/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 by Riku Leino * * tsoots@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "gtgettext.h" #include "pluginmanager.h" #include "scpaths.h" #include "pageitem.h" #include "scribusdoc.h" #include "selection.h" #include "gtdialogs.h" #include "gtwriter.h" //Added by qt3to4: #include #include "util_icon.h" // Constructor gtGetText::gtGetText(ScribusDoc* doc) { // Attach to the active document m_Doc=doc; // Load the plugins array. loadImporterPlugins(); } // gtGetText::gtGetText(ScribusDoc* doc) // Look at the results of the file selection dialog and figure out if you need to use an importer. // Prompt the user if the importer to use isn't obvious. void gtGetText::launchImporter(int importer, const QString& filename, bool textOnly, const QString& encoding, bool append, PageItem* target) { // Struct for the plugin info, we'll load this up from the array. struct ImporterData ida; // Do we need to call an importer? Unsure what happens if this ever becomes false. bool callImporter = true; // Check and see if the file selection dialog returned the index position of the // importer to be used. If it isn't, try to figure out what it is. If we can't, // prompt the user. if (importer == -1) { // Attempt to determine the importer based on the file's extension. // Create a QString with what could be an extension. QString fend = filename.right(filename.length() - filename.lastIndexOf(".") - 1); QString fendL(fend.toLower()); // Look for that extension in the importer Qmap. if (importerMap.find(fend) != importerMap.end()) // If the map is found, assign ida to the corresponding struct in the map. ida = *importerMap[fend]; // Otherwise, test for the lowercase version else if (importerMap.find(fendL) != importerMap.end()) // If the map is found, assign ida to the corresponding struct in the map. ida = *importerMap[fendL]; // Otherwise, try and ask the user. else { // Create a new dialog dias = new gtDialogs(); // Pop up the dialog asking the user to select the type from our list (ilist) of // importable file types. If one is not selected, set callImporter to false. callImporter = dias->runImporterDialog(ilist); // If we're gonna call an importer, we need to copy it's struct to ida. if (callImporter) ida = importers[dias->getImporter()]; // Destroy the diag delete dias; } // else - if (importerMap.find(fend) != importerMap.end()) } else // If we know which importer to use { // Copy the importer's struct to ida. ida = importers[importer]; } // else - if (importer == -1) // Create a target text frame for the imported text and assign it to the parameter "target" PageItem* targetFrame=target; // If the targetframe is 0 ( no frame selected/created? ) then reassign it to the // (questionable interpretation here) first frame in the documentation. if (targetFrame==0) targetFrame=m_Doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); // If the targetframe is not zero, and we do need to call the importer, // Run the importer via "CallDLL" and pass it what it needs to know. if (targetFrame!=0 && callImporter) CallDLL(ida, filename, encoding, textOnly, append, targetFrame); } //void gtGetText::launchImporter(int importer, const QString& filename, bool textOnly, // const QString& encoding, bool append, PageItem* target) // Find the available plugins based on the environment, validate they load, and // create quick lookup mappings. void gtGetText::loadImporterPlugins() { // Get the path to the plugins QString gtdir = ScPaths::instance().pluginDir(); // Append the gettext path to the plugin gtdir += "gettext"; // Set the search parameteer for the platform specific extension for the plugins ( DLL, so, etc. ) QString libPattern = QString("*.%1*").arg(PluginManager::platformDllExtension()); // Search for matches. QDir d(gtdir, libPattern, QDir::Name, (QDir::Filter) PluginManager::platformDllSearchFlags()); // Initialize a structure for the importers found struct ImporterData ida; ida.fileFormatName = ""; // Check and see if the directory existed and if the count of files matching is greater than 0. if ((d.exists()) && (d.count() != 0)) { // loop through the entries. for (uint dc = 0; dc < d.count(); ++dc) { // Verify the Plugin will load. If it does, collect the info on the plugin ( Name, extension, format, etc ) if (DLLName(d[dc], &ida.fileFormatName, &ida.fileEndings)) { // no plugin's "format name" marks "don't load plug" if (ida.fileFormatName.isNull()) continue; // Store the path to the plugin. ida.soFilePath = d[dc]; // If the plugin path does not begin with /, prepend a /. if (ida.soFilePath.left(1) != "/") ida.soFilePath = "/" + ida.soFilePath; // Add the plugin data to the end of the importer's vector. importers.push_back(ida); } // if (DLLName(d[dc], &ida.fileFormatName, &ida.fileEndings)) } // for (uint dc = 0; dc < d.count(); ++dc) } // if ((d.exists()) && (d.count() != 0)) // Create the Importer Extension to Plugin data qmap. createMap(); } // void gtGetText::loadImporterPlugins() // Creates the dialog for the user to import a file based on the supported file formats. ImportSetup gtGetText::run() { // Initialize a filters list. QString filters = ""; // Create a string for the "All supported files filter". Start with the label then loop through // the importers vector and add all of the file extensions supported. QString allSupported = QObject::tr("All Supported Formats") + " ("; // Loop through the importers vector. for (uint i = 0; i < importers.size(); ++i) { // If there are any file extnsions declared by the importer if (importers[i].fileEndings.count() != 0) { // Add the importer name to the filters list filters += importers[i].fileFormatName + " ("; // Loop though the extensions supported by the importer for (int j = 0; j < importers[i].fileEndings.count(); ++j) { // Add the extension to both the filter and allSupported strings filters += "*." + importers[i].fileEndings[j] + " "; allSupported += "*." + importers[i].fileEndings[j] + " "; } // for (int j = 0; j < importers[i].fileEndings.count(); ++j) // Trim the Qstring filters = filters.trimmed(); // Append "entry of entry" information to the end of the filter. filters += ");;"; } // if (importers[i].fileEndings.count() != 0) } // for (uint i = 0; i < importers.size(); ++i) // Trim the allSupported QString and append "end of entry" data to the end of it. allSupported = allSupported.trimmed(); allSupported += ");;"; // Prepend allSupported to the filters Qstring. filters = allSupported + filters; // Add an "all files" entry to the end of the filters QString filters += QObject::tr("All Files (*)"); // Populate ilist with the file importer names. for (uint i = 0; i < importers.size(); ++i) ilist.append(importers[i].fileFormatName); // Create a new dialog. dias = new gtDialogs(); // Create a new ImportSetup struct ImportSetup impsetup; // INitialize runDialog to false impsetup.runDialog=false; // If we get a true back from the File selection Dialog ( which we send our filters and extensions lists ) if (dias->runFileDialog(filters, ilist)) { // Set the runDialog to true impsetup.runDialog=true; // Copy the other values for the struct from the dialog results impsetup.encoding=dias->getEncoding(); impsetup.filename=dias->getFileName(); impsetup.importer=dias->getImporter(); impsetup.textOnly=dias->importTextOnly(); // launchImporter(dias->getImporter(), dias->getFileName(), // dias->importTextOnly(), dias->getEncoding(), append); } // if (dias->runFileDialog(filters, ilist)) // Destroy the dialog. delete dias; // Return the ImportSetup struct. return impsetup; } // ImportSetup gtGetText::run() // Loads, validates, and executes the Importer code. void gtGetText::CallDLL(const ImporterData& idata, const QString& filePath, const QString& encoding, bool textOnly, bool append, PageItem* importItem) { // Pointer for the loaded plugin. void* gtplugin; // Type definition for GetText pointer in the function in question. typedef void (*sdem)(QString filename, QString encoding, bool textOnly, gtWriter *writer); // The point to the above. sdem fp_GetText; // Initialize Path to the "DLL" QString pluginFilePath = QString("%1/gettext/%2").arg(ScPaths::instance().pluginDir()).arg(idata.soFilePath); // Attempt to load the plugin, store the pointer in gtplugin gtplugin = PluginManager::loadDLL(pluginFilePath); // If gtplugin is NULL we failed to load the plugin. Report an error to the user and exit the method. if (!gtplugin) { qWarning("Failed to load plugin %s", pluginFilePath.toAscii().constData()); return; } // if (!gtplugin) // Attempt to map the GetText method to to the pointer via the PluginManager. Store the result in fp_GetText. fp_GetText = (sdem) PluginManager::resolveSym(gtplugin, "GetText"); // If fp_GetText is NULL, we could not find the symbol, report the error, unload the "DLL" and exit the method. if (!fp_GetText) { qWarning("Failed to get GetText() from %s", pluginFilePath.toAscii().constData()); PluginManager::unloadDLL(gtplugin); return; } // if (!fp_GetText) // Create a new writer object in "append"'s mode ( true or false ) attached to the importItem gtWriter *w = new gtWriter(append, importItem); // Execute the importer's "GetText" method. (*fp_GetText)(filePath, encoding, textOnly, w); // Destroy the writer delete w; // Unload the plugin. PluginManager::unloadDLL(gtplugin); } // void gtGetText::CallDLL(const ImporterData& idata, const QString& filePath, // const QString& encoding, bool textOnly, bool append, PageItem* importItem) // Loads the "DLL", validates the importer is good, populates the passed parameters with // the plugin information. bool gtGetText::DLLName(QString name, QString *ffName, QStringList *fEndings) { // Pointer to the plugin, once loaded void* gtplugin; // typedef of Qstring to map the importer name (FileFormatName) method results to. typedef QString (*sdem0)(); // typedef of QStringList to map the file extensions supported method results to. typedef QStringList (*sdem1)(); // The actual importer name object sdem0 fp_FileFormatName; // The actual extensions supported object sdem1 fp_FileExtensions; // Initialise the plugin file path ( with filename ) QString pluginFilePath = QString("%1/gettext/%2").arg(ScPaths::instance().pluginDir()).arg(name); // Attempt to load the plugin. gtplugin = PluginManager::loadDLL(pluginFilePath); // if gtplugin is NULL we were unable to load the plugin. Return an error and exit the method. if (!gtplugin) { qWarning("Failed to load plugin %s", pluginFilePath.toAscii().constData()); return false; } // Attempt to resolve the plugin symbol to the importer name (FileFormatName) fp_FileFormatName = (sdem0) PluginManager::resolveSym( gtplugin, "FileFormatName"); // if fp_FileFormatName is NULL, we could not find the FileFormatName symbol. The plugin is incomplete. // Report an error, unload the plugin, and exit the method. if (!fp_FileFormatName) { qWarning("Failed to get FileFormatName() from %s", pluginFilePath.toAscii().constData()); PluginManager::unloadDLL(gtplugin); return false; } // Attempt to resolve the plugin symbol to the list of supported file extensions. fp_FileExtensions = (sdem1) PluginManager::resolveSym( gtplugin, "FileExtensions"); // if fp_FileExtensions is NULL, we could not find the FileExtensions symbol. The plugin is incomplete. // Report an error, unload the plugin, and exit the method. if (!fp_FileExtensions) { qWarning("Failed to get FileExtensions() from %s", pluginFilePath.toAscii().constData()); PluginManager::unloadDLL(gtplugin); return false; } // Set the format name based on the resolved method. *ffName = (*fp_FileFormatName)(); // Set the extensions list based on the resolved method. *fEndings = (*fp_FileExtensions)(); // Unload the plugin PluginManager::unloadDLL(gtplugin); // Successfully return! return true; } // bool gtGetText::DLLName(QString name, QString *ffName, QStringList *fEndings) // Create the importer Qmap. void gtGetText::createMap() { // Loop through the importers Vector for (uint i = 0; i < importers.size(); ++i) { // Loop through each file extension the importer uses/importers and create an individual // Qmap entry for it. for (int j = 0; j < importers[i].fileEndings.count(); ++j) importerMap.insert(importers[i].fileEndings[j], &importers[i]); } // for (uint i = 0; i < importers.size(); ++i) } // void gtGetText::createMap() // Destructor gtGetText::~gtGetText() { // Nothing needs to happen here. }