## PlayOnLinux default plugin list ## Copyright (C) 2007-2011 PlayOnLinux Team ## Version 1 /2010-09-01/ ## Version 4 /2011-07-07/ ##Lines begining with # was ignored ##syntax: ##uid;plugin_file.pol;install_dir;status;version_human;version ## uid = unique ID ## plugin_file.pol = name of plugin file (found in $PLAYONLINUX/plugins/) ## install_dir = in which directory the plugin is finaly installed ($POL_USER_ROOT/plugins/??) ## status = enable or disable ## version_human = version of plugin ## version = integer number used for determine if this plugin should be update (never decrease this value!) ## linux compatible = bool 1/0 ## mac compatiblle = bool 1/0 ##example: #offlinepol;OfflinePlayOnLinux_0.3.pol;Offline PlayOnLinux;disable;0.3;4 #awc;AdvancedWineConfiguration_3.5.1.pol;Advanced Wine Configuration;enable;3.5.1;17 ## ## in fact empty line is also ignored because it's more easy to read =) ## #Offline PlayOnLinux offlineplayonlinux;OfflinePlayOnLinux_0.6.pol;Offline PlayOnLinux;disable;0.6;5;1;0 #Capture capture;Capture_2.3.pol;Capture;enable;2.3;7;1;0 #Transgaming Cedega cedega;TransgamingCedega_0.3.pol;Transgaming Cedega;disable;0.3;1;1;0 #Wine Import import;WineImport_0.3.pol;Wine Import;enable;0.4;2;1;0 #Wine Look look;WineLook_0.4.pol;Wine Look;enable;0.4;1;1;1 ##Screencap screencap;ScreenCap_0.0.4.pol;Screen Capture;enable;0.0.4;1;1;1 ##PlayOnLinux Vault playonlinuxvault;polvault_4.0.0_all.pol;PlayOnLinux Vault;enable;4.0.0;400;1;0