# encoding: utf-8 $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../')); $:.uniq! require 'test_helper' class I18nLocaleTagSimpleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include I18n::Locale test "returns 'de' as the language subtag in lowercase" do assert_equal %w(de Latn DE), Tag::Simple.new('de-Latn-DE').subtags end test "returns a formatted tag string from #to_s" do assert_equal 'de-Latn-DE', Tag::Simple.new('de-Latn-DE').to_s end test "returns an array containing the formatted subtags from #to_a" do assert_equal %w(de Latn DE), Tag::Simple.new('de-Latn-DE').to_a end # Tag inheritance test "#parent returns 'de-Latn' as the parent of 'de-Latn-DE'" do assert_equal 'de-Latn', Tag::Simple.new('de-Latn-DE').parent.to_s end test "#parent returns 'de' as the parent of 'de-Latn'" do assert_equal 'de', Tag::Simple.new('de-Latn').parent.to_s end test "#self_and_parents returns an array of 3 tags for 'de-Latn-DE'" do assert_equal %w(de-Latn-DE de-Latn de), Tag::Simple.new('de-Latn-DE').self_and_parents.map { |tag| tag.to_s} end end