/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #include "annot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "annotation.h" #include "buttonicon.h" #include "cmsettings.h" #include "colorcombo.h" #include "colorlistbox.h" #include "commonstrings.h" #include "customfdialog.h" #include "editor.h" #include "propertiespalette.h" #include "navigator.h" #include "pageitem.h" #include "prefscontext.h" #include "prefsfile.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "sccombobox.h" #include "scfonts.h" #include "scimage.h" #include "scribusstructs.h" #include "scribusview.h" #include "selfield.h" #include "util_formats.h" #include "util_icon.h" #include "util.h" Annot::Annot(QWidget* parent, PageItem *it, int Seite, int b, int h, ColorList Farben, ScribusView* vie) : QDialog( parent ) { ScribusDoc* doc = Farben.document(); setModal(true); setWindowTitle( tr( "Field Properties" ) ); setWindowIcon(QIcon(loadIcon ( "AppIcon.png" ))); item = it; Width = b; Height = h; OriWidth = b; OriHeight = h; view = vie; MaxSeite = Seite; QStringList tl; dirs = PrefsManager::instance()->prefsFile->getContext("dirs"); if ((item->annotation().ActionType() == 2) || (item->annotation().ActionType() == 7) || (item->annotation().ActionType() == 9)) { QString tm = item->annotation().Action(); tl = tm.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); } else { tl.append("0"); tl.append("0"); } AnnotLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); AnnotLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); AnnotLayout->setMargin( 10 ); Layout1 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout1->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout1->setMargin( 0 ); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( this ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( "Type:" ) ); Layout1->addWidget( TextLabel1 ); ComboBox1 = new QComboBox( this ); QString tmp[] = { tr("Button"), tr("Text Field"), tr("Check Box"), tr("Combo Box"), tr("List Box")}; size_t array = sizeof(tmp) / sizeof(*tmp); for (uint a = 0; a < array; ++a) ComboBox1->addItem(tmp[a]); ComboBox1->setEditable(false); Layout1->addWidget( ComboBox1 ); AnnotLayout->addLayout( Layout1 ); ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Type()-2); Fram = new QStackedWidget(this); AnnotLayout->addWidget( Fram ); GroupBox10 = new QGroupBox( this ); // GroupBox10->setFixedSize(QSize(360, 350)); // GroupBox10->setGeometry( QRect( 11, 41, 360, 350 ) ); GroupBox10->setTitle( tr( "Properties" ) ); GroupBox10Layout = new QVBoxLayout( GroupBox10 ); GroupBox10Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox10Layout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox10Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); Layout60 = new QGridLayout; Layout60->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout60->setMargin( 0 ); TextLabel20 = new QLabel( GroupBox10 ); TextLabel20->setText( tr( "Name:" ) ); Layout60->addWidget( TextLabel20, 0, 0 ); Tip = new QLineEdit( GroupBox10 ); Tip->setText(item->annotation().ToolTip()); Layout60->addWidget( Tip, 1, 1 ); Name = new NameWidget(GroupBox10); Name->setText(item->itemName()); Layout60->addWidget( Name, 0, 1 ); OldName = item->itemName(); TextLabel30 = new QLabel( GroupBox10 ); TextLabel30->setText( tr( "Tooltip:" ) ); Layout60->addWidget( TextLabel30, 1, 0); GroupBox10Layout->addLayout( Layout60 ); TabWidget2 = new QTabWidget( GroupBox10 ); tab = new QWidget( TabWidget2 ); tabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); tabLayout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox40 = new QGroupBox( tab ); GroupBox40->setTitle( tr( "Text" ) ); GroupBox40Layout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox40 ); GroupBox40Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox40Layout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox40Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); TextLabel60 = new QLabel( GroupBox40 ); TextLabel60->setText( tr( "Font for use with PDF 1.3:" ) ); GroupBox40Layout->addWidget( TextLabel60, 0, 0 ); Schrift = new QComboBox(GroupBox40); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from char* to QString. Renamed to fonts and the loop changed from uint to int and the name to propogate */ /* FS - 08.03.04 - loop variable must be uint otherwise you get a compiler warning */ QString fonts[]={"Courier", "Courier Bold", "Courier Italic", "Courier Bold Italic", "Helvetica", "Helvetica Bold", "Helvetica Italic", "Helvetica Bold Italic", "Times", "Times Bold", "Times Italic", "Times Bold Italic", "Zapf Dingbats", "Symbols"}; size_t fontsArray = sizeof(fonts) / sizeof(*fonts); for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < fontsArray; ++propogate) Schrift->addItem(fonts[propogate]); Schrift->setEditable(false); Schrift->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Font()); GroupBox40Layout->addWidget( Schrift, 0, 1, 1, 2); tabLayout->addWidget( GroupBox40 ); Layout10 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout10->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout10->setMargin( 0 ); GroupBox20 = new QGroupBox( tab ); GroupBox20->setTitle( tr( "Border" ) ); GroupBox20Layout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox20 ); GroupBox20Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox20Layout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox20Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); TextLabel40a = new QLabel( GroupBox20 ); TextLabel40a->setText( tr( "Color:" ) ); GroupBox20Layout->addWidget( TextLabel40a, 0, 0 ); BorderC = new ColorCombo( false, GroupBox20); ColorList::Iterator cit; BorderC->addItem(CommonStrings::tr_NoneColor); if (item->annotation().borderColor() == CommonStrings::None) BorderC->setCurrentIndex(BorderC->count()-1); for (cit = Farben.begin(); cit != Farben.end(); ++cit) { BorderC->insertFancyItem(cit.value(), doc, cit.key()); if (cit.key() == item->annotation().borderColor()) BorderC->setCurrentIndex(BorderC->count()-1); } GroupBox20Layout->addWidget( BorderC, 0, 1 ); TextLabel40 = new QLabel( GroupBox20 ); TextLabel40->setText( tr( "Width:" ) ); GroupBox20Layout->addWidget( TextLabel40, 1, 0 ); BorderW = new QComboBox( GroupBox20 ); // PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered to the QString/size_t/for style QString borders[] = {CommonStrings::tr_NoneColor, tr("Thin"), tr("Normal"), tr("Wide")}; size_t bordersArray = sizeof(borders) / sizeof(*borders); for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < bordersArray; ++propogate) BorderW->addItem(borders[propogate]); BorderW->setEditable(false); BorderW->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Bwid()); GroupBox20Layout->addWidget( BorderW, 1, 1 ); TextLabel50 = new QLabel( GroupBox20 ); TextLabel50->setText( tr( "Style:" ) ); GroupBox20Layout->addWidget( TextLabel50, 2, 0 ); BorderS = new QComboBox( GroupBox20 ); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered to the QString/size_t/for style */ QString borders2[] = {tr("Solid"), tr("Dashed"), tr("Underline"), tr("Beveled"), tr("Inset")}; size_t borders2Array = sizeof(borders2) / sizeof(*borders2); for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < borders2Array; ++propogate) BorderS->addItem(borders2[propogate]); BorderS->setEditable(false); BorderS->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Bsty()); GroupBox20Layout->addWidget( BorderS, 2, 1 ); Layout10->addWidget( GroupBox20 ); GroupBox30 = new QGroupBox( tab ); GroupBox30->setTitle( tr( "Other" ) ); GroupBox30Layout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox30 ); GroupBox30Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox30Layout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox30Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); ReadOnly = new QCheckBox( GroupBox30 ); ReadOnly->setText( tr( "Read Only" ) ); if (item->annotation().Type() == 2) ReadOnly->setEnabled(false); ReadOnly->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 1); GroupBox30Layout->addWidget( ReadOnly, 0, 0, 1, 2 ); Required = new QCheckBox( GroupBox30 ); Required->setText( tr( "Required" ) ); if (item->annotation().Type() == 2) Required->setEnabled(false); Required->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 2); GroupBox30Layout->addWidget( Required, 1, 0, 1, 2 ); NoExport = new QCheckBox( GroupBox30 ); NoExport->setText( tr( "Do Not Export Value" ) ); if (item->annotation().Type() == 2) NoExport->setEnabled(false); NoExport->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 4); GroupBox30Layout->addWidget( NoExport, 2, 0, 1, 2 ); TextLabel90 = new QLabel( GroupBox30 ); TextLabel90->setText( tr( "Visibility:" ) ); GroupBox30Layout->addWidget( TextLabel90, 3, 0 ); Visib = new QComboBox( GroupBox30 ); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered to the QString/size_t/for style */ QString visible[] = {tr("Visible"), tr("Hidden"), tr("No Print"), tr("No View")}; size_t visibleArray = sizeof(visible) / sizeof(*visible); for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < visibleArray; ++propogate) Visib->addItem(visible[propogate]); Visib->setEditable(false); Visib->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Vis()); GroupBox30Layout->addWidget( Visib, 3, 1 ); Layout10->addWidget( GroupBox30 ); tabLayout->addLayout( Layout10 ); TabWidget2->addTab( tab, tr( "Appearance" ) ); tab_3 = new QWidget( TabWidget2 ); tabLayout_3 = new QVBoxLayout( tab_3 ); tabLayout_3->setSpacing( 5 ); tabLayout_3->setMargin( 10 ); FramOp = new QStackedWidget(tab_3); Frame4a = new QFrame( tab_3 ); Frame4aLayout = new QGridLayout( Frame4a ); Frame4aLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); Frame4aLayout->setMargin( 0 ); GroupBox40a = new QGroupBox( Frame4a ); GroupBox40a->setTitle( tr( "Text" ) ); GroupBox40aLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox40a ); GroupBox40aLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox40aLayout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox40aLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); CheckBox30 = new QLabel( GroupBox40a ); CheckBox30->setText( tr( "Text for Button Down" ) ); GroupBox40aLayout->addWidget( CheckBox30, 0, 0, 1, 2 ); CheckBox40 = new QLabel( GroupBox40a ); CheckBox40->setText( tr( "Text for Roll Over" ) ); GroupBox40aLayout->addWidget( CheckBox40, 1, 0, 1, 2 ); DownT = new QLineEdit( GroupBox40a ); DownT->setText(item->annotation().Down()); GroupBox40aLayout->addWidget( DownT, 0, 2 ); TextO = new QLineEdit( GroupBox40a ); TextO->setText(item->annotation().RollOver()); GroupBox40aLayout->addWidget( TextO, 1, 2 ); Frame4aLayout->addWidget( GroupBox40a, 0, 0, 1, 2 ); OptIcons = new QGroupBox( Frame4a ); OptIcons->setTitle( tr( "Icons" ) ); OptIconsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( OptIcons ); OptIconsLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); OptIconsLayout->setMargin( 10 ); OptIconsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); UseIcons = new QCheckBox(OptIcons); UseIcons->setText( tr("Use Icons")); UseIcons->setChecked(item->annotation().UseIcons()); OptIconsLayout->addWidget(UseIcons); Layout17 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout17->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout17->setMargin( 0 ); Layout14 = new QGridLayout; Layout14->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout14->setMargin( 0 ); IconN = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); IconN->setText( tr( "Normal" ) ); Layout14->addWidget( IconN, 0, 0, 1, 3); NiconPrev = new QLabel( OptIcons ); NiconPrev->setMinimumSize( QSize( 25, 25 ) ); NiconPrev->setMaximumSize( QSize( 25, 25 ) ); NiconPrev->setFrameShape( QLabel::Panel ); NiconPrev->setFrameShadow( QLabel::Raised ); NiconPrev->setScaledContents( true ); Layout14->addWidget( NiconPrev, 1, 1 ); IconNR = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); IconNR->setText( tr( "Remove" ) ); Layout14->addWidget( IconNR, 2, 0, 1, 3); Layout17->addLayout( Layout14 ); Layout15 = new QGridLayout; Layout15->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout15->setMargin( 0 ); IconP = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); IconP->setText( tr( "Pressed" ) ); Layout15->addWidget( IconP, 0, 0, 1, 3 ); PiconPrev = new QLabel( OptIcons ); PiconPrev->setMinimumSize( QSize( 25, 25 ) ); PiconPrev->setMaximumSize( QSize( 25, 25 ) ); PiconPrev->setFrameShape( QLabel::Panel ); PiconPrev->setFrameShadow( QLabel::Raised ); PiconPrev->setScaledContents( true ); Layout15->addWidget( PiconPrev, 1, 1 ); IconPR = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); IconPR->setText( tr( "Remove" ) ); Layout15->addWidget( IconPR, 2, 0, 1, 3); Layout17->addLayout( Layout15 ); Layout16 = new QGridLayout; Layout16->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout16->setMargin( 0 ); IconR = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); IconR->setText( tr( "Roll Over" ) ); Layout16->addWidget( IconR, 0, 0, 1, 3 ); RiconPrev = new QLabel( OptIcons ); RiconPrev->setMinimumSize( QSize( 25, 25 ) ); RiconPrev->setMaximumSize( QSize( 25, 25 ) ); RiconPrev->setFrameShape( QLabel::Panel ); RiconPrev->setFrameShadow( QLabel::Raised ); RiconPrev->setScaledContents( true ); Layout16->addWidget( RiconPrev, 1, 1 ); IconRR = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); IconRR->setText( tr( "Remove" ) ); Layout16->addWidget( IconRR, 2, 0, 1, 3); Layout17->addLayout( Layout16 ); OptIconsLayout->addLayout( Layout17 ); Layout18 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout18->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout18->setMargin( 0 ); PlaceIcon = new QPushButton( OptIcons ); PlaceIcon->setText( tr( "Icon Placement..." ) ); Layout18->addWidget( PlaceIcon ); QSpacerItem* spacer_2x = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout18->addItem( spacer_2x ); OptIconsLayout->addLayout( Layout18 ); IconNR->setEnabled(false); IconPR->setEnabled(false); IconRR->setEnabled(false); if (!UseIcons->isChecked()) { IconN->setEnabled(false); IconP->setEnabled(false); IconR->setEnabled(false); NiconPrev->setEnabled(false); PiconPrev->setEnabled(false); RiconPrev->setEnabled(false); PlaceIcon->setEnabled(false); } else { QPixmap pmI1; ScImage im; CMSettings cms(view->Doc, "", Intent_Perceptual); if (!item->Pfile.isEmpty()) { im.LoadPicture(item->Pfile, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72); pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage()); NiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1); IconNR->setEnabled(true); } if (!item->Pfile2.isEmpty()) { im.LoadPicture(item->Pfile2, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72); pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage()); PiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1); IconPR->setEnabled(true); } if (!item->Pfile3.isEmpty()) { im.LoadPicture(item->Pfile3, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72); pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage()); RiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1); IconRR->setEnabled(true); } } Frame4aLayout->addWidget( OptIcons, 1, 0 ); GroupBox30a = new QGroupBox( Frame4a ); GroupBox30a->setTitle( tr( "Highlight" ) ); GroupBox30aLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox30a ); GroupBox30aLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox30aLayout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox30aLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); ComboBox7_2 = new QComboBox(GroupBox30a); // PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered to QString/size_t/for style QString combo[] = {tr("None", "highlight"), tr("Invert"), tr("Outlined"), tr("Push")}; size_t comboArray = sizeof(combo) / sizeof(*combo); for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < comboArray; ++propogate) ComboBox7_2->addItem(combo[propogate]); ComboBox7_2->setEditable(false); ComboBox7_2->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Feed()); GroupBox30aLayout->addWidget( ComboBox7_2, 0, 0 ); Frame4aLayout->addWidget( GroupBox30a, 1, 1 ); FramOp->addWidget( Frame4a ); OptTextFeld = new QGroupBox( tab_3 ); OptTextFeld->setTitle( "" ); OptTextFeldLayout = new QVBoxLayout( OptTextFeld ); OptTextFeldLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); OptTextFeldLayout->setMargin( 10 ); OptTextFeldLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); MultiL = new QCheckBox( OptTextFeld ); MultiL->setText( tr( "Multi-Line" ) ); MultiL->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 4096); OptTextFeldLayout->addWidget( MultiL ); Passwd = new QCheckBox( OptTextFeld ); Passwd->setText( tr( "Password" ) ); Passwd->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 8192); OptTextFeldLayout->addWidget( Passwd ); Layout8 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout8->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout8->setMargin( 0 ); Limit = new QCheckBox( OptTextFeld ); Limit->setText( tr( "Limit of" ) ); Layout8->addWidget( Limit ); MaxChars = new QSpinBox( OptTextFeld ); MaxChars->setMinimum(0); MaxChars->setMaximum(32768); bool setter = item->annotation().MaxChar() != -1 ? true : false; MaxChars->setValue(setter == true ? item->annotation().MaxChar() : 0); Limit->setChecked(setter); MaxChars->setEnabled(setter); Layout8->addWidget( MaxChars ); TextLabel2_2 = new QLabel( OptTextFeld ); TextLabel2_2->setText( tr( "Characters" ) ); Layout8->addWidget( TextLabel2_2 ); QSpacerItem* spacer_2 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout8->addItem( spacer_2 ); OptTextFeldLayout->addLayout( Layout8 ); NoScroll = new QCheckBox( OptTextFeld ); NoScroll->setText( tr( "Do Not Scroll" ) ); NoScroll->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 8388608); OptTextFeldLayout->addWidget( NoScroll ); NoSpell = new QCheckBox( OptTextFeld ); NoSpell->setText( tr( "Do Not Spell Check" ) ); NoSpell->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 4194304); OptTextFeldLayout->addWidget( NoSpell ); FramOp->addWidget( OptTextFeld ); OptCheck = new QGroupBox( tab_3 ); OptCheck->setTitle( "" ); OptCheckLayout = new QVBoxLayout( OptCheck ); OptCheckLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); OptCheckLayout->setMargin( 10 ); OptCheckLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); ChkLayout = new QHBoxLayout; ChkLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); ChkLayout->setMargin( 0 ); CText1 = new QLabel( OptCheck ); CText1->setText( tr( "Check Style:" ) ); ChkLayout->addWidget( CText1 ); ChkStil = new QComboBox( OptCheck ); QString tmp_chkstil2[]={ tr("Check"), tr("Cross"), tr("Diamond"), tr("Circle"), tr("Star"), tr("Square")}; size_t array_chk2 = sizeof(tmp_chkstil2) / sizeof(*tmp_chkstil2); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and altered var name */ for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < array_chk2; ++propogate) ChkStil->addItem(tmp_chkstil2[propogate]); ChkStil->setEditable(false); ChkStil->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().ChkStil()); ChkLayout->addWidget( ChkStil ); QSpacerItem* spacerC = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); ChkLayout->addItem( spacerC ); OptCheckLayout->addLayout( ChkLayout ); isChkd = new QCheckBox( OptCheck ); isChkd->setText( tr( "Default is Checked" ) ); isChkd->setChecked(item->annotation().IsChk()); OptCheckLayout->addWidget( isChkd ); FramOp->addWidget( OptCheck ); OptCombo = new QGroupBox( tab_3 ); OptCombo->setTitle( "" ); OptComboLayout = new QVBoxLayout( OptCombo ); OptComboLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); OptComboLayout->setMargin( 10 ); OptComboLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); CanEdit = new QCheckBox( OptCombo ); CanEdit->setText( tr( "Editable" ) ); CanEdit->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 262144); OptComboLayout->addWidget( CanEdit ); FramOp->addWidget( OptCombo ); tabLayout_3->addWidget( FramOp ); TabWidget2->addTab( tab_3, tr( "Options" ) ); tab_2 = new QWidget( TabWidget2 ); tabLayout_2 = new QVBoxLayout( tab_2 ); tabLayout_2->setSpacing( 5 ); tabLayout_2->setMargin( 10 ); Layout20 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout20->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout20->setMargin( 0 ); TextLabel70 = new QLabel( tab_2 ); TextLabel70->setText( tr( "Type:" ) ); Layout20->addWidget( TextLabel70 ); ActionCombo = new QComboBox(tab_2); QString tmp_actcom[] = { tr("None", "action"), tr("JavaScript"), tr("Go To"), tr("Submit Form"), tr("Reset Form"), tr("Import Data")}; size_t array_act = sizeof(tmp_actcom) / sizeof(*tmp_actcom); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and var name */ for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < array_act; ++propogate) ActionCombo->addItem(tmp_actcom[propogate]); ActionCombo->setEditable(false); int tmpac = item->annotation().ActionType(); if (item->annotation().ActionType() < 0) tmpac = 1; ActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(tmpac == 7 ? 2 : tmpac); Layout20->addWidget( ActionCombo ); tabLayout_2->addLayout( Layout20 ); Fram2 = new QStackedWidget(tab_2); tabLayout_2->addWidget( Fram2 ); Frame4 = new QFrame( tab_2 ); Frame4->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); Frame4->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); Fram2->addWidget( Frame4 ); Frame3 = new QFrame( tab_2 ); Frame3->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box ); Frame3->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); Frame3Layout = new QVBoxLayout( Frame3 ); Frame3Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); Frame3Layout->setMargin( 10 ); Layout7 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout7->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout7->setMargin( 0 ); AcText1 = new QLabel( Frame3 ); AcText1->setText( tr( "Event:" ) ); Layout7->addWidget( AcText1 ); SelAction = new QComboBox(Frame3); QString tmp_selact[]={ tr("Mouse Up"), tr("Mouse Down"), tr("Mouse Enter"), tr("Mouse Exit"), tr("On Focus"), tr("On Blur")}; size_t array_sel = sizeof(tmp_selact) / sizeof(*tmp_selact); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and var name */ for (uint propogate = 0; propogate < array_sel; ++propogate) SelAction->addItem(tmp_selact[propogate]); SelAction->setEditable(false); Layout7->addWidget( SelAction ); QSpacerItem* spacerac = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout7->addItem( spacerac ); Frame3Layout->addLayout( Layout7 ); AcText2 = new QLabel( Frame3 ); AcText2->setText( tr( "Script:" ) ); Frame3Layout->addWidget( AcText2 ); Layout71 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout71->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout71->setMargin( 0 ); EditJava = new QTextEdit( Frame3 ); QPalette palTxt = EditJava->palette(); palTxt.setColor(QPalette::Base, palette().color(QPalette::Window)); if ((item->annotation().ActionType() == 1) || (item->annotation().AAact())) EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().Action()); ScrEdited = 0; SelAction->setCurrentIndex(0); EditJava->setReadOnly(true); EditJava->setAutoFillBackground(true); EditJava->setPalette(palTxt); EditJava->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) ); EditJava->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); Layout71->addWidget( EditJava ); EditJ = new QPushButton( Frame3 ); EditJ->setText( tr( "Edit..." ) ); Layout71->addWidget( EditJ ); Frame3Layout->addLayout( Layout71 ); Fram2->addWidget( Frame3 ); GroupBox11 = new QGroupBox( tab_2 ); GroupBox11->setTitle( tr( "Destination" ) ); GroupBox11Layout = new QGridLayout( GroupBox11 ); GroupBox11Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupBox11Layout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupBox11Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); LExtern = new QCheckBox(GroupBox11); LExtern->setText( tr("To File:")); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( LExtern, 0, 0 ); Destfile = new QLineEdit(GroupBox11); Destfile->setText(item->annotation().Extern()); Destfile->setReadOnly(true); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( Destfile, 0, 1 ); ChFile = new QPushButton(GroupBox11); ChFile->setText( tr("Change...")); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( ChFile, 0, 2 ); useAbsolute = new QCheckBox( tr("Export absolute Filename"), GroupBox11); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( useAbsolute, 1, 0, 1, 3 ); if (item->annotation().ActionType() == 7) useAbsolute->setChecked(false); else if (item->annotation().ActionType() == 9) useAbsolute->setChecked(true); TextLabel31 = new QLabel( GroupBox11 ); TextLabel31->setText( tr( "Page:" ) ); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( TextLabel31, 2, 0 ); SpinBox11 = new QSpinBox( GroupBox11 ); SpinBox11->setMinimum(1); SpinBox11->setMaximum(((item->annotation().ActionType() == 7) || (item->annotation().ActionType() == 9)) ? 1000 : Seite); SpinBox11->setValue(qMin(item->annotation().Ziel()+1, Seite)); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( SpinBox11, 2, 1 ); if ((item->annotation().ActionType() == 7) || (item->annotation().ActionType() == 9)) Pg1 = new Navigator( GroupBox11, 100, item->annotation().Ziel()+1, view, item->annotation().Extern()); else Pg1 = new Navigator( GroupBox11, 100, qMin(item->annotation().Ziel(), Seite-1), view); Pg1->setMinimumSize(QSize(Pg1->pmx.width(), Pg1->pmx.height())); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget(Pg1, 2, 2, 3, 1); TextLabel41 = new QLabel( GroupBox11 ); TextLabel41->setText( tr( "X-Pos:" ) ); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( TextLabel41, 3, 0 ); SpinBox21 = new QSpinBox( GroupBox11 ); SpinBox21->setSuffix( tr( " pt" ) ); SpinBox21->setMaximum(Width); SpinBox21->setValue(tl[0].toInt()); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( SpinBox21, 3, 1 ); TextLabel51 = new QLabel( GroupBox11 ); TextLabel51->setText( tr( "Y-Pos:" ) ); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( TextLabel51, 4, 0 ); SpinBox31 = new QSpinBox( GroupBox11 ); SpinBox31->setMaximum(Height); SpinBox31->setSuffix( tr( " pt" ) ); SpinBox31->setValue(Height-tl[1].toInt()); GroupBox11Layout->addWidget( SpinBox31, 4, 1 ); Fram2->addWidget(GroupBox11); Frame3b = new QFrame( tab_2 ); Frame3b->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box ); Frame3b->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); Frame3bLayout = new QVBoxLayout( Frame3b ); Frame3bLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); Frame3bLayout->setMargin( 10 ); SubText1 = new QLabel( Frame3b ); SubText1->setText( tr( "Submit to URL:" ) ); Frame3bLayout->addWidget( SubText1 ); SubURL = new QLineEdit( Frame3b ); Frame3bLayout->addWidget( SubURL ); if (item->annotation().ActionType() == 3) SubURL->setText(item->annotation().Action()); // SubAsHtml = new QCheckBox( Frame3b ); // SubAsHtml->setChecked(item->annotation().HTML()); // SubAsHtml->setText( tr( "Submit Data as HTML" ) ); // Frame3bLayout->addWidget( SubAsHtml ); SubText2 = new QLabel( Frame3b ); SubText2->setText( tr( "Submit format:" ) ); Frame3bLayout->addWidget( SubText2 ); SelAsHtml = new QComboBox( Frame3b ); QString tmp_selhtml[]={tr("FDF"), tr("HTML"), tr("XFDF"), tr("PDF")}; //QString tmp_selhtml[]={"FDF", "HTML", "XFDF", "PDF"}; size_t array_selhtml = sizeof(tmp_selhtml) / sizeof(*tmp_selhtml); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and var name */ for (uint propogate2 = 0; propogate2 < array_selhtml; ++propogate2) SelAsHtml->addItem(tmp_selhtml[propogate2]); SelAsHtml->setEditable(false); SelAsHtml->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().HTML()); Frame3bLayout->addWidget( SelAsHtml ); QSpacerItem* spacerSu = new QSpacerItem( 2, 2, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); Frame3bLayout->addItem( spacerSu); Fram2->addWidget( Frame3b ); Frame3c = new QFrame( tab_2 ); Frame3c->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box ); Frame3c->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); Frame3cLayout = new QVBoxLayout( Frame3c ); Frame3cLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); Frame3cLayout->setMargin( 10 ); SubText1a = new QLabel( Frame3c ); SubText1a->setText( tr( "Import Data from:" ) ); Frame3cLayout->addWidget( SubText1a ); SubURLa = new QLineEdit( Frame3c ); Frame3cLayout->addWidget( SubURLa ); if (item->annotation().ActionType() == 5) SubURLa->setText(item->annotation().Action()); QSpacerItem* spacerSua = new QSpacerItem( 2, 2, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); Frame3cLayout->addItem( spacerSua); Fram2->addWidget( Frame3c ); TabWidget2->addTab( tab_2, tr( "Action" ) ); if ((item->annotation().ActionType() == 7) || (item->annotation().ActionType() == 9)) { LExtern->setChecked(true); if (!Destfile->text().isEmpty()) { Width = Pg1->Width; Height = Pg1->Height; } else { Destfile->setEnabled(false); ChFile->setEnabled(false); LExtern->setChecked(false); } } else { Destfile->setEnabled(false); ChFile->setEnabled(false); LExtern->setChecked(false); } tab4 = new QWidget( TabWidget2 ); Layout = new QVBoxLayout( tab4 ); Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout->setMargin( 10 ); FLayout = new QHBoxLayout; FLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); FLayout->setMargin( 0 ); TextForm1 = new QLabel( tab4 ); TextForm1->setText( tr( "Field is formatted as:" ) ); FLayout->addWidget( TextForm1 ); TxFormat = new QComboBox(tab4); QString tmp_txf[]={ tr("Plain"), tr("Number"), tr("Percentage"), tr("Date"), tr("Time"), tr("Custom")}; size_t array_txf = sizeof(tmp_txf) / sizeof(*tmp_txf); for (uint a = 0; a < array_txf; ++a) TxFormat->addItem(tmp_txf[a]); TxFormat->setEditable(false); TxFormat->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Format()); FLayout->addWidget( TxFormat ); QSpacerItem* spacer_3 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); FLayout->addItem( spacer_3 ); Layout->addLayout( FLayout ); FoFram = new QStackedWidget(tab4); FoFrameNone = new QFrame( tab4 ); FoFrameNone->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); FoFrameNone->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain ); FoFram->addWidget(FoFrameNone); NumbGroup = new QGroupBox( tab4 ); NumbGroup->setTitle( tr( "Number Format" ) ); NumbGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( NumbGroup ); NumbGroupLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); NumbGroupLayout->setMargin( 10 ); NumbGroupLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); LayoutFN1 = new QHBoxLayout; LayoutFN1->setSpacing( 5 ); LayoutFN1->setMargin( 0 ); TextNu1 = new QLabel( NumbGroup ); TextNu1->setText( tr( "Decimals:" ) ); LayoutFN1->addWidget( TextNu1 ); Decim = new QSpinBox( NumbGroup ); Decim->setMinimum(0); Decim->setMaximum(12); Decim->setValue(0); LayoutFN1->addWidget( Decim ); QSpacerItem* spacer_4 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); LayoutFN1->addItem( spacer_4 ); NumbGroupLayout->addLayout( LayoutFN1 ); LayoutFN2 = new QHBoxLayout; LayoutFN2->setSpacing( 5 ); LayoutFN2->setMargin( 0 ); UseCurr = new QCheckBox( NumbGroup ); UseCurr->setText( tr( "Use Currency Symbol" ) ); LayoutFN2->addWidget( UseCurr ); CurSym = new QLineEdit( NumbGroup ); LayoutFN2->addWidget( CurSym ); CurSym->setEnabled(false); QSpacerItem* spacer_5 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); LayoutFN2->addItem( spacer_5 ); NumbGroupLayout->addLayout( LayoutFN2 ); PreCurr = new QCheckBox( NumbGroup ); PreCurr->setText( tr( "Prepend Currency Symbol" ) ); PreCurr->setEnabled(false); NumbGroupLayout->addWidget( PreCurr ); NumGroup2 = new QGroupBox( NumbGroup ); NumGroup2->setTitle( tr( "Formatting" ) ); NumGroup2Layout = new QGridLayout( NumGroup2 ); NumGroup2Layout->setSpacing( 5 ); NumGroup2Layout->setMargin( 10 ); NumGroup2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); Format0 = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2 ); Format0->setText("9,999.99"); Format0->setChecked( true ); FormNum = 0; NumGroup2Layout->addWidget( Format0, 0, 0 ); Format1 = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2 ); Format1->setText("9999.99"); NumGroup2Layout->addWidget( Format1, 1, 0 ); Format2 = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2 ); Format2->setText("9.999,99"); NumGroup2Layout->addWidget( Format2, 0, 1 ); Format3 = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2 ); Format3->setText("9999,99"); NumGroup2Layout->addWidget( Format3, 1, 1 ); NumbGroupLayout->addWidget( NumGroup2 ); FoFram->addWidget(NumbGroup); PercGroup = new QGroupBox( tab4 ); PercGroup->setTitle( tr( "Percent Format" ) ); PercGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( PercGroup ); PercGroupLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); PercGroupLayout->setMargin( 10 ); PercGroupLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); LayoutFN1a = new QHBoxLayout; LayoutFN1a->setSpacing( 5 ); LayoutFN1a->setMargin( 0 ); TextNu1a = new QLabel( PercGroup ); TextNu1a->setText( tr( "Decimals:" ) ); LayoutFN1a->addWidget( TextNu1a ); Decim2 = new QSpinBox( PercGroup ); Decim2->setMinimum(0); Decim2->setMaximum(12); Decim2->setValue(0); LayoutFN1a->addWidget( Decim2 ); QSpacerItem* spacer_4a = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); LayoutFN1a->addItem( spacer_4a ); PercGroupLayout->addLayout( LayoutFN1a ); NumGroup2a = new QGroupBox( PercGroup ); NumGroup2a->setTitle( tr( "Formatting" ) ); NumGroup2aLayout = new QGridLayout( NumGroup2a ); NumGroup2aLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); NumGroup2aLayout->setMargin( 10 ); NumGroup2aLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); Format0a = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2a ); Format0a->setText("9,999.99"); Format0a->setChecked( true ); FormNum = 0; NumGroup2aLayout->addWidget( Format0a, 0, 0 ); Format1a = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2a ); Format1a->setText("9999.99"); NumGroup2aLayout->addWidget( Format1a, 1, 0 ); Format2a = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2a ); Format2a->setText("9.999,99"); NumGroup2aLayout->addWidget( Format2a, 0, 1 ); Format3a = new QRadioButton( NumGroup2a ); Format3a->setText("9999,99"); NumGroup2aLayout->addWidget( Format3a, 1, 1 ); PercGroupLayout->addWidget( NumGroup2a ); FoFram->addWidget(PercGroup); DateGroup = new QGroupBox( tab4 ); DateGroup->setTitle( tr( "Date Format" ) ); DateGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( DateGroup ); DateGroupLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); DateGroupLayout->setMargin( 10 ); DateGroupLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); LayoutFN1c = new QHBoxLayout; LayoutFN1c->setSpacing( 5 ); LayoutFN1c->setMargin( 0 ); Format0c = new QComboBox(DateGroup); QString tmp_form[] = {"m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy", "dd/mm/yy", "dd/mm/yyyy", "yy-mm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy", "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM", "yyyy-mm-dd"}; size_t array_form = sizeof(tmp_form) / sizeof(*tmp_form); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and var name */ for (uint prop = 0; prop < array_form; ++prop) Format0c->addItem(tmp_form[prop]); Format0c->setEditable(false); LayoutFN1c->addWidget( Format0c ); QSpacerItem* spacer_4c = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); LayoutFN1c->addItem( spacer_4c ); DateGroupLayout->addLayout( LayoutFN1c ); TextDa1 = new QLabel( DateGroup ); TextDa1->setText( "" ); DateGroupLayout->addWidget( TextDa1 ); FoFram->addWidget(DateGroup); TimeGroup = new QGroupBox( tab4 ); TimeGroup->setTitle( tr( "Time Format" ) ); TimeGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( TimeGroup ); TimeGroupLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); TimeGroupLayout->setMargin( 10 ); TimeGroupLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); Format0b = new QRadioButton( TimeGroup ); Format0b->setText("HH:MM"); Format0b->setChecked( true ); FormNum = 0; TimeGroupLayout->addWidget( Format0b); Format1b = new QRadioButton( TimeGroup ); Format1b->setText("h:MM tt"); TimeGroupLayout->addWidget( Format1b); Format2b = new QRadioButton( TimeGroup ); Format2b->setText("HH:MM:ss"); TimeGroupLayout->addWidget( Format2b); Format3b = new QRadioButton( TimeGroup ); Format3b->setText("h:MM:ss tt"); TimeGroupLayout->addWidget( Format3b); FoFram->addWidget(TimeGroup); GroupCust = new QGroupBox( tab4 ); GroupCust->setTitle( tr( "Custom Scripts" ) ); GroupCustLayout = new QVBoxLayout( GroupCust ); GroupCustLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); GroupCustLayout->setMargin( 10 ); GroupCustLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); FLayout3 = new QVBoxLayout; FLayout3->setSpacing( 5 ); FLayout3->setMargin( 0 ); FLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout; FLayout2->setSpacing( 5 ); FLayout2->setMargin( 0 ); TextForm2 = new QLabel( GroupCust ); TextForm2->setText( tr( "Format:" ) ); FLayout2->addWidget( TextForm2 ); EditFormat = new QPushButton( GroupCust ); EditFormat->setText( tr( "Edit..." ) ); EditFormat->setAutoDefault( false ); if (item->annotation().Format() != 5) EditFormat->setEnabled( false ); FLayout2->addWidget( EditFormat ); FLayout3->addLayout( FLayout2 ); FormatScript = new QTextEdit( GroupCust ); if (item->annotation().Format() == 5) FormatScript->setPlainText( item->annotation().F_act() ); FormatScript->setReadOnly(true); FormatScript->setAutoFillBackground(true); FormatScript->setPalette(palTxt); FormatScript->setMaximumSize(QSize(32000,50)); FormatScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); FLayout3->addWidget( FormatScript ); GroupCustLayout->addLayout( FLayout3 ); FLayout5 = new QVBoxLayout; FLayout5->setSpacing( 5 ); FLayout5->setMargin( 0 ); FLayout4 = new QHBoxLayout; FLayout4->setSpacing( 5 ); FLayout4->setMargin( 0 ); TextForm3 = new QLabel( GroupCust ); TextForm3->setText( tr( "Keystroke:" ) ); FLayout4->addWidget( TextForm3 ); EditKeystr = new QPushButton( GroupCust ); EditKeystr->setText( tr( "Edit..." ) ); EditKeystr->setAutoDefault( false ); if (item->annotation().Format() != 5) EditKeystr->setEnabled( false ); FLayout4->addWidget( EditKeystr ); FLayout5->addLayout( FLayout4 ); KeyScript = new QTextEdit( GroupCust ); if (item->annotation().Format() == 5) KeyScript->setPlainText( item->annotation().K_act() ); KeyScript->setReadOnly(true); KeyScript->setAutoFillBackground(true); KeyScript->setPalette(palTxt); KeyScript->setMaximumSize(QSize(32000,50)); KeyScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); FLayout5->addWidget( KeyScript ); GroupCustLayout->addLayout( FLayout5 ); FoFram->addWidget(GroupCust); DecodeNum(); Layout->addWidget( FoFram ); TabWidget2->addTab( tab4, tr( "Format" ) ); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab4), false); tab_4 = new QWidget( TabWidget2 ); tabLayout_4 = new QVBoxLayout( tab_4 ); tabLayout_4->setSpacing( 5 ); tabLayout_4->setMargin( 10 ); ValidateGroup = new QGroupBox( tab_4 ); ValidateGroup->setTitle( "" ); ValidateGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( ValidateGroup ); ValidateGroupLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); ValidateGroupLayout->setMargin( 10 ); ValidateGroupLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); NoValid = new QRadioButton( ValidateGroup ); NoValid->setText( tr( "Value is not validated" ) ); NoValid->setChecked( true ); ValidateGroupLayout->addWidget( NoValid ); VLayout1 = new QGridLayout; VLayout1->setSpacing( 5 ); VLayout1->setMargin( 0 ); SimpleValid = new QRadioButton( ValidateGroup ); SimpleValid->setText( tr( "Value must be greater than or equal to:" ) ); VLayout1->addWidget( SimpleValid, 0, 0 ); TextVa = new QLabel( ValidateGroup ); TextVa->setText( tr( "and less or equal to:" ) ); VLayout1->addWidget( TextVa, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight ); MinValid = new QLineEdit( ValidateGroup ); VLayout1->addWidget( MinValid, 0, 1 ); MaxValid = new QLineEdit( ValidateGroup ); VLayout1->addWidget( MaxValid, 1, 1 ); ValidateGroupLayout->addLayout( VLayout1 ); CustomValid = new QRadioButton( ValidateGroup ); CustomValid->setText( tr( "Custom validate script:" ) ); ValidateGroupLayout->addWidget( CustomValid ); VLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout; VLayout2->setSpacing( 5 ); VLayout2->setMargin( 0 ); ValidScript = new QTextEdit( ValidateGroup ); ValidScript->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) ); ValidScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); ValidScript->setReadOnly( true ); ValidScript->setAutoFillBackground(true); ValidScript->setPalette(palTxt); VLayout2->addWidget( ValidScript ); EditValScript = new QPushButton( ValidateGroup ); EditValScript->setText( tr( "Edit..." ) ); EditValScript->setAutoDefault( false ); VLayout2->addWidget( EditValScript ); ValidateGroupLayout->addLayout( VLayout2 ); tabLayout_4->addWidget( ValidateGroup ); TabWidget2->addTab( tab_4, tr( "Validate" ) ); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab_4), false); SetVali(); tab_5 = new QWidget( TabWidget2 ); tabLayout_5 = new QVBoxLayout( tab_5 ); tabLayout_5->setSpacing( 5 ); tabLayout_5->setMargin( 10 ); CalcGroup = new QGroupBox( tab_5 ); CalcGroup->setTitle( "" ); CalcGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( CalcGroup ); CalcGroupLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); CalcGroupLayout->setMargin( 10 ); CalcGroupLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); NoCalc = new QRadioButton( CalcGroup ); NoCalc->setText( tr( "Value is not calculated" ) ); NoCalc->setChecked( true ); CalcGroupLayout->addWidget( NoCalc ); CLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout; CLayout1->setSpacing( 5 ); CLayout1->setMargin( 0 ); SimpleCalc = new QRadioButton( CalcGroup ); SimpleCalc->setText( tr( "Value is the" ) ); CLayout1->addWidget( SimpleCalc ); CalcArt = new QComboBox( CalcGroup ); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered to QString/size_t/for style */ QString calc[] = {tr("sum"), tr("product"), tr("average"), tr("minimum"), tr("maximum")}; size_t calcArray = sizeof(calc) / sizeof(*calc); for (uint prop = 0; prop < calcArray; ++prop) CalcArt->addItem(calc[prop]); CLayout1->addWidget( CalcArt ); TextLabel1_2 = new QLabel( CalcGroup ); TextLabel1_2->setText( tr( "of the following fields:" ) ); CLayout1->addWidget( TextLabel1_2 ); CalcGroupLayout->addLayout( CLayout1 ); CLayout3 = new QHBoxLayout; CLayout3->setSpacing( 5 ); CLayout3->setMargin( 0 ); CalcFields = new QLineEdit( CalcGroup ); CLayout3->addWidget( CalcFields ); SeField = new QPushButton( CalcGroup ); SeField->setText( tr( "Pick..." ) ); CLayout3->addWidget( SeField ); CalcGroupLayout->addLayout( CLayout3 ); CustomCalc = new QRadioButton( CalcGroup ); CustomCalc->setText( tr( "Custom calculation script:" ) ); CalcGroupLayout->addWidget( CustomCalc ); CLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout; CLayout2->setSpacing( 5 ); CLayout2->setMargin( 0 ); CalcScript = new QTextEdit( CalcGroup ); CalcScript->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) ); CalcScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); CalcScript->setReadOnly( true ); CLayout2->addWidget( CalcScript ); CalcScript->setAutoFillBackground(true); CalcScript->setPalette(palTxt); EditCalc = new QPushButton( CalcGroup ); EditCalc->setText( tr( "Edit..." ) ); CLayout2->addWidget( EditCalc ); CalcGroupLayout->addLayout( CLayout2 ); tabLayout_5->addWidget( CalcGroup ); TabWidget2->addTab( tab_5, tr( "Calculate" ) ); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab_5), false); SetCalc(); GroupBox10Layout->addWidget( TabWidget2 ); Fram->addWidget(GroupBox10); Frame9 = new QFrame( this ); Frame9->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); Frame9->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain ); Fram->addWidget(Frame9); SetAnnotationType(item->annotation().Type()-2); Layout1_2 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout1_2->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout1_2->setMargin( 0 ); QSpacerItem* spacerr = new QSpacerItem( 2, 2, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout1_2->addItem( spacerr ); PushButton1 = new QPushButton( this ); PushButton1->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); PushButton1->setDefault( true ); Layout1_2->addWidget( PushButton1 ); PushButton2 = new QPushButton( this ); PushButton2->setText( tr( "Cancel" ) ); Layout1_2->addWidget( PushButton2 ); AnnotLayout->addLayout( Layout1_2 ); connect(PushButton1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetValues())); connect(PushButton2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(EditFormat, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editFormatSc())); connect(EditKeystr, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editKeySc())); connect(EditValScript, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editValidSc())); connect(EditCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editCalcSc())); connect(EditJ, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editJavaSc())); connect(SeField, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SelectFelder())); connect(Format0c, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setDateSample(const QString&))); connect(TxFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetFoScript(int))); connect(ComboBox1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetAnnotationType(int))); connect(ActionCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionType(int))); connect(SelAction, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionScript(int))); connect(Pg1, SIGNAL(Coords(double, double)), this, SLOT(SetCoords(double, double))); connect(SpinBox11, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetPage(int))); connect(SpinBox21, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetCross())); connect(SpinBox31, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetCross())); connect(Limit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetLimit())); connect(UseCurr, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetCurr())); connect(Format0, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format0a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format1a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format2a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format3a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format0b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format1b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format2b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(Format3b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum())); connect(NoValid, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleVali())); connect(SimpleValid, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleVali())); connect(CustomValid, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleVali())); connect(NoCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleCalc())); connect(SimpleCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleCalc())); connect(CustomCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleCalc())); connect(IconN, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetNIcon())); connect(IconNR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RemoveNIcon())); connect(IconP, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetPIcon())); connect(IconPR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RemovePIcon())); connect(IconR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetRIcon())); connect(IconRR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RemoveRIcon())); connect(UseIcons, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(IconsEin())); connect(PlaceIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(IPlace())); connect(ChFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetFile())); connect(LExtern, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetExternLink())); connect(Name, SIGNAL(Leaved()), this, SLOT(NewName())); NoSpell->setToolTip( tr( "Flag is ignored for PDF 1.3" ) ); NoScroll->setToolTip( tr( "Flag is ignored for PDF 1.3" ) ); CalcFields->setToolTip( tr( "Enter a comma separated list of fields here" ) ); IconNR->setToolTip( tr("You need at least the Icon for Normal to use Icons for Buttons")); SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxSeite)); SetCross(); resize( minimumSizeHint() ); } Annot::~Annot() {} void Annot::NewName() { QString NameNew = Name->text(); if (NameNew.isEmpty()) { Name->setText(OldName); return; } bool found = false; for (int b = 0; b < view->Doc->Items->count(); ++b) { if ((NameNew == view->Doc->Items->at(b)->itemName()) && (view->Doc->Items->at(b) != item)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { Name->setText(OldName); Name->setFocus(); } } void Annot::IPlace() { ButtonIcon* dia = new ButtonIcon(this, item); if (dia->exec()) { int w = item->pixm.width(); int h = item->pixm.height(); double sw = item->width() / w; double sh = item->height() / h; double sc = qMin(sw, sh); if (dia->IcScaleH == 3) { item->setImageXYScale(1.0, 1.0); item->setImageXYOffset((item->width()-w)*dia->IcPlaceX, (item->height()-h)*dia->IcPlaceY); } else { if (dia->ScaleH->currentIndex() == 0) { item->setImageXYScale(sc, sc); item->setImageXYOffset(((item->width()-w*sc)/sc)/2.0/ sc, ((item->height()-h*sc)/sc)/2.0/sc); } else { item->setImageXYScale(sw, sh); item->setImageXYOffset(0.0, 0.0); } } item->annotation().setIPlace(dia->Place->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setScaleW(dia->ScaleW->currentIndex()); } delete dia; } void Annot::RemoveNIcon() { NiconPrev->clear(); item->Pfile = ""; item->PictureIsAvailable = false; IconNR->setEnabled(false); } void Annot::RemovePIcon() { PiconPrev->clear(); item->Pfile2 = ""; IconPR->setEnabled(false); } void Annot::RemoveRIcon() { RiconPrev->clear(); item->Pfile3 = ""; IconRR->setEnabled(false); } void Annot::IconsEin() { bool setter = !UseIcons->isChecked() ? false : true; IconN->setEnabled(setter); IconP->setEnabled(setter); IconR->setEnabled(setter); NiconPrev->setEnabled(setter); PiconPrev->setEnabled(setter); RiconPrev->setEnabled(setter); PlaceIcon->setEnabled(setter); IconNR->setEnabled(!item->Pfile.isEmpty() ? true : false); IconPR->setEnabled(!item->Pfile2.isEmpty() ? true : false); IconRR->setEnabled(!item->Pfile3.isEmpty() ? true : false); item->annotation().setUseIcons(UseIcons->isChecked()); } void Annot::GetNIcon() { QString fileName; QString wdir = dirs->get("icon", "."); CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"), tr("Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;%1;;All Files (*)").arg(FormatsManager::instance()->extensionsForFormat(FormatsManager::EPS)), fdShowPreview | fdExistingFiles); if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) fileName = dia.selectedFile(); else return; if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { dirs->set("icon", fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))); QPixmap pmI1; CMSettings cms(view->Doc, "", Intent_Perceptual); item->pixm.LoadPicture(fileName, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72); pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(item->pixm.qImage()); NiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1); item->Pfile = fileName; item->PictureIsAvailable = true; int w = item->pixm.width(); int h = item->pixm.height(); double sw = item->width() / w; double sh = item->height() / h; double sc = qMin(sw,sh); item->setImageXYScale(sc, sc); item->setImageXYOffset(((item->width()-(w*sc))/2)/sc, ((item->height()-(h*sc))/2)/sc); IconNR->setEnabled(true); } } void Annot::GetPIcon() { QString fileName; QString wdir = dirs->get("icon", "."); CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"), tr("Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;PostScript (*.eps *.epsi);;All Files (*)"), fdShowPreview | fdExistingFiles); if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) fileName = dia.selectedFile(); else return; if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { dirs->set("icon", fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))); QPixmap pmI1; ScImage im; CMSettings cms(view->Doc, "", Intent_Perceptual); im.LoadPicture(fileName, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72); pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage()); PiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1); item->Pfile2 = fileName; IconPR->setEnabled(true); } } void Annot::GetRIcon() { QString fileName; QString wdir = dirs->get("icon", "."); CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"), tr("Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;PostScript (*.eps *.epsi);;All Files (*)"), fdShowPreview | fdExistingFiles); if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) fileName = dia.selectedFile(); else return; if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { dirs->set("icon", fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))); QPixmap pmI1; ScImage im; CMSettings cms(view->Doc, "", Intent_Perceptual); im.LoadPicture(fileName, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72); pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage()); RiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1); item->Pfile3 = fileName; IconRR->setEnabled(true); } } void Annot::SelectFelder() { SelectFields* dia = new SelectFields(this, CalcFields->text(), item->itemName(), view->Doc, 3); if (dia->exec()) CalcFields->setText(dia->S_Fields); delete dia; } void Annot::editKeySc() { Editor* dia = new Editor(this, item->annotation().K_act(), view); if (dia->exec()) { item->annotation().setK_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText()); KeyScript->setPlainText( item->annotation().K_act() ); } delete dia; } void Annot::editFormatSc() { Editor* dia = new Editor(this, item->annotation().F_act(), view); if (dia->exec()) { item->annotation().setF_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText()); FormatScript->setPlainText( item->annotation().F_act() ); } delete dia; } void Annot::editValidSc() { Editor* dia = new Editor(this, item->annotation().V_act(), view); if (dia->exec()) { item->annotation().setV_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText()); ValidScript->setPlainText( item->annotation().V_act() ); } delete dia; } void Annot::editCalcSc() { Editor* dia = new Editor(this, item->annotation().C_act(), view); if (dia->exec()) { item->annotation().setC_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText()); CalcScript->setPlainText( item->annotation().C_act() ); } delete dia; } void Annot::editJavaSc() { Editor* dia = new Editor(this, EditJava->toPlainText(), view); if (dia->exec()) EditJava->setPlainText(dia->EditTex->toPlainText()); delete dia; } void Annot::setDateSample(const QString& ds) { QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString tmp = ""; if (ds == "m/d") tmp = "M/d"; if (ds == "m/d/yy") tmp = "M/d/yy"; if (ds == "mm/dd/yy") tmp = "MM/dd/yy"; if (ds == "mm/yy") tmp = "MM/yy"; if (ds == "d-mmm") tmp = "d-MMM"; if (ds == "d-mmm-yy") tmp = "d-MMM-yy"; if (ds == "dd-mmm-yy") tmp = "dd-MMM-yy"; if (ds == "dd/mm/yy") tmp = "dd/MM/yy"; if (ds == "dd/mm/yyyy") tmp = "dd/MM/yyyy"; if (ds == "yy-mm-dd") tmp = "yy-MM-dd"; if (ds == "mmm-yy") tmp = "MMM-yy"; if (ds == "mmmm-yy") tmp = "MMMM-yy"; if (ds == "mmm d, yyyy") tmp = "MMM d, yyyy"; if (ds == "mmmm d, yyyy") tmp = "MMMM d, yyyy"; if (ds == "m/d/yy h:MM tt") tmp = "M/d/yy h:mm ap"; if (ds == "m/d/yy HH:MM") tmp = "M/d/yy hh:mm"; if (ds == "yyyy-mm-dd") tmp = "yyyy-MM-dd"; TextDa1->setText( tr("Example:")+" "+dt.toString(tmp)); } void Annot::DecodeVali() { QString pfor = item->annotation().V_act(); int ss = pfor.indexOf("("); QString pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-2); QStringList pfol; pfol = pfo.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); MinValid->setText(pfol[1].simplified()); MaxValid->setText(pfol[3].simplified()); } void Annot::DecodeCalc() { QString tm = ""; QString tm2; QString pfor = item->annotation().C_act(); int ss = pfor.lastIndexOf("("); QString pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-3); QStringList pfol; pfol = pfo.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (pfol.count() > 1) { tm2 = pfol[0].simplified(); tm += tm2.mid(1, tm2.length()-2); for (int cfx = 1; cfx < pfol.count(); ++cfx) { tm2 = pfol[cfx].simplified(); tm += ", "+tm2.mid(1, tm2.length()-2); } } CalcFields->setText(tm); ss = pfor.indexOf("("); pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-3); pfol = pfo.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Let's get rid of lots of ifs.... */ QString pf[] = {"\"SUM\"", "\"PRD\"", "\"AVG\"", "\"MIN\"", "\"MAX\""}; size_t pfTest = sizeof(pf) / sizeof(*pf); for (uint test = 0; test < pfTest; ++test) { if (pfol[0] == pf[test]) CalcArt->setCurrentIndex(test); } } void Annot::DecodeNum() { QString pfor = item->annotation().F_act(); int ss = pfor.indexOf("("); QString pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-2); QStringList pfol; pfol = pfo.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (item->annotation().Format() == 1) { Decim->setValue(pfol[0].toInt()); switch (pfol[1].toInt()) { case 0: Format0->setChecked(true); FormNum = 0; break; case 1: Format1->setChecked(true); FormNum = 1; break; case 2: Format2->setChecked(true); FormNum = 2; break; case 3: Format3->setChecked(true); FormNum = 3; break; } if (pfol[5] == " true") PreCurr->setChecked(true); else PreCurr->setChecked(false); if (pfol[4].length() > 2) { if (PreCurr->isChecked()) CurSym->setText(pfol[4].mid(2,pfol[4].length()-4)); else CurSym->setText(pfol[4].mid(3,pfol[4].length()-4)); } else CurSym->setText(""); if (!CurSym->text().isEmpty()) { CurSym->setEnabled(true); UseCurr->setEnabled(true); UseCurr->setChecked(true); PreCurr->setEnabled(true); } } if (item->annotation().Format() == 2) { Decim2->setValue(pfol[0].toInt()); switch (pfol[1].toInt()) { case 0: Format0a->setChecked(true); FormNum = 0; break; case 1: Format1a->setChecked(true); FormNum = 1; break; case 2: Format2a->setChecked(true); FormNum = 2; break; case 3: Format3a->setChecked(true); FormNum = 3; break; } } if (item->annotation().Format() == 3) { setCurrentComboItem(Format0c, pfol[0].remove("\"")); setDateSample(pfol[0]); } if (item->annotation().Format() == 4) { switch (pfol[0].toInt()) { case 0: Format0b->setChecked(true); FormNum = 0; break; case 1: Format1b->setChecked(true); FormNum = 1; break; case 2: Format2b->setChecked(true); FormNum = 2; break; case 3: Format3b->setChecked(true); FormNum = 3; break; } } } void Annot::SetFormNum() { switch (item->annotation().Format()) { case 1: if (Format0->isChecked()) FormNum = 0; if (Format1->isChecked()) FormNum = 1; if (Format2->isChecked()) FormNum = 2; if (Format3->isChecked()) FormNum = 3; break; case 2: if (Format0a->isChecked()) FormNum = 0; if (Format1a->isChecked()) FormNum = 1; if (Format2a->isChecked()) FormNum = 2; if (Format3a->isChecked()) FormNum = 3; break; case 4: if (Format0b->isChecked()) FormNum = 0; if (Format1b->isChecked()) FormNum = 1; if (Format2b->isChecked()) FormNum = 2; if (Format3b->isChecked()) FormNum = 3; break; } } void Annot::HandleVali() { bool setter = SimpleValid->isChecked() ? true : false; MaxValid->setEnabled(setter); MinValid->setEnabled(setter); EditValScript->setEnabled(false); if (CustomValid->isChecked()) EditValScript->setEnabled(true); } void Annot::SetVali() { MaxValid->setEnabled(false); MinValid->setEnabled(false); EditValScript->setEnabled(false); ValidScript->setEnabled(false); if (item->annotation().V_act().isEmpty()) NoValid->setChecked(true); else { if (item->annotation().V_act().startsWith("AFRange_Validate")) { MaxValid->setEnabled(true); MinValid->setEnabled(true); SimpleValid->setChecked(true); DecodeVali(); } else { EditValScript->setEnabled(true); CustomValid->setChecked(true); ValidScript->setPlainText(item->annotation().V_act()); } } } void Annot::HandleCalc() { bool setter = SimpleCalc->isChecked() ? true : false; CalcFields->setEnabled(setter); CalcArt->setEnabled(setter); EditCalc->setEnabled(false); SeField->setEnabled(setter); if (CustomCalc->isChecked()) EditCalc->setEnabled(true); } void Annot::SetCalc() { CalcFields->setEnabled(false); CalcArt->setEnabled(false); EditCalc->setEnabled(false); SeField->setEnabled(false); if (item->annotation().C_act().isEmpty()) NoCalc->setChecked(true); else { if (item->annotation().C_act().startsWith("AFSimple_Calculate")) { CalcFields->setEnabled(true); CalcArt->setEnabled(true); SimpleCalc->setChecked(true); SeField->setEnabled(true); DecodeCalc(); } else { EditCalc->setEnabled(true); CustomCalc->setChecked(true); CalcScript->setPlainText(item->annotation().C_act()); } } } void Annot::SetCurr() { bool setter = UseCurr->isChecked() ? true : false; CurSym->setEnabled(setter); PreCurr->setEnabled(setter); } void Annot::SetFoScript(int it) { if (it >= 0 && it <=5) FoFram->setCurrentIndex(it); if (it == 1) SetCurr(); if (it == 5) { EditFormat->setEnabled( true ); EditKeystr->setEnabled( true ); KeyScript->setPlainText(""); FormatScript->setPlainText(""); // KeyScript->setText( item->annotation().K_act() ); // FormatScript->setText( item->annotation().F_act() ); } item->annotation().setFormat(it); } void Annot::SetCoords(double x, double y) { SpinBox21->setValue(static_cast(x*Width)); SpinBox31->setValue(static_cast(y*Height)); } void Annot::SetPage(int v) { disconnect(SpinBox11, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetPage(int))); if ((item->annotation().ActionType() == 7) || (item->annotation().ActionType() == 9)) { if (!Pg1->SetPage(v, 100, Destfile->text())) { SpinBox11->setValue(1); Pg1->SetPage(1, 100, Destfile->text()); } Width = Pg1->Width; Height = Pg1->Height; // SetCoords(0,0); } else { Pg1->SetPage(qMin(v-1, MaxSeite-1), 100); SpinBox11->setValue(qMin(v, MaxSeite)); Width = OriWidth; Height = OriHeight; // SetCoords(0,0); } SpinBox21->setMaximum(Width); SpinBox31->setMaximum(Height); connect(SpinBox11, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetPage(int))); } void Annot::SetCross() { int x,y; disconnect(Pg1, SIGNAL(Coords(double, double)), this, SLOT(SetCoords(double, double))); x = static_cast(static_cast(SpinBox21->value())/static_cast(Width)*Pg1->pmx.width()); y = static_cast(static_cast(SpinBox31->value())/static_cast(Height)*Pg1->pmx.height()); Pg1->drawMark(x, y); connect(Pg1, SIGNAL(Coords(double, double)), this, SLOT(SetCoords(double, double))); } void Annot::SetValues() { QString tmp, tmp2; QString Nfo(""); bool AAct = false; item->annotation().setType(ComboBox1->currentIndex()+2); if (Name->text() != OldName) item->setItemName(Name->text()); item->annotation().setToolTip(Tip->text()); item->annotation().setRollOver(TextO->text()); item->annotation().setDown(DownT->text()); item->annotation().setBwid(BorderW->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setBsty(BorderS->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setFeed(ComboBox7_2->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setVis(Visib->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setFont(Schrift->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setFlag(0); item->annotation().setIsChk(isChkd->isChecked()); item->annotation().setChkStil(ChkStil->currentIndex()); item->annotation().setBorderColor(BorderC->currentText()); if (item->annotation().borderColor() == CommonStrings::tr_NoneColor) item->annotation().setBorderColor(CommonStrings::None); Limit->isChecked() ? item->annotation().setMaxChar(MaxChars->value()) : item->annotation().setMaxChar(-1); if (item->annotation().Type() == 2) { item->annotation().addToFlag(65536); if (item->Pfile.isEmpty()) item->annotation().setUseIcons(false); } else { item->annotation().setUseIcons(false); if (ReadOnly->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(1); if (Required->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(2); if (NoExport->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(4); } if (item->annotation().Type() == 5) { item->annotation().addToFlag(131072); if (CanEdit->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(262144); } if (item->annotation().Type() == 3) { if (MultiL->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(4096); if (Passwd->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(8192); if (NoSpell->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(4194304); if (NoScroll->isChecked()) item->annotation().addToFlag(8388608); } if ((item->annotation().Type() == 3) || (item->annotation().Type() == 5)) { if (NoValid->isChecked()) item->annotation().setV_act(""); if (SimpleValid->isChecked()) item->annotation().setV_act("AFRange_Validate(true, "+MinValid->text()+", true, "+MaxValid->text()+")"); if (CustomValid->isChecked()) item->annotation().setV_act(ValidScript->toPlainText()); if (NoCalc->isChecked()) item->annotation().setC_act(""); if (SimpleCalc->isChecked()) { QString tmpCact = "AFSimple_Calculate("; switch (CalcArt->currentIndex()) { case 0: tmpCact += "\"SUM\", "; break; case 1: tmpCact += "\"PRD\", "; break; case 2: tmpCact += "\"AVG\", "; break; case 3: tmpCact += "\"MIN\", "; break; case 4: tmpCact += "\"MAX\", "; break; } tmpCact += "new Array ("; QStringList pfol; pfol = CalcFields->text().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (pfol.count() > 1) { tmpCact += "\""+pfol[0].simplified()+"\""; for (int cfx = 1; cfx < pfol.count(); cfx++) { tmpCact += ", \""+pfol[cfx].simplified()+"\""; } } tmpCact += "))"; item->annotation().setC_act(tmpCact); } if (CustomCalc->isChecked()) item->annotation().setC_act(CalcScript->toPlainText()); switch (TxFormat->currentIndex()) { case 0: item->annotation().setF_act(""); item->annotation().setK_act(""); break; case 1: Nfo = tmp.setNum(Decim->value())+", "+tmp2.setNum(FormNum)+", 0, 0, \""; if (UseCurr->isChecked()) { if (!PreCurr->isChecked()) Nfo += " "; Nfo += CurSym->text().simplified(); if (PreCurr->isChecked()) Nfo += " "; } if (PreCurr->isChecked()) Nfo += "\", true)"; else Nfo += "\", false)"; item->annotation().setF_act("AFNumber_Format("+Nfo); item->annotation().setK_act("AFNumber_Keystroke("+Nfo); break; case 2: Nfo = tmp.setNum(Decim2->value())+", "+tmp.setNum(FormNum)+")"; item->annotation().setF_act("AFPercent_Format("+Nfo); item->annotation().setK_act("AFPercent_Keystroke("+Nfo); break; case 3: Nfo = Format0c->currentText()+"\")"; item->annotation().setF_act("AFDate_FormatEx(\""+Nfo); item->annotation().setK_act("AFDate_KeystrokeEx(\""+Nfo); break; case 4: Nfo = tmp.setNum(FormNum)+")"; item->annotation().setF_act("AFTime_Format("+Nfo); item->annotation().setK_act("AFTime_Keystroke("+Nfo); break; case 5: item->annotation().setF_act(FormatScript->toPlainText()); item->annotation().setK_act(KeyScript->toPlainText()); break; } } item->annotation().setAction(""); switch (ActionCombo->currentIndex()) { case 0: item->annotation().setActionType(0); break; case 1: item->annotation().setActionType(1); switch (ScrEdited) { case 0: item->annotation().setAction(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 1: item->annotation().setD_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 2: item->annotation().setE_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 3: item->annotation().setX_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 4: item->annotation().setFo_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 5: item->annotation().setBl_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 6: item->annotation().setK_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; } break; case 2: if ((LExtern->isChecked()) && (!Destfile->text().isEmpty())) { item->annotation().setExtern(Destfile->text()); if (useAbsolute->isChecked()) item->annotation().setActionType(9); else item->annotation().setActionType(7); } else { item->annotation().setExtern(""); item->annotation().setActionType(2); } item->annotation().setZiel(SpinBox11->value()-1); item->annotation().setAction(tmp.setNum(SpinBox21->value())+" "+tmp2.setNum(Height-SpinBox31->value())+" 0"); break; case 3: item->annotation().setActionType(3); item->annotation().setAction(SubURL->text().simplified()); item->annotation().setHTML(SelAsHtml->currentIndex()); // item->annotation().setHTML(SubAsHtml->isChecked()); break; case 4: item->annotation().setActionType(4); break; case 5: item->annotation().setActionType(5); item->annotation().setAction(SubURLa->text().simplified()); break; } if (!item->annotation().E_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().X_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().D_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().Fo_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().Bl_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().K_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().F_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().V_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; if (!item->annotation().C_act().isEmpty()) AAct = true; item->annotation().setAAact(AAct); accept(); } void Annot::SetAnnotationType(int it) { disconnect(ActionCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionType(int))); disconnect(TxFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetFoScript(int))); int tmpac = item->annotation().ActionType(); if ((tmpac == 7) || (tmpac == 9)) tmpac = 2; int sela = it + 2; TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab4), false); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab_4), false); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab_5), false); EditFormat->setEnabled( false ); EditKeystr->setEnabled( false ); SelAction->clear(); QString tmp_selact[]={tr("Mouse Up"), tr("Mouse Down"), tr("Mouse Enter"), tr("Mouse Exit"), tr("On Focus"), tr("On Blur")}; size_t array_sel = sizeof(tmp_selact) / sizeof(*tmp_selact); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and varname */ for (uint prop = 0; prop < array_sel; ++prop) SelAction->addItem(tmp_selact[prop]); bool setter; switch (sela) { case 2: { Fram->setCurrentIndex(3); FramOp->setCurrentIndex(sela-2); ReadOnly->setEnabled(false); ReadOnly->setChecked(false); Required->setEnabled(false); Required->setChecked(false); NoExport->setEnabled(false); NoExport->setChecked(false); ActionCombo->clear(); QString tmp_actcom[] = {tr("None", "action"), tr("JavaScript"), tr("Go To"), tr("Submit Form"), tr("Reset Form"), tr("Import Data")}; size_t array_act = sizeof(tmp_actcom) / sizeof(*tmp_actcom); /* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and varname */ for (uint prop = 0; prop < array_act; ++prop) ActionCombo->addItem(tmp_actcom[prop]); ActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(qMin(tmpac,5)); setter = ((item->annotation().ActionType() != 7) && (item->annotation().ActionType() != 9)) ? true : false; Destfile->setEnabled(setter); ChFile->setEnabled(setter); SetActionType(tmpac); break; } case 3: case 6: case 4: case 5: case 7: if ((sela == 3) || (sela == 5)) { TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab4), true); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab_4), true); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tab_5), true); TxFormat->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().Format()); SetFoScript(item->annotation().Format()); SetVali(); SetCalc(); } if (sela == 6) SelAction->addItem( tr( "Selection Change" ) ); ReadOnly->setEnabled(true); ReadOnly->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 1); Required->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 2); NoExport->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 4); Fram->setCurrentIndex(3); sela > 5 ? FramOp->setCurrentIndex(3) : FramOp->setCurrentIndex(sela-2); ActionCombo->clear(); ActionCombo->addItem( tr( "None" ) ); ActionCombo->addItem( tr( "JavaScript" ) ); ActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(qMin(tmpac, 1)); SetActionType(tmpac); break; default: Fram->setCurrentIndex(2); break; } MultiL->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 4096); Passwd->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 8192); CanEdit->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 262144); NoSpell->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 4194304); NoScroll->setChecked(item->annotation().Flag() & 8388608); ChkStil->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().ChkStil()); isChkd->setChecked(item->annotation().IsChk()); setter = item->annotation().MaxChar() != -1 ? true : false; MaxChars->setValue(setter == true ? item->annotation().MaxChar() : 0); Limit->setChecked(setter); MaxChars->setEnabled(setter); connect(ActionCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionType(int))); connect(TxFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetFoScript(int))); } void Annot::SetLimit() { Limit->isChecked() ? MaxChars->setEnabled(true) :MaxChars->setEnabled(false); } void Annot::SetExternLink() { disconnect(LExtern, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetExternLink())); bool enable; if (!LExtern->isChecked()) { item->annotation().setActionType(2); enable = false; // Destfile->setEnabled(false); // ChFile->setEnabled(false); SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxSeite)); } else { if (useAbsolute->isChecked()) item->annotation().setActionType(9); else item->annotation().setActionType(7); enable = true; // Destfile->setEnabled(true); // ChFile->setEnabled(true); if (Destfile->text().isEmpty()) { GetFile(); if (Destfile->text().isEmpty()) { item->annotation().setActionType(2); enable = false; // Destfile->setEnabled(false); // ChFile->setEnabled(false); LExtern->setChecked(false); } } SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxSeite)); } Destfile->setEnabled(enable); ChFile->setEnabled(enable); connect(LExtern, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetExternLink())); } void Annot::SetActionType(int it) { bool setter; switch (it) { case 5: Fram2->setCurrentIndex(4); SubURLa->setText(item->annotation().Action()); break; case 3: Fram2->setCurrentIndex(3); SubURL->setText(item->annotation().Action()); // SubAsHtml->setChecked(item->annotation().HTML()); SelAsHtml->setCurrentIndex(item->annotation().HTML()); break; case 2: Fram2->setCurrentIndex(2); setter = item->annotation().ActionType() != 7 ? true : false; Destfile->setEnabled(setter); ChFile->setEnabled(setter); SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxSeite)); break; case 1: Fram2->setCurrentIndex(1); SelAction->setCurrentIndex(ScrEdited); break; default: Fram2->setCurrentIndex(0); break; } } void Annot::SetActionScript(int it) { switch (ScrEdited) { case 0: item->annotation().setAction(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 1: item->annotation().setD_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 2: item->annotation().setE_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 3: item->annotation().setX_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 4: item->annotation().setFo_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 5: item->annotation().setBl_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; case 6: item->annotation().setK_act(EditJava->toPlainText()); break; } switch (it) { case 0: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().Action()); break; case 1: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().D_act()); break; case 2: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().E_act()); break; case 3: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().X_act()); break; case 4: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().Fo_act()); break; case 5: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().Bl_act()); break; case 6: EditJava->setPlainText(item->annotation().K_act()); break; } ScrEdited = it; } void Annot::GetFile() { QString fn; QString wdir = dirs->get("annot_getfile", "."); CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"), tr("PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*)")); if (!Destfile->text().isEmpty()) dia.setSelection(Destfile->text()); if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { fn = dia.selectedFile(); if (!fn.isEmpty()) { dirs->set("annot_getfile", fn.left(fn.lastIndexOf("/"))); Destfile->setText(fn); SpinBox11->setValue(1); SpinBox11->setMaximum(1000); SetPage(1); } } }