/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #ifndef CMYKFARBEN_H #define CMYKFARBEN_H #include class QHBoxLayout; class QVBoxLayout; class QGridLayout; class QLabel; class QFrame; class QLineEdit; class QCheckBox; class QPushButton; class QStackedWidget; class QSlider; class QPixmap; class QListWidgetItem; #include "colorsetmanager.h" #include "sccolor.h" #include "scribusapi.h" class ScColor; class ScribusDoc; class ScrSpinBox; class ScComboBox; class ColorListBox; class ColorChart; class SCRIBUS_API CMYKChoose : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: CMYKChoose( QWidget* parent, ScribusDoc* doc, ScColor orig, QString name, ColorList *Colors, QStringList Cust, bool newCol ); ~CMYKChoose() {}; QLabel* TextLabel1; QLineEdit* Farbname; QLabel* TextLabel3; ScComboBox* ComboBox1; QCheckBox* Separations; // QCheckBox* Regist; ScComboBox* Swatches; QLabel* TextLabel5_2; QLabel* OldC; QLabel* TextLabel5; QLabel* NewC; QPushButton* Cancel; QPushButton* Cancel_2; QFrame* Frame4; QStackedWidget* TabStack; QFrame* Frame5; QFrame* Frame5a; ColorListBox* ColorSwatch; ColorChart* ColorMap; QLabel* CyanP; QLabel* CyanT; QSlider* CyanSL; ScrSpinBox* CyanSp; QLabel* MagentaP; QLabel* MagentaT; QSlider* MagentaSL; ScrSpinBox* MagentaSp; QLabel* YellowP; QLabel* YellowT; QSlider* YellowSL; ScrSpinBox* YellowSp; QLabel* BlackP; QLabel* BlackT; QSlider* BlackSL; ScrSpinBox* BlackSp; QPixmap imageA; QPixmap imageN; QPixmap alertIcon; ScColor Farbe; bool CMYKmode; bool Wsave; bool dynamic; bool isNew; bool isRegistration; int BlackComp; ColorList *EColors; ColorList CurrSwatch; QStringList CColSet; QString Fnam; public slots: void slotRightClick(); void setValSLiders(double value); void SetValueS(int val); void ToggleSL(); QPixmap SliderPix(int farbe); QPixmap SliderBlack(); void SelSwatch(int n); void setSpot(); // void setRegist(); void SelModel(const QString& mod); void setColor(); void setColor2(int h, int s, bool ende); void SelFromSwatch(QListWidgetItem* c); void setValues(); void Verlassen(); protected: QHBoxLayout* CMYKFarbenLayout; QVBoxLayout* Layout23; QGridLayout* Layout2; QGridLayout* Layout2x; QHBoxLayout* Layout21; QVBoxLayout* Frame4Layout; QHBoxLayout* Frame5Layout; QHBoxLayout* Frame5aLayout; QVBoxLayout* Layout1_2; QVBoxLayout* Layout1_2_2; QVBoxLayout* Layout1_2_3; QVBoxLayout* Layout1_2_4; ColorSetManager csm; int customSetStartIndex; ScribusDoc* m_doc; }; #endif // CMYKFARBEN_H