/* * Copyright 2008 Digital Bazaar, Inc. * * This file is part of librdfa. * * librdfa is Free Software, and can be licensed under any of the * following three licenses: * * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any * newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE-* at the top of this software distribution for more * information regarding the details of each license. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with librdfa. If not, see . */ #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "rdfa_utils.h" #include "rdfa.h" #define RDFA_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS " \a\b\t\n\v\f\r" char* rdfa_join_string(const char* prefix, const char* suffix) { char* rval = NULL; size_t prefix_size = strlen(prefix); size_t suffix_size = strlen(suffix); rval = (char*)malloc(prefix_size + suffix_size + 1); memcpy(rval, prefix, prefix_size); memcpy(rval+prefix_size, suffix, suffix_size + 1); return rval; } char* rdfa_n_append_string( char* old_string, size_t* string_size, const char* suffix, size_t suffix_size) { char* rval = NULL; rval = (char*)realloc(old_string, *string_size + suffix_size + 1); memcpy(rval + *string_size, suffix, suffix_size + 1); *string_size = *string_size + suffix_size; return rval; } char* rdfa_replace_string(char* old_string, const char* new_string) { char* rval = NULL; if(new_string != NULL) { // free the memory associated with the old string if it exists. if(old_string != NULL) { free(old_string); } // copy the new string rval = strdup(new_string); } return rval; } char* rdfa_canonicalize_string(const char* str) { char* rval = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(str) + 2)); char* working_string = NULL; char* token = NULL; char* wptr = NULL; char* offset = rval; working_string = rdfa_replace_string(working_string, str); // split on any whitespace character that we may find token = strtok_r(working_string, RDFA_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS, &wptr); while(token != NULL) { size_t token_length = strlen(token); memcpy(offset, token, token_length); offset += token_length; *offset++ = ' '; *offset = '\0'; token = strtok_r(NULL, RDFA_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS, &wptr); } if(offset != rval) { offset--; *offset = '\0'; } free(working_string); return rval; } rdfalist* rdfa_create_list(size_t size) { rdfalist* rval = (rdfalist*)malloc(sizeof(rdfalist)); rval->max_items = size; rval->num_items = 0; rval->items = (rdfalistitem**)malloc(sizeof(rdfalistitem) * rval->max_items); return rval; } rdfalist* rdfa_copy_list(rdfalist* list) { rdfalist* rval = (rdfalist*)malloc(sizeof(rdfalist)); unsigned int i; // copy the base list variables over rval->max_items = list->max_items; rval->num_items = list->num_items; rval->items = NULL; rval->items = (rdfalistitem**)realloc(rval->items, sizeof(void*) * rval->max_items); // copy the data of every list member along with all of the flags // for each list member. // // TODO: Implement the copy for context, if it is needed. for(i = 0; i < list->max_items; i++) { if(i < rval->num_items) { if(list->items[i]->flags & RDFALIST_FLAG_TEXT) { rval->items[i] = (rdfalistitem*)malloc(sizeof(rdfalistitem)); rval->items[i]->data = NULL; rval->items[i]->data = (char*) rdfa_replace_string((char*)rval->items[i]->data, (const char*)list->items[i]->data); rval->items[i]->flags = list->items[i]->flags; } } else { rval->items[i] = NULL; } } return rval; } void rdfa_print_list(rdfalist* list) { unsigned int i; printf("[ "); for(i = 0; i < list->num_items; i++) { if(i != 0) { printf(", "); } puts((const char*)list->items[i]->data); } printf(" ]\n"); } void rdfa_free_list(rdfalist* list) { if(list != NULL) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < list->num_items; i++) { free(list->items[i]->data); free(list->items[i]); } free(list->items); free(list); } } void rdfa_push_item(rdfalist* stack, void* data, liflag_t flags) { rdfa_add_item(stack, data, flags); } void* rdfa_pop_item(rdfalist* stack) { void* rval = NULL; if(stack->num_items > 0) { rval = stack->items[stack->num_items - 1]->data; free(stack->items[stack->num_items - 1]); stack->items[stack->num_items - 1] = NULL; stack->num_items--; } return rval; } void rdfa_add_item(rdfalist* list, void* data, liflag_t flags) { rdfalistitem* item = (rdfalistitem*)malloc(sizeof(rdfalistitem)); item->data = NULL; if(flags & RDFALIST_FLAG_CONTEXT) { item->data = data; } else { item->data = (char*)rdfa_replace_string((char*)item->data, (const char*)data); } item->flags = flags; if(list->num_items == list->max_items) { list->max_items = 1 + (list->max_items * 2); list->items = (rdfalistitem**) realloc(list->items, sizeof(rdfalistitem) * list->max_items); } list->items[list->num_items] = item; list->num_items++; } #ifndef LIBRDFA_IN_RAPTOR char** rdfa_create_mapping(size_t elements) { size_t mapping_size = sizeof(char*) * MAX_URI_MAPPINGS * 2; char** mapping = malloc(mapping_size); // only initialize the mapping if it is null. if(mapping != NULL) { memset(mapping, 0, mapping_size); } return mapping; } char** rdfa_copy_mapping(char** mapping) { size_t mapping_size = sizeof(char*) * MAX_URI_MAPPINGS * 2; char** rval = malloc(mapping_size); char** mptr = mapping; char** rptr = rval; // initialize the mapping memset(rval, 0, mapping_size); // copy each element of the old mapping to the new mapping. while(*mptr != NULL) { *rptr = rdfa_replace_string(*rptr, *mptr); rptr++; mptr++; } return rval; } void rdfa_update_mapping(char** mapping, const char* key, const char* value) { int found = 0; char** mptr = mapping; // search the current mapping to see if the namespace // prefix exists in the mapping while(*mptr != NULL) { if(strcmp(*mptr, key) == 0) { mptr++; *mptr = rdfa_replace_string(*mptr, value); found = 1; } else { mptr++; } mptr++; } // if we made it through the entire URI mapping and the key was not // found, create a new key-value pair. if(!found) { *mptr = rdfa_replace_string(*mptr, key); mptr++; *mptr = rdfa_replace_string(*mptr, value); } } const char* rdfa_get_mapping(char** mapping, const char* key) { const char* rval = NULL; char** mptr = mapping; // search the current mapping to see if the key exists in the mapping. while(*mptr != NULL) { if(strcmp(*mptr, key) == 0) { mptr++; rval = *mptr; } else { mptr++; } mptr++; } return rval; } void rdfa_next_mapping(char** mapping, char** key, char** value) { *key = NULL; *value = NULL; if(*mapping != NULL) { *key = *mapping++; *value = *mapping++; } } void rdfa_print_mapping(char** mapping) { char** mptr = mapping; printf("{\n"); while(*mptr != NULL) { char* key; char* value; key = *mptr++; value = *mptr++; printf(" %s : %s", key, value); if(*mptr != NULL) { printf(",\n"); } else { printf("\n"); } } printf("}\n"); } void rdfa_free_mapping(char** mapping) { char** mptr = mapping; if(mapping != NULL) { // free all of the memory in the mapping while(*mptr != NULL) { free(*mptr); mptr++; } free(mapping); } } #endif