/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_www_libfetch.c - Raptor WWW retrieval via libfetch * * Copyright (C) 2003-2006, David Beckett http://www.dajobe.org/ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef RAPTOR_WWW_LIBFETCH #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #include /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" void raptor_www_libfetch_init(raptor_www *www) { } void raptor_www_libfetch_free(raptor_www *www) { } int raptor_www_libfetch_fetch(raptor_www *www) { FILE *stream; if(www->proxy) { setenv("HTTP_PROXY", www->proxy, 0); setenv("FTP_PROXY", www->proxy, 0); } if(www->user_agent) setenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT", www->user_agent, 0); stream=fetchXGetURL((const char*)raptor_uri_as_string_v2(www->world, www->uri), NULL, NULL); if(!stream) { www->failed=1; raptor_www_error(www, "%s", fetchLastErrString); return 1; } /* fetch does not give us access to this */ www->status_code=200; while(!feof(stream)) { size_t len=fread(www->buffer, 1, RAPTOR_WWW_BUFFER_SIZE, stream); www->total_bytes += len; if(www->write_bytes) www->write_bytes(www, www->write_bytes_userdata, www->buffer, len, 1); if(len < RAPTOR_WWW_BUFFER_SIZE) break; } fclose(stream); return www->failed; } #endif /* RAPTOR_WWW_LIBFETCH */