#################################################### # This is the configuration file for localepurge(8). #################################################### #################################################### # Uncommenting this string enables removal of localized # man pages based on the configuration information for # locale files defined below: MANDELETE #################################################### # Uncommenting this string causes localepurge to simply delete # locales which have newly appeared on the system without # bothering you about it: DONTBOTHERNEWLOCALE #################################################### # Uncommenting this string enables display of freed disk # space if localepurge has purged any superfluous data: SHOWFREEDSPACE ##################################################### # Commenting out this string enables faster but less # accurate calculation of freed disk space: #QUICKNDIRTYCALC ##################################################### # Commenting out this string disables verbose output: #VERBOSE ##################################################### # Following locales won't be deleted from this system # after package installations done with apt-get(8): an an_ES an_ES.UTF-8 ca ca_ES ca_ES.UTF-8 ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia ca_ES@valencia de de_DE de_DE.UTF-8 en en_GB en_GB.ISO-8859-15 en_GB.UTF-8 es es_ES es_ES.UTF-8 eu eu_ES eu_ES.UTF-8 fr fr_FR fr_FR.UTF-8 gl gl_ES gl_ES.UTF-8 qcv qcv_ES qcv_ES.UTF-8