needed is recommended and you are running $a->current'; $string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'is required to be installed/enabled.'; $string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'version $a->needed is required and you are running $a->current'; $string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Error reading environment data ($a->error_code)'; $string['gdversion'] = 'GD version'; $string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional ICONV library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.'; $string['language'] = 'ພາສາທີ່ໃຊ້ໃນເວັບ'; $string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional MBSTRING library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.'; $string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'However, if your site is using iso-8859-1 (latin) languages ONLY, you may continue using your currently installed MySQL 4.1.12 (or higher).'; $string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 is the minimum version required for Moodle 1.6 in order to guarantee that all data can be converted to UTF-8 in the future.'; $string['password'] = 'ລະຫັດຜ່ານ'; $string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x has a number of known problems, please upgrade to 5.1.x or downgrade to 4.3.x or 4.4.x'; $string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8'; $string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr'; $string['thislanguage'] = 'Laotian'; $string['unicoderecommended'] = 'Storing all your data in Unicode (UTF-8) is recommended. New installations should be performed into databases that have their default character set as Unicode. If you are upgrading, you should perform the UTF-8 migration process (see the Admin page).'; $string['unicoderequired'] = 'It is required that you store all your data in Unicode format (UTF-8). New installations must be performed into databases that have their default character set as Unicode. If you are upgrading, you should perform the UTF-8 migration process (see the Admin page).'; $string['user'] = 'ສະມາຊິກ'; ?>