if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, "--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return if device in self.mounted: data['ID_FS_LABEL']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) data['ID_VENDOR']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) if action == "mount": # mount from menu and wait for udev mount event if data.has_key("FORCE_MOUNT") and data["FORCE_MOUNT"]: if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, "--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return # remote device is mounted, mount_local and launch filemanager local_mount_point = self.get_local_mountpoint(data) label = os.path.basename(local_mount_point) # mount with fuse and ltspfs if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=label, mode="mount"): return # launch desktop filemanager self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) self.mounted[device]=local_mount_point ########################################## elif action == "remove" or action == "umount": if action == "remove": print_debug ("usb() UNREGISTER SERVICE") self.systray.unregister_device("usb_%s"%devid) if device in self.mounted: local_mount_point=self.mounted[device] label = os.path.basename(local_mount_point) else: print_debug ( "remove_usb() device %s not found in self.mounted" %(device) ) return # umount local fuse # check if fuse is mounted status=self.common.exe_cmd("mount |grep -c %s" %(local_mount_point), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) if int(status) != 0: self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=label, mode="umount") # umount remote device # check if remote is mounted (user can umount before from desktop icon) print_debug("usb() GETSTATUS device =%s"%device) status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--getstatus") try: status=int(status) if status == 0: print_debug ( "remove_usb() device=%s seems not mounted" %(device) ) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_mount"%devid, True) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_umount"%devid, False) else: if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, "--umount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return except Exception, err: print_debug ( "usb() Exception error %s"%err ) #if device in self.mounted: # del self.mounted[device] #else: # print_debug ( "remove_usb() devive=%s not in self.mounted dictionary" ) def firewire(self, *args): data=args[0] if isinstance(data, tuple): data=args[0][0] print_debug("firewire() data=%s" %data) device=data['DEVNAME'] action=data['ACTION'] if not data.has_key('ID_FS_TYPE'): # we don't have a filesystem only a full device (ex: /dev/sda) if not data.has_key('ID_VENDOR'): vendor="" else: vendor=data['ID_VENDOR'] if not data.has_key('ID_MODEL'): model="" else: model=data['ID_MODEL'] if action == "add": self.show_notification( _("From terminal %(host)s.\nConnected Firewire device %(device)s\n%(vendor)s %(model)s" ) \ %{"host":self.hostname, "device":device, "vendor":vendor, "model":model } ) if action == "remove": self.show_notification( _("From terminal %(host)s.\nDisconnected Firewire device %(device)s\n%(vendor)s %(model)s" ) \ %{"host":self.hostname, "device":device, "vendor":vendor, "model":model } ) return else: # we have a filesystem ex: /dev/sda1 if not data.has_key('ID_FS_TYPE'): fstype="" else: fstype=data['ID_FS_TYPE'] if fstype == "swap" or fstype == "extended": return usb_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--getstatus") if usb_status == "0": mount=True n=1 else: mount=False n=2 # add to menu devid=device.split('/')[2] remote_mnt="/mnt/%s" %(devid) if action == "add" or action == "mount": if action == "add": ########### add Firewire device ############ self.systray.register_device("usb_%s"%devid, _("Firewire device %s") %devid, "usb%s.png"%n, True, { "usb_%s_mount" %devid: [ _("Mount Firewire device %s") %(devid), "usb_mount.png", mount, None, device], "usb_%s_umount" %devid: [ _("Umount Firewire device %s") %(devid), "usb_umount.png", not mount, None, device] }, device) self.systray.register_action("usb_%s_mount" %devid , self.firewire, { "DEVNAME": device, "ACTION": "mount", "ID_FS_TYPE": fstype, "FORCE_MOUNT":True } ) self.systray.register_action("usb_%s_umount" %devid , self.firewire, { "DEVNAME": device, "ACTION": "umount", "ID_FS_TYPE": fstype, "FORCE_MOUNT":True } ) ############################################### if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, "--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return if device in self.mounted: data['ID_FS_LABEL']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) data['ID_VENDOR']=os.path.basename(self.mounted[device]) if action == "mount": # mount from menu and wait for udev mount event if data.has_key("FORCE_MOUNT") and data["FORCE_MOUNT"]: if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, "--mount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return # remote device is mounted, mount_local and launch filemanager local_mount_point = self.get_local_mountpoint(data) label = os.path.basename(local_mount_point) # mount with fuse and ltspfs if not self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=label, mode="mount"): return # launch desktop filemanager self.launch_desktop_filemanager(local_mount_point) self.mounted[device]=local_mount_point ########################################## elif action == "remove" or action == "umount": if action == "remove": print_debug ("firewire() UNREGISTER SERVICE") self.systray.unregister_device("usb_%s"%devid) if device in self.mounted: local_mount_point=self.mounted[device] label = os.path.basename(local_mount_point) else: print_debug ( "remove_firewire() device %s not found in self.mounted" %(device) ) return # umount local fuse # check if fuse is mounted status=self.common.exe_cmd("mount |grep -c %s" %(local_mount_point), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) if int(status) != 0: self.mounter_local(local_mount_point, remote_mnt, device=device, label=label, mode="umount") # umount remote device # check if remote is mounted (user can umount before from desktop icon) print_debug("firewire() GETSTATUS device =%s"%device) status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device=device, mode="--getstatus") try: status=int(status) if status == 0: print_debug ( "remove_firewire() device=%s seems not mounted" %(device) ) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_mount"%devid, True) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_umount"%devid, False) else: if not self.mounter_remote(device, fstype, "--umount"): self.show_notification ( _("Error, can't mount device %s") %(device) ) return except Exception, err: print_debug ( "firewire() Exception error %s"%err ) def update_cdrom_usb(self, devid, action=None): #print_debug ("update_cdrom_usb()") device="/dev/%s" %devid if action == "umount": self.show_notification ( _("CDROM USB device %s umounted. You can extract it.") %(devid) ) if action == "mount" or action == "add": self.show_notification ( _("CDROM USB device %s mounted. Ready for use.") %(devid) ) print_debug("update_cdrom_usb() GETSTATUS device=%s action=%s"%(device, action) ) usb_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(device, mode="--getstatus") if usb_status == "0": ismounted=False n=1 else: ismounted=True n=2 print_debug ("update_cdrom_usb() usb devid=%s ismounted=%s" %(devid, ismounted) ) #self.systray.items["usb_"%devid][1]="usb%s.png"%n self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_mount"%devid, not ismounted) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_umount"%devid, ismounted) def update_usb(self, *args): #print_debug ("update_usb()") data=args[0] action=data['ACTION'] if not data.has_key("ID_FS_TYPE"): # don't update if we have disk (only partititions) return if data["ID_FS_TYPE"] == "" or data["ID_FS_TYPE"] == "swap" or data["ID_FS_TYPE"] == "extended": # don't update if fstype is empty (devicesctl.sh and udev put FILESYSTEM always) return device="/dev/%s" %data['DEVPATH'].split('/')[2] if( len( data['DEVPATH'].split('/') ) ) > 3: devid=data['DEVPATH'].split('/')[3] else: devid=data['DEVPATH'].split('/')[2] if action == "umount": self.show_notification ( _("USB device %s umounted. You can extract it.") %(devid) ) if action == "mount": self.show_notification ( _("USB device %s mounted. Ready for use.") %(devid) ) print_debug("update_usb() GETSTATUS device=%s data=%s"%(device, data) ) usb_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(data['DEVNAME'], mode="--getstatus") if usb_status == "0": ismounted=False n=1 else: ismounted=True n=2 print_debug ("update_usb() usb devid=%s ismounted=%s" %(devid, ismounted) ) #self.systray.items["usb_"%devid][1]="usb%s.png"%n self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_mount"%devid, not ismounted) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_umount"%devid, ismounted) def update_firewire(self, *args): #print_debug ("update_firewire()") data=args[0] action=data['ACTION'] if not data.has_key("ID_FS_TYPE"): # don't update if we have disk (only partititions) return if data["ID_FS_TYPE"] == "" or data["ID_FS_TYPE"] == "swap" or data["ID_FS_TYPE"] == "extended": # don't update if fstype is empty (devicesctl.sh and udev put FILESYSTEM always) return device="/dev/%s" %data['DEVPATH'].split('/')[2] if( len( data['DEVPATH'].split('/') ) ) > 3: devid=data['DEVPATH'].split('/')[3] else: devid=data['DEVPATH'].split('/')[2] if action == "umount": self.show_notification ( _("Firewire device %s umounted. You can extract it.") %(devid) ) if action == "mount": self.show_notification ( _("Firewire device %s mounted. Ready for use.") %(devid) ) print_debug("update_firewire() GETSTATUS device=%s data=%s"%(device, data) ) usb_status=self.xmlrpc.GetDevicesInfo(data['DEVNAME'], mode="--getstatus") if usb_status == "0": ismounted=False n=1 else: ismounted=True n=2 print_debug ("update_firewire() usb devid=%s ismounted=%s" %(devid, ismounted) ) #self.systray.items["usb_"%devid][1]="usb%s.png"%n self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_mount"%devid, not ismounted) self.systray.update_status("usb_%s"%devid, "usb_%s_umount"%devid, ismounted) def remove_dupes(self, mylist): """ check for duplicate events, kernel create 3-4 umount events before mounting a device the events are created and diff at max 1 second """ if len(mylist) != 1: have_umount=False have_mount=False umount_index=None nodupes=[] nodupes=[ u for u in mylist if u not in locals()['_[1]'] ] # if have ACTION=umount and ACTION=mount and # DEVPATH is the same remove ACTION=umount for event in nodupes: action=self.get_value(event.split('#'), "ACTION") if action == "umount": have_umount=True umount_index=event if action == "mount": have_mount=True if have_mount and have_umount: for i in range(len(nodupes)): if self.get_value(nodupes[i].split('#'), "ACTION") == "umount": #print_debug ( "remove_dupes() Deleting umount ACTION: %s" %nodupes[i] ) del nodupes[i] break mylist=nodupes return mylist def get_value(self, data, key=None): """ returns value of given key, example: data=["ID_BUS=usb", "DEVICE=/dev/sda", "FSTYPE=vfat"] if key="DEVICE" returns "/dev/sda" udev current avalaible keys: "ID_BUS" "DEVNAME" "ACTION" "ID_FS_LABEL" "ID_FS_TYPE" "ID_VENDOR" "ID_MODEL" "DEVPATH" """ #print_debug ( "::==> get_value() searching for \"%s\"" %key ) for uvar in data: if uvar.split('=')[0] == key: print_debug ( "::==> get_value() FOUND key=%s value=%s" %(key, uvar.split('=')[1]) ) return uvar.split('=')[1] # return empty string if not found return "" def get_desktop(self): is_gnome=self.common.exe_cmd("ps ux |grep gnome-panel |grep -c -v grep", verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) is_kde = self.common.exe_cmd("ps ux |grep -e startkde -e kwin |grep -c -v grep", verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) is_xfce= self.common.exe_cmd("ps ux |grep xfce4-panel |grep -c -v grep", verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) try: if int(is_gnome) > 0: return "gnome" elif int(is_kde) > 0: return "kde" elif int(is_xfce) > 0: return "xfce4" except Exception, e: print_debug("Can't read desktop type, error: %s"%e) return "" def launch_desktop_filemanager(self, path=""): if self.desktop == "gnome": cmd="nautilus %s" %(path) elif self.desktop == "kde": if os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/dolphin"): cmd="dolphin %s" %(path) else: cmd="konqueror %s" %(path) elif self.desktop == "xfce4": cmd="Thunar %s" %(path) else: print_debug ( "launch_desktop_filemanager() unknow desktop, not launching filemanager" ) return # exe filemanager in a new thread to not freeze status icon filemanager=threading.Thread(target=self.exec_filemanager, args=[cmd] ) filemanager.start() return def exec_filemanager(self, *args): print_debug("exec_filemanager() args='%s'" %(args[0]) ) self.common.exe_cmd(args[0], verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) def umount_all(self): mounted=self.common.exe_cmd("grep ^ltspfs /proc/mounts |grep -e \"user_id=%s\" -e \"user=%s\" | awk '{print $2}'" %(os.getuid(), pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]), verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0 ) if isinstance(mounted, str): mounted=[mounted] for mount in mounted: print_debug( "umount_all() umounting %s..." %mount ) self.common.exe_cmd("fusermount -u %s 2>&1" %mount, verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0) self.common.exe_cmd("fusermount -uz %s 2>/dev/null" %mount, verbose=1, background=False, lines=0, cthreads=0) # delete dir try: os.rmdir(mount) except Exception, err: print_debug("umount_all() Exception, error %s"%err) def exit(self): # say udev_daemon loop to quit self.quitting=True self.umount_all() self.mainloop.quit() def run (self): self.mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() try: self.mainloop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: # listen Ctrl+C self.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": # init app app=TcosDevicesNG() # start gui in a thread tcosdevices=threading.Thread(target=app.run ) tcosdevices.start() # start udev loop while True: try: if app.quitting: break if app.desktop == "": app.desktop=app.get_desktop() app.udev_daemon() time.sleep(3) except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("Get KeyboardInterrupt (udev loop), existing...") app.quitting=True app.mainloop.quit() break # join gui thread tcosdevices.join() sys.exit(0)