// raptortest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include #include #include "..\raptor.h" #define TIMEIT #define DUMPIT int nStmts = 0; void dump_statement(void* user_data, const raptor_statement *statement) { nStmts++; #ifdef DUMPIT printf("%li, [%s, ", nStmts, statement->subject); if(statement->predicate_type == RAPTOR_PREDICATE_TYPE_ORDINAL) printf("[rdf:_%d]", *((int*)statement->predicate)); else if(statement->predicate_type == RAPTOR_PREDICATE_TYPE_XML_NAME) printf("%s", (const char*)statement->predicate); else printf("[%s]", (const char*)statement->predicate); if(statement->object_type == RAPTOR_OBJECT_TYPE_LITERAL || statement->object_type == RAPTOR_OBJECT_TYPE_XML_LITERAL) printf(", \"%s\"]", (const char*)statement->object); else if(statement->object_type == RAPTOR_OBJECT_TYPE_XML_NAME) printf(", %s]", (const char*)statement->object); else printf(", %s]", statement->object); printf("\n"); #endif } void usage() { printf("Usage: raptortest \nE.g. file:c:\\test.rdf\n"); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { usage(); return -1; } raptor_init(); raptor_parser* p = raptor_new(""); raptor_set_statement_handler(p, NULL, dump_statement); #ifdef TIMEIT LARGE_INTEGER Start; QueryPerformanceCounter(&Start); #endif raptor_parse_file(p, argv[1], NULL); #ifdef TIMEIT LARGE_INTEGER End; QueryPerformanceCounter(&End); LARGE_INTEGER Frec; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&Frec); double Total = (End.LowPart-Start.LowPart); double StmtsPer = Total/nStmts; printf("%li statments processed in %g t. %g t/stmts, %li t/s, %g stmts/s", nStmts, Total, StmtsPer, Frec.LowPart, (double)Frec.LowPart/StmtsPer); #endif raptor_free(p); raptor_finish(); return 0; }